06/29/07 [#801] Shiny things!

Started by AndersW, June 29, 2007, 01:19:19 AM

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8) Just Hanging Around ...

Roureem Egas

kaskar, I don't think people ignore/skim over you because you come across as dull. I think it's because you come across as moronic. Despite the sheer size of the internet, I notice that not that many people feel the need to use that many emotes and the need to communicate with pictures. It gets annoying since it can cause a bit of lag when loading the page, and it's not necessary unless you were asked to map out some conclusion you came to. Hell, the last person to post only in pictures was banned before the day was over.


 Thankyou for giving an honest opinion, and backing it with an arguement that holds water.
8) Just Hanging Around ...


Kaskar, honestly we wouldn't be annoyed with you if the pics and emotes you were using made sense to what you were saying. Take the post on the previous page you keep insisting we read. You talk about the problem of people skimming and not reading your posts, yet you posted a picture that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that subject. You even said in that that you basically post the picture to draw attention to your post so people will read it.

Newsflash for you. I used to read all your posts through, much like I read everyone's post in every thread I go to. I started skimming over yours WHEN you started using pictures and emotes for EVERY SINGLE FREAKING POST. You don't even TRY to sound normal half the time and instead come off as someone who clearly doesn't know what's actually going on in the thread and is just looking for attention.

Regardless I'm done trying to reason with you. If you don't want to straighten up and continue to 'subtely' (I know I probably spelled that wrong) put down anyone that gives you constructive criticism then quite frankly...

***Appologies for the next part of this post and warning to any reading that it will in fact NOT be PG***

As I was saying, quite frankly... Go fuck yourself and get the fuck off my internet you degenerate waste of font and form. Go find some other place to fuck up and garner your pitiful attempts for attention and leave this one in peace such as it is. Maybe after a tour of the net you might learn how to pull your head out of your ass and start thinking like a normal human being for three fucking seconds.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.