2007-04-18 [fashion02] Furrae Fasion

Started by Tsunari, April 18, 2007, 02:28:45 AM

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Or ripping their eyes out...All for the best

Faerie Alex

Jeez I need to update this thing.


             Clothing banned would be very hard to enforce, however, clothing optional can work since clothes, apart from being utilitarian, can also be quite decorative .
8) Just Hanging Around ...


Quote from: je.saist on April 18, 2007, 02:21:10 PM
Well, there always is the question, what do Ponie's wear?  Anybody got a saddle, bridle, and bit handy? It's time for a Kenji Make-Over!

Hmm Okay I see the first part of this makeover requires us to catch the Kenji...  And since I'm a cowboy... I think I can hanle this.  somebody start the clock

*breaks out the lasso and chases after the pony.  After a brief struggle Kenji is laying hog tied on the ground*

Hmmm Oh sorry about the branding iron hon... Force of habbit realy,  It should heal in a few days.

now as for the actual outfit I say something nice in tight leather and pretty pink ribbons


Quote from: thegayhare on April 19, 2007, 12:21:49 AM
Quote from: je.saist on April 18, 2007, 02:21:10 PM
Well, there always is the question, what do Ponie's wear?  Anybody got a saddle, bridle, and bit handy? It's time for a Kenji Make-Over!

Hmm Okay I see the first part of this makeover requires us to catch the Kenji...  And since I'm a cowboy... I think I can hanle this.  somebody start the clock

*breaks out the lasso and chases after the pony.  After a brief struggle Kenji is laying hog tied on the ground*

Hmmm Oh sorry about the branding iron hon... Force of habbit realy,  It should heal in a few days.

now as for the actual outfit I say something nice in tight leather and pretty pink ribbons

I say... I don't recognize that branding? What is it?

Anyways, I have some pink ribbons right here. Whose got the tight leather?

Amber Williams

*bweep bweeep* Getting a bit close to creepy RP here guys...


Least there is one image in my mind I wont forget as well when it comes along seeing that fashion statment :shifty

Reese Tora

Quote from: modelincard on April 18, 2007, 07:50:45 PM
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on April 18, 2007, 06:46:35 PM
cybernetic PG-vision implant?
PG-sensitive sunglasses?

Would the effect you're going for be something like this?

or mroe of a total blackout?
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Amber Williams on April 19, 2007, 02:24:18 AM
*bweep bweeep* Getting a bit close to creepy RP here guys...

*Charline grins and gets out the 'garnishes'*  Ok, time for vore RP!    *watches everyone fleeing in terror*  How delightful!  >:3

*Charles eeks*  It's so... creepy.   :erk
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Prof B Hunnydew

awww Do you want a warmer welcome, Charline?

:mowhappy :mowcookie


Quote from: Alondro on April 19, 2007, 09:27:58 AM
Quote from: Amber Williams on April 19, 2007, 02:24:18 AM
*bweep bweeep* Getting a bit close to creepy RP here guys...

*Charline grins and gets out the 'garnishes'*  Ok, time for vore RP!    *watches everyone fleeing in terror*  How delightful!  >:3

*Charles eeks*  It's so... creepy.   :erk

It's just Kenji though! Hasn't he already been through this before?

... or was it Janus... I forget.


I dought your gizmos would work on her bam but then again you always surpize me...And further note...Watch out for what type clothing be on Matildas list


I just wanted to wrappings say that there's not wrappings enough rougher or more stylish clothes wrappings around. Amber seems to wrappings have a wrappings wrappings very nice and curious wrappings sense of fashion, and her creations so wrappings far, like that Abel skirt wrappings wrappings have been quite fun to wrappings wrappings wrappings...



Quote from: Amber Williams on April 19, 2007, 02:24:18 AM
*bweep bweeep* Getting a bit close to creepy RP here guys...

If I may, I would like to take this time to thank Amber for being against leathered horses.

Now back to your regularly scheduled comic discussion and disdain for Matilda being courteous to Pai-Gon.


Quote from: Kenji on April 19, 2007, 04:32:17 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on April 19, 2007, 02:24:18 AM
*bweep bweeep* Getting a bit close to creepy RP here guys...

If I may, I would like to take this time to thank Amber for being against leathered horses.

Now back to your regularly scheduled comic discussion and disdain for Matilda being courteous to Pai-Gon.
* je.saist murfs

well, I thought it was better a leathered pony than a shibaried kitten... but oh well.
* je.saist now tries to think of how to get the topic back on track...

hmmm... I'm not coming up with anything to say about Matilda's Fashion show.


I was wondering why must be khaki pants, and suddenly I remembered: Yakko Warner's khaki pants!

"Who say pants are stupid?"

"Fantasy & Reality are opposed sides of the same coin."
"Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity."

<== Yappity by Silverfox




BAWWWWwww... What's wrong old friends? Cant belive Taski went cheap?

dont you remember who I am?



...... Interesting.... So now we know what gets Griffon to stop throwing a fit. 

Now if you don't mind people, let the two lovebirds be alone.


*falls over* Oh god...Seriously? Well who didnt see that coming...*hands Taski a cookie*


Mab's lap... what a wonderful thing... lucky Griffon.

Amber Williams

Well played Taski sir....well played... *steeples fingers*


Now I feel bad about my drawing abilities... The wings are the hard part for me. No matter how hard i try i always get the feeling like one is too big or curved wrong even when people tell me there right.


Quote from: Amber Williams on April 19, 2007, 11:41:38 PM
Well played Taski sir....well played... *steeples fingers*

anytime... Even when my internet at home is down, I will strike hard as I see fit..



RPing happened when I was gone?  It's the only explanation for how I could not be involved.

Prof B Hunnydew

Two thing Taski...

Your art has improved a lot... and I could never get crayons to behave that way...

Second ah ... When is it my turn ?.....

PS Mabs has done, some naughty/ah no nuudied doodles before, but I have never seen her in this kind of light.



*Charles eeps*  Taski vs. Amber art war!  Now with smut!

*Charline  awws*  It looks like fun, and I cant be involved because Charles is a lousy scribbler.   :<

*Charles feels depressed now*  :<
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.
