Old CV Comic I made

Started by WingedMayhem, March 20, 2006, 12:50:29 AM

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This is from ages ago. I found this buried away on some disc from 1998. The text got all cracked out from forum constraints and image shack.


MSpaint? whoosh thats old.. ...... or is it? Hmmmmm.


Yeah man I made that when I first started going to the dungeon. hah. I can't believe it still exists.


hmmmmmmmm.... <.< ^.^ >.> v.v ..... I disagree. *runs away*...... cool you found it.


Well its kinda weird humor. In case you can't make out the words, Slogra meets Simon and Simon thinks Slogra is there to fight Simon. Slogra turns around and says: He's not there to fight Simon and Konami has given most of the CV characters new jobs. Simon asks Slogra what he is there for. Slogra says "I don't know. All I know is I'm supposed to ask you for a blue crystal and give you this red one." This is to play on the joke of the lame crystal knight in CV2 with no other purpose but to trade crystals. Who knows why he wants to trade crystals with you? Maybe because he likes pretty colors. Anyways getting back to the comic, Simon laughs at Slogra because he is a crystal knight and mocks him. Slogra turns around and says "Well its better then the new job Dracula has....." Dracula shows up in the next scene and says "Invest in an oak stake?" See thats also from CV2 as in every mansion theres guys with robes who look like ferrymen that sell you oak stakes to break dracula's remains out of these flashing crystals. Also its ironic that Dracula is selling Oak Stakes because typically a Stake through the heart is used to kill a vampire. Hence for Dracula to have to sell Oak Stakes that is a really shitty job to have. You see the teardrop also on the side of Simon's head. Typically in anime you see that when something retarded, embarassing or clueless happens in a story.

Thats the whole rundown of the comic for people who don't understand and the humor in it I was trying to get at.


I got it...but yeah, I'm in a bad mood. It did make me smirk though.  The ending was good I'll give you that.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


Very good punchline.

It's tempting to have you remake that for ICVD.
