Family Movie-Cannot remember the name

Started by topher chee, August 24, 2007, 01:16:58 PM

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topher chee

   I remember watching a movie about ten years ago, (i was probably 6) and I cannot remember it's title.  I know that it was about three kids, probably pre-teens, getting kidnapped in a police car.  2 of the kids were boys, and the other was a girl.  Details on the kids aren't in my mind, except for one of the boys being chubby.  The men that kidnapped them took them to a forested area, left them there and drove away.  When they left, the kids drove stakes into the ground (sharp pieces of wood they found) so that when the kidnappers returned, the cars tires would be popped.  Anywho, when the kidnappers did return, I do believe they ran over the stakes and the tires popped.  One of the kidnappers started shooting at the children, and shot a tree near the chubby one.  The shrapnel from the tree flew and stuck to the chubby kid's rear, and the other two said "You have a sliver in your butt!"  After that I forget what happens, however i think an Indian helps to find the children.
    Does anyone have any idea about which movie I'm talking about?


sounds like 'Man of the house' with Johnathan Tailor Thomas and Chevy Chase... not to be confused with man of the house starring the sexy Cheerleaders with Tommy Lee Jones, or the other one starring Cedric the Entertainer.

while we're on the subject of movies with the same name, does anyone know where I can get the 1997 version of Patriot Games, it was about a United States government scandal involving soldiers in the first war with Iraq, and how out government bought defective military weapons (specifically tanks) that even the Isralie's wouldn't touch because the paint/metal/fuel would release a toxic gas into the cockpit killing the soldiers. The reason we bought the defective Tanks was so this corporation that was run by a  senator could profit. The leading character was a black man sent to investigate the deaths of soldiers. realizing the danger the tanks provided, and knowing that the government was planning to purchase 10,000 more from this corporation, and when the protagonist  discovered the scandal the the senator did everything in his power to produce more red tape, so that the sale would go through.  The soldier couldn't send the report about the tanks to the president for reasons that include telling him he had no proof that the chemical released when the tanks were impacted was lethal. The soldier then paid for five sheep off a farmer, placed them in one of the defective tanks during a training exercise, he then borrowed  a rocket launcher from a private and fired at the tank. Of course the sheep died within 5 minutes, but when he published his report he was told that the sheep that died were weren't good enough as a panel had to be formed to determine if the sheep were at optimum health when they died...when the protagonist finally got the proper sheep to do the test he had to wait a month to Authorize the sheep, another month to get the tank,  and once again within 5 minutes the sheep died from the toxic fumes...but  another hand of the government swooped in and took the sheep to an independent laboratory which determined the sheep died of natural causes, not smoke inhalation/Poisioned... by the time a proven report got to the president, we had already purchased 10,000 of the tanks and were shipping them to Iraq. 

There was another movie entitled Patriot Games that came out a year later starring Harrison Ford.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


You sure you have the right title for it, because IMDB doesn't even have an entry for it.

FYI, Harrison Ford's movie came out in 1992, not 1998.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


That's not man of the house. I remember that one, it was about a kid trying to scare off his Mom's new boyfriend/fiance.

I have a friend who loves old family films, when I can get ahold of her I'll bounce your summary off her and see if she knows.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Netrogo on August 25, 2007, 02:57:55 PMI remember that one, it was about a kid trying to scare off his Mom's new boyfriend/fiance.
Sounds like 'Are We There Yet?'  God that was an awful movie. :<


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on August 25, 2007, 04:35:47 PM
Quote from: Netrogo on August 25, 2007, 02:57:55 PMI remember that one, it was about a kid trying to scare off his Mom's new boyfriend/fiance.
Sounds like 'Are We There Yet?'  God that was an awful movie. :<

The difference between original Man of the House and Are We There Yet? is that MotH isn't made of ghetto and fail.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


I know the movie was titled patriot games, and that it was made in the '90s, and I know that it  it was made before Harrison Ford's movie. 

It has the same basic plot as pentagon wars, and that one came out in 1998.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

topher chee

it wasnt man of the house
the movie im talking about was made before that
thanks netrogo for your concern, its been bugging me for a long time lol.
and it definitely wasnt are we there yet, the kids were white as far as i remember
that was an awful movie, i cant believe they made a sequel.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on August 25, 2007, 04:50:19 PM
I know the movie was titled patriot games, and that it was made in the '90s, and I know that it  it was made before Harrison Ford's movie. 

It has the same basic plot as pentagon wars, and that one came out in 1998.

If it was made in the 90s before Harrison Ford's movie, that only leaves you 90 or 91, since Ford's movie came out in 92.

But I'm telling you, there is no online resource that has a record of the movie you're talking about under that title.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I thought "Are we done yet?" was a remake of "The Money Pit" and then I saw "Are we there yet?" and decided to wait until "Are we done yet?" came out on television.  There were some funny moments in "Are we there yet?" but not enough to make the move's  lameness campy. I thought the acting was great, the plot was satirically intelligent, but there was something that made the movie seem hollow and empty... probably the stupidity.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


No, that movie was awful, horrid, ghastly, etc.  If I were baby-sitting those kids, they would have gotten such a beating.  I mean, c'mon, they hijacked his probably $200,000 car and completely destroyed it.  Not because the guy deserved it (he didn't), but because they're evil, little demon children.  Because they didn't want him dating their mom?  Oh yeah, that's perfectly justified.


Ah movies...Nothing but liquidfided poop matter under my shoes now. Nothing can or be equal as great the movies of the 80's and the early 90's!


my theory is there were only a handful of good movies in the '80s and '90s but a over the course of a decade they make what something in the area of a 2000 movies, if ten  or twelve of those are any good, or heaven forbid remakes of better movies that came out before, then people tend to think they made good movies in that decade.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from Gabriel's Thought
Quotewhile we're on the subject of movies with the same name, does anyone know where I can get the 1997 version of Patriot Games, it was about a United States government scandal involving soldiers in the first war with Iraq, and how out government bought defective military weapons (specifically tanks) that even the Isralie's wouldn't touch because the paint/metal/fuel would release a toxic gas into the cockpit killing the soldiers.

I think I remember the film that you are talking about.  However, it was about the introduction of the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier in the Vietnam War, and I believe that it was a made for TV movie.  It was a real hatchet job.  The problem was that the fuel tank was flush against the hull and an anti-tank round could ignite the fuel, killing the people inside.  However, the troops were getting killed in Vietnam because they didn't have any protection in the vehicles they were using at the time, and they needed a more heavily armored vehicle fast.

Yes, an M113 APC can be knocked out by an anti-tank rocket.  However, so can an M60 main battle tank which weighed five times as much.  One of the officers, who was treated as a bad guy, made the statement "Yes, we might be able to make improvements in a future version.  But our troops are being killed now."  (I probably have the quote a little off.)

I believe that the "hero's" point was that he wanted a test of a TOW missile against the M113.  But everybody knew that the TOW would destroy an M113.  It would also destroy the latest American and Russian tanks.


The plot for the 1998 movie entitled The Pentagon Wars was similar but involved a different vehicle and a different war.

Edit:  I know this one was the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, but I believe that his description above involved merging portions of this movie with an earlier TV movie about the M113.  I may be wrong.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on August 27, 2007, 10:01:35 PM
The plot for the 1998 movie entitled The Pentagon Wars was similar but involved a different vehicle and a different war.

That was about the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and corruption amongst Army brass, contractors, and Congress.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll take it.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll make it.
The power and the glory is over, and I'll break it.
The power and the glory is over....