Haunted Places and Paranormal Activity

Started by Josh Massa, June 20, 2007, 04:12:32 PM

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Josh Massa

Alright, so as you all know if you have read my profile, I am from Connecticut. In Connecticut there is a large city called Meriden of which I live in. Now, made back in the early 1900's a place by the name of "Undercliff Institution" was established for people who suffered from TB (tuberculosis). This hospital was pretty much a place for people to go when they were waiting to die. There were many buildings, including cottages for workers to live in, so they would never be too far away. Around the mid 1930's the TB hospital also expanded to house mentally unstable patients, rapists, murderers, people who were substance abusers...you name it, and Undercliff Institution probably had them there. In the basement of the main building for the "mentally unstable" they had bunk rooms, the patients beds had cages on them to keep them from escaping during the night. There was also a shock therapy building, which was supposidly used to "calm down patients"...bull, this is more along the lines of torture. Speaking of torture, they had a torture chamber in the basement of the Insane Asylum building. There, they had soundproof rooms where they would play eerie music to keep patients insane, solitary confinement, electricutive machines...this place is very haunted. It turned into a school for the mentally retarted around 1950, but later closed down and was put out of use in 1965. The cottages at the beggining are still in use, for some type of police business. My friend and I have already visited this Asylum twice, and are itching to go back and get video and pictures. It was told that there was a little boy murdered in the courtyard by about 10 other mental patients...all with plastic untensils. Now that has to hurt. Now please, this is a serious topic. If you have any questions on it, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities. Also, feel free to post about other haunted places and paranormal activity you know about or have encountered.

Ryudo Lee

Dude, I'm from New Orleans.  We got haunted places all over.  Check it out.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Josh Massa

Thanks for that post, I will most certainly check that out.


Ok, so I just checked out that link. I see you have a bunch of haunted cemetaries around your area.

Check out all these places in CT that are haunted. It's quite a long list, I'll warn you that, lol.

Ansonia - Eagle Hose Co. #6 (firehouse) - to be honest just weird things but they only happen when you are the only person there whether in the basement or on the top floor there is a history here check into it.

Ansonia - Hunters Lane - Only when two of the residents in the house fight the ghost will show her rage. Only a small cat was in the room at the time. A whole dresser fell down onto the bed with on it a television and inside it lots of clothes. Another, which the treadmill turned on by in self. She is older and a white lady. Very nice, but gets angry when people fight.

Ansonia - Pine Grove Cemetery - Some have reported hearing children playing, smelled roses, heard chains rattling, hot spots where it would be warmer than the rest of the cemetery and on the way out witnesses have seen three figures which seemed to be guarding the gates, and four figures walking toward them.

Ansonia - Webster House Company #3 - Strange sounds have been heard. Feelings of not being alone. A grandfather clock that dates back many years will start to chime every 15 minutes. Chains being dragged across an upstairs floor, as well as voices, coughing and laughter have all been heard by witnesses that where alone in the building.

Avon - Avon Old Farms School - A little girl, friendly, appears early in the morning (around 3am)in one of the homes attached to the dorm. She often is looking for her mother, or playing in the 2nd floor of the house. She usually appears in the summer time.

Bara - Hack Settlement - Pomfret - The ruins of the settlement that later grew into Pomfret, along with the old cemetery used by the small settlement, hide in the CT woods but hold many surprises for those who take the time to find them. Reports include human voices, animal sounds, children's' laughter, sightings of a baby reclining in the branches of a tree, and orbs of light.

Berlin - Cedarcrest Mental Asylum - off of the Berlin turnpike there is an abandoned mental asylum surrounded by some woods.....if you go into it you can hear screaming and door slamming.

Berlin - Lamentation Mountain - At the summit of Lamentation Mountain along the Mattabesset Trail there are reports that a woman can be heard sobbing if it is quiet. The sobbing can be heard even when there is no wind. There is a legend that a woman killed herself by jumping off the cliffs and still haunts the area.

Bethel - Bethel High School - There have been sightings of apparitions on the second floor and in the basement. Cold Spots have been experienced in the basement also. There have been numerous suicides associated with the school. At one point the school was called Suicide High

Bethel - Bethel Volunteer Fire Dept. - "fire house ghost" - Sounds of someone or something falling, with nothing out of place.

Bethel - Johnson Elementary School - There has been blood on the mirrors in the gym bathrooms. There have been sightings of orbs and you could see orbs in pictures that they took in the gym of the kids. the toilets flush themselves and the lights flicker.

Bethel - Wooster St. - In a boarding house on the Danbury end of the street, there is a room where one man committed suicide and another overdosed on heroin. Former residents of the room report hearing screams in the night and the illusion that the walls are melting.

Bloomfield - St. Thomas - The grounds of St. Thomas seminary which at one time spanned a far greater area then they currently do, have had a few reports among local people. much of the original grounds have been over grown or sold off to businesses but the seminary it self is still actively used by the church of Hartford as well as the University of Hartford located down the street, as dorms. at night several people have seen shadowy figures walking through the fields. the gym has many cold spots in the old locker/shower rooms and in the basement, which is the lower gym. the ghosts are believed to be those of former priest residents and students at the seminary.

Branford - Branford Slupy Pound - as you walk into the woods you can hear gun shoots and screaming coming from behind you, you can also hear some one running and gasping for air but when you turn around to see where its coming from the noises disappear.

Bridgeport - Showcase Cinemas - rumor has it that the projection booth is haunted .sometimes film reels will start shaking by themselves or lights flickering.

Bridgeport - Old Remington Arms factory - Shadows are seen in the buildings at night although the factory has been abandoned for years and no longer in use.

Bridgeport - Warren Harding High School - Staff members in Harding High School have noticed an older gentleman running up and down the hallways screaming help. It has been said that in the early 60's a janitor was chased and later killed by a deranged student. The deranged student was never found and some even say that they both haunt the school. Till this day you can still hear and see Mike running as he pleads for his life.

Bristol - Church of Eternal Light - Formerly one of the three original churches built in Bristol by the Sessions family, church was built late 1889. It has been on national T.V. show , a ghost hunter filmed ghost balls or spirit balls. There are also reports of a former churchgoer who was struck by lightning on the front steps. There have also been reports of an apparition seen in the bell tower.

Bristol - Lake Compounce Amusement Park - The oldest running amusement park in the world. The first hauntings date back to the opening of the park in the late 1800's when the ghost of the former owner of the land, Chief Compounce, who killed himself in the lake the day before the land was to change hands. Since that time, every building on the land has experience hauntings at one time or another. As well, death has been a plague at the park. In recent years, a child died from injuries received from a near drowning it the lake, a worker was killed underneath a rotor ride, and another was decapitated by a roller coaster. Most of the hauntings have occurred in the Star Light Ball Room. It was said, but this author has not confirmed, that the head of the Norton family, who bought the land from Chief Compounce, died after mysteriously falling from a ladder. The park is now under new management, and is running successfully. However, the park still employs overnight security service people, who all, without prior knowledge of hauntings, have all disclosed their fears and sightings around the park.

Bristol - Peacedale Cemetery - Sightings of a white wolf that walks down near the banks of the stream that runs through this cemetery are usually sought by those who have a deep emotional problem bothering them.

Bristol - Pine Lake Area - Feelings of being followed, now a high ropes course, occasionally hearing ropes tighten as if being swung from, loud footsteps in the leafy ground, whispers, and shouts, over all spookiness.

Bristol - Polish American Citizens Club - Ghost in the bingo room. Friendly. the old president was doing books at the bar one morning . The building should have been vacant, He saw a man walk out of the bingo room into the men's room. He went into the men's room to see who was in the building. When he entered the men's room no one was there. Al the short guy was cleaning up in the bingo room and saw 2 eyes but no body following him around. He says he has seen it several times. Frank Jankowski once a bar tender was cleaning up late one night and heard some one moving chairs in the bingo room. He thought it was a thief went to investigate but found no one there or signs of forced entry.

Bristol - Saint Paul Catholic High School - In the G-Wing of this school it is rumored that a student once hung himself. A SPCHS teacher also died of a heart attack in this same hallway. During play rehearsals and performances, this area is used for dressing rooms/prop rooms and it is rumored that a ghost has been seen when the lights are off.

Bristol and Plymouth Town lines - Torries Den - Torries Den got it's name because while the Revolutionary War was taking place soldiers who deserted their ranks, also known as Torries hid in the caves located in these woods. Some of these Torries perished while enduring the harsh New England winters. Campers have reported strange lights and a strange heavy breathing noise.

Brooklyn - Trinity Church - An old church surrounded by a grave yard that dates back to the late 1700's, some grave markings are even older and marked only by rocks put into the ground. There is a path behind the church that leads past a pond and up a short hill-all of this is surrounded by grown-over weeds and things. Once at the top of the hill that land becomes instantly flat and only contains trees. In the middle of this there lies a flat rock. When you stand on the rock you can notice that in front and behind you are bare and to either side of you is bare. The clearing forms a complete cross. - November 2003 update correction: The serial killer of the 1980's - left a body of the young girl he had killed behind this church. It is said that this was the cause of the hauntings, which forced the church to shut down. No one uses the church today, yet it is said that from time to time you can see people in the windows.

Burlington - Green Lady Cemetery - Covey Road - Images of green mist and the "Green Lady" formerly Elisabeth who died next to the cemetery in swampland-she drown and supposedly her husband would not or could not save her. She is seen walking on the dirt road the cemetery is located on in a green mist.

Burlington - Lampson Corner Cemetery - A very old Cemetery, with some occasional orbs and lights. Incorrect info passed on about the Smallpox, it is haunted though. Hikers from nearby trails have seen apparitions and orbs of light. One hiker reported seeing a man in uniform standing near a gravestone, yelled to him for the time and the man disappeared. the hiker walked over and it was the grave of a WWII Veteran.

Burlington - Rock Rd/ Old Tory Prison - Where the prison is located, people have seen British soldiers some in chains. Some people have heard moans coming from the little prison. Its not a very big place just a little stone and cement building right near the road. Locals do not like snoopy outsiders and may call the cops.

Clinton - Town Hall/Opera Theater Of Connecticut - Reports of whispers, the feeling of someone right next to you, and feel cold gusts of air.

Colchester - Bacon Academy High School - The catwalk in the auditorium is haunted by the ghost of a man who fell to his death while the school was being built. People have witnessed lights being turned on and off when no one is up there.

Colchester - Camp Connecticut - in pictures taken there are many "orbs" near the main gate and near the large sign within the camp, examinations shown not be photo error or bad development. Witnesses have seen 40 apparitions standing in front of the gate, as they walked towards them they parted, letting them though, and they walked right in between them. as the got to their car the figures slowly disappeared.

Cornwall Bridge - Dudley Town - A deserted town that is said to have gone mad and died off, located in Cornwall, CT. After a long walk through the woods the path opens up to reveal old foundations and cellar holes from a lifetime ago. Here it is said that glowing orbs of light can be seen swirling around, and on occasion have even occurred during the day. There are many reports of odd happenings occurring to those that visit Dudley Town. Hearing faint drum sounds, feelings of dread and sadness, and feeling a presence all around you. - Update - People are not allowed in there anymore. Cops DO watch and will ticket even if you drive up there to the entrance.

Coventry - South Street - Hale Homestead - Locals have long reported ghostly activity in and around the house. Dudley Seymour, an attorney who purchased the home in 1914 and devoted himself to the popularization of Nathan Hale, claimed to have seen the ghost of Deacon Hale, the hero's father, peering out of a window. The ghost of a servant sometimes sweeps the upper hall. Nathan's ghost, on the other hand, may account for the sound of someone pacing the floors.

Danbury - On the corner of Shalvoy's Lane and Austin St. there was a hat factory that stood there. Prior to demolition, there was an automotive machine shop. The building stood at three floors .Workers would all be in the back at ground floor and they could hear a spirit walking with work boots on. Plus, you could hear the floor creaking. This would only happen on the second floor. The third floor was very quiet. During the day, the electronic eye triggered, ringing a bell in the work area. the spirit would enter and walk up the stairway at mid point of the building. As you see, the door alarm goes off, the door was spring loaded, and you never heard the door slam shut. People would visit and you could hear the door shut.

Danbury - Tarrywile Park & Hearthstone Castle - Several hauntings are known to exist on the grounds - mainly around the area of the abandoned Hearthstone Castle. There have been reports of shadowy figures, glowing orbs or mists in the castle's windows or on the roof - as well as the surrounding land and the locations of the former servant/guest houses.. Some hikers have reported being pushed & sticks thrown at them.

Danbury - Western Connecticut State University - Berkshire Theatre - There is a ghost known by the name "Daphne" that haunts the large theatre of Berkshire Hall. Students working late at night will see her image in the light/sound booth or on the stage. She is friendly and will appear/reappear when asked politely by no more than 2 individuals.

Danbury - Western Connecticut State University - Fairfield Hall - 3rd floor haunted by soul of young girl who had committed suicide in the tower on the top of the hall. She is know for apparitions in windows n mirrors.... running showers and showing up in photographs. She is known for making mirrors become never ending ...and making screaming sounds all through the night...is she waiting to be let free...or is she just haunting the students who live there.

Derby - Derby High School - It's not known of any deaths in the school or around, but when alone in one of the art rooms witnesses report a noise as if someone had come into the room, and yet the door was closed and there was no one inside besides themselves, a muffled voice whispered "Don't go", and the apparition of a girl.

Derby - Derby Public Library also known as Harcourt Wood Memorial Library - The Library was built in 1902 with funds given by Col. and Mrs. Wood who had it built in memory of their son Harcourt Wood. Harcourt died when he was 11 years old after a bout with meningitis, after which the entire school was quarantined. A woman and her son approached the library one snowy evening after hours to drop books in the book drop. Her son saw a light in the window and peered in. His mother said he came sliding down the steep steps on the bank of the library so fast and was so scared because he saw the figure of a young boy in the foyer of the library. Employees have also spoken of mysterious happenings in the library, such as lights turning on and off, doors closing on their own and other incidents.

Derby - Green Cemetery - If you walk in the cemetery at night you will see a green light coming from the cabin if you dare to come closer you will find a "Green Lady making dinner.  If she turns around a and sees you prepare for her company.  It is said she will appear right behind you.

Derby - Irving School - People have been known to see a little girl and a teenage boy wondering the halls and auditorium of this school. Cold flashes and spots are some of the effects to the persons investigating the school. Several police and fire fighters have also witnessed these encounters.

Derby - Lincoln School (Old Derby High School) - basement of the building believed that a staff worker used to work there died in the school. in the boys bathroom by the gym there's a metal gate where you can see the locker room. many students said that if you look into the room long enough you would see a quick flash of light then it would disappear. or you would see a figure holding a mop in his hand. there would be whistling on some days too and you never knew where it was coming from.

East Granby - Old Newgate Prison - It was originally a copper mine in the 1700s. It became a prison to hold Tories and loyalists in the Revolutionary war. It also held confederates in the civil war and is now a tourist attraction. In one area in the mine, a man's face is seen in the rock because the ceiling collapsed on top of him. The last man to be killed there was trying to escape through the well by climbing up the rope. On his way up, the rope snapped. He was either killed by impact or drowning.

East Haddam - Devils Hopyard - Have been numerous reports of strange sightings and occurrences over the years. Many locals have seen and heard apparitions.

East Hartford - Huguenot House - Haunted by a woman dressed in blue after the building was moved.

East Haven - Dear Run School - walking though the north hall you can some times hear voices and see blood coming down form the walls no one is sure who haunts this building

East Haven - Ferrara School - In the middle of the night you can see shadowy figures and hear strange noises. In the woods there you can hear scrabbling noises, like someone running though the bushes watching you or trying to catch you. Often also, you can hear like a screaming in the woods or possible crying.

East Windsor - Pasco's restaurant - movement of objects, closing doors, cold spots, etc.

Easton - Union Cemetery - Haunted by the ghost of a young woman known by locals as the "White Lady" no one knows of her past yet. Firemen and Police Officers have seen her on different occasions. It's one of the most haunted places in the country. Another haunting is "Redeyes" is also a well-known haunt. As the stories go, a man was walking along a road next to union cemetery when he noticed a pair of red eyes staring at him through the darkness. Upon this observation, he turned and ran and heard footsteps following him. The Warrens have done extensive research of the area. - February 2004 Update: This site is patrolled by police and will arrest you if you do not have the proper permission to do an investigation.

Enfield - green manor skate park - seen lights disappear and then light bulb falls. next morning the lights are there again

Fairfield - Greenfield Hill - there have been sightings of a young small figured woman dressed in white staring thru the windows of the condemned building with a glowing light behind her.

Fairfield - Greenfield Hill Mental institution - in the small Connecticut town of Newtown lies an enormous field containing more than 100 large abandoned buildings that once housed more than 4000 crazy people. Featured as the location on what is said to be the most scary episode of MTV's fear Ghostwatcherz.com, Fairfield Hills' buildings range from the shock treatment building to the center for the criminally insane. The institution had a history of unauthorized lobotomies and mysterious deaths. The unique thing about Fairfield Hills is that it has an interconnected system of underground tunnels connecting most of the buildings to each other. WARNING: Although it has been abandoned since the mid-90's, proceed with EXTREME caution as there is almost always a cop or two there and at least 4 squad cars are guarding the location around Halloween. November 2003 Update - there are 4 heavily armed police cars circling the buildings. They attempted to interrogate any intruders and have been known to nearly arrest them. They even said that they caught people in the underground tunnels. - "Heavily guarded do not even bother attempting to enter"

Fairfield - Fairfield University - Dolan Hall - Former convent-turned-residence hall for Fairfield U. is said to have the ghosts of former nuns roaming the halls. There is one story (which probably isn't true, but you never know) of a nun who was raped by a priest, got pregnant and hung herself. More recently, a student died in one of the rooms and the room is no longer occupied due to uncontrollable temperature changes. Loud and unexplainable bangs awaken and frighten students between midnight and 4AM in rooms 231, 229, 227, and 225, yet no other rooms in that hallway can hear the noises at all. - November 2003 update/correction: A student that lived in the infamous Dolan 231, reports while they didn't hear any banging, they COULD hear people moving furniture above them. However, when the RA's went up there to tell them that it was 2AM and they were trying to sleep, they found that they TOO were sleeping and not moving furniture at all. The rumor about the nun is NOT true at all, but the room that the student died in IS true and WAS taken offline because of the uncontrollable heat. This room is Dolan 403.

Fairfield - Fairfield University - PepsiCo Theatre - Theatre Faculty and students will attest to haunting by Minerva Farrell--who was apparently a costume designer whose spirit frequently seems to visit. I've been alone in the PepsiCo, and have heard voices.

Fairfield - Ludlow Health Center - All that has been seen so far is a picture in the dining room that rocks back and forth at night.

Farmington - Farmington Riverside Cemetery - Heard voices, smell of roses, several photographs contained multiple orbs of various colors. Area surrounding cemetery (Miss Porters property) watched by spirit children and other forms. Psychic medium channeled entity on site for several minutes.

Glastonbury - Blacksmith tavern - Main Street - Reports of strange thing happening there. Such as doors closing and things moving by themselves. - Update - This place has changed it's name since about 2 years ago now it is a real estate office, It is possibly DeWolf now.

Glastonbury - Nike site - This place is great for mountain biking or driving your car through during the day. This place is very big and takes up a section in the meshomasic state forest. During the day, visitor's will notices graffiti markings of witchcraft on the rocks, along with some racial remarks. The Nike site itself is an old abandon military site that lies behind several yellow gates. This place was once used as a missile pad during the cold war era. The buildings, silo, and pad are all plowed over or demolished but many parts of it still remain. It is believed that there is still an entrance that leads underground to tunnels of the old silo. People have already tried to find this entrance and got lost in doing so. Once night falls the Nike site turns into a very Blair witch place. Sounds of random people walking around in the woods can be heard as long with their voices. This place has been nicknamed the insane asylum by the locals.

Groton - LedgeLight (Lighthouse) - Story has it, that John "Ernie" Randolph and his wife lived at the LedgeLight, which sits out in the middle of the Ocean, just at the opening of the Thames River, no land around it what so ever. When there the wife kept telling Ernie that she was unhappy there and to secluded. Ernie made no attempt to move or find another job. So one day his wife took off with a Block Island Ferry Capt. Because of his wife's leaving, Ernie became so depressed that he slit his throat and then jumped to the waters below from the top of the light house. Stories have it that Ernie now haunts the lighthouse. The lighthouse was turned over to the coast guard who manned it, and cadets have reported the opening and closing of doors, the decks being swabbed when they weren't the ones who did it. The lighthouse is now unmanned and run on a timer for when the light goes on and off. Project Oceanology of Groton has summer tours out to the lighthouse, but this is the only way anyone will be able to go there.

Groton - New London - Naval Submarine Base - Bldg 427 English Hall - You must have a military ID to come on base- is a building named after Rear Admiral, a dead veteran of the US. NAVY. To honor his death the building was given his name and a portrait of him stirringly hangs on the quarterdeck. His eyes appearing to watch your every move many have experienced his presence as they tour the building during their rove of inspection. A number of active duty Navy students have experience equal or deeper experiences. One prominent story raises among all others the night of the Rear-Admiral's Birthrate a classified number of students report seeing the Admiral's appearance while on separate levels of the building and being quick to share their sittings amongst them they quickly established that they had seen him at synchronized time periods exactly zero one hundred. They have yet to stand watch there and say they refuse to ever.

Groton - Woods West of town - In the woods west of town, there is a hiking trail which winds through the woods. In these woods are numerous Indian dwellings, some still not excavated. Reports of feelings of being watched.

Hamden - Sam's House - you hear a pigman's voice saying "DADDY SCREAMED REAL GOOD" and red beady eyes pop up. Then there is supposedly dead silence on the phone only to hear, WHATCHU DOIN ASIA!? The little boy by the name of Julian committed suicide after seeing the pigman so now he haunts with him screaming.

Hamden - Sleeping Giant - At the top of the mountain where the castle is located, it is said that a man dressed in all black has been seen wandering the area. At first he looks as if he is normal, but if you stay and watch he seems to have a white ring around his left arm. When approached, this figure slowly evaporates into the air, and those who have witnessed his appearance have only seen it once, despite efforts to find it again.

Hartford - Colt Armory - Throughout the years tenants on every floor have reported hearing a bolder drop and then roll over on floor above them...event those who live on the top floor.

Hartford - Hartford City Hall - Supposedly this ghost bangs on doors, closes doors, and opens doors that people know they've locked.

Hartford - Old State House - Built in 1796, the former State Capitol building is said to be haunted by the spirits of its' glorious past. The first witch to be hanged in the New England colonies was on this site in 1647. In the late 1970's the Warrens found the ghost of local painter and museum keeper, Joseph Steward, to be alive and well and roaming the halls of the second floor. Many reports of strange footsteps and ghostly assembly meetings have been reported.

Kensington - Chamberlain Highway (Rt.72) - Coyotes are native to this area. So every fall-spring in the houses around, you hear coyotes yelping in the late night hours, after about 5 minutes of this, you hear a trumpet. Anywhere along RT.72 (Chamberlain Hwy) you hear them.. Legend has it, that at Ragged Mountain off Rt.72 in the late 1800's a young trumpet boy had gotten lost around his new home, and he was lost with his trumpet. And coyote's have gotten to him, So this is his call for help, Just to late.

Kensington - Southington Road Cemetery - very old, very angry ghost who seems to be the keeper of this burial ground. first trip you make he will present himself, second trip you make he will make things happen such as making electrical devices go haywire, he will also follow you. You will have feeling of great sickness, anxiety, even feelings of complete evilness surrounding you.... (Note. he haunts the graveyard to your immediate right upon entry).

Killingworth - Nineveh Falls - Located at a crossing of the Hammonasset River separating the towns of Killingworth and Madison is the former site of Nineveh Falls. It is said that the ghost of a young Indian maiden and warrior haunt this area. In pre-colonial times a young warrior went to war with the rest of the warrior in his village against another tribe leaving his love behind. Soon word was received of a great battle and the villagers were told that there were casualties, including the young warrior. The young maiden became inconsolable and wandered to the high cliffs at Nineveh where she jumped to her death. Shortly afterwards, the young warrior, unharmed arrived home only to find that his love had committed suicide. Despondent, he went to the same area and committed suicide in the same manner to be with his love for eternity.

Killingworth - North Parker Hill Road Cemetery - The ghosts of a bride and groom have been observed crossing the road both to and from this cemetery. A number of other phenomena have been seen and experienced in this cemetery.

Killingworth - The Old Inn - Since 1790 this building has been the site of taverns, restaurants, Inns, B and B's, bars or cafes. The ghosts of a man and woman have been observed and "felt" throughout this building.

Newtown - Fairfield Hills Hospital - Fairfield Hills is a former mental institution that is not vacant. It is said to be haunted by former patients.

Lampson Corner - Route 69 - An area between Burlington and Bristol CT. on rte 69, as the story goes the village was wiped out by small pox. People who have gone up there say they have seen strange apparitions.

Litchfield - Camp Columbia - This old camp of stone buildings was built in the 60's or 70's with a big stone tower. There are no animals around or in earshot. There is a building boarded up with dead puppies all throughout the building. Another building is full of dead wild turkey. There is a very strange feeling from this place

Litchfield - The Litchfield Inn - The kitchen and dining room of the Inn are said to be haunted by an old Native American woman. Orbs can be seen in photographs. And an image of a semi-transparent Indian woman in the background of a picture taken in the dining room.

Litchfield - Old Mount Tom - On the trail of Mount Tom, there is a strangely old foundation that is boarded with creaky old stair wells and when you get to the top, you can hear moaning from the floors below. Some people gave reported seeing strange semi transparent images though the images are not clear. The ghost is said to be a high school kid who died while on the trail. The name is unknown, and some people have even had communications with this "ghost."

Manchester - Emanuel Lutheran Church - Sometimes you will walk by the nursery and the lights will be off and no one is in there but the rocking chair will be rocking by itself. 1 witness reports, "what really made us believe was when we were playing "Sardines" a hide-and-go-seek type game and we were the first ones downstairs in the church and we checked the bathroom. So we turned on the lights, checked all around no one was in there. Just before we turned off the lights all the stall doors were closed the minute I turned off the light both doors slammed."

Manchester - Woods on Chalmers Street - In the woods many sightings of apparitions and orbs. The Legend has it that one man who was drunk drove his truck into the woods and died. Many people claim to have seen the driver lying helplessly in the truck. Also no one you can see around the woods in different sections has moved the truck door. The truck is still in the woods not being moved next to the bike jumps. Also two motorcyclists have also crashed in these woods and one man and one woman have been seen scurrying around the area. Witnesses have reported hearing ear-shattering screams. One witness reports," I woke up from a scream that I heard from a woman and after that I moved away and never went back to the house or in the woods."

Manfields - Mansfield Training Center - An abandoned asylum for the feeble minded or mentaly retarded. Part of it is apparently used for storage for old UCONN stuff but other parts have a very weird vibe to them. Many pictures have been taken with "orbs", especially outside and in the basement.

Meriden - Hubbard Park - A young girl was said to be kidnapped and brought into some woods at Hubbard Park and now haunts the park. She will save those being kidnapped of killed and kill the ones who are kidnapping or killing. She is said to look like a 7-year-old girl and she will laugh when she kills someone bad.

Meriden - The Black Dog of Meriden is said to roam the streets of Meriden. Appears as a sleek black dog, resembling a Labrador retriever, though much more menacing. The dog is said to appear extremely evil and will stare you down. If a person sees the black dog once, it is considered good luck. Seeing the Dog twice is a warning of impending death. If the dog stares you in the eye for a third time, it is said you will die very soon.

Meriden - East Side of Town - The haunting of Nancy - There is a local legend of "Naps." She is a middle-aged woman who was killed in front of her house one night a long time ago. Her real name was Nancy but everyone called her Naps because they were so frightened of her, especially the local kids. Explorers went to the place where she was supposed to have died, (and now is haunting), east road in Meriden. Many people have recently sighted the legendary ghost of "Nancy." She roams the back roads of the east side of Meriden. It is said she is looking for her dog and the people who killed her.

Meriden - Metal factory - There is an old metal factory in downtown Meriden. It has been closed for about 10 years now. There is also an electrical plant that is connected to the metal factory. There are object the get thrown across the room, Noises coming from the upper floor, and sound of people climbing the ladder going up to the third level of the building, as well as orbs in the pictures taken on all three floors of the building.

Meriden - Undercliff Institution - Back in the early 1900's till the 30's and 40's near the Undercliff Institution there was a sanatorium made for sick children with diseases like rubella, mumps, German measles etc. Most of the children were brought there to die. The old brick building still stands near the old institution. Residents say that they can hear children crying and laughing. They are seen in the windows but only to vanish before you. Undercliff is now an abandoned building that is host to many different sightings. Reports of hearing former patients running around corners and down hallways to escape orderlies, and faint screams being heard form rooms where shock therapy was supposedly administered. Also sightings of a former patient who was murdered by a group of other patients with plastic utensils from the commissary walk the old courtyard.

Middlebury - Little Peoples Village - Located in the woods, on the side of an abandoned road (possibly old Waterbury Road), is a village of sorts, a number of very complex and detailed small stone houses standing about three to five feet high built into the hill. Some of the buildings are A framed, others are more traditional, they have the appearance that they are gutted and "condemned", inside of the little houses are elaborate room structures, staircases; pathways lead up hills through the woods to them, tiny pathways. The area is overgrown. Built into the side of a rock is a "thrown" a life sized chair of sorts with several symbols around it- the legend is that if you sit on it you will die in 7 years- this is only legend though. Next to the village itself is the ruins of an old stone house with iron bars on the window... very negative energy comes from here. In the evening the road to the village is so loaded with negative energy that it is virtually impossible to travel it... it is soundless and still. En route to the village and at the village itself several pentagrams can be seen from time to time on the ground. Overall a very eerie, very negative feeling pervades the area of this extremely mysterious village in the woods.- November 2003 Update: It is actually right off I84 exit 17 on the Middlebury/Waterbury line. All the other info is pretty accurate, there is really only one little house left and that is partly destroyed. The stone house is still there and so is the thrown. There is also a cellar that you can go down into. Place is very spooky. Legend is that there was a man and women who lived there and she was crazy and thought she was the Queen of the little people. She made her husband build her a thrown and all the little houses. Then she killed her husband and herself or he killed her and himself. There are different variations of the story.

Middletown - CVH Maintenance Building - Recent research reveals that the Cotter Building at CVH was originally the site of an Indian burial ground. Local Indians had a village overlooking the Ct. River before the arrival of white men. This explains the often heard strange noises, chanting, drumbeats, lights turning on and off, and doors opening and closing on their own accord. Mists have been reportedly seen moving about inside of the firehouse portion. - WARNING!! Trespassers WILL be arrested.

Middletown - Long Lane - across from Rushford there is a dirt road and at the end of it there is a cement building underground if you go in and be very quiet you can hear the screams of people being beaten it is apparently the place where the patients were brutally tortured and murdered. - NO TRESPASSING - you will be arrested.
January 2007 update: Long Lane juvenile detention was in existence since the early 1900's and housed females till age 16 at first before transferring them to Niantic Farms (now York Correctional, all females). Long Lane later became co-ed and was closed in 2003 after a new all male facility was built close to the original and renamed CT Juvenile Training Center. Long Lane has had a history of suicides and sightings. Some deaths have been classified as accidental and look as though they have been unintentional suicides. Many remain unsolved. There have sightings have been of children whom run through the grounds through cottages and cells. Inmates and staff speculate they are the ghosts of children whom have died in the facility.

Milford - Charles Island - located off of Silver Sands state beach has a long and mysterious history. It was a point of conflict between the English settlers and the Wepaowag Indians, who regarded the island as sacred ground, connected with spirits. Following the defeat of the tribesmen, the Chief put a curse on the island, pronouncing "Any shelter will crumble to the Earth, and he shall be cursed" About 25 years after the defeat of the Wepauwags, the notorious pirate Captain Kidd, who knew the islands reputation, is known to have buried part his treasure on the island, and treasure hunters from around the country still look for this stash today. It is told that in 1850 two men found the treasure, only to run away from the island screaming about a "screeching, flaming skeleton descending from the sky" They spent the remainder of their lives in an asylum. At the end of the 18th century, a monastery was built on the island. After the monks moved in, dismissing the curse as "pagan savagery" and "Indian folklore", a series of mysterious deaths, suicides, and bouts of insanity, and subsequent intensifying hauntings forced them to abandon the monastery. The crumbling ruins can still be seen today. In the 1950s and attempt was made to open a seaside restaurant and lodge on the desolate island. A devastating and lethal fire, still to which cause remains unknown, ended whatever building projects scheduled for the Island, and no one has built upon it since. All that is left from this is a tumbling brick wall. Today, reports from hikers abound about seeing glowing specters flitting through the trees, disembodied voices, and phantom monks making processionals through the monastic ruins. One also hears of seeing nighttime Indian festivals and hearing jazz music near the old site of the restaurant. The only access to the Island is a mysterious causeway that only surfaces from the sea at low tide. People, in the summer months, frequent the island for its beach and seclusion, as well preserved trails. The ghosts wont bother you if you respect them. Just don't build, and DONT DIG!

Milford - St. Mary's Cemetery - Reported to seeing a lady in a long, white gown wandering around the graveyard and is looking for her long lost husband who went away to WW1 and never came home.

Monroe - Union Cemetery - There have been many sightings of different ghosts at different times. The most common sighting is of a lady in white with a white glow around her, who walks the cemetery around midnight. Many people have seen her. She appears to be looking for the grave of a loved one, but when she is approached, she slowly vanishes.

Moodus - Moodus Lake - It is said that at night, the sounds of a piano being played can be heard coming from the bottom of the lake.

Naugatuck - Guntown Cemetery - WARNING - Has become a popular spot for kids to hang out. The cops will probably usher you out. - Residents and even the Warrens attest to the ghostly activity that occurs here. Witnesses have heard children laughing far into the field behind the cemetery and as they stayed longer each time the children's laughing grew as close as behind the back wall to inside the cemetery. They also heard old ragtime music playing in the woods near the cemetery.

New Britain - haunted reservoir home - An abandoned home near the New Britain reservoir in the area of crescent lake said to have been badly burned and forgotten after a man and women were killed in a fire there. The small brick house has one main room and inside has odd-looking gages and dials in metal cases. Upon visiting, a young man beckoned the "ghosts" to make themselves known, after a few seconds of taunting, his foot fell thigh deep through the floor and nearly into the basement. Also, feelings of sadness, anxiety and feelings of being watched have been experienced - Has been torn down.

New Haven - Albertus Magnus College - Several of the mansions converted to dorms are said to be haunted. One of them is haunted by a woman in a green dress and a small boy around the age of 8-10. The boy tends to be looking for a playmate, for when alive he was often locked in the attic. He moves objects, changes the orientation of other objects, and stands in the hallway watching you.

New Haven - Albertus Magnus College - Dominican Hall - the former Yale Psychiatric Institution. Activities reported are knocking on walls, stereos and televisions being turned on or off (especially when there is a lot of noise, or the music is too loud), doors slamming and people running through hallways when no one is there, and voices muttering. Spirits appear in pictures, too.

New Haven - Albertus Magnus College - McAuliffe Hall - Is indeed haunted by a small boy and woman in green is possibly true but she is believed to haunt the front staircase, and around midnight, if you are not holding the rail, she'll shove you. He said that when he first moved in, a woman used to begin singing every night at 10 PM. An insomniac, he found this annoying and finally asked the woman to stop.

New Haven - Albertus Magnus College - Rosary Hall - Rosary is an antique elevator that is no longer in use. Several students, faculty members, and staff have reported an evil presence around it, as well as freezing cold blasts of air and moaning sounds.

New Haven - Cemetery Blvd and Congress Ave. - Midnight Mary's Grave Inscription " and they shall pass away at mid-night. " Visitors at midnight see apparitions and pass on the next day.

New Haven - Fort Nathan Hale - Along the beach where a battle took place, there are under ground bunkers. They are blocked off with gates, but inside the bunkers there have been sightings of glowing green orbs. Along the beach and the outside of the bunkers ghostly figures of soldiers have also been seen.

New Haven - Lighthouse Park - At Lighthouse Park around midnight you can hear the carousel running and little kids giggling.

New Haven - The Old Union Trust Building - The old Union Trust building (now First Union) on the corner of Elm and Church street in New Haven, CT is the most haunted structure in the center of town. For years countless paranormal activities have been witnessed. Reports include - heard footsteps creeping down stairways late in the night when the building was empty, banging on walls, and many orbs and images captured on film. Others have seen ghosts walking in offices, heard their names being called, lights going on and off, and toilets flushing when no one was using them. The basement ghost is the most active. Witnesses have heard three loud hits to the cement wall by a human hand. This happens from week to week. The assistant property manager once heard moans within the wall along with the banging. If you're interested in learning more about the old Union Trust building, http://www.geocities.com/epacel/The_Haunted_Skyscraper.html

New Haven - Southern Connecticut State University - The Common Area - A black misty figure was seen in the common area.

New Haven - Southern Connecticut State University - North Campus dorms - One resident reported waking up to a massive black force hovering over his bed, constricting him, paralyzing him with fear. Some time later a small circle with a symbol in it appeared to be burned into the wall over his bed where none had existed before. Doors would open by themselves. Closed, locked windows would be opened every time the room was empty. Faucets would go on and off by themselves and closets would rattle. A psychic investigator is reported to have cleansed the room, she said it was a spirit of a young boy killed on the sight when it was farmlands; she also said that the spirit of the young boy had invited in several other negative spirits. Previous occupants of the room have reported similar experiences.

New London - Eugene O'Neill's childhood home - The great American play write based his classic "Long Days Journey into Night", after this childhood home in which he shared with his family. His mother, who reportedly suffered severe depression, would sneak into a small room next to Eugene O'Neill's room, and he would hear her crying and then giggling to herself throughout the night. She supposedly would inhale methane there. There have been many reports, especially by the people who work there,(it is a museum now)of footsteps in the small room, the feeling of being followed, cold spots, and most eerie, the sounds of sobbing and giggling. You can take the tour and see the room for yourself, very creepy.

New London - Ledge Lighthouse - There have been reports of lights and strange sounds coming from Ledge Lighthouse which is now inoperable. Also believed to be haunted by a lighthouse keeper that committed suicide there.

New London - The Lighthouse Inn - Various haunted rooms, and two ghostly Victorian women who roam the hallways at night.

New London - Quaker Hill - Gallows Lane - It's been said that this is where a lot of witches were burned though there is no real record. However, if you walk down the road (even in the middle of the day) you get the ominous feeling that not only are you being watched but also followed. One person who has done a séance there reported that there was the shrill voice of an old woman that told him to go away and never come back, though there was no one in sight, the voice seemed to be all around him. Most people from that area wont walk down that road alone and especially not at night.

New London - St. Mary School - Some students have said that the basement, which used to be restrooms before about 2001, is haunted. Students who have gone down there alone have felt like they were being watched or were not alone. Also, urban legends state that the last three bathroom stalls in the basement were haunted. A janitor supposedly died in the bathroom. The basement bathrooms have been closed and the basement is no longer accessible to students.

New Milford - Bank Street Coffee House - Footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement, items moving on their own in the kitchen, shadowy figures and unexplained footsteps.

Newington - Cedar Hill Metal Institution - There is an old metal institution which is now boarded up. Many people committed suicide in this place. A man hung himself. You can see little orbs and figures glowing. You can also hearing moaning and other noises. There is now a new metal institution, which has patients in it right now, but this old institution is still there, boarded up, old and full of disturbed souls that may never leave.

Newtown - Cyrenius H. Booth Library - The only public library in Newtown on Main Street is haunted by Mary Hawley, the daughter of Booth, whom the library was named after. The building used to be her home, and her room is on the top floor, which they used to let people view, but have locked since they put an addition on. Experiences ranged from feelings to shadowy figures in the corner of one's sight to actual encounters with what are supposedly Mary's ghost. Nothing has been said about her since the addition was put on, but then again, no one has been in her room either.

North Branford - Greystone - It can be very ugly here. A man walks with his cane dripping with blood. Screams of young ones screeching in the night. Very dark and cold out here.

North Branford - Dragonback Woods - At night you hear voices and people walking around but no one is there. Lots of orbs and in the middle of summer it gets really cold at night and names and symbols appear in the dirt.

North Haven - Grove road - water coming from the ceiling, no pipes in ceiling, seeing water drip from ceiling. But no water on floor, middle bedroom get cold and quite, cat's hair stands up. Wife committed suicide, by carbon monoxide poison.

Norfolk - Blackberry River Inn - Reports of seeing "the White Lady" walking through the Main Inn 2nd floor and walking back to the empty house in the back of the property.

Norfolk - Botelle Elementary School - reports of hearing doors slam when they are the only ones on the floor.

Norwich - Norwich State Psychiatric Hospital - While visiting this place recently you can walk thru patients rooms and still hear a woman sobbing. If you go into one building on the 3rd floor...which used to be used to perform lobotomy's years ago you can hear beeping sounds. while walking on the grounds no matter what building you are near you hear bellowing. - February 2007 Update: WARNING: No Trespassing This area is patrolled by guards that will call the police.

Norwalk - Cemetery behind Mathews Mansion - While walking home, over the I-95 Yankee doodle bridge a witness saw a grayish white mist with a woman's face travel across the highway off ramp through the woods in to the cemetery.

Oakville - Sealy's Parking Lot & Riverside St. - Sounds of women screaming, Orbs, EVPS, Shadow people.

Old Mystic - Red Brook Inn -The north room of the Redbrook inn is haunted by a former owner, Sally Crary. Legend has it that after the death of his wife in 1979, Mr. Crary married his wife's best friend. Since then the spirit of Mrs. Crary haunts the north room of this bed and breakfast. moving cold spots and voices are the symptoms here.

Old Wethersfield - American Legion 23 - Pictures have been taken with so very many orbs, it is hard to see the actual pictures.

Orange - Edison Road - In a vacant lot where a barn and a house used to stand, the story is that several years ago, a fire burned the house down and two people died in the blaze. People in the businesses in the surrounding area report strange activities, especially at night. The feeling that someone or something is watching them and an overall feeling of dread is a common occurrence there.

Oxford - Hookman's Cemetery - Believed that in the 1900's sometime the caretaker of the cemetery had a hook in place of his hand and would sometimes kill a person who stayed later than the others to speak words to the one laid to rest. Also in the field behind the cemetery used to be a house where a family once lived and rumor\fact has it that the young son of the family killed the remaining family members including him. The house was knocked down years ago but on Halloween it appears briefly as a phantom. Anomalies have shown.

Plainfield - Plainfield High School - A student who was considered to have limitless potential was murdered and now haunts the building. The word "intrinsic" has been written on many objects in the building, most notably the wood doors. It is not confirmed, but the legend states that this student used "intrinsic" as the basis for much of his poetry. Shortness of breath is often reported, and power outages are frequent. - November 2003 update/correction: Plainfield has HUGE problems with mold in many of the rooms, which is why many students and faculty have problems with shortness of breath. One resident reports having never heard of the rumor that a student was murdered that had immense potential or about any of the weirdo things that supposedly happen there.

Pomfret - Bara Hack NO TRESPASSING (the village of voices)- Bara Hack is a lost settlement that eventually became the Township of Pomfret Connecticut, Now located on Private property. Most common signs of ghostly presences in the village are voices of farmers, mothers calling their children, laughing children, whistling, talking, orbs of light, people swinging or sitting on trees, trails of energy, sounds of farm animals, footsteps. Most of these occur with full force around 10:00 to 11:00 at night in the graveyard or at the old mill.

Portland - Spooksville - There used to be an old Insane asylum there, if you go there the building no longer stands But you can still see the layout of the building. And some say that you can here the screams of the old patients. There is also an old bombsite there where they used to make and test bombs. - December update/correction: It was and old NIKE missile site that was built in the late 50's and early 60's that protected large cities like Hartford from Russian bomber strikes coming over from Russia via the north pole. There never was an insane asylum and there are two sites. The abandoned structure is the control center and the lower site is the magazine/launch area where the missiles were stored and launched.

Putnam - Blood cemetery - April 2007 Has been removed. There is no evidence that it exists.

Redding - Topstone Rd - a small field on the right of the train tracks before the overpass usually at night orbs of light and a lit tent vanishing.

Salem - Salem Town Hall - The Salem Town Hall is haunted by the spirit of a man who hanged himself on the radio tower. The ghost walks the hallways, slams doors, shuts off lights, locks doors, and walks up the old steps, which have been removed. Barometers rise and cold spots have been reported.

Seymour - Carousel Gardens - haunted by a woman who used to live there. It was a mansion converted into a restaurant in the mid 60's. Now the story is, that she lived there with her brother for many years, but they rarely spoke, and they say, for this reason, she haunts this place.

Seymaur - Great Hill Road - A few years back, a man was killed on his motorcycle while going around a sharp turn down Great Hill road. Its been reported that a man was driving down this road headed for this specific turn, and he saw the ghost of the motorcycle on his motorcycle only to see the cycle raise his hand to slow down and the man's car stalled.

Shelton - East Village Cemetery - While walking in, you will often hear a young girls voice, say hello, and then later, if you stay long enough you can see a dark shadow figure run and what seems to be hiding behind the grave stones, then when you are leaving you will again hear the young girls voice but be unable to understand her.

Shelton - Indian Wells State Park - Supposedly haunted by "white lady". Some say she was killed there on her wedding day, hence, the "white lady" title. Others insist she is one of several children/young people killed by a train while playing cards on the train tracks during the '30s' - February 2007 Additional information: there were 5 kids playing cards on the tracks that day; 4 were hit by the train and killed, the other died of fright.

Shelton - White Hill Cemetery - while walking through the cemetery you hear footsteps behind you but when you turn around there's no one there. also if you stay long you can see a white figure running around in the back of the cemetery. on your way out you can hear someone say bye see you again!

Simsbury - Chart House - Its an old restaurant that has the spirit of a woman, who is described as friendly, residing there. The employees like to tell stories about her; she does stuff like shut off lights if they've been left on, closing doors at closing time, that kind of thing.

Simsbury - Ensign Bickford - IN the north end of ensign Bickford there is a row of buildings that are reported to be haunted by an older worker of the plant. NO one is sure of his past but he makes himself Known every once in a while, cold spots and sounds ALWAYS accompany his arrival, also a white mist is seen there many times at night.

Somers - Durky Rd. - Man rumored to kill himself on water tower while on acid with friends by jumping is seen be people walking on the side of the road at 10:00 p.m. the rumored time of his death.

Southington - Meridan Ave. - It is an old funeral home. It is said that when it closed down a family moved in to the house, strange happening started occurring. The 2 boys lived in their room in the basement, which used to be the Morgue. The boys reported seeing people working on bodies of dead people, and one boy was possessed by a demon. They had to perform an exorcism on the house. Some people claim that you can still see ghosts of the dead people. It is also said that the sign that used top have the name of the funeral home next to the door, has been washed, painted over, everything, but it is still there.

Stratford - Phelps Mansion - Before the Mansion was built a lady named Goody Basset was burned at the stake for being a witch. After the house was built, lots of people have been drawn out of it. The legend is that if you stare in a mirror in the house, you will not see your face but Goody Basset's and she will prick your arm with a needle for staring at you. - November 2005 correction: Phelps was owned by Reverend Eliakim Phelps and his family in the 1800's. But the history of Phelps still intrigues people to this day. Reverend Eliakim Phelps was returning to his home on Elm street in Stratford after Sunday service on March 14,1850. With him was his wife, two sons ages three and eleven, and two daughters ages six and sixteen. When they entered the house, they found the interior in shambles. Furniture, food and expensive china had been strewn around the downstairs rooms, the Rev. Phelps first thought was that the house was burglarized, until he entered the dining room. He then concluded that demon spirits had entered his home.
- January 2007 Additional information: the house in Bridgeport on Lindley Street where in possibly 1971 even the police witnessed things such as the refrigerator hurling across the kitchen floor. It was on the TV news and newspapers and for weeks there was always a crowd gathered outside standing and waiting for something to happen that could be seen from the outside other than lights in the windows.

Stratford - Stratford Booth Memorial Park - A large area of negative energy is known to be haunted by a man who can be seen if photographed in a large white house in the top window.

Stafford Springs - Hamden Rd - Hamden Rd runs up a small mountain, ghosts like figures have been seen and felt walking through the woods (the mountain is populated but there is large areas of uninhabited forest)

Stepney - Stepney Cemetery - ghost photos have been taken there for quite some time.

Sterling/Voluntown - Pachaug State Forest - Hells Hallow – Maude's Grave -September 2005 Update/correction: Formerly listed as 3 separate listings, Maude's Grave can be approached far more easily from the Sterling end of Hell Hallow Road, and is actually on that side, not Voluntown. The grave is a pile of rocks about ten feet from the road (on the right side if you are coming from Sterling) that can be found from a cleared path. It can easily be visited without being bothered. Sightings of a 17 foot tall black flash have been seen, about 2 feet above ground, crossing the road in front of car headlights, and then chasing the car, in addition to everything already said. - An Indian girl was killed by English soldiers in the section of the forest. Ever since, cries attributed to her have been heard there. The ghost of a little girl named Maude has been appearing for 100 years on Hell Hollow Road near her gravesite. It is located along Hells Hallow Road. When riding in a car and her name is uttered by her gravesite, the car is supposed to either stall or crash. Observers have also seen orbs. Also, a man running through the woods at the same speed of the car was seen by a passenger in a vehicle. When walking on trails a heavy ominous presence can be felt and on the driving trail there are several patches of forest that are completely dead and in one location is a perfectly round pool of water that is lifeless just pure stagnation, it is said that this area was a host to witchcraft and satanic rituals being held.

Storrs - University of CT - Eddy dorm rm 501(Alumni Quad) - Inability to breath in dorm room, cold breezes when window was closed and hands squeezing shoulder.. tapping, and door rattling when nobody was inside.

Suffield - Kent mansion - The abandoned mansion has been seen with lights on and with shadows in the windows. Even in the carriage house. Update - The Carriage house has since been torn down. It is believed to be haunted by its past benefactor Sidney Albert Kent. Many occurrences of a mischievous conduct take place. Pictures fall and break. Light fixtures fall. Dogs scared of certain areas only at certain times. Lights mysteriously go on when they were known to be checked as off. Back hall too second floor has cold chilling sensation at times.

Thomaston - St. Thomas Church - The school and the church basement is haunted. in the basement you can see an orb glowing in the hallways, footsteps downstairs yet no one else is there. Also people have seen chairs and tables move down there. In the school you can feel a presence sometimes of another person, and everyone who went there refused to go in there at night. The school is now and many believe it to be haunted by a priest who preached there but died, and he left a million dollars for it to stay open.

Thomaston - Thomaston Opera House - Firehouse - Many year


"Avon - Avon Old Farms School - A little girl, friendly, appears early in the morning (around 3am)in one of the homes attached to the dorm. She often is looking for her mother, or playing in the 2nd floor of the house. She usually appears in the summer time. "

WHOA. I didn't know my hometown had a ghost! And hey! Josh! You live in the same state as me!

Come to think of it, my mom's in real estate... she might know most of these places. She sold a haunted house recently too, it was haunted by the spirit of an old woman. I went to the house, and I felt a chill in the haunted room, but I forget where it was. I wonder if it's on the list?

My friend Julia swears that her grandparents' house is haunted. They'd hear really loud banging on the basement door and sometimes on the windows.

Also, according to my little brother...

Salem - Gardner Lake - In the summer, people can hear piano music that sounds very far away - in fact, like it's coming from the bottom of the lake. Some people dove down there and found an entire house sitting at the bottom of the lake. They went in side and the furniture was perfectly intact...including an old piano in the corner of the parlor. There's nothing (no-one) down there to play it (unless you think the fish can). But no-one ever died in the house. The reason it got there is because the owner of the house hired a contractor to move it from one side of the lake to the other. So the contractor waited till winter, put the house on sleds (I don't get how he did it either...  :rolleyes), and pushed it over the frozen lake. All went as planned, but a little more slowly than expected. By the time they got it halfway across the lake, they were too tired to keep going. The next morning, one corner of the house had broken through the ice. They managed to save most of the lighter furniture, but the piano was too heavy to move. So when spring came around, the house melted, and the house floated around for a few hours before sinking.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Josh Massa

Sweet, I live in Meriden, I don't think that's too far from Avon. Haunted places = Josh Magnets, haha.


Anyone else ever legitimately ghost-hunt? I did so a few years back, and in Illinois there's plenty of hot-spots.

The prevailing memories of my friends screaming their precious heads off as we played back our recordings will never escape me.

Josh Massa

Well I would have attempted to get EVP's while I was in Undercliff Institution but all I had was my cell phone. I did however take pictures, but I'm not sure if I got anything. The most haunted places of that place seem to be the Shock Therapy building, and the attic and basement of the Insame Asylum.

Josh Massa

If you have any questions feel free to IM me on yim or AIM as well, but I would prefer you IMed me on AIM.

Unreliabel Dragon

My friend said he saw a ghost once. I think he said that the previous owner of his house had hung himself in the house. My friend said that one night he went to get water ,or I think he went to the bathroom, he saw the ghost of the previous owner of the house hanging from the same spot where he hung himself before.

Edit: I also remember that when I was in 6th grade the TV in one of my classes would turn itself on and the door opened itselfed once .

Josh Massa

Well that certainly sounds like it could have happened. Some people say you only see ghosts if you believe in them...but I say you only believe in them once you see one.

lucas marcone

I live in Chambersburg PA. You know the place that was burned to the ground twice during the civil war and the place that has a few buildings that have beens stinding since before then(fires missed a small chunk).
and the place thats a stones throw from ghettysburg. i belive our old jail house might be haunted.

if anyone could find me a page on hauntings in chambersbur PA so i might be able to check them out i would be grateful.

lucas marcone

"Berlin - Cedarcrest Mental Asylum - off of the Berlin turnpike there is an abandoned mental asylum surrounded by some woods.....if you go into it you can hear screaming and door slamming. "

there is a scientific explination for this. this is because of a vaccume effect. it acts like a wistle when the door shuts (normally happens when the door is 90% shut.) it sounds like a scream


ive got a good interest in this- i live in Wisconsin which has the most hauntings per mile of just about anywhere outside of Brittan, and i enjoy cryptology as a hobby.

however i will not list off all the local hauntings, doing so is the subject of an entire shelf of the local library. We've got everything, most numerous being poltergeists in the north woods and (peaceful) haunted movie theaters in the old cities, and occasional miscellaneous things like hairy hands in the windows of cars at night.

however i will bring up the subject of a photographer i heard of recently- there was a hospital with a wing devoted to treating the insane, and over many many years this wing fell into disuse despite the rest of the hospital running smoothly. not too long ago a photographer went into this modern hospital and followed some corridors not frequently used and found a horror movie about fifty feet from what looks like the set of ER. Everything is rusted, in ruins, and scattered as though it were a dimly lit battlefield, but that was not the discovery the photographer made. Turns out that many of the insane treated here were never claimed by loved ones when they died, so the hospital cremated them, put them in small metal cans, and put the cans into a vault. This vault was not waterproof, the cans tarnished in interesting ways, and almost none of the name tags are left. the photographer had an entire museum exhibit of interesting pictures of these cans and the surreal discoloration on them.

I am very hard pressed to think of anything more creepy then canned crazy people, except of course using it as a side dish. I would assume nobody wants to hang around to even find out if that place is haunted or not.

QuoteI am very hard pressed to think of anything more creepy then canned crazy people, except of course using it as a side dish.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

lucas marcone

if you could get me air fare and a place to park my tired ass id take a look at that place. all i have is a 6 mega pixel digi camera but i would be willing to try to prove/disprove hauntings most anywhere.



Hm, let's see if I can remember this. It was on some tv show a while back. They took people who said they were psychic or sensitive to ghosts to supposed haunted places around Australia.


Josh Massa

Quote from: lucas marcone on June 21, 2007, 01:17:58 AM
if anyone could find me a page on hauntings in chambersbur PA so i might be able to check them out i would be grateful.

I'll see what I can do for you Lucas.

King Of Hearts

In the Philippines, more prominent is the town of Siquijor for monsters... also Balete Drive with a White Lady... and Corregidor Island with ghosts from Soldiers who died in WWII.

There's also the town of Atimonan... when I was young and my Granma was assigned there as the School Supervisor, she would take me there for weeks and I would sleep in the Principal's office at night.
I always overheard the teachers talking about "Engkanto" or Earth Spirits that kept watch over me while I stayed there and that My grandmother kept the "duwende" away from me.


But that's just superstition.

lucas marcone


Looking at that long list that Josh posted I see one place I would really like to visit and that would be Dudleytown aka cornwall. It seems like the most interesting and probably because it was rated as one of the most haunted places in the us. Or at least thats what people have said they heard in the media.

Unreliabel Dragon

I was looking for anything about hauntings in Florida and I found something.
Olando-Rouse Road cemetery: Legends claim that the cemetery and nearby woods are haunted by Benjamin Miles,whose nightly presance is signalled by an owl screeching. It is said that he was buried in an unmarked grave and is very angry.
Orlando-Universal studio theme parks:Reports of a small, hooded ghost with glowing red eyes, at one attraction.
Orlando-Disney's magical kingdom:Reports of ghost at Disney's haunted mansion.Also, a ghost in slighty dated clothing, strolling in ront of the castle at the end of main street.

Orlando-Disney/MGM studios:One Report of a ghost seen in Disney's Tower of terror, in the lobby. Wacth for flutering movements in areas not affected by fans.         


Quote from: Unreliable Dragon on June 21, 2007, 10:25:07 PM
Olando-Rouse Road cemetery: Legends claim that the cemetery and nearby woods are haunted by Benjamin Miles,whose nightly presance is signalled by an owl screeching. It is said that he was buried in an unmarked grave and is very angry.

I fail to see how this qualifies as a haunting. I grew up in a nasty marshlands, full of screeching owls, howling coyotes, slithering/crawling creatures with glowing eyes, unidentified things that claw on your windows on moonless nights, eerie wailing on the winds...yet to the best of my knowledge the only things that died there were whatever small animals my father blasted with a shotgun and some slaughtered poultry. About two miles away was the swamplands where i know several people have died, and this is far creeper due to the willo-the-wisps that show up some nights... i almost got lured by one myself several times when i was young and lost in the night.

Quote from: Unreliable Dragon on June 21, 2007, 10:25:07 PMOrlando-Universal studio theme parks:Reports of a small, hooded ghost with glowing red eyes, at one attraction.

Before anyone makes a wisecrack i will formally state that i have never been to Florida.

Quote from: Unreliable Dragon on June 21, 2007, 10:25:07 PMOrlando-Disney's magical kingdom:Reports of ghost at Disney's haunted mansion.         

While i believe this is possible i have to ask "how can they tell?"

QuoteThe journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, a fall of a hundred feet starts with merely a stumble.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Josh Massa

due to the willo-the-wisps that show up some nights... i almost got lured by one myself several times when i was young and lost in the night.

What exactly are these Willo-The-Wisps you speak of? And how do they lure you? What happens if you get "lured" by them?


As I have not found one spefically in Chambersburg PA, I have found this site you might want to check out about the massivly amounts of haunted places in PA.


King Of Hearts

like balls of light... you start following them, next time you know you are waist deep in a swamp or worse.


The swamp emits methane gas as the vegetation decomposes.  The gas ignites through some process and you get little glowy lights as a result/

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yes, we get them in the Pine Barrens marshes.  They're an unusual phosphorescence, but always appear in boggy places around the world, which seems to me indicates a light-generating reaction from oxidation of reactive gasses from the constantly on-going decay of the marsh muck.

I've seen them in our marshes in years past when I had time to go tramping out at night, but fortunately I have rather greater night vision than most people, so I could see quite easily that it was over a squishy area.  The bluish-green glow is very much like what I've seen in after-effects of the burning of phosphorus-containing gasses, like phosphine.  

I don't know about them moving all over though.  The ones I've seen clearly flickered rather like slow-motion flames, but stayed over the same spot.  If people have poor enough night vision that they can't see they're heading into a bog, it could be merely an optical illusion with their brain not being able to really focus on the dim light of the wisps, which are constantly changing in brightness.

That being said, I have seen something that I could not explain other than a very powerful waking dream-type hallucination.  When I was younger, I had to get up for the bathroom in the middle of one night.  When I got my head up to look over the edge of my top bunk, there was a small green glowing orb about softball size trailing feathery appendages on the floor.  I froze instantly, and it seemed to turn to 'look' at me very briefly before dashing into my closet and disappeaing.

If I had been still half-asleep, I wasn't after that.  Suffice to say, my bladder did not get relief until daybreak.

I can chalk that up to hallucination, though, as I've had similar visual hallucinations involving giant spiders after waking from giant-spider nightmares as a child, and in recent years from my most severe episodes of glucose-intolerance-induced chronic fatigue.  I'll tell you, when your brain makes up a visual hallucination, it can be damn realistic-looking!  I was reaching for a door and walked into a wall one time.   :P
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Alondro on June 22, 2007, 08:34:32 AM
I can chalk that up to hallucination, though, as I've had similar visual hallucinations involving giant spiders after waking from giant-spider nightmares as a child, and in recent years from my most severe episodes of glucose-intolerance-induced chronic fatigue.  I'll tell you, when your brain makes up a visual hallucination, it can be damn realistic-looking!  I was reaching for a door and walked into a wall one time.   :P

That happened to me a lot.  It hasn't happened recently, but it has within the last year or two.  Usually it's spiders or snakes in the bed.

Ball lightning is another good one.  My grandmother saw some once.  No-one knows what it is or how it works, but I believe it's a plasma effect myself.

It is possible to create it - or something very much like it - using high powered RF fields.  Naudin's website has a method for producing plasma balls inside a microwave, and my father's former employer in  the 1950s managed to create some by accident while using a misaligned ex-military radar system in some kind of radio-astronomy experiment.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't know why I clicked on this thread, this stuff scares the shit out of me.

Though, according to my mother, I think I could figure out the date that my grandfather(granted, one who I've never met, and am only allowede to talk to one or two members of that family) died(two years ago, August.) He was found dead and the date of dead was unknown.

But, as some point in August, not too long before they found him, I saw a man standing outside my window... in the attic. Mom thinks that could have been him, trying to see one member of his family.
scared the hell out of me, and I couldn't sleep that night. >>

That also could have been me hallucinating. i've done that before, too.

I really wish i didn't beleive in this stuff, just because it scares me this much... But it still piques my curiosity, and thus continues to remind me how scared I am of shit like this.


Quote from: Miaka on June 22, 2007, 09:39:58 AM
I don't know why I clicked on this thread, this stuff scares the shit out of me.

Though, according to my mother, I think I could figure out the date that my grandfather(granted, one who I've never met, and am only allowede to talk to one or two members of that family) died(two years ago, August.) He was found dead and the date of dead was unknown.

But, as some point in August, not too long before they found him, I saw a man standing outside my window... in the attic. Mom thinks that could have been him, trying to see one member of his family.
scared the hell out of me, and I couldn't sleep that night. >>

That also could have been me hallucinating. i've done that before, too.

I really wish i didn't beleive in this stuff, just because it scares me this much... But it still piques my curiosity, and thus continues to remind me how scared I am of shit like this.

The so-called 'ghosts' are actually transdimensional entities called the 'Gelf' who are trying to get someone to open the portal to their dimension so they can invade and control the bodies of the dead!   :zombiekun2
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Josh Massa

Quote from: Alondro on June 22, 2007, 01:48:52 PM
The so-called 'ghosts' are actually transdimensional entities called the 'Gelf' who are trying to get someone to open the portal to their dimension so they can invade and control the bodies of the dead!   :zombiekun2

That's a rather odd way to put it. (this makes me wonder if Alondro is mentally sane  :3)