
Started by Alondro, September 05, 2007, 09:06:04 PM

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Well, I've had a miserable couple of days.  We have a massive outbreak of chiggers in our area... and I found a few hundred of them.  My ankles look like I'm suffering from smallpox.  They itch constantly, I pour alcohol on them because the burning is a relief from the itching.   :<

Anyone else have bad bug bite stories?
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


I was bit by spiders more than once at camp!


I was sitting on a brick wall while waiting for a bus once, and I guess the ants were curious about pants. :<

Aisha deCabre

Bad bug bites, huh?  Hm...well, I dunno if my experiences count as bad.  I was ant-bitten alot when I was a kid, and that's what messing with ants gets you.  :rolleyes  Thank goodness it was a bunch of regular little red ants and not fire ants.

Or bullet ants.  Wrong country, but I heard those things are painful.   :erk

Once I felt something land on my head and crawl on it.  I went to swat the thing and I ended up with a sting, like a bee's...never found out what the heck it was that landed on me.

And finally, if people like going out to catch ladybugs, don't do it where I live.  They are juust a bit...nasty.  Catch one and it'll chew your skin.  Who'd have thought ladybugs could be so ferocious?  Heck, the paper wasps and yellow-jacket hornets are cowards when you come at them with a flyswatter.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The last two weeks around here had recieved nearly monsoon style rains, and now the mosquitoes exploded.

Wednesdays paper had a headline reading "BLOODTHIRSTY!" and actually reffered to them as 'squadrons'. durring the day your safe, but at night i work and i can barely stop slapping myself.

Chiggers give me the heebie jeebies, but the mosquitoes are getting to the point they may just start to carry away pets and small children

Quote from: Aisha deCabre on September 05, 2007, 09:16:54 PM
  Who'd have thought ladybugs could be so ferocious?  Heck, the paper wasps and yellow-jacket hornets are cowards when you come at them with a flyswatter.

actually those are oriental beetles, or whatever they're being politically correctly labeled, we always called them lady bug wannabes. these pests were imported trying to help the small numbers of ladybugs combat aphids... but these have pushed the ladybugs out of this niche and eat just about anything, and are willing to give human flesh a try once or twice. whats even worse is every winter about three hundred of them sneak into your house and then form a pile of dead bugs in every crack by a patio door, nasty.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.