The Castle [03] (Remba, but don't let it stop you)

Started by Aisha deCabre, May 13, 2007, 06:23:49 PM

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 At fist, Cog didn't respond, his face carefully blank. After a moment, he seemed to notice Sebastian, his face still quite nonplussed.
"Not you, no. There is...", Cog coughed, and put his head back into his hand, one arm laying flat against the table.
"There is no coffee here." He murmured, muttering something else under his breath before scootching out from the table. "Not a drop to be found, anywhere."
He sighed and stood, returning to the appropriate cabinet to grab a mug, and then turning back towards the bat. Another bolt of thunder struck, and the flash of lightning glittered off the front of his shades. His face was still stoic.
"Please. Tell me there is at least some kind of tea here. Black, green, red, white. Hell, I'll take anything!" Cog's voice was somewhat sharp.
He sighed, and leaned against the counter. "Sorry. Just...well, even on the road, I usually take something." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I shouldn't snap. And, I lied. Anything but wolfsbane."
At his last words, the corner of Cog's mouth quirked slightly, and promptly returned to it's former, blank position.

Prof B Hunnydew

" Sleep wonderful idea... no rush, *sign* I be here for you "  says PBH as she lays down close to the white ferret.



Stopping for a second, a slice of roast in his hand, Stygian eyed the agitated wolf, the flare of his nose quivering slightly. Then, without looking away, he just ate the piece of meat and proceeded to cut another slice for himself, before walking over to another cupboard.
   "I'm not a coffee man. Tea though, we certainly do have. It's hardly the same, but I don't think it would be hard to make some very black stuff..." he said, unperturbedly and calmly so as to try and counter the wolf's mood by example. "We could get some in town, probably, but..." he continued, and looked at Cog with a meaning face that clearly said would you really go out in this rain?


 Cog got Sebastian's meaning quite clearly, although his expression remained unchanged. He turned his head the slightest bit to the left, and looked out into the storm, considering. He seemed about to answer when another crack of thunder boomed through. He sighed, and shook his head.
"I like rain, and coffee. But I don't like rain that much." He nodded glumly to the bat. "Tea is fine, thank you."
Cog took a deep breath, and though one could not see it, he closed his eyes, letting himself calm down, and exhaled softly.
"Tea is better for you anyway. Gives me an excuse to make a scone, also." Cog turned and opened one of the bags, bringing out a small piece of bread. "You seem to be taken care of there, but if I can make another, if you'd like. Butter's in the second cabinet to your left, if you'd be so kind." Cog indicated with his free hand, opening a drawer and pulling out a knife to saw the bread open with.


Ketefe decided she was hungry enough to stop watching the storm. Putting on her mask and grabbing the straps on her sword's sheath, she walked out of her room and figured the directions to the kitchen were "down until the smell is really close." Seeing Mel and Jeremiah (with a soaked head) by the stairs, she grinned and walked over.

"Great morning, isn't it?" she greeted them with a big smile.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel smiled at rather damp frog, "Good morning, Jeremiah. I trust you managed to sleep well despite the troubles of the day." Before he could answer the masked girl arrived with a bright and cheerful greeting. Mel turned and gave a formal bow, although a bit stiffer than normal due to residual aches in her abused side. "Good morning, miss. I'm afraid I didn't catch your name yesterday. I am Melodie Icewing. Please call me Mel."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Nice to meetcha, Mel. I'm Ketefe Solowynd," she replied, stepping back and bowing as well. Getting back up, she looked at Jeremiah. "I might've figured you liked storms, too. So, does either of you know clearer directions to the kitchen than 'down'?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

With the final good-nights recieved and sent, Aisha had been one of the last to leave the kitchen with weary--and also wary--steps trudged towards her room.  She carried the holy blade close, in a cautious upright position so that she wouldn't accidentally skewer anyone that she happened to walk into.  As always she found it rather easy to navigate the floor, but it seemed quite different if one navigated through the dark.  Closing the door and setting her things down, the panthress found it easy to shake off the troubles of the previous day.  The next morning would probably bring some more promise...

...But that notion was erased in the blink of time's eye.  A powerful roar of thunder raged across the morning clouds, making her eyes shoot open wide, startled.  With a breath she glanced to the window and saw the gloom, so dark with clouds and storms that for a moment she wondered if it was actually morning.  The panthress ordered herself on her feet and curiously walked toward the window, staring up at the lightning and tracing the path of raindrops on the glass.

Is this an omen, I wonder...?  She thought.  Then with a sigh, turned her back to the storm and started to get dressed, as a flash of lightning brightly illuminated the room for but a split second.

Aisha continued listening to the storm as she navigated the first-floor corridors, looking to get a bath and some washing done before breakfast...and before Rynkura could be found and lecture her about it, she thought with a smirk.  She hadn't forgotten that her cape was covered in blood, after all.

*     *     *

"Well, I'm no map, but perhaps I can be of marginal assistance," a deep, soft voice said suddenly from one portion of the dark corridors where Ketefe, Mel, and Jeremiah were standing.

Emerging from a corner, her presence given away by the clicking of her staff on the floor, was the distinguished white tiger.  She was already dressed and fully awake, and they could probably discern that she had been so since earlier that morning.  Rynkura greeted the three of them with a polite bow of her head, a kind smile on her features while also maintaining a sense of vigilance.

"Forgive me, I followed your voices after doing some exploring.  All are having a good morning I trust?  And Mel, it is good to see you have recovered," the tigress nodded to the dragon.  It was the truth, except that Rynkura didn't really do that much in the line of looking around.  She had a pretty good memory of the castle's layout, or an idea of memory.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel bowed deeply and respectfully to the older woman, "Good morning, milady. I understand you are the one to whom I owe my recovery. You have the gratitude of Icewing." She stood straight and continued with a smile, "I'm afraid I was not aware enough to catch your name the last time we met. Nor to remember how I got wherever I am now from the ballroom, so directions would be greatly appreciated."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Having gone over to the stove and put water on to boil, Stygian stopped for a moment and looked around at Cog, his eyebrow raised. The dog was that tense, not to mention cranky, and then still managed to be nice to him, in spite of everything? There was a marvel more wondrous than much he'd seen.
   Upon the entry of Mel, the bat was pouring the boiling water into the pot and putting the lid on, turning to her with a somewhat tired look but still a smile. The others were settling in, and breakfast looked to be more crowded than supper the evening before. He hoped that they could be just a little silent though.


 Cog sawed the little circle of bread in half, setting both sides face up on the counter, and turned his head to see if Sebastian had gotten the butter. He seemed to be busy with the tea - in his present mood, Cog agreed with the Bat's decision. The tea was far more important. He walked to the correct cabinet and pulled out a little stick of butter, careful not to squish it, and turned back to his scone in the making.
Ms. Msh'taan seemed to have already arisen, along with the others. The masked one was still there, as was Mel - he was glad to see her looking a bit better.
He bowed to the tigress. "Ms. Msh'taan. I've heard all good things. Cogidubnus Mithlome, and a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Cog finished his formalities and turned back to his biscuit, turning again to the bat.
"I'll take your silence as a no, then. Ah, well. More scone for me!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Again, Bambi wakes to the distant rumble of the storm.  She looks down again at the sleeping white ferret.  Listening to the rain, she sings very softy a song that comes to her.

Everytime the rain comes down
Close your eyes and listen
you can hear the lonesome sound
Of THE sky as it cries

Feel the touch of tears that fall
They won't fall forever
In the way the day will flow
All things come, all things go

Hear it in the rain
feelings strain
and in disarray

Late at night you drift away
I can hear you calling
And your name is in the rain
Leaves on trees whispering
Deep blue seas, mysteries "
Gina awakes to see Bambi looking deep into her eyes.
"even when this moment ends
yuo can't let go this feeling
Everything will come again
In the sound falling down
Of the sky as it cries
Hear your name
Call you from the rain "
, sings Bambi and fades away   (OOC –Based a song by Enya, "Hear It in the Rain")

She looks at Gina and awaits


"Don't be that way," the bat said, snatching the other half from Cog with a half irritated, half bemused look on his face. There were better things to do than bantering about meaningless things in the morning. Buttering the slice hastily, he took the teapot and set it on the table, starting to arrange saucers and cups for the others. He hadn't expected them to get things in order before him, but strangely irritable as he felt he still couldn't help but think are they expecting me to be their butler?! Finally settling in his chair, he had tea once it was ready, and then sat silently, sipping his cup and thinking of other things.

- -

A look of surprise and of concern on her face, Gina moved up on the bed and over against Bam, peering at her. Reaching slowly for her, she opened her mouth, then closed it, and then looked down into the sheets with a shameful expression.
   "I'm sorry. I shouldn't lie to you. I just... Can you not tell the others?" she said slowly, and weakly.


Jeremiah was completely unable to avoid a look of guilt when the previous days issues were mentioned.
"Yeah, erm... You feeling alright? After all the... Y'know... Oh hey Ketefe! Morning Rynkura" He was obviously grateful for something drawing attention away from that bit of what could be severely understated as awkwardness.
Yeah, sorry about going nuts and attacking you. You feeling okay? No hard feelin's? Hey, could I get directions to the kitchen?
Shaddap Bal.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Yes, ...I promise to tell only Mel, and only if something will endanger others, love..I will tell only enough to Mel to save us all. Still, Beware of Jeremiah, he fears you, he will dig into the library to find out about you" said Bambi "I will help, anyway, you need"
Bambi hugs Gina with a sign and a purr.



"Morning, Ms. Rynkura," Ketefe said amiably, bowing to the tigress. Her stomach growled its greeting. "If you could lead us down to the kitchen, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Staring at the wall for a while, the silence finally seemed to demand some sort of interruption from Stygian. And so, wanting to be as no-nonsense as he could, he set his cup down and looked, first at Mel, then at Cog, as he folded his hands and leaned, supporting his chin on them with his elbows on the table.
   "So. Terrible weather. What are we to do?" he said, thinking of a few things and how he wouldn't mention them.

- -

Gina eyed Bam very seriously and stroked her arm, slowly, worry and sadness on her face.
   "You can help me by not telling Mel either. I..." she began, then sighed and started over. "I didn't die down there. I want to avoid Jeremiah, yes, but most of all I want things to be calm here in the castle, and... I want to go out. I want to go into town," she said, something akin to longing glinting in her ivory eyes for a brief moment.

Prof B Hunnydew

Okay I will not tell. Mel.  Why Can't we go?  We can go to town, and beyond if you like  I need to go back to Lost Lake for some of my things.." says PBH



Having fully prepared herself, Keaton emerged from her room, still carrying the bottle of whiskey with her in the gloved grip of her right hand, and fully garbed in an entirely new outfit obtained through shapeshifting. Another beneficial trait to being a Succubus--there was no need to purchase new clothing or waste hours meticulously repairing fibers and fabric. No, all she needed to do was conjure up new apparel, although it took a great deal of practice to separate it from her own flesh.

The outfit was more elegant and modest than Keaton's normal clothing selections, although it left her stomach exposed. Painted in shades of black, its lower half swept the floor while its upper segment tightly hugged her outline, tapering out into flaring, looser sleeves. Beneath the right sleeve was an elongated glove, leading from her shoulder to her wrist, while the opposite arm was clad in a much shorter glove. For once, she was devoid of her head and back-wings.

Giving herself a once-over, Keaton exited the room, taking a small swig from the whiskey bottle and giving a departing glance out the bay window. Dark clouds still blanketed the sky, hailing thousands of droplets of clear water from the smog. Fresh dewdrops strung like pearls along the surface of the window, splattered in delicate, lacy dollops in almost painstaking design. Running her hand through her hair, Keaton entered the chamber where everyone was assembled, shrugging her shoulders.

"G'morning," Keaton said sarcastically, sipping the whiskey. "Lovely weather we're having this fine, fine morning, aren't we?"

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

At Mel's reply, Rynkura smiled and bowed her head back to the dragon.  "Well, Mel of Icewing, the gratitude is taken with honor.  I am Rynkura Msh'Taan."  Looking around to the others as they too said their greetings, the tigress motioned for them to follow after a quick look around, and started walking.  "I am on my way to the kitchen as follow me, if you would.  And for future reference it may be wise to commit to memory the layout of these floors," she advised lightly.

On a first inspection, the corridors indeed looked all the same, daunting and dark while the storm continued outside.  But there were subtle differences along the walls and corners, such as cracks and worn stone, that could be followed.  But even castles never stayed the same through time...Rynkura had to pause for a moment or two before they finally found the stairways that finally led to the first floor.  It was then an easy trek to the kitchen, where her ears picked up a couple of male voices, also about as awake as the others, perhaps a might less so.

Another flash of lightning lit the windows as Rynkura stepped into the kitchen alongside the dragon, masked felid, and frog, allowing them in before herself.  Eyes settling on the others, she glanced to the wolf first with a chuckle and a polite nod.  "Ah, one more introduction.  The pleasure is mine then, sir Mithlome."

She then glanced to the bat, the formal politeness still in her expression...neutral, not at all a hint of anything else.  "Good morning to you as well, Sebastian."  Setting her staff to the side, the tigress walked up to the cupboards.  "Let me help with setting things up, if you please.  'Tis the least I could do after my welcome here," she said with a light grin, the emotion in her emerald eyes reading as reasonable and perhaps friendly.  There was little reason to be otherwise right then, after all.  She spared a quick hello as well to the jackal that had walked in.

But at the bat's inquiry on the storm outside, she didn't offer an answer, but simply stared out into the gloom through a window.  Mm.  I might be staying for a small while yet, too.

*     *     *

Aisha meanwhile was looking over her somewhat damp cape in the washroom, having gotten every last bit of blood from the crimson fabric, and her ripped sleeve was easily sewed back on.  She herself was already dried from her bath and evidence of the last day had been erased from her being.  It was quiet in the room, save for an occasional roll of thunder, the sound as loud and demanding in the heavens as a war drum.

It was the quiet and solitude that she certainly didn't mind, feeling like she could make her time linger after searching every corner and part of the ceiling for spiders, as per experience the last encounter.  She found none, of course.

There was also the thought of Rynkura.  The panther knew that she wouldn't leave in this weather...and after thinking about it, she didn't really answer her question on exactly why she was there.  She could believe that the tigress had the same curiosities as the adventurers, to an extent.  But the tiger never bothered much with adventuring herself for simple curiosity.  That small knowledge was what gave Aisha a twinge of concern.

Angels...Aisha shook her head and took her cloak in her arms, leaving the washroom for her own room where she left her weaponry.  If Ryn didn't wish to say anything, she wouldn't press.  Yet.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel followed the tigress through the halls and down the stairs. As memorization was an occupational requirement for her she had no problems getting the layout straight in her mind. Soon they were at the kitchen. Sebastian and Cog had arrived first and seemed to be arguing about scones but it didn't take long before everyone was seated with a cup of tea.

Sebastian's question took her by surprise and she set her teacup down. "Do? I guess that depends on if you plan to change the weather or endure it." Keaton's arrival stopped her from inquiring further. The jackal looked outwardly well, neatly groomed and in a new outfit, but the fact that she had evidently started the day with something stronger than tea didn't speak well of her mental state. "Good morning Keaton. Come join us for breakfast."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The bat raised an eyebrow at Mel's reply. Change the weather? That might be possible, but it was hardly advisable, nor something that he'd opt to do. After all, though he disliked the rain, he certainly had no reason or will to make it go away. Not for the time being.
   "I wasn't thinking of that. I had in mind something more along the lines of 'what pastime or conundrum are we to engage in, while held here by the blasted weather' for starters," Stygian said, looking at Mel seriously. He leaned onto the side of the chair for a bit, tilting his head and taking more tea. "This place is ordered enough, but I am sure I can come up with a dozen or so things to keep me from disturbing you. Yet that still leaves all of you. And I don't think you'd be so delighted to spend your time rummaging through the library after these our recent escapades..."
   Sipping, the bat looked a bit solemnly into his cup and murred under his breath.


After following Rynkura to the kitchen and nodding a silent "good morning" to Stygian and Cog, Ketefe sat and poured herself tea. She'd get solid food when everyone wasn't bustling around. She turned and smiled at Keaton's sarcasm. "Well, I kinda like thunderstorms when I'm not in them," she said amiably. She eyed the jackal's new attire and her lack of wings, then turned to Stygian.

"Well, I -was- gonna go back to the place I stayed the night before and get the stuff I left there, but the weather kind of killed that idea," she replied. Then she remembered the dinner conversation.

"And about what you asked last night... like I said before, I didn't expect to find my parents at the castle. I already asked around town and no-one had seen them. And I know they'd avoid any place too big or conspicuous. I just came here to help out," she explained.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Well, actually, the library's probably still a good place to be going through," Jeremiah ventured as he rooted around for some manner of breakfast suited to his cooking skills (i.e. none), "We still don't know everything that could be here. If what happened with Keaton is any indication then dispatching the angel didn't get rid of everything dangerous around here, and many of these dangerous things are bound to be documented there. Unless there's some other guide to the castle's various curses lying around?"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Wait... What... Who die?  and You are... ?  Is it this about that sword? .. Please Geena tell your tale... I will not tell, but what about the rest of us? "


 Chewing half of his scone and fighting off a sudden burst of drowse, Cog gamely tried to engage himself in the conversation. Despite his most valiant efforts, he found himself almost nodding off, his drifting mind caught under the sway of the rain and the lack of required caffeine. He had almost fallen forward into his scone when another crack of lightning thundered through the room, causing the tea saucers to rattle and making Cog jump almost straight up.
As he did so, his eyes refocused, landing on Keaton, who had apparently arrived. Drinking.  Already. He raised a single eyebrow.
"Little early to be kicking back on the bottle, isn't it?"
  Cog's voice was tinged with concern. Not that he was a great example of prohibition, but he liked to keep it at least 'till after noon. Especially when drinking straight from the bottle. Whiskey was a great many things, but perhaps not the best for starting out the day.
Out of the corner of his ear, he heard Sebastian musing about possible activities for the day. Cog turned his head briefly, pausing for a moment as Jeremiah spoke.
"Well, perhaps not with a map, but a couple hundred years in close proximity to hell might do some things to a place. Something that would need doing sometime."
Cog grinned slightly. "Or we could play chess. I do play a mean game of chess."


"I'm sure you do..." Stygian murred, pouring himself another cup while silently thinking 'though not right now, I'd guess' to himself. He made a pause to study Keaton, first with a pleased eye at her attire, but one that lost its glimmer rather quickly when he noticed that she was actually drinking from the bottle in her hand. His face souring again, he turned back to his tea.
   "Expunging the curses on this place, whatever of them may be left, is my task; it is not something that you should be doing, for obvious reasons. You might want to help out, well... I'd say then that it might be a good time to give that magic a try again. Though this time, I'd think a lengthier session would be needed," the bat continued, looking as glum at that prospect as anything else. "Maybe we can entertain ourselves as we go..." he added, obviously not entertained.

- -

The ferret looked straight at Bam, almost through her. She drew herself up slowly, claws still clenching the sheets below, her look one of something of irritation. Slowly, like wisps of fog gathering, the outline of two large white wings started forming behind her back, thickening.
   "I need to stay here, to keep watch. But I want to go out..." she said, very meaningfully.


 Cog nodded at the bat tiredly. "Yes, well. Something I'd like to figure out too." Cog grinned drowsily. "I'm sure we could find some way to entertain ourselves. Chess, again. Charades. Pin the tail on the magical anomaly. Fun with transformation magic."
Cog stifled a yawn.


The bat made a short nod, and jadedly looked into the table, before suddenly, upon his realization of something, a glimmer rose in his eye. Slowly, his face turned into a deceptively mild smile, and he looked toward Cog.
   "Alright then. We shall," he said, and raised his cup, slurping to hide his grin. Then, he slowly set it down and got up. "I'll even promise to get you some coffee if you make it worthwhile. Mel, if you want to, you can join as well," he continued, slowly walking toward the exit and idly brushing a few bangs out of his face, thinking.
   Before he stepped out though, Stygian turned back with a quick, plain look at Keaton. He purposefully ignored the bottle still in her hand.
   "I think you should come too, miss. I'd rather enjoy an assistant experienced in the Dark," the bat suggested. "We should bring something more to eat anyway." In truth, what he wanted was for Keaton to stop being drunk at little past nine in the morning. She was somewhat reminiscent of himself, perhaps. Only she hadn't done the mistake he had. Yet.

Prof B Hunnydew

" such Cute Wings" whispers Bambi and hugs Gina with giggles.
"Ah So,You are a sweet angel, Gee.  I will not judge you because of it as some might, but I am not a fan of the Angels as whole either.  Still, what do you guard in this castle?  Can you tell me your side of the story?  The hellgate is closed, isn't it?  " asks PBH seriously.  As she settles down to hear the story.