Weird Dream involving another forumite's character.

Started by KarlOmega1, May 02, 2007, 12:56:31 PM

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I still think that dreaming about Ink is pretty gay. Freudian forces are at work here, and I am surprised there hasn't been some sort of italicized cackling going on yet.


People sure are taking what Netami says seriously, these days. Eventually you'll learn that Netami is a troll, and ignore him like the rest of the forum.


Don't stop there!

People should listen to Zina, for she is wise and rarely wrong about these sorts of things.


Too true, too true.
Glad we had this little talk.


Educating the community is my TOP priority.

That and taking tolls. Trolls take tolls.




T_T I am not discouraged, however! My fighting spirit will never be diminished! I will make comments about gayness until the sun burns out and darkness covers the land!


I thought that's what you've always done.
Though lately you haven't been very funny. Please try harder to be funny. If I have to read attempts at trolling, it helps if I crack a smile here and there.
No on likes an unfunny troll.
Just sayin', is all.


The road to disappointment is to try and please everyone. You're very hard to please, sorry!  :cry


If I giggle at the word "duty", then I'm not hard to please.
So, what I'm trying to say here, and is that you're posts will be ten times more hilarious and worthwhile if you just wrote "duty" over and over.
Give it a shot! You'll never know unless you try.


Sorry, I'm just no good at pleasing a lady. Maybe in another lifetime, my love~

And besides, you're getting off topic here! The forum prides itself on consistancy, after all: We need to talk about having dreams about forumites.

Anything about me lately?  :love1


No, but if you pay me I'll give you a cameo next time.
I have no idea what you look like, so I'll just have your part played by Rosie O'Donnell, or something. Sound good?


Quote from: Zina on May 03, 2007, 11:11:19 PMSo, what I'm trying to say here, and is that you're posts will be ten times more hilarious and worthwhile if you just wrote "duty" over and over.

Ladies and gentlemen, today's vocabulary word is ``beable.''

There's also ``doidy,'' which may be better because it causes a small dog named Spot to explode if he doesn't say it constantly.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?




Last night I dreamt about being stuck in an elevator that was going up too fast in this really high building on a dark and stormy night with some of the forumites in the elevator with me!  But, one of the buttons had just shorted out and the elevator went all the way up to the top, so we all ended up on the roof... and then we took the stairs all the way back down, which we were complaining about... *cough*  My dreams are too realistic to be any fun.   :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

King Of Hearts

It means you are gay...

...or want to do your mother... Im not sure, Freud wasnt clear on that. j/k


Really, Here I thought all dreams were about desire, or memory recall. But, now that I know your dreams are about being gay, I don't want to do it anymore.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


i have dreams about the goobers here. seriously, you guys are almost half the people i know online, and your antics amuse me.

however my dreams include a wider variety of people

often involves hot guy-on-guy action, you will never guess who

violence abounds
"ha! you are fuzzy, we must fight!"
"actually i just shaved, look at how smooth and shiny my chest is"
"AIEEEE! *splurt*"
"ive got a sword in my face....SWORD IN FACE DANCE!"

and the theme music seems to be a cross between super mario and ghost busters.

QuoteThe power of pie compels you
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


My dreams are like a good collection of movies... mind bendingly ponderous, sexual, or violent.  :)


I once dreamt that I was making toast. Yes. Standing in front of the toaster waiting. Not even the exciting part of "Putting the bread in". When I woke up I did briefly consider suicide, but decided to drink more the following evening.

Oh dear.


I had a dream entirely in text once, or one that involved my line of vision so close to the dream was of myself reading said text. I was in a goddamn chatroom. Bad times, bad times. I think it would have been on the "You know you're wasting your Jr. High school years when..." list.


I recently dreamt that the left signal on my car wasn't working. The light would turn on, but it wouldn't blink or click from what I could see on the dashboard.

/kicks the internet over
