G'day mate!

Started by godhand1514, April 03, 2007, 01:47:37 PM

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hiya! im godhand, and i will be you hellknight  for the time being. i LOVE DMFA! DMFA ROCKS! i can't get enough of DMFA! i...*fenris knocks him over the head* yea yea, we know you love DMFA! hi, i'm fenris, otherwise known as fenrir or Godhand's subconscious. he's an idiot, but take good care of him.oh, he's getting up now! later! *godhand gets up* ow :mowdizzy... ok then, i like comics, mows, chibis, mows, video games, mows, rootbeer, mows, fluffy, mows, D&D, and mows. did i mention i like mows? well, anyway... that's me, and my subconscious. he's like my fluffy, only with claws and a BFS, or big friggen sword. 

Jim Halisstrad


I'm aiyno wolf obviously, join the club of dmfa fanboys/girls the line starts there *points to something on the horizon* Yeah, you're a bit late but enjoy the community, okay?  :)


Enjoy your stay...And watch out for incoming brick walls with peanutbutter in middle and then you should be safe and sticky free :3


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hello, and welcome to this refuge of strangeness.

Normally I would warn people to not bring any sanity in here, but you seem to have that covered.

Beware of the squirrel-borne muffins-o-doom, do not take the talking box seriously (nobody else does), and watch out for anyone who would tell you not to trust anyone who tells you to watch out for things.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy your time here, where the insanity fun never ends!

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


wall, what wall?am i surrounded by walls? oh no, I'M CLAUSTERPHOBIC! NEED...AIR... *fenris his GH over the head with a mallet* ugh, you are so stupid! *starts to kick GH in the gut* YOU FAIL! YOU FAIL AT LIFE I SAY! FAIL! *hit's GH over the head with the mallet again* GRRRRR... if you haven't guessed, he's insane... well, so am i, but i keep my logic, so yall probably be talking to me most of the time... *GH starts to get up* urgh :mowdizzy wha... happ... *fenris hit's GH over the head yet again* stay down you! :mowtongue

llearch n'n'daCorna

Just as a suggestion, take it easy on the roleplaying, ok? We turn a blind eye to it in intro threads, but anywhere else outside of the Haunted Ballroom, we'll be moseying on over to have a few quiet words in your shell-like, ok?

And if you keep it up, we'll make you an offer you can't refuse. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Godhand, you gonna git raped.

For the time being, have a cigar!