The next Fantasy Battle?

Started by Xuzaf D, January 24, 2006, 03:48:47 PM

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Xuzaf D

I'm no Turtles fan and I haven't even been near the whole franchise since... uhhh... '96 maybe, but I can see plain as day that the new show is not even in the same hemisphere as the old one. Who is that show targeting if the action is too much for five year olds, but the writing is along the lines of Nick Jr. (minus the part where someone actually learns something)?


Seriously. They totally missed the mark. They should have realized that the prime majority of fans are still fans, and making a show that respects the fandom, not insults their intelligence, would be the right way to go...

But then, Next Mutations made the same mistake, so it's pretty obvious the people in charge of the franchise haven't got two shits worth of brains.

Xuzaf D

These days it's about selling those little toys, and entertainment levels have been sacrificed at the Temple "R" Us just to make sure those sales stay where they need to be. Even the first two episodes of Beast Wars Transformers reaked of the horrible funk of advertisement. A decade later we now have the entire transformers show devoted to redundant name dropping and transformation sequences that replace the time that once was filled with actual charactor moments and plot.

anyway... Turtles Vs the MGS3 bosses.


Rock and Roll Racing vs RC Pro Am.

Xuzaf D

That was an unexpected choice.

I hate to say it, but I'm not picturing a real A-list for team Konami.

Square Enix vs. Smash Bros.
wanted match: any Cid vs. Fox


Dancer vs Jigglypuff?

Lost Vikings vs. Maniac Mansion


Xuzaf D


no not solid snake, Big Boss he'd kick the crap out of flash.



Ninja turtles Vs. Power rangers

Xuzaf D

Who are your Square-Enix favorites? All things considered... many charactors from the Final Fantasy could easily have additional costume charactors. Dragoons, summoners, black/white/red/blue mages, knights, ninjas, and samurai are all job classes that have shown up plenty of times.

Blue mage Vs Mega Man Vs Kirby Vs Mokujin


I actually prefer the Red mage to the Blue mage.

I would say an idea teamup would be Red Mage vs Link vs Vile. It's a nice diversity, and each has their strengths the others don't have. Link is great at up close, with some limited ranged attacks. Red is betetr at ranged, but he can do up close. Vile is the weakest up close, but he could possibly fly, and he's got great range.

Xuzaf D

Damn... have no idea who vile is.


Xuzaf D

I wonder if they might go for another Mega Man collection soon. I know that collection would logically have Mega Man Legends and probably some random crap like checkers or whatever useless titles they put MM in.

...I just got the first collection by the way, so it will be a while before I can seriously go after the X collection.


Of the two, the X collection is the one I'm more intrested in.

As for the random Collection, I wouldn't doubt it eventually coming out. They still have Mega Man Soccer to release. I hated the Legends games though. Sluggish controls made that game totally unplayable for me.


Yoshi vs. godzilla vs. peniszilla


I wanna see the Peniszilla Edition of Rampage!

Xuzaf D

Why is it so few get involved in these threads?

Anyway, whatever the game, I think there should be some kind of profile area so we know where everybody is from. I can't imagine that everyone who would buy the game would know every charactor.


Sorta like what they did with the trophy area in Smash Bros?


Hey that was cool It brouht back all of those old nes games I used to and still play... ( plays Excite Bike)

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Darkmoon on February 04, 2006, 10:51:50 AM
Sorta like what they did with the trophy area in Smash Bros?
Similar yes. All I need is a pic and a paragraph or two about who the hell some of these people are. Marvel Vs Capcom 2 had 56 charactors, and I'll be damned if I knew them all. Even a small data box located on the charactor select screen would be appreciated so long as they could list the game of origin.


Yeah, that makes sense.

Actually, with the sucess of Smash Bros, I'm just amazed there haven't been MORE huge crossover fighting games.

Xuzaf D

There was DreamMix TV and Namco x Capcom. I don't rightly recall either being in the local stores though...


Yeah, they weren't big releases... I'd expect more BIG releases.

Xuzaf D

...capcom fighting jam...

yeah... there hasn't been any big ones.


And even if Capcom had been a big a release, they are whores for fighting games. It wouldn't really count as part of this new way of games.

Xuzaf D

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 had more capcom charactors the capcom fighting jam did. That alone is an obvious problem. Considering how much is offered from more modern games by way of combatants, 30 seems to be a minimum for any fantasy battle if it comes from capcom or namco.
I'd expect at least 50 if the game is 2D.


Seriously, I don't know how Nintendo can do anything less than DOUBLE the roster from SSBM for the next game. What with costume changes/duplicate characters, the Big N can easily find a way to double what they already set out with.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber