Illegal Stuff (Your rap sheet)

Started by WingedMayhem, March 22, 2006, 02:59:07 AM

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I've never been arrested
No tickets *knock on wood*
One accident
Gotten in trouble with the cops once for drinking in a public park, also again (but I escaped) for a noise complaint.


Uhm... 8 accidents? Not all my fault though...


the OJ and MJ crimes have nothing to do with me. <.<  >.> nothing!!!

Esnel Pla

Felony Trespassing
Criminal Mischief
And then a fender bender. The first two I got let off.


Not a damn thing.  I live a very boring life.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber



I got pulled over for having my tag lights out, but didn't get a ticket.
No legal problems though.
Never did any illegal drugs.
No smoking.
Never been drunk
Never carried a weapon into school
Never been arrested/suspended/expelled

Clean slate :D

Esnel Pla


trouble's brewing around me as of late...

1 parking ticket, yesterday
fender bender, about 5 today, pacific coast time, not my fault he was tailgating, stupid fucker...
no arrests
no felonies
no misdemeanors

sidenote:  Last week, I peeked at the attendance sheet for English and saw that there are five warnings next to my name, for example 7G(code words perhaps)...  I wonder why, seriously, I have no fuggin clue...  On the class sheet of thirty-four, only three have two warnings, nine have one warning and then there's me...