which movie looks better

Started by Quientin, December 28, 2005, 08:56:48 PM

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Read the damn title

X-men 3
2 (66.7%)
Pirates of Caribbean 2
1 (33.3%)
V for Vendetta
0 (0%)
Superman Returns
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1



Esnel Pla


Jorge D. Fuentes

Hostel sucked.
Just lettting y'all know.  :P


Gah, tie between Xmen3 and PotC 2 :(



It wasn't hispano-cool enough for Jorge.


So since i'm hispanic I won'tlike t either?

well can't complain about that logic.

Xuzaf D

I know what I won't be watching- Underworld 2

Jorge D. Fuentes

Don't watch Bloodrayne, either.
It's... not so very good.

I mean, NOT very good.


I'll have to eventually for the site, much as I'll eventually have to watch Underworld 2.

Destina Faroda

You know, I don't even see a point to Underworld Evolution.  Wasn't the first one sucky enough?  I mean the whole plot was ripped of a joke in an episode of The Cosby Show.

...although I do have admit to liking the song "Red Tape."

Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

A bunch of overaged goths fighting CG sock-puppets. The dramatic plot twist: he becomes Nightcrawler. That's all I remember.


More or less, yeah. It was utter shiet. Just goes to show that people will pay to see utter sheit. Need I mention Fantastic Four?

Xuzaf D

As a fan of the charactors, I enjoyed it the first time, but every time I see it again I like it less and less. The Fantastic Four are actually suppose to be somewhat campy when compared to Spider-man, but that's no excuse for cutting any Dr. Doom plot just to get more Jonny Extreme action.


The parts where they didn't shoehorn in a bunch of Extreme sports action were fine with Johnny, and Thing was decent, if a little hammy at times. Mr. Fantastic was flat, and this movie proves why Jessica Alba should never be allowed near a flick unless she never speaks and only is there to get naked.

Fucking shiet.

Destina Faroda

Fantastic Four was horrible because there was not one moment of believable moment of any of the characters acting in character...even as they were established in the movie.  That and everyone acted as though they had an IQ of 25, there was zero chemistry between any of the Fantastic Four, and I could not buy Reed and Sue Storm's "relationship" at all.  By the way they were acting, I don't see why she dumped Doom anyway.  He at least had some balls.
Sig coming...whenever...