4/25/07 Furrae Fashion 3

Started by Roureem Egas, April 24, 2007, 09:57:52 PM

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There's most likely a hole for skirts too. Otherwise it'd be a bit uncomfortable.

What I wonder about is body armor and full body suits (like space suits or something).


I see no reason for skirts to have a hole in them, as the tail is an extension of the spinal column, and would(maybe not in DMFA, I'm not the resident biologist there)most probably simply proceed straight down, naturally.  Most animal tails begin in the direction that the spinal column was in when it ended.(now we're treating the path from the head to the tail as a timeline.  Interesting.)

I think with space suits, you're stuck with your tail down your pants leg.  A little uncomfortable, but better than hard vacuum.  This is, of course, assuming Furrae has space traval in the first place.  Full body armor probably has barding for the tail, similar to that on a horse's head.


            Velcro can be a wonder for pants . Infinitely adjustable to the needs of the user, it can be used to attach one bit of cloth to another piece of cloth, so you can always adjust your pants. However, It can mistake a hair for a bit of cloth, and so attach itself to all those hairs. How do you seperate velcro from hair or fur ? With much pain ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...


We've already discussed the Velcro thing, it won't stick to hair/fur unless it's in very small curls, like Velcro is.


Eatch time you mock a skirt...Dakata kicks a puppy


Quote from: Fuyudenki on April 25, 2007, 02:13:06 AM
I see no reason for skirts to have a hole in them, as the tail is an extension of the spinal column, and would(maybe not in DMFA, I'm not the resident biologist there)most probably simply proceed straight down, naturally.  Most animal tails begin in the direction that the spinal column was in when it ended.

Yes, but unless you have perpetual tail endurance, tails tend not to be stationary objects.

Subconscious or not, if it curls upward, there will be a definite panty shot for miniskirts. (Subject: Catgirl in Japanese anime schoolgirl outfit. Shock drives her tail upward, shocked catgirl then gets embarrassed by the perverted gazes behind her.)

For long skirts, raising your tail from under the skirt has this tendency to pull the skirt and consequently hamper movement by somewhat binding your thighs together.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Quote from: Rafe on April 24, 2007, 11:47:26 PM
If you've ever had a conversation with her, you'll see that her mind for details is really something to see in action.  It's amazing the amount of stuff she has worked out in her head for DMFA.  THIS is the real Amber, and we're damned lucky that she uses her powers of obsessive detailing for good instead of evil (well, mostly).

I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  This amazing depth is one of the reasons I love DMFA so much.

And while I try to think things through in detail myself, the thing about zips and fur just didn't occur to me at all...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 25, 2007, 04:36:45 AM
Quote from: Rafe on April 24, 2007, 11:47:26 PM
If you've ever had a conversation with her, you'll see that her mind for details is really something to see in action.  It's amazing the amount of stuff she has worked out in her head for DMFA.  THIS is the real Amber, and we're damned lucky that she uses her powers of obsessive detailing for good instead of evil (well, mostly).

I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  This amazing depth is one of the reasons I love DMFA so much.

My annoyance with it is merely a sideline - I don't know what names Amber has assigned to various bit parts, so I can't put them into the script. Which is totally irrelevant to my enjoyment of the comic. :-]

Quote from: Fuyudenki on April 25, 2007, 02:13:06 AM
I think with space suits, you're stuck with your tail down your pants leg.  A little uncomfortable, but better than hard vacuum.  This is, of course, assuming Furrae has space traval in the first place.  Full body armor probably has barding for the tail, similar to that on a horse's head.

That would depend on the armour, and the tail, I expect.

I mean - if you have a prehensile tail, you're going to be seriously upset if someone can damage it. Also, you're going to want to use it to damage -them-, so heavier flexible armour would be useful.

If you have a gripping tail, you're going to want to take that into account (think possum) or, if it's likely to wag, you're going to want to not put too much weight on it and overbalance yourself.

The other thing to note is that you could put -more- weight on the frontal armour if you balance it with the tail, but then, there's other issues involved with that (the "turtle" effect, when the guy in steel falls over, and can't get back up without help, or the horseback issue, since fully armoured knights in plate were unable to get onto the horse without assistance, either...)

Remember, folks - various forms of armour are for different tasks. In a pitched melee, you -need- to be able to duck and dodge and weave, and somewhat less steel is a requirement for that.

Most suits of armour were custom-built for the wearer. The less-constrictive stuff, like greaves and breastplates and shoulder pads (I know that's not the name, but it escapes me just now) were designed as bulk-build, but also not designed to be used as a full cover - they had gaps, which means you have to watch the gaps.

Mail would also be of use, but again, there's that fur issue...

.. I wonder, actually, how much fun could be had sitting down and discussing some particular detail of something in minutiae... :-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

MT Hazard

Matilda seems to be looking at us while rolling her third eye, I wonder how much control you'd have over extra eyes.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: Fex on April 25, 2007, 01:58:51 AM
hopefully we get underwear next  >:3 gaaaaaah *drools*

Underwear? Why bother?


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2007, 04:45:11 AM
shoulder pads (I know that's not the name, but it escapes me just now)


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2007, 04:45:11 AM
I mean - if you have a prehensile tail, you're going to be seriously upset if someone can damage it. Also, you're going to want to use it to damage -them-, so heavier flexible armour would be useful.

I've got a doberman character in the works for one of my stories and this made me wonder if the well-'ard canids go in for tail-docking.  It might be like getting a tattoo or something, and it would certainly reduce your profile on the battlefield.

Looking at KoH's neat picture of Paladin on the rooftop, his wings make him a bigger target as well.  Of course he could shapeshift those away, and the tail too.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Tapewolf in Kevin and Kell
(yeah it's anouther comic but it seems like a good referance)
Taildocking does seem to be in the leauge of tattooing and body peircings, along with notches and Bites out of ears

I wonder is Rabbits with such small fairly imobile tails would bother with the holes

edited for groggy screw ups

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on April 25, 2007, 07:46:10 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2007, 04:45:11 AM
shoulder pads (I know that's not the name, but it escapes me just now)

Yes, I think that was it. Thanks. :-]

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 25, 2007, 08:13:53 AM
I've got a doberman character in the works for one of my stories and this made me wonder if the well-'ard canids go in for tail-docking.  It might be like getting a tattoo or something, and it would certainly reduce your profile on the battlefield.

Well... being well-'ard, you can imagine them getting all -sorts- of painful adaptations. Removing a tail, though? Whilst, as a human, that seems reasonable, thinking about it, that would affect balance, and ability to run, and jumping, and fighting, and probably other things too, and seems possibly a little on the "I'm -too- tough for my own good" level.

Then, of course, there's the references in "Zig Zag: The Story" to some, uh, slightly more adult uses for a tail, to whit, enjoying the feeling of someone running their hands over it. Removing it in that case seems more like circumcision than docking - although I'll admit that Zig Zag has a slightly more impressive tail than your average doberman or Manx cat... Varying per species, maybe? Some feeling it's like a piercing, others more like removing a finger?

Details, details. :-] Bearing in mind that some places, removing your own finger or something is a sign of being a man, or so I gather... I could well be wrong, but there's all sorts of strange practices out there.

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 25, 2007, 08:13:53 AM
Looking at KoH's neat picture of Paladin on the rooftop, his wings make him a bigger target as well.  Of course he could shapeshift those away, and the tail too.

Mmm. Personally, sniping someone, you'd want to shapshift your spine into a pretzel, so you can put as much of yourself behind cover as possible. Perhaps shapeshift into a slug, or something, so that you can put an eye and a rifle over the corner, and keep the rest hidden?

Alternatively, invisibility is a good one - shapeshift your colours to match the sky behind you. Obviously, this requires practice, and sneakiness, and some variance, and some idea of where your target is, otherwise you start showing up like nothing on earth, but some intelligent colouration changes would break up your profile something chronic, and make you nearly impossible to see. Particularly if you can do the octopus thing, and -move- the colours as you sit.

.. perhaps I'm just naturally sneaky?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Rafe on April 24, 2007, 11:47:26 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on April 24, 2007, 10:10:24 PM
This just reinforces my conviction that Amber is a detail Nazi.

You noticed that, huh?  If you've ever had a conversation with her, you'll see that her mind for details is really something to see in action.  It's amazing the amount of stuff she has worked out in her head for DMFA.  THIS is the real Amber, and we're damned lucky that she uses her powers of obsessive detailing for good instead of evil (well, mostly).

That's the thing I appreciate most about her.  Details are incredibly important in writing fiction.  Why do you think LoTR has been a mega-classic?  The detail Tolkien went into when designing that world is staggering when you look into his notes and biography.  I mean, he made entire languages for it!  

I too am a detail freak.  Things in my stories must progress in a logical manner and make sense (the intense training as a scientist has helped hone that, but it's something innate as well), as well as what is said, how the characters interact and respond.  In fact, many of my ideas have stalled simply because I can't make certain things fit together in a reasonable way, and thus I conclude that it FAILS and must be abandoned... plus I'm too busy with work and my graduate paper on IGF-I's etiologic role in late-onset type 2 diabetes with a skeletal muscle hypotrophic phenotype to spend enough time on amateur writing anymore.   :B

All that being said, with all the fur/scale/skin/fire and such, the massive differences in physiology and form, and the numerous requirements for magic, it would appear that one needs degrees in engineering and physics to enter the fashion world in Furrae!   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



I have the question for this Boxer or Briefs and my other question does Alexsi wear a thong or Falina or Kria or Lorenda inquiring minds wants to know but of the issue of the tail going through the hole it should be standard to all maner in cluding underwear  :dribble  >:3.


Quote from: RJ on April 25, 2007, 06:20:01 AM
Quote from: Fex on April 25, 2007, 01:58:51 AM
hopefully we get underwear next  >:3 gaaaaaah *drools*

Underwear? Why bother?

... man your right  :bow thank you almighty wise furr


Quote from: RJ on April 25, 2007, 06:20:01 AM
Quote from: Fex on April 25, 2007, 01:58:51 AM
hopefully we get underwear next  >:3 gaaaaaah *drools*

Underwear? Why bother?

So you don't create skidmarks on your good clothes?
Or maybe to better entice your significant other, if said underwear is a) all you wear and b) flimsy, full of sequins, and see-through in strategic places?
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Vidar on April 25, 2007, 05:05:02 PM
Or maybe to better entice your significant other, if said underwear is a) all you wear and b) flimsy, full of sequins, and see-through in strategic places?

.. and, of course, not-see-through in strategic places. As has been noted, a woman in skimpy clothing is sexier than one buck-naked, strange though that may seem.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2007, 04:45:11 AM
Mail would also be of use, but again, there's that fur issue...

Fur wouldn't matter for Mail, since it's completely ineffective without a thick layer of padding underneath it anyway.

Seriously, they did some tests with sides of beef and big swords and chainmail, and mail + leather = awesome, but mail on its own was useless.


Quote from: terrycloth on April 25, 2007, 07:07:29 PMSeriously, they did some tests with sides of beef and big swords and chainmail, and mail + leather = awesome, but mail on its own was useless.

Did they remember to match the leather up with its previous owner?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I wonder if lead shirts are still in fashion :P



Quote from: Ink on April 25, 2007, 03:30:47 AM
Quote from: Fuyudenki on April 25, 2007, 02:13:06 AM
I see no reason for skirts to have a hole in them, as the tail is an extension of the spinal column, and would(maybe not in DMFA, I'm not the resident biologist there)most probably simply proceed straight down, naturally.  Most animal tails begin in the direction that the spinal column was in when it ended.

Yes, but unless you have perpetual tail endurance, tails tend not to be stationary objects.

Subconscious or not, if it curls upward, there will be a definite panty shot for miniskirts. (Subject: Catgirl in Japanese anime schoolgirl outfit. Shock drives her tail upward, shocked catgirl then gets embarrassed by the perverted gazes behind her.)

For long skirts, raising your tail from under the skirt has this tendency to pull the skirt and consequently hamper movement by somewhat binding your thighs together.

The evil doctor makes a good point.  I was specifically thinking "wolf tail, long dress," so apparently, I didn't have all the bases covered.  Apparently, I didn't even have half the bases covered, and upon further inspection, I remember that Mab usually has a chute in the back of her dresses through which her big, poofy tail usually goes.  I suppose in retrospect that dress styles will vary as much in tail openings as in any other aspec

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2007, 04:45:11 AM

That would depend on the armour, and the tail, I expect.

I mean - if you have a prehensile tail, you're going to be seriously upset if someone can damage it. Also, you're going to want to use it to damage -them-, so heavier flexible armour would be useful.

Again, good point, wolfey tail.

I actually have gone to the trouble of designing body armor for a werewolf.  That was fun.

I won't go into detail, as it's really a waste of your time.  Just throwing that out there.


         Of course, one can consider that the wearer fits the garment, as the garment fits the wearer. As Abel pointed out in #516, most clothing could not be made to fit " off the rack " , but the creature ( e.g. ) cubi, could mould their bodies to fit the clothes .     

          The body can , with clothing, turn itself into a fashion statement, and with a bit of concentration from the owner, show off the aspects of the owner to the world , while not advertising the faults
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2007, 05:16:27 PM
Quote from: Vidar on April 25, 2007, 05:05:02 PM
Or maybe to better entice your significant other, if said underwear is a) all you wear and b) flimsy, full of sequins, and see-through in strategic places?

.. and, of course, not-see-through in strategic places. As has been noted, a woman in skimpy clothing is sexier than one buck-naked, strange though that may seem.

Alexi , apart from her skirt hair,and other added fashion statements has a few rings on her tail. Notice ?
8) Just Hanging Around ...


                                                                             From A.C.M.E Padded Pants
                  Yes, it's with a tuck to the left,
                  And a stitch to the right,
                  And it now gets a feel,
                  As if it's stitched with twine,
                  But it's with the felt pads on,
                  That you can wear now,
                  Or again, or again, or again,
                  Till you go, and buy, our brand, again ...                             Apologies "Time Warp Theme Song " ( botched )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (apologies for double post, bad lyrics are too easily forgotten )
8) Just Hanging Around ...

llearch n'n'daCorna


Well played, kaskar, well played. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hows about Abel in a thong who's up for that?

Anywho if these questions can't be answered then my head wil explode. >:3


Even more than that http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_385.php As you can see, Aary is manipulating the cloth, so either, it is a part of her in which case she would technically be naked. If you say that its something she created out of thin air, sure, thats fine, but, on a little bit different tact, http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_587.php
Hm... It seems cubi dont wear anything below there outer layer, or atleast Aary didn't(im seriously doubting that people would gape like that if she was in her underwear...

Meh... I had a couple more theory's I wanted to add, but I forgot them :(



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