So... Any Mechwarriors here?

Started by Kitsune Ascendant, March 05, 2007, 03:03:36 PM

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Kitsune Ascendant

I'm currently going through mercs. having quite a bit of fun, too. though I must say my aim's a bit shaky up against light mechs. ah well. I'll have pummeled the solaris VIII light class into submission before much longer with my cougar.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


No, but my brother used to roll his own with a hex editor in MW2.

He produced numerous units that were crammed to the gills with heatsinks so that they could never overheat.

Conversely, he also produced one so powerful that it exploded immediately as soon as you tried to move it, let along fire the laser.

He produced one which travelled at about 3000 km/h and was so fast it left the theatre and exited the mission in about three seconds.

There was also one which had no arms, legs body or head - he was hoping it would be immortal.  Unfortunately all it meant was that when part of the mech got hit, it recalculated all the damage and immediately exploded again.  He made loads of them, but those are the ones I remember.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I remember I once made a Jenner that got up to 300km/h. I ran it off a ledge on MechWarrior 3. Unfortunately, it tripped on the edge and fell face-first and down into the lake below. :B

I'm more of a MechCommander, myself.


(Yes, I actually did this. I deployed the maximum limit (12 `Mechs) of tonnage in Wolfhounds (so 12 Wolfhounds) and Zergrushed the enemy. 10 were standard skirmisher `hounds, one was a Sniper CERPPC setup, and another was a Sniper LRM setup. I don't think I managed to lose even one, because it was just "OHGODBEES!" against anything they came up against, although I do remember issues with stationary defenses at one point.)


I loved MW4 and its expansions.  I hope they continue, though I fear my joystick was starting to give out last I played.  You'll be having some trouble once you hit the Assault class, though championship (or whatever they call the final tournament) allows you to play as any mech class, it's best to stick with assault, then peg the idiot next to you who decided to choose a light mech with your four Large X-pulse lasers.

Kitsune Ascendant

I've actually been though solaris stuff before, so I have an idea what to expect. just haven't ever finished the game. I think I like medium class the best, though. a ryoken with a couple of lrm20s and couple of CER large lasers does wonders.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


The Mechassault games were also okay, despite a little less flexibility in how you can't choose your mech (other than jacking enemy mechs in the Lone Wolf).


I rarely play twitchy games--my days of 14-year-old-gamer reflexes are long behind me--but I'll admit to having spent many long, fun-filled hours blowing people away in the MW4 series and its predecessors. It's too bad that they don't make many mech sims for the PC anymore. I don't have an Xbox, so I haven't had the chance to enjoy the more recent releases.

Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on March 07, 2007, 02:14:47 PM
I've actually been though solaris stuff before, so I have an idea what to expect. just haven't ever finished the game. I think I like medium class the best, though. a ryoken with a couple of lrm20s and couple of CER large lasers does wonders.

Ah... long range finesse types... I wish I could still pull that off in computer games. I don't have the steady hand needed to hit moving targets at long range without something like a RAC, let alone track them long enough for a LRM lock, so I tend to fill my Solaris mechs with Streak SRMs and LBXs to demolish enemies point blank where even I can't miss. Odd, considering that, in regular Battletech, I tend to shun the big brawlers in favour of armies of fast sniper mechs that can run circles around the opposition.

P.S. If you haven't already, grab the High-Definition Patch for MW4 to make it pretty on newer machines.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I have not been involved in the MW PC or console franchise since MW4 and earlier.  I prefer cER Large lasers or cER PPCs, though nostalgia forces me to load some Gauss occasionally.  However, for you not so gifted to ride a Pod in the ancient Virtual World franchise, nothing console or PC can possibly amount to a Mech battle with real controls, toggle switches, pedals and rumble effects.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


i played MW4 befor i like the mercs one i was known online tho to have a nasty habit of craming as much armor and as many long toms on a dashi tho then see if i could shoot a light with them.

lol few times i did hit some they go up in a massive fire ball MAHAHAHAHA  :mowdizzy

but i hate lights they killed any heavy and assult when the group up

(and i own MC2 lol fun little game i love it better when i got 2 catupults and pared them with a bunch of shadowcats  :) i just jump jet were ever i want to go to bad i once jump jeted into a cannon with a bunch of turrents with Guass guns  :U )


I remember playing on a friend's computer, once upon a time, and I think I'd play even now, if it weren't for all the tech in the Battletech universe looking absolutely illogical and ridiculous. Really, if you want to see how a mech should look, go take a look at Gasaraki. [smirks]


Less absurd that Gundam or any of those Anime mecha.


Quote from: Manawolf on March 25, 2007, 08:53:33 PM
Less absurd that Gundam or any of those Anime mecha.

Ugh... Let's not bring those up, shall we? Crazy Japanese...

Kitsune Ascendant

'ey. don't dis anime. there's some good stuff out there.

anyways, I've recently rediscovered my hatred for the clan missions. I don't remember being this hard, though. must be my layout. probably need to switch back to an all ER large laser set.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


I played much MW2 back in the day, I remember when they released a ATI Specific version that came with some of their video cards so you could see CLOUDS in the sky :o

I also played MW2: Mercenaries, and some 3,  did have a friends copy of MW4 for a lan. . . But I l ike the overall feel of 3 better actually.

Though, I actually suck at piloting mechs, I did the best at what I call "Stationary Turret" in which I loaded up a Daishi in MW4 with Two Gauss Rifles and a ER Clan laser. :P And some other stuff, but I made lots of stuff go boom.
Help! I'm gay!