Greetings, For I Am Here!

Started by Sorda The Fallen, May 24, 2007, 08:06:34 AM

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Sorda The Fallen

Well, Id on't know why I did this but to say hi. And to say that never fear, for I am here. And just to clarify, you can post stories about anything in the Art section, right? Anyone Inform me if I'm doing something wrong, cause the only other forums I go on are the one my friend made where he argue all the time and the firum of a nearby hobby centre so I'm not used to most forums.

And once again, GREETINGS MORTALS!

llearch n'n'daCorna

... we're mortal? When did that happen?

As for what you're allowed to do - read the rules. If they don't have the answers, look in the forum in question for a Rules thread. If you're still unsure, ask, and one of the admins or moderators will answer...

Oh, and mind out for muffins, boxes, Bills, and anyone who warns you to watch out for anything. They're not to be trusted, and are probably up to something.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sorda The Fallen

Oh, I'll be careful. I am a master of Paranoia. Face my paranoidiel Wrath!

llearch n'n'daCorna

You trusted my warning?

Obviously you're not -nearly- paranoid enough...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Lately many things which I've been paranoid about have turned out to be correct.  I'm starting to believe it's some kind of sixth sense...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hello. What's a hobby centre? Is it something like a culture center, with workshops and the likes?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

llearch n'n'daCorna

A place to buy thing to use in crafting hobbies - glue, sticks, little shiny things, bent pieces of wood, materials, paper, cardboard, that sort of thing.

You get the idea?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Hello, welcome to the forum. I do wish you'll accept a basket of muffins as a token of my good will to you.

Now excuse me while I run off to hide in the nearest available nuclear bunker. :rj

Please remember to enjoy the muffins!


Well hello there...Im just a kind guy wants to give you a warming hello and good day...And note this...Beware who you call mortal here >:]


 Oh, mortals aren't all that bad, really. Why, with the right amount of seasoning and proper preperation, they're downright tasty. *grins, showing all the needle teeth*

But I digress. Welcome to the forum, Sorda. No warnings, just a hearty greeting and hopes that you enjoy being here.


Newbies always travel in packs, don't they? Please leave your sanity in the provided receptacle by the door, play nice, yadda yadda.
By the way, if you're big on paranoia, you're in the right place. Trust me, there are too many things to look out for; you'll never feel safe again :mwaha


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hello, welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Sanity is optional, but not recommended.

Quote from: RJ on May 24, 2007, 11:01:31 AM
Please remember to enjoy the muffins!

By "enjoy", you should take to mean "if they begin ticking or sizzling, put them down immediately and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!"

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy your stay.

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

Metal Juggernaut

Hi,have a nice time here...*whispers*!!!!...they're listening... :mowdizzy


"Hide the stash, it's the heat!"



I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll just go listen to some Nine Inch Nails. Hand that feeds, muthafriggaz!