The Sleepy Thread

Started by Destina Faroda, March 25, 2006, 11:14:11 PM

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Destina Faroda

You know when you're really sleepy and about to fall over at the computer screen?  Maybe we can make a thread of the nonsense one comes up with in the moments of...I can't think of the words.  Anti-lucidity?  Well, if you're too sleepy to write a real post, but not sleepy enough to fill the board with spam, you can always write here.  Only one rule, though.  No edits.  After all if you edit your posts when you're awake, what's the point f having a thread of sleepy replies?  This really isn't making any sense.  I just want to go to sleep.
Sig coming...whenever...


I give this thread 5/10.  :head

Xuzaf D

I fell asleep on the couch earlier.


Turkey......... Banana-san...... *sucks thumb*

Destina Faroda

I'm not sleepy, but I am kinda buzzed, which makes me want to got to sleep.  Weird, though, when you're high that all you care about nothing, man.  I mean I feel no drive to do anything, but not out of uselessness or exhaustion but a muted sense of everything's going to be all right.  Like a warm puddle of chocolate happiness lapping at my feet.
Sig coming...whenever...


Drugs are bad :D *drinks coffee*

Whenever I'm sleepy, I can usually hold my own pretty well. I usually just get really quiet - ask anyone who's tried to hold a conversation with me while I'm sleepy. I might get a little irritated with people trying to keep me up, though.

I don't think I've ever said anything out-of-the-ordinary while sleepy. That's usually saved for when I'm awake and had 5 cups of coffee in the morning. And 3 cups is my daily minimum.

Although, whenever I first wake up I can't think straight until I get some coffee, so I just smack words together to make a sentence and people stare at me for awhile >_>


I take a shower to wake up.
I got a free coffee today and I'm gona get one at the coffee shop next door after work :MWAHA


*sits still* Maybe I\'ll get tired and start to doze the type something random. *waits*


I've been up for 26 hours.......... my muscles hurt. but no headache. minor eye strain


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