Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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In my case, Liz held back in front of Quaddle partly so his own name wouldn't get mocked, and partly out of a feeling of solidarity for people with weird names. But once he had the chance to say it, he couldn't really help himself. I think that's about all the comment they're going to have for now, though.  :) We'll stop.

EDIT: Oh, and one thing: Am I making Liz a little too soft? (I usually end up liking my villains, which ends up making them a bit less villainous.)
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Boogeyman on September 30, 2007, 06:04:01 PM
*shrugs* They're villains. Sensitivity isn't a big thing with them. Besides, what villain doesn't insult their foe? It's what they have to work with so far. They'll have more later.
*likewise shrug* yesh, I guess you're right...

In my case, Liz held back in front of Quaddle partly so his own name wouldn't get mocked, and partly out of a feeling of solidarity for people with weird names. But once he had the chance to say it, he couldn't really help himself. I think that's about all the comment they're going to have for now, though. :) We'll stop.
Well, I guess the reason I reacted like that was because I'm sort of surprised/shocked that you actually find that name so funny. I never imagined it would be like that. After reading the IC posts, I was completely off-guard, and did the smiley rant. But, if you guys do want to make more cracks about Quaddle's name to his face next time you see him, go right ahead :)

EDIT: Oh, and one thing: Am I making Liz a little too soft?
Well, with some of the things I have planned...
*evil grin*


He was an old contact and at times employer of hers who made it his business to know everything going on in what he simply called "the business." Time to see what there was on this "Quaddle" jackass...
Unless this guy's at least three hundred years old, it will sound like you're spouting gibberish to him. Quaddle's only been seen three centuries and ten cenuries ago, and he didn't go by that name, or form, then. He has had completely identities throught the ages.
Instead, try a fairy tale book. I garuntee, you might find something in there...

Do you mind if I make one or two lines of dialogue for this informant for you?


He's not quite that old, but may have heard something here or there. He's a magic user himself, and Quaddle hasn't thus far struck me as the subtle type. Capable of covering his tracks until he doesn't have to, yes, but everyone leaves a trail somewhere.
Sure, so long as you don't overdo it. This guy, Ace, is a villain character I've used in a lot of stories. Mastermind sorta guy, works with white magic a lot. Professional supervillain, with apprentices and everything, and he tends to give the impression of condescendinly knowing just a BIT more about what's going on than whoever he's talking to.


Quaddle has left a trail, but not the kind that's traceable. Like you said, he isn't really that subtle, but like I said, he's in children's folklore, not history. He isn't quiet, he's simply causes the kind of things that no one believes. That and he goes by a different form and identity every time he needs to make himself known.

However, what I've thought of for this guy to know shouldn't be a problem.


I didn't sit next to you, I sat at the table Liz and crystal are at. Boogey's character is up at the counter/bar area.




Whatever it was, it was apparently prone to acts of charity. Wiping out dragons, putting a stop to a crusade...
Actually, the second crusade was supposed to be a good thing. The point there was that Quaddle actually attacked the good guys!

With a sigh the madwoman closed the book and tucked it under her arm, grabbing the other three on an afterthought. He'll probably want these back.
I was meaning for you to keep them, so you could show them to the others...

I added a little to the last part to make it clear:
   This man was old, very old, had a very long, white beard, and dressed in a long white-and-blue robe. His face was nothing like Quaddle's, but, sure enough, the old man was holding the staff.
   Quaddle's Staff.
   But this was conflicting! If Quaddle actually stopped the good guys, then just who's side is he on?!?


Dunno about the second one. A crusade is a crusade; my understanding was that they'd wipe out all people considered bad, and that falls under genocide. People can do bad things for good reasons, but that makes them no less bad things. Just Anastasia's impression.


Oh, well, that's what I meant it to be. in any case, I added a little. (look above)


Regardless, that's the impression Anastasia got. Really, did she strike you as someone who was a big fan of religion?


Alright. Maybe Liz or Daemon will get it instead.


Just a notice: Once again, I am going to be MIA for a little bit, this time due to a serious misunderstanding. Bad news, unlike last time, you probably won't see a peep of me unless I get really lucky. Good news, unlike last time, I will be back much sooner, Friday absolutely.

Sorry :<


I'm back. For good this time :boogie Yay!

B-Angel, I'm pretty sure Liz would be interested in the new 'information' that Ani has from that book. I want to see what Liz will make of it... >:3
You might want to add in Liz taking a look at the stories and drawings himself.


Okeydokey. Fixed it. Not perfect, but I blame that on the distracting environment right now.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


*sits, silently waiting for Miaka to respond*

Anyone up for a game of cards?


Just a heads-up peeps, see if you all can try to wrap  up what you're doing and cop out to morning. I need to get the Heroes to our secret hideout and finally bring in our final member, whos' been waiting a really long time to get in, ever since the Hero's League started, in fact.

familyghost/Release, you're best bet would probably be to find and hook up with your allies, Anistasia, Daemon, and Liz, who seem to be heading for Liz's house for now, and hang out with them for now.


Yeah, TG, I'll do my best do get over there.




sorry to be gone for so long if i can return to the net/ forums soon i'll let you all know but for now things are kind of rough
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


It's ok. For now I think most of us are just assuming that your demon guy is just hiding and being mysterious ;)

lucas marcone

i think it's about time for the boss and his new friend to hit a hotel or something for the night.


Ack!  My internet is being cut off tomorrow and I won't have it back for at least a week!


Ouch. I sure know what that's like... don't worry buddy, it's not a problem :)


And here it is 3 days after they were supposed to turn it off and...

They were bluffing?


Don't trust the cable company.....and don't tell them anything they dont need to be told either. Words to live by.  :mwaha

Quoteand what he was fairly certain was another human.

My character isn't inside the diner, he is waiting outside near a lamp post.  :P


Oh I missed that then I'll go correct it


Reminder to villains, just asking if you could try to keep the introductions and explanations somewhat brief, so you can crash at Liz's place as planned. When you do that, we can finally switch to morning. The Heroes won't be reaching their destination until then. Say everything that needs to be said, but just try not to go on and on.
I'm just giving you a friendly nudge :) That is all.

lucas marcone

yeah i still have to lay out the frame work for red's personality.

lucas marcone