A late night entry...

Started by Swift-Skink, May 12, 2007, 08:11:43 AM

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EDIT: Woot! Changed my name! Ellyriun is more fitting then Swift-Skink :boogie!


Hello everybody, hello and well met. My name is... Displayed to the left of this post, so I don't need to type it for you. You however, distingushed people of The Clockwork Mansion, may call me Swift, Skink, or SS. Doubtless you would have called me by one of those names anyway, but now you have permission! Yay, isn't that wonderful?

Now, I give you fair warning, I tend to right long-winded and rambling introduction posts... And most other kinds of posts too. Since I spent a paragraph talking about my name, you may have geussed that. So I give you fair warning, if your attention span is short, FLEE! RUN WHILE YOU CAN! AND DON'T LOOK BACK, IT SLOWS YOU DOWN!

Still here then? Right, let's get on with it...

I'm 16, live in New Zealand, and I've been following DMFA since Strip #556. Is it not sad that I remember that :P?  I enjoy reading book's, playing game's, using the computer (A lot), all that is nature, writing, and roleplaying. I used to enjoy dancing too (Being in fact a national title winner in Ballroom Dancing... But it lost all sembalance of fun, and I left to persue other intrests...) There's lot's of other things, but I'm writing a message, not a book :). I also spend far too much time on Wikpedia, and other wiki's come to it. I'd in fact like to consider myself a savant, and regardless of the fact's, would like YOU to consider me one too... Please? I need this (I jest :P).

I'm rather new to the anthro/ furry world. No, I'll rephrase that. I've known about the furry-fandom for quite some time, and have done some reading on it, but this is the first step into that world. Even so, this is more of a webcomic forum, so I'm taking very small steps :P. Actully, were I to ever manage to get to Anthrocon, I would imagine myself as more of a... How to put it... Prehaps Jane Goodall like? I mean, I'd probably have a notebook out and be noting things like "There is a large proportion of the feline and canine genus, in fact far outweighing the equus and mus genus's. Prehaps the former is equipped with a larger libido? More reserch is required..." And "The Legamorph fursonas are amazingly easy to arouse. Indeed, they appear remarkably similer to they're four-legged counterparts. More research is required..."

My apoligies to the rabbit fursona's, if I have offended you...

Anyway back on topic. Umm, that's about all I can think of actully, though prehaps I should note, I do not consider myself crazy. Everything I say and do is entierly logical, and people would see that, if only they would stop asking stupid questions like "But how are we going to get all those monkeys into lederhosen?" And they call me deluaded... :P

Oh deah, I wandered again, how sad. Anyway, that's about all, I think. I've probably forgotten a great number of things, but that's not important. Hello again, and, well... Goodnight!



Darn, I knew I should have kept it simple...

"First time poster, long time reader, seek's forum for longterm relationship. Must love cookies."

Thoguh having lurked in this forum for a while, I would fear the results  :U



In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...



Some common garden skink porn to get everybody in the mood

Mmm... bugs...



As an Aussie, I am required to make a witty comment against your country.

*insert witty comment about New Zealand here*


Oh yes, umm...

*Insert witty retort about Australian's here, probably involving wallabies*


*declaration that the New Zealand accent is strange*


*insert joke about kiwis here*


Quote from: Swift-Skink on May 12, 2007, 08:11:43 AM
I'm rather new to the anthro/ furry world. No, I'll rephrase that. I've known about the furry-fandom for quite some time, and have done some reading on it, but this is the first step into that world. Even so, this is more of a webcomic forum, so I'm taking very small steps :P
Yep, that's the way to go.  Welcome aboard.

QuoteActully, were I to ever manage to get to Anthrocon, I would imagine myself as more of a... How to put it... Prehaps Jane Goodall like? I mean, I'd probably have a notebook out and be noting things like "There is a large proportion of the feline and canine genus, in fact far outweighing the equus and mus genus's.
I've chickened out twice so far.  This time I'm going for it, but I definitely understand where you're coming from.
It's going to be like that line from Fear and Loathing - "Sure as hell there's some dope-dealing bomb freak in this town who's going to recognise me and put the word out that I'm out here partying with a thousand furries!"  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Swift-Skink on May 12, 2007, 10:24:52 AM
Oh yes, umm...

*Insert witty retort about Australian's here, probably involving wallabies*

Better than one involving sheep. Or snakes.

Welcome to the forum, and have a nice day. I'd warn you to watch out for Bill, but it's too late, he's already got a free shot. And I'd suggest you watch out for RJ, and her muffins, but she made a hook shot and got out through the concession stands. And I'd warn you to watch out for anyone telling you to watch out for anyone or anything, but I'm just grandstanding....

Incidentally, did you know that Uluru was intended to be a giant statue of Queen Victoria, but since it's the southern hemisphere, when it was shipped there, it arrived upside down, and was too heavy to turn over?

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hi there watch the first and last step there....Their all broken in 12 cubic meters  ;)


Wow, thank's everybody for the welcome's and the warning's...

Mostly the warnings ;)


*gasp* I forgot!

*hands over a basket of muffins* Enjoy! *runs*

llearch n'n'daCorna

*runs after RJ*

.. Not because I want to catch her, but because I want to know where minimum safe distance is. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 13, 2007, 02:36:10 PM
*runs after RJ*

.. Not because I want to catch her, but because I want to know where minimum safe distance is. :-]

You mean there is a safe place from RJ's muffins? :disbelief

Oh, and... Greetings, Swift.

*follows RJ and llearch*
This generic comment was brought to you by:


This title is very misleading..... :<

Quote from: Darkmoon on May 12, 2007, 09:12:48 AM

Well, up until this came around...



Quote from: BillBuckner on May 13, 2007, 04:16:54 PM
Get out of the gutter.

But that'd require leaving the forums for good. o:

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: ITOS on May 13, 2007, 03:35:49 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 13, 2007, 02:36:10 PM
.. Not because I want to catch her, but because I want to know where minimum safe distance is. :-]

You mean there is a safe place from RJ's muffins? :disbelief

I doubt it, but if there is, RJ will be headed there. So... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears





Could I tempt you back with some delicous... Smoldering  :erk... Muffins?

Jim Halisstrad

Hiding inside someone is the new fad of the double zeros.