Rush Hour 3!!!

Started by techmaster-glitch, August 12, 2007, 02:25:16 AM

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Just got back from seeing Rush Hour 3.

I'm tired as hell, and going to bed in a few minutes, so I can't write a proper review at the moment.
I might tomorrow, if I still remember anything.

I thought it was an awsome movie. It had the perfected Rush Hour style mix of action and hilarity (but mostly hilarity :)). Some scenes I particularly liked (and so did the rest of the audience, everyone was nonstop laughing at many of them)
The Nun Translator scene (loved the end)
Carter's fight scene with that really freaking huge Karate guy
The You/Yu and Me/Mi scene
...dammit, I've already forgotten most of the movie. Curse my night-time memory :<
I did like the George character though. He was cool.


you actually saw it... didn't the advertising scare you off?
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.