And yea for he did have over a thousand posts

Started by Darkmoon, January 09, 2006, 10:03:49 AM

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Destina Faroda

All that means is that you can spam more than the average human can.

Then again at this pace you'll match that other infamous Mike at that other messageboard we're not suppsed to name, but was once grand and totally fantastic.

Then it's sad that despite having the least amount of life of anyone here, I still can't be number one.

But then again, it's nice outside!
Sig coming...whenever...


We've only been here a couple of months and you have 1000 posts you post whore :laugh


I take my job as post whore very seriously. I workout everyday, refining my skill, getting ready for the big day when I know my skills will be needed... Like if there's a meteor or something heading for earth, and the only way to save the world and stop the meteor is to spam this forum with interesting topics... When that day comes, I'll be ready!

Destina Faroda

I don't know what's scarier?  The fact that Darkmoon has more, or the fact that Ilpalazzo is catching up to me faster then a falling object.
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D



I'm scary, i'm catching up to Destina.  Errr, Sailor Steeler

Destina Faroda

And with this post, I am at post 400!  SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM!

So, I'll show you all something funny I found on a message board. 

Some whiny kid with the screenname of PErF3Ct_17 wrote this.

QuoteMy dad has been sent to jail for four months. The reason being, he knocked the tag off of a goverment laptop. The charge was tampering with government records, dunno what that actually has to do with it. The story behind this is a little long but I can shorten it.

Basically my dad got the job of Chief probation director in Harris county (Houston). He was given an order from the Judges (his bosses) to cut back on employees. So he did, problem is he ended up firing one of the judges sister, I asked him why and he said she just wasn't doing her job. So the judge swears in public to not only get my dad fired, but to destroy him. 3 years later i get a phone call from some dude, who tells me to look out my window. I see two cops coming up to my door. I ask the dude whats going on and he wouldn't give me a straight answer. I called my mom to see what I could do, she said to just give the cops the laptop but don't let the cops inside. Eventually I get them to leave after a while. I just tried not to think about anything so i went up to my room and played some video games. Eventually my mom came home and we talked for a bit. I heard something and looked out my window, it was a couple of reporters. We just turned off the lights and kept quiet. Well fast forward a school semster and here I am with my dad in jail for firing a ladie's sister and not being careful enough with a government owned laptop.

Thank you for letting me vent this.

Aww...poor kid right?  Not quite then some other user, going by the name BeFell, found this article at  Texas Cable News and then copied it on the board so people wouldn't have to register to read it.

QuoteFormer county probation head gets 4 months in jail

05:53 PM CST on Friday, January 6, 2006

By Doug Miller / 11 News

It was an ironic scene in a Houston courtroom Friday.

The man who used to be in charge of the Harris County Adult Probation Dept. was before a judge, asking for probation.

He didn't get it. Instead, Paul Donnelly was sentenced to four months in the Harris County jail.

Donnelly is the man that downloaded so much pornography at his office that it slowed down his computer.

Both defense attorneys and prosecutors say that's not what this case was about.

Donnelly gave two laptops to his two daughters, who took them away to college.

Some of his former employees testified about a climate of fear in his department. Some of them were in the courtroom as Donnelly was sentenced to four months in the county jail.

There is still a possibility that he could face a perjury charge because according to prosecutors, he lied when he testified before a grand jury.

Moral of the story....don't put your business out there on the Internet!  And if you want to mock either of these two on AIM, they boy crying about his dad is rayzorblade15, and the person ousting him use the screen name fell6389.

This would have really been one for ICVD Forums.
Sig coming...whenever...


Destina Faroda

Sig coming...whenever...

Sin Ominous

I could maybe do that after classes today. It really depends on my workload, though.

If I don't end up getting around to it, maybe someone with more free time could give it a whirl.


That would mean I'd have to put forth effort... I dunno if I'm up for that.


spamming? Well, I've been dead on this site for a while. I decided to come back because I got back into Castlevania? Yeah, but I have to go for Curse of Darkness, my friend and I are in a race seeing who can beat it first. It's a thing we do whenever a new Castlevania comes out.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?



Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Destina Faroda

No, it's just in the wrong forum, that's all. ;)  That and a lot of people didn't care about Curse of Darkness.
Sig coming...whenever...


I dunno. It's not like we discuss much Castlevania here.