Joined the marines

Started by ilpalazzo, June 25, 2007, 02:42:04 AM

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/kicks the internet over

Reese Tora

Good luck, I hear that it's a tough course to follow.

I respect any man or woman who has the courage, fortitude, and dedication to this country to become a soldier of it.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Several soldiers have spoken to me before or during their tours, they seem to enjoy the creepy things i say for them, so here is one for you.

A warning, look to the east at morning for danger, and do not loose your radio for it shall try to abandon you. Carelessness is not the reaper who stalks you, it is false trust and only true trust can save you.

QuoteNever attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I don't really know what to say about this, but good luck.  The US needs men to defend herself, and there's nothing more respectable than someone defending his country.

Good luck.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: ilpalazzo on June 25, 2007, 02:42:04 AM
I'm leaving febuary 25th.

You're leaving in eight months and you're telling us now?
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I have immense respect for anyone willing to go out there and get shot at.

The folks sending them out there, on the other hand...

Anyway - Congrats, ilpalazzo, on having a pair. We hope you go out and come back to us. (eventually ;-] )
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Go get em!  But be warned: do not surrender!  The lunatic bombers will only use you for propaganda fodder.  

I'd f@#$ing whack as many of those bastards as I could before they took me out!  I take after my grandfather, who held his little outpost against a few thousand Japanese soldiers with only a few dozen men for three days until reinforcements arrive.  He was nearly given the Congressional Medal of Honor... but they lost his paperwork.  Also typical of our family, losing important stuff.   :P

I'd considered joining, but with the Dems in control who'd all taken part in spitting on the troops after Vietnam, I kinda suspect I'd never get supported in the way soldiers should be when trying to prevent another WWII from ever happening, by nipping the nutcase regime in the bud before it can fully organize (which is what should have happened after Germany began re-arming, violating the treaty).  I mean, these guys are declaring openly on their television networks for all to see and hear that they want to seize control of the world and force everyone to obey Shariah law (may not be spelled right, but I don't care how a nutcase spells his loony policy for world domination).  

Anyway, good luck and be ever watchful for anything suspicious.  I'll be here by Fort Dix watching for the inevitable next attack attempt.  I know there's more of them here than just the few they caught, and the others are the organized ones, the ones who won't submit a film to a store employee so we can catch them in time.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Jim Halisstrad

Good luck, if you go over to the big dusty place watch out for camel spiders :<


Quote from: ilpalazzo on June 25, 2007, 02:42:04 AM
I'm leaving febuary 25th.

But it's June.  You're leaving 4 months ago?

All jokingness aside, good luck, come back safely, and teach them terrorists that NOBODY messes with our country!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Raist on June 25, 2007, 12:04:04 PM
All jokingness aside, good luck, come back safely, and teach them terrorists that NOBODY messes with our country!

... he won't be going to find terrorists. He'll be going to fight a war. You can't fight a war against people who hide in your own population - not without some serious crimes against humanity, anyway...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Take care dude..Thats all I have to say about that


Beigs a soldier defending a country is a very honorable position indeed. Unfortunately, in this war, as with the one in Vietnam, our polititions are the one controlling it, instead of the poeple acually qualified to do so. And even then some generals are total dumbshits...what was it? Oh yes, here is a quote that may fit this perfectly:

Chptr. 2: The Cush Posting
  Sevice in the military, for those of you unfortunate enough never to have experienced it firsthand, consists of long periods of boredom broken by mind-shredding threats to one's life and sanity. From what I gather from the old tapes, it's always been that way. The best soldiers are those who can wake suddenly, react instantly, and aim precisely.
  Unfortunately, none of those traits are shared by the military  intelligence that controls those soldiers.

-The Liberty Manifesto
--StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade

Watch out for that.
And no, I haven't been joking.

But take care, good luck, and don't die.


But I couldn't have lasted this long, if it weren't for my nine years as a NAVY SEAL.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Spent all the time playing with your balls, Netami? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



"Now the Balls're getting huge."


Did you swear in and everything already?

I'm not trying to discourage you, but don't get ahead of yourself with the military! Once you're outta boot camp, they have you for the next several years of your life, and depending on the service you choose it could be longer or shorter.

Anyways, play hard, and remember your training, it'll save your life and probably someone else's.


Quote from: The DXM on June 25, 2007, 03:51:02 PM
Anyways, play hard, and remember your training, it'll save your life and probably someone else's.

Or take someones else's life.

Lets hope it doesn't get to that though.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Do yourself a favor and start exercising now.

Also lift weights without gloves to toughen up your hands and build up some calluses.


Yes it all good..Just pray that the first man you see dont chew your head off...And that bit out the navy...Just be glad I can take a joke...My dad was part of the navy


Quote from: Zedd on June 25, 2007, 05:01:24 PM
...And that bit out the navy...Just be glad I can take a joke...

Y'know I've always wondered when I hear this. Or WHAT exactly? Any time I've made jokes about the military on previous forums this line always comes up. Seriously why should anyone be glad you can take a joke?
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Or maybe he'd be offended. Most people don't want to offend other people, I know the majority of people on this forum are perhaps suggesting otherwise.

The NAVY SEAL thing I said was a reference to the guy on Future Weapons, who always relates whatever he is doing to his time in the navy seals. It's sort of an in-joke with my friends at this point...

"I can handle this gun the way I can because of my vast experience as a NAVY SEAL."


People who get offended online need to fuck off and grow up.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Hey, as long as you're not racist and don't target the jews, mind your language where appropriate and never target anyone specifically, you're good to go.

But people will still think you're an asshole.


Quote from: Netrogo on June 25, 2007, 06:35:45 PM
People who get offended online need to fuck off and grow up.
Go away.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.



Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 25, 2007, 12:30:56 PM
... he won't be going to find terrorists. He'll be going to fight a war. You can't fight a war against people who hide in your own population - not without some serious crimes against humanity, anyway...

This is why I usually try to stay out of politics.  I'm really not very good at it.

About 2 hours after I made my post, I realized what I really should have said was something like "I'd say something, but Alondro said it already."


Hope you do ok. Be safe when you head off, good luck with boot camp if you haven't already headed there, hope you don't have to do anything against your moral ethics, referring to harming civilians and such.

And if you're over in the mideast, say hi to my cousin for me. >.>


Once upon a time I actually posted here.