Dream Thread

Started by KarlOmega1, June 28, 2007, 12:32:02 PM

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I had a dream one time where I was wandering an evil city, after waking up with a woman I barely knew, looking for my wife.  I finally found her at the top of a gothic staircase, and she cussed me and spit in my face.  We broke up the next day.

I also had a dream one time where a family member was cussing me and I kept screaming "SHUT UP" and lunging at them.  I woke up beating the fuck out of my headboard and wall.

Does this mean anything?


You touch yourself at night?


Quote from: Evil Richter on July 02, 2007, 04:43:36 AM
We broke up the next day.
In you dream or in real life?  :B


In real life.  I even told her about it and she said something like "why would you dream something like that"?  That night... HELL.  Anyway I was just being random.


Wow... I guess that means you have a damn wierd precognitive ability :/ :/ :/


"Ah, but you're contradicting yourself Donnie.  If we had the ability to see the future, we'd have the opportunity to reject it"


"....I can't continue this conversation."


"....I might lose my job.  :("


Xuzaf D

I had a dream that I was rolling a katamari by remote from a few meters away. I might have been in my underwear, but anyway, I ended up rolling the thing into an under-construction Church that was attached to a mega mall and I hear the voice of Leonard Nemoy damning my blasphemy.

...It probably means I wank to much...


Quote from: The Other Other Dalmunda on July 02, 2007, 10:01:43 PM
I had a dream that I was rolling a katamari by remote from a few meters away. I might have been in my underwear, but anyway, I ended up rolling the thing into an under-construction Church that was attached to a mega mall and I hear the voice of Leonard Nemoy damning my blasphemy.

...It probably means I wank to much...

Probably a church built by Star Trek Fans? ...and you were rolling the ol' gravity ball?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Xuzaf D


I had a dream about gardening.  My plants had aphids really bad.  It was inspired by the fact that my garden has aphids really bad...

My dreams suck.   :<
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Xuzaf D

Then U Phail too, while I'm on the subject.


Last night I dreamed somebody loved me.


Oh dear.

Kitsune Ascendant

Here's recent one that kind of weirded me out with how real it was.
Recently, I've been trying to lucid dream. I had this one dream, I'm trying to fall asleep (in the dream) and I kind of manage to when someone knocks on my door (in the dream). I wake up in the dream and then straight through to actually being awake in one smooth transition and it was really creepy when the dream and real word merged for a second or two while I was still half asleep.

I've had dreams within dreams before, but none quite like that.

And on the subject of black and white dreams, My parents say that when I was really young I dreamed I flew with superman from the black and white tv days, and the world did in fact turn black and white.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


one more:i woke up  in a big pile of rubble in the middle of a town.
before i could wonder how i got here,i was attacked by a hobo,which wouldn't be so bad ,except for the fact that whenever i tried to attack nothing would work,it eventually reaches a point where i try to beat him physically by throwing punches and the like.by that time i figured out he was a demon in the guise of a hobo.
i try to kick him in the head but he catches my right foot in his mouth flashing me a hobonic smile.
so while i try to figure out what to do i suddenly feel myself(i.e. my actual self)remember about norse mythology(not kidding)and if you read about ragnarok you would know how fenris/fenrir was killed.

basically i did the same thing by hopping up onto his shoulder with my left foot,using my hands to reach behind his teeth into the top of his mouth, and positioning my right foot (still in his mouth) in a way to make it easier to push down the bottom of his mouth(mind you all this took 1-2 seconds)suddenly i push$pull with all my might,and while im doing so i can feel and hear the meat in his neck tearing and giving way until everything above the jaw is torn off,whereas i fall backwards to the rubble and stare at the grey sky,later i sit up in the rubble for a while and some guy i think i know shows up,says some thing,leaves,and then i wake up.

it was pretty damn vivid and i remember every detail except for the man.
anyways....next time ill talk about the dream where ieas dressed like a kabuki and the whole dream was like a fight anime ,i run on all fours in that dream :3


I had a creepy dream recently. It was actually kind of cool because in my dream, I was hunting for an artifact that would open the proverbial Pandora's Box by connecting Midgard to Asgard directly. At one point, I made it into a tower were there were ivory pillars, marble flooring and staircases seperating each floor. There was also an elevator with which I got on and pressed to get to the top floor it would reach. As you can tell, the tower was modern and had been built by someone.

Anyway, the top floor it reached was pitch black save for a portion of the floor that was white-and-black checkered in a rectangle. at the center of that portion was a pedestal with a plaque on the wide surface of the top. Just as I'm reaching to grab the plaque, I suddenly turn and see my grandmother standing there with me. She was confused(as was I), and asked, "Where am I?" I looked at her and told her she wasn't supposed to be here, that Mimi needed to talk to her.

Creepy part: The night I had this dream was when my grandmother(who is in the late stages of alzheimers) had had double pnuemonia(sp?) and was in critical condition at the hospice she was staying at. Mimi is my great grandmother and has been dead for quite a few years now. I never met her.

Needless to say, this creeped me out big time when I woke up.


Thanks, people.  You have made me feel WAY more normal tonight.  :p

Quotewhenever i tried to attack nothing would work,it eventually reaches a point where i try to beat him physically by throwing punches and the like

This may be a silly question, but what exactly were you doing before?


Quote from: AngelSephy on July 06, 2007, 11:54:40 PM
I had a creepy dream recently. It was actually kind of cool because in my dream, I was hunting for an artifact that would open the proverbial Pandora's Box by connecting Midgard to Asgard directly. At one point, I made it into a tower were there were ivory pillars, marble flooring and staircases seperating each floor. There was also an elevator with which I got on and pressed to get to the top floor it would reach. As you can tell, the tower was modern and had been built by someone.

Anyway, the top floor it reached was pitch black save for a portion of the floor that was white-and-black checkered in a rectangle. at the center of that portion was a pedestal with a plaque on the wide surface of the top. Just as I'm reaching to grab the plaque, I suddenly turn and see my grandmother standing there with me. She was confused(as was I), and asked, "Where am I?" I looked at her and told her she wasn't supposed to be here, that Mimi needed to talk to her.

Creepy part: The night I had this dream was when my grandmother(who is in the late stages of alzheimers) had had double pnuemonia(sp?) and was in critical condition at the hospice she was staying at. Mimi is my great grandmother and has been dead for quite a few years now. I never met her.

Needless to say, this creeped me out big time when I woke up.

thats spooky o.o

Sephy, can you do me a favor? never dream about me! lol thanks =D


Quote from: Evil Richter on July 08, 2007, 02:03:45 AM
Thanks, people.  You have made me feel WAY more normal tonight.  :p

Quotewhenever i tried to attack nothing would work,it eventually reaches a point where i try to beat him physically by throwing punches and the like

This may be a silly question, but what exactly were you doing before?
I found a few guns & some hand weapons all over the place,
the guns didn't work (of course) and the hand weapons all broke before they reached the hobo/demon  :erk
not as important as the proccess that lead the jaw ripping thing.

hmmm hobo demon... :kruger


Um... my dream last night was a crossover of Wishbone and 300.

I haven't seen 300 yet, but I watched Wishbone all the time when I was a kid. Another weird thing about this was that the "This is Sparta" scene didn't come till like, the very end of the movie in my version. And it was way longer than usual. Even Wishbone was shifting around waiting for Leonidas to be done already. And at some point, the scenery changed so that the Wishbone episode was taking place in a very affluent-looking neighborhood, at night.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Last night's dream was bizarre. I was in that fire and ice stage in Banjo Tooie and I was flying through the air and we got attacked by a Moltres and Articuno and crash landed in some exotic market.

And then came my worst nightmare- one stall filled with giant Chinese fans, and all painted like Temari's one at that.

Arrrg! It felt like hours I went through them, but I wouldn't find one stable enough or big enough.


well, the dream is apparently telling you that you suck at life... either that or not to buy fans in strange places. I have no training in this so I could be totally wrong.


Pretty recently, I dreamed I was watching one of those BRAVO "Scariest Movie Moments" countdowns - specifically a clip from a horror movie that I apparently made up in my head.

It had a woman in a hotel room, looking afraid as this REALLY creepy reverberating voice (not its first appearance in my dreams) was counting down to her death, from nine, I think.  After "four", though, it just skipped to "NOW" (I think there was even one of those cutaway commentaries where someone started talking about "The immediacy of it..." or something) and kept repeating that over and over as everything started getting really weird, her arms stretched for no obvious reason, and - a really good actor, this one - she started walking out the door, clearly against her will.  I woke up around the point when she was in the hall, grabbing her coat for some reason.

And even though in my dream, I knew it wasn't real, it spooked me good.

"NOW... NOW... NOW..."
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Anyone else lucid dream alot?

I can't think of a dream I had since I was about eleven that I couldn't do whatever I wanted in. Although interestingly I can remember tons of nightmares before than where I couldn't move, breathe, or scream, which was very frustrating when the zombies came for me =\


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on July 09, 2007, 07:33:19 AM
well, the dream is apparently telling you that you suck at life... either that or not to buy fans in strange places. I have no training in this so I could be totally wrong.

More like I'm subconsciously obsessed with my Temari fan and it falling apart before I go to Sydney.


I had a dream last night that my sister, my brother, my dad, and I were in the cab of a freight train , which had the seating configuration of a car; my dad was driving, my brother was in the front passenger seat, my sister was in the back behind my brother, and I was behind my dad. We were going through Mojave, California, and my dad wanted me to look ahead for the signals, but I couldn't see from the back, so my brother and I needed to switch seats, but while doing so, the locomotive somehow derailed, landing on it's side, but no one was hurt. So we got out to flip it back upright (like Halo, you hit a key and your vehicle just flips back onto it's wheels), but when we got out, the locomotive was a purple Peterbilt truck, you know the kind with all the lights and whatnot. So we flipped that upright, but it wasn't on the rails, so my dad was going to drive it back onto the rails, but there was suddenly an auto trailer (for trucks that haul cars) in the way, so when my dad drove forward, the front left tire rode up onto the ramp of the trailer and flipped the truck, again.

That's about it...


Quote from: The DXM on July 09, 2007, 08:40:30 PM
Anyone else lucid dream alot?

I can't think of a dream I had since I was about eleven that I couldn't do whatever I wanted in. Although interestingly I can remember tons of nightmares before than where I couldn't move, breathe, or scream, which was very frustrating when the zombies came for me =\

funnily enough I only ever have lucid dreams when I have nightmares. I get to that point where Im being hunted through air ducts, stuck in a dead end, about to get killed in some grisly way, when I suddenly realise its all just a dream. At that point, I have a lot more fun, rampaging around using sports gear and cooking utilitys to butcher/maim/set up cruel traps for my erstwhile hunters.

I miss having those. I almost never have nightmares anymore.


Really now, almost every dream I have anymore is lucid, and when I wake up, life feels a pale illusion.  It's not a great way to start my day, so I view it as sort of a curse.


Quote from: Evil Richter on July 12, 2007, 01:05:46 AM
Really now, almost every dream I have anymore is lucid, and when I wake up, life feels a pale illusion.  It's not a great way to start my day, so I view it as sort of a curse.

It could be worse. When I was about ten, due to a peculiar set of circumstances, I had my body fall asleep completely, while my mind was completely awake. I wasnt dreaming, I was completely lucid: I was somewhere in between, trapped in a body I couldnt even feel. I couldnt see not because my eyes were closed, but because it was as though I had no eyes at all. No helpful imaginary landscapes, I was trapped in a darkness blacker then the depths of space. I couldnt even scream.

when I finally woke up, I viewed life as a blessing, and most of the time I still do.


Dude, that's freaky. :<  Yet it sounds vaguely familiar...


Really? ^^; its only about the second or third time I have mentioned it. Ever. >.>;; most of the time I forget it ever happened.

Although when I lenthened it to a page sized decription, it did get me an A+ in year 10 English  :boogie