What's with the sudden derth of posting?

Started by Darkmoon, January 16, 2006, 09:23:23 AM

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We were so active for a little while there...


Well, my answer is simple, I work then when I get online I easily get irritated by people on forums. Plus, people have school and work too during the day so, eh.

Unless, you mean its gotten worse? Well, I think December and January have always been the months where people are busy alot.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


Well, we were pretty active this last week, so the sudden drop was a tad odd.

Sin Ominous

Holiday weekend, doofus. :p I bet you some people are on trips.


This is a holiday?

Oh shit, that's right. Part of it falls on my berfday...

Destina Faroda

Well, I don't want to post because I don't want to overstep or say something stupid like I always do, so I think I might as well not say anything.   Plus yesterday I was sleepy and today I was away.
Sig coming...whenever...


I dont post cause there are usually no new posts.


Then make some! We have to keep this place active, yo.