Special Smash Bros. 3 NPC's

Started by Xuzaf D, July 10, 2007, 10:37:37 PM

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Xuzaf D

Check it out.


These characters are not playable, and are essentially used the same way Pokemon/Pokeballs are used.

What I really wanted to note, though, is this:


DR. Wright of SimCity. This certainly proves that just about any Nintendo character could show up.

You can now begin speculating as to how Master Chief is unlocked in the game like most Smash Bros. conversations have been ending up AND BEFORE YOU TYPE ANYTHING; PLEASE NOTE THAT I NEVER SAID HE ACTUALLY IS IN THE GAME.


I hope Jeff and Poo come out to whip butt.
Or Ridley. Or the Baby Metroid. Or Geno. Or about a thousand other characters...



In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


My brother has been following that site for ages now. He checks it about three times a day. o_o

But I can't wait for it to come out either. (I always use Pikachu just to be annoying, hahaha)


Awesome, I really can't wait to see all the goodies they've put into this game for retro gamers. The Balloon Fight guys would be impractical (besides, they made an appearance in Wario Ware for Wii), but I'm hoping for some kind of horse to run across the screen starting from the point of activation. Epona, or the Harvest Moon horse complete with blue-capped rider.
Yap by Silver.


Quote from: Kenji on July 10, 2007, 10:38:39 PM
Or Geno.

Geno is all I really care about. Have been waiting for him since the first mention of the first SSB.


Baree, this thread has been dead for over a month. You are in violation of the rules in reviving it.

If you have something to add to a dead discussion in the future, make a new thread. If it's not really worthy of a new thread, find something substantative to add to your thoughts to make it worthy of a new topic.

When a topic has been dead for over a month, you ARE NOT to revive it. It's that simple.

Please read the rules. This thread is closed.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...