Kryptic's Clipboard

Started by Kryptic, June 05, 2007, 07:46:15 PM

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Welcome to my Clipboard - basically my stash of artsy-stuff. Mostly doodles, but I may come up with the rare fiction stuff, and I play all sorts of music too - so maybe a little sound thrown in here or there.

My "Clipboard" is named such because I'm notorious in my circle of friends for carrying around a clipboard with a few notebooks and a stack of printer paper - devoted to my sketches. So, here's the online version.

About my art: I have extreme problems when I try to do digital art, sadly enough. I wish it weren't so - but it is. I don't do a lot of fan-art, and I'll take the occasional request; but I'll probably delay it to high-heaven, and produce something not-so-cool.

Featured Doodle:

This is one of my few attempts at coloring on the computer - I know it's messy. But this is the picture that got clipped down to be my avy. The multitudes of possibilities that this expression is alludes even me - I first sketched it in frustration of not being able to draw some kangaroo-thing, but she turned out pretty cute.

About the Character: This is Audacity - my main little girl. She's a blue merle, tan-point Cardigan Welsh Corgi. She doesn't have any fancy abilities, though she does seem to get very cute very fast. ^^ And her ears are huge-normous. Because she's a corgi. Yup, yup!

Well, here's the pile - Sort through it at your whim.
Update:Baiye Thumbs Up - Inked Lineart
Chibi Audacity - CG'd!
Regular Audacity - Colored Pencil
Four-Legged Audie - Colored Pencil
Legend of Zelduh - Paint Doodle
Akamaru in Hoodie - Pencil Doodle
What I call the "Boredom Aussie" - Pencil Doodle
Subeta Pet named Alexandris - Pencil
My Subeta Pets - Pencil Doodles
Humanized Subeta Pets - Pencil
Juno Profile - Pencil
Mikrit Revamped - Pencil
Tsuka Christmas - Pencil Doodle
Corgi Armor - Pencil Concept Sketches
Angel Aussie 1 - Pencil
Angel Aussie 2 - Pencil
Bleach OC - Pencil Concept Sketches
Unfinished Kiba/Akamaru Fanart - Pencil/CG
Kiba Krazy Fan - Pencil/CG
Risa - Pencil/CG

More Coming Soon!


Nice. I think the chibi you use as an av is the cutest one, though.



Quote from: Zedd on June 05, 2007, 08:25:44 PM
Goggles are love!

Yup. ^^ Now I need to go find that sheet of shots I did with developing the goggles. And I need to find a way to get a real pair....

Unreliabel Dragon

All of your art looks great. I really like the ones with Kiba and Akamaru. :)


Thanks - I'm the biggest Kiba fangirl there ever was. >,<

And I found those goggle concepts. They're sweet.



Thanks for the help, but these are more along the lines of steampunk goggles - albeit slightly oval shaped. I just need to find decent "lenses" for 'em, and I can make the straps myself...




Kryptic Updates:

This is the lineart for my Character, Baiye, from the Brotherhood of the Machine RP. (As a note, it's shrunk down. Here's the link to it full-size)

She's just a really geeky human in a world of machines and technology. She has a "Cainoid" - or Canine Android - by the name of Gidget that she made and pals around with. They tend to pick on each other.  :giggle

Baiye's colored version, as well as some of Gidget, are forthcoming. ^^


Its nice how you made her gloves