
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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i had one, i think it was a two week anniversary

QuoteMy beard is on fire.... cool
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on February 01, 2008, 07:48:01 PM
i had one, i think it was a two week anniversary

Those are set bonuses. I think they're at 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days and 365 days. It's usually a good idea to skip collecting for a few days so you can take advantage of them.

However, whether you get the bonus on the day or the day after (e.g. the 90th day or 91st day) depends on whether you created your nation before or after midday.

edit: Hooray, I got an event!
Quote2/4/2008 - 3/5/2008
A widespread viral infection has spread among your populace. Should you take action?
Option 1: Allow the outbreak to run its course. Citizen count -15%
Option 2: Send in soldiers to every community within your nation to contain the outbreak. Population happiness -3
No Response. Population happiness -4
Oh wait, that's not good. That's not good at all :c





I'm having my first lunar war.  Now what? :mowdizzy

Edit:  Thanks for the aid.  Now to do some stuff.
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"


llearch n'n'daCorna

Well, you -could- invite some friends in to play with him.

Not I, but perhaps some of the other heavier colonies might want to step in...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


That sounds like a very good idea.  I'll do that if the war goes badly.

Edit:  Dangit, I'm out of range.
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



I see they invited a friend. You are outgunned, so you should just throw missiles at them; that's basically what they're there for.


"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



That's just sad.  They started the war and couldn't handle it so had to get someone bigger in to help.


I think I'm outside of the skull-crushing range (I have about twice the MS of both of them with non-wartime forces) sadly, else I'd step in. :B

ED: Nevermind, I am! Tatooine2's airforce has been ANNIHILATED with no losses recieved.

Booze Land is outside my thumping range, though. Jigsaw/Jekkal may be within range to bust his skull but that's up to them.

'sides, even if I get demolished by their higher-ups, it's only internet moon colonies, so w/e.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I wonder how they'd react if we alliance war declared on that one person... ;-]

Incidentally: Tez, how much would you say someone needs to bounce past the expensive area just after 5k infra  on CN? 100 or so infra levels?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Arcalane on March 09, 2008, 06:30:00 AM
It's only internet moon colonies, so w/e.
Well, I'm taking a week off to keep things in perspective.

Then back to care-bear mode after payday.
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"



I believe I've convinced VaderJ/Tatooine 2 to call off his attacks. If I see any more, things will not be so... pleasant for him.

Booze Land remains unconvinced and I doubt I can coerce him by assaulting his ally. For now, back to Lunar Peace Mode.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2008, 06:45:16 AM
Incidentally: Tez, how much would you say someone needs to bounce past the expensive area just after 5k infra  on CN? 100 or so infra levels?

They changed it a few months back to significantly reduce the maintenance increase at 5k+. The 5k infra jump is barely noticeable now. I'd say you're probably past it already, though it's a bit hard to tell (since I already had a few wonders when I did my calculations.)

In other news... I'm flying out this afternoon to deal with some family business and won't have much in way of net access for the next two weeks. (They don't even have a computer where I'm staying, let alone a series of tubes to the internets. I can't believe we're related. :animesweat) I'm still debating whether or not to engage hippy mode. The 5+ day economic penalty for peace mode is as bad as anarchy, so I'd lose a full two weeks of growth, and there's still a chance I could stop by a cybercafe somewhere to collect taxes every now and then.

On the other hand... someone started taking out my nuke arsenal through spy ops a few days ago. I didn't have enough spies to expose him. I dumped most of this month's wonder budget on spies, and he didn't come back. It's got me a bit jumpy trying to figure out if it was a prelude to attack or just some twit fighting nuclear proliferation for the lulz. Either way, it's annoying. Unless I get my hands on a whole lot more tech, I don't stand much chance of getting back into range to buy more, so the few I have left will be gone for good once they're used/destroyed.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

They've upped the needed tech for nukes?

Nuts. I guess we'll have to go on without.

Incidentally, should we look at bringing the tech farming back into vogue? We seem to have let that slide of late...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


It's not a tech requirement, per se, but you need to be in the top 5%. I'm almost down to 7% right now, and the other top nations are advancing fast enough that even if I decided to forgo wonders, etc. and just built nothing but infra, I'd never catch up. Short of blowing $100 mil on the nuke wonder, tech is the only thing sufficiently NS dense to put me back in the running.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah. :-/

Oh, well. I guess we should go back to pumping our nations up, then. At least infra-wise.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

llearch n'n'daCorna

I note that canadianbacon is idle on LW as well.

I should point out here, I'm up to the second page on LW when sorting by AI. Sadly, I'm down at 33-36 or so. So I don't think I'm gonna move up anytime soon - there's a -big- step up from here.

And there's a -big- step at just over 1500 AI, too.

Also, I'm pulling down just under 5 million on CN, and paying over 2 million in taxes. Yeee.

I'd go collecting tech, but I'm happy pushing infra at present.

Anyone else?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


In LW, I'm earning $300-340k at the moment. I'm aiming to buy my second Neural Network. Housing would cost the same and would probably get me to the next Improvement... but, meh.

My CN income
$6,713,109.90 - $2,380,519.434 = $4,332,590.476

In NationStates, my nation was a Moralistic Democracy for a few hours. That's a change.
QuoteMonday, 24 March 2008 8:20 PM: The Unicorn Glades of Seerfir was reclassified from "Moralistic Democracy" to "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy"
Monday, 24 March 2008 4:55 PM: The Unicorn Glades of Seerfir was reclassified from "Democratic Socialists" to "Moralistic Democracy"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. I now have -three- CN events concurrently. Just like buses...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I had three for a short while...
The bad one I mentioned above (expired early this month).

Quote3/2/2008 - 4/1/2008: Your economy is in a deep recession. Your government leaders have been asked for an official response.
Option 2: Lower interest rates. Population happiness +2
Quote2/21/2008 - 3/22/2008 *Expired* : An unexpected drop in the price of oil per barrel has surprised your nation. Should you take action?
Option 2: Buy surplus oil and release it directly to the public. Population happiness +3

llearch n'n'daCorna


With the recent change in LW, I now have over 1.6 million available as a loan. And, since the interest is only 3%, it's a lot more attractive.

In other news, I just bought my first wonder. Woot. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

i take it my nation was deleted while i was recovering fom internet od?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Probably. If you're talking CN, you've got three weeks and then you're gone. :-/
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Is there a reason Kasarn's CN nation is all sharp and pointy now? Are we in some kind of imminent danger that I'll need to build up again for? :dface

I had to drop a bunch of troops. I'd planned to have just enough cash left over to buy a new wonder and make the bonus retroactive by two weeks, but sorta eyeballed the initial calculations and came up slightly short with full military bills.

By the way, anyone want to sell me some technologies? My government's new tax on online porn sites has left me with much spending money... :animesweat

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on April 10, 2008, 02:41:15 AM

Is there a reason Kasarn's CN nation is all sharp and pointy now? Are we in some kind of imminent danger that I'll need to build up again for? :dface

TPF was selling cookies :D

llearch n'n'daCorna


Incidentally, I just purchased last week my first wonder, have now saved up almost enough spare cash to cover me for a bit, and am about ot go back into building mode.

Whatever happened to the tech transfer thingy we were all looking at? I suspect I'm at the stage where I can now cough up 9 million without straining (whereas last time around, it would have taken me two weeks to save it up - there's a -big- growth spurt around 4k infra, where you buy all the hospitals and clinics - it's now a couple of days)...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, I'm still around; I still have 50 tech which someone paid for which nobody claimed. At this point I probably could just send it to the people who paid for it, except that with the trading ring seemingly going to open up again; I would rather not risk delaying the process longer by fiddling with rules I'm not familiar with (namely, the restriction(s) on aid).

llearch n'n'daCorna

I think it was supposed to end up with the "tech bank"

Since which time the rules have changed a bit, and it's probably not safe to collect lots of tech, because you get tech raided...

In other news, in LW: AI Cost Without Discount $465,506

IOW, 4 million for 10 levels of.

Mind the curb at 1600. *wince*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears