The Honor Circle (Call for interest, OOC)

Started by TheGreyRonin, February 15, 2007, 02:49:29 AM

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Question; in every instance I've seen of a player with more than one character in this, that character was part of a set. Is one allowed to have multiple characters who may or may not have anything to do with one another?


NO! It is unspeakable blasphemies! And refreshingly angels with Satan!


*chuckles* Yes, Boogey, you can have multiple characters without them being related or affiliated. My characters are that way; with the exception of Stalker and Mne working together, mine only know each other from past meetings. I guarantee you that Syphon is on nobody's side but his own.

While I'm at it, I'll post another bio I have finished.

Name: Unknown
Nickname(s): Stalker, The Grey Ronin, Ageless Stranger
Age: Unknown (Best historical estimate: roughly 400,000 years old)
Species: Humaseeri
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: Earth (Timeline 13)

Physical description

Height: 6'0" (Varies)
Weight: 326 lbs. (Varies)
Build: Athletic, of average reach and shape. (Varies)
Eyes: Silver-grey (Varies)
Hair: Black greying at the temples (Varies)
Skin: Tanned Caucasian (Varies)
Distinguishing features: Stalker normally appears as a middle-aged human wearing small sunglasses and grey robes that partly hide his face. His eyes are cold and dead, a silvery-grey color. When he smiles one can see thousands of silver needle-teeth, and his fingertips often show silvery claws.

Dueling Info

Weapons: Stalker carries a bastard katana engraved with many obscure mystical runes. Besides making the sword well-nigh indestructible, it also holds a soul within it. The soul has no effect on the sword or its abilities whatsoever.
Abilities: Like all Humaseeri, Stalker is a master shapeshifter, assuming forms at will and imagination. He is a quick thinker, and cunningly deceptive when he wants to be.
Strengths: Humaseeri can regenerate from nearly and injury, so long as their tiny, highly armored core survives. They feed off of emotions, only consuming physical materials to provide biomass to work with. They are capable of reshaping matter and energy within themselves to whatever they desire, making them highly unpredictable in their abilities. They often create sentient or non-sentient consructs from their own biomass to perform taks for them. Humaseeri cannot be affected directly by magic of any kind, though magical side effects can still harm them. (Turning one to ice by magic will fail, surrounding them with ice won't, etc.) Stalker possesses the unique ability to manipulate time, either travelling into the far past or freezing time briefly within a localized area, usually less than twenty feet. Doing so forces him to consume biomass at an incredible rate, and he rarely uses the ability on a whim.
Weaknesses: Humaseeri cannot use magic in any form. Any magical item in their hands is simply another item. If done properly, their cores can be removed and kept from touching anything they can absorb, rendering them both powerless and essentially inactive until/unless they can gather biomass to shape again.
Quirks: Stalker tends to have an odd sense of humor, and shows unusual bursts of compassion to other creatures for no apparent reason. He is afraid of nothing, and has an odd code of honor that apparently only makes sense to him. He never smiles, but will sometimes flash a "grin" of his teeth.


Humaseeri are a race of shapeshifters, preying on the flesh and emotions of other living creatures, able to change shape at will. These incredible creatures are also incredibly dangerous. Practically immortal, their only enemies are themselves, and their favorite prey: humans.
When humaseeri get near each other, only one path is clear: The strongest survives.
Two humaseeri met and fought, their terrible battle laying waste to an entire country. When it was over, the victor walked away, leaving a corpse.
Or so it thought. His opponent, barely alive, managed to escape, shifting form and hiding in the sea. A thousand years later it emerged, taking on the form of the first human it could catch.
And was stuck. The humaseeri found that while it was still no longer aging, it could also no longer change shape. Trapped, it blended in with the local humans in feudal Japan, apprenticing itself to a local swordmaster.
Over the centuries it slowly regained its' ability to change shape, and developed a unique compassion and curiousity for humans. No longer accepted by its' own kind, it began wandering, watching and guiding humanity, taking the name "Stalker".
Nearly three thousand years later, it heard rumors of strange lights in a remote mountain range. Curious it travelled there, and found a strange runed Circle. Stalker investigated and discovered the circle was a doorway to other worlds.
Stepping through, it began wandering other worlds, and eventually discovered the secret to making the Circles in other places. Doing so, Stalker pulls all worlds closer together, and learns more about these strange creatures that are so delicious yet also honorable.
The fact that there appeared to be another like him doing the same thing only intrigued him more. He has followed this creature from world to world, coming closer each time to finally meeting this elusive being. He intends to corner it one day, and discover exactly what it is doing, and for what purpose.


In that case, allow me to bring in the first of what will probably be far too many characters :P

Name: Engelburt Hardwood Everspring
What you should actually call him: Mr. Tock, just Tock or, if you're a good friend, Springs.
Age: If you include time prior to his being aware and mobile, about 160. If you don't, he won't tell you specifics save for the fact that he's really rather young. However, maturity is relative.
Species: Technically a construct, but in practice he's simply a magically created robot. Either way.
Family and associations: Silas (demon), Violet (vampire), Gabriel (warlock), Michael (werewolf), Yumi (kitsune), and his builder, Ms. Everspring (Clockmaker, deceased)
Place of origin: Earth, close enough to ours for me to claim it's just that

Physical description: Wears clothing that was fasionable in the 16th century. Something deep within his chest cavity shines with a pulsing green glow; it's impossible to make out what it is, but you can see the light of it between his cogs and pistons.
Ah, I didn't mention those?  Take a look.
He's mechanical all the way through, save for where he's magical. Nothing more advanced than steam power and clockwork, but it seems to do the job. The pipes and gears and whathaveyou are mostly a dull brass color, save for a handful that aren't visible anyway. His face may look like a porcelien mask, but it's just as expressive as anyone elses when he remembers to show expressions. The suit is a dull beige, with gold (or at least shiney yellow) thread at the edges. He also carries a pocketwatch with a celtic knot on it, and there's a small wind up key in the middle of his back. Don't touch it. Trust me.

Weapons: In addition to other travelling gear, Tock carries around a case full of his spare parts. Amongst them is hands like knives, hands that improve his spellcasting capabilities, hands that serve as radars, hands that do who knows what, etc. There's also a sort of archeic heat ray that snaps into his collarbone parts, various other gears with magical properties or that simply improve torque of his inner workings (and thereby his strength), and so on and so forth.

Abilities: Tock is an amatuer spellcaster, but he isn't a pushover; clocks don't get tired. His moves tend to be predictable right up until they suddenly and without warning, aren't. While he's not particularly fast, his reflexes are good and his ability to predict his opponants movements is superb.

Weaknesses: His strength tends to ebb and surge as his spring winds down, which he has to fix manually (how he's still able to move his arms when the spring runs out nobody knows, and he isn't asking). He isn't much stronger than a human (possibly a little less), and breaking out of his patterns of attack tend to cause him a little discomfort, followed by the sound of gears screetching.


For a while he was just Hardwood Everspring, an antique clock passed down until it reached the hands of Gabriel Bonovich. Gabriel was an amatuer warlock (which is a wizard with less resources at his disposal) and tended to accumulate friends of an occulticl nature. It wasn't his idea to have either the responsibilities of a warlock or the dangers of such friends, exspecially since his world at large didn't believe in magic, regardless of what magic had to say about it (although in their defense, magic had gone underground many years ago and thus nobody would have heard it say anything).
Gabriel, as mentioned, was an amatuer, so one day when he had to deal with a problem with murderous fae he simply locked them inside the clock and let them be ground to mulch within the gears. Unfortunatly, the spirits of those fae coupled with the background magic present in a house with so much mystical whathaveyou brought the clock itself to life, equally murderous until Gabriel managed to change the nature of the spell. Thus, Tock as we know him was born and taken in by this little clan of occultic oddities. So if you see a tiny little bone fall out of his gears, simply hand it back to him and say "you dropped this."

Personality: Polite and sometimes a little naive when it comes to people, although quite clever (or possibly crafty is more applicable) insofar as most other things are concerned. Takes every word of advice he ever heard Ms. Everspring say to heart (don't question the magic involved in having him remember what she said when he was just a clock).

And so I await approval.


The character description thing is a good idea.  Here's Ardaron's.

Name: Ardaron Talonis
Nickname(s): Ard, Omni Dragon, Omni
Age: 30 in human years, or about 28 in Paleon Dragon terms
Species: Omni Dragon (a crossbreed of all sixteen Paleon Dragons)
Family and Association(s): Parents both died before his egg hatched; he was raised by a Light Dragon named Rakara.  His other main associations from Paleon consist of his two best friends; Ethriel (male, Agility Dragon, but also about one eighth Fire Dragon), and Shaera (female, half Metal Dragon, half Life Dragon).
Place of Origin: Lumere, the Light nation, on the plane of Paleon

Physical description

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Build: Fairly lean, but at least somewhat well-muscled, particularly his arms, legs, and tail, and the bases of his wings.  He looks draconic, but has a humanoid posture.
Eyes: Slitted; the irises are amber in color with a ring of coppery red
Hair: None
Skin: Dull black and scaly, with deeply incised scales in strange patterns vaguely resembling writing
Distinguishing features: Ardaron has golden-feathered wings that seem to reflect more light than the light that hits them; the feathers appear to actually be metallic, but are just as soft as ordinary bird feathers.  His fingers and toes are tipped by amber-colored claws; his feet look like a lion's paws, except scaly.  Each eye is overshadowed by a crest of skin stretched between bony struts; like a much smaller version of a sail-backed reptile's sail.  The last strut of each crest is much bigger and thicker than the rest; these two struts form gently curving horns, of a glowing orange color akin to molten metal, in contrast to the black of the rest of the crest.

Ardaron's face is very much draconic, with a long snout somewhat resembling a wolf's, or a komodo dragon's.  However, his eyes are distinctly intelligent, and display a sense of duty, but also occasionally carry a hint of deep wisdom.

Dueling Info

Ardaron has the ability to make use of all sixteen elements of the Paleon Dragons; Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Ice, Energy, Venom, Metal, Luck, Mind, Agility, Strength, Life, and Death.  However, as a sixteen-way crossbreed, each of his elements is extremely weak compared to a purebred Dragon.  Like many crossbreeds, Ardaron has some elements that are 'dominant' over others; his strongest element is easily Mind, and as such, he will often attempt to read an opponent's thoughts before or during a battle, to find their weaknesses.  He also has some weak powers of suggestion, but doesn't tend to use them except as a last resort.  His other relatively strong elements are Fire, Luck (allowing him to influence the probability of chance events to a very limited extent), Earth (which allows him to influence the growth of mineral crystals, and manipulate stone to a limited degree), Life (which gives him limited healing ability, and the ability to sense whether someone is alive or dead), and, perhaps rather ironically, Death (which, at least in Ardaron's case, only deals with the souls of those already dead; this element gives him no real advantage over the living).  Ardaron is moderately skilled with Light, Dark, Water, Agility (allowing him short bursts of supernatural speed), and Wind.  His weaker elements are Ice, Energy (which here means electricity), Metal, and Strength (which encompasses such things as blunt impacts, physical muscle strength, et cetera).  Venom is his very weakest element; he has almost no Venom-related abilities to speak of.

Ardaron is more likely to be influenced by his opponent's weaknesses, rather than his own strengths, when choosing which of his medley of abilities to use.  He is extremely versatile in combat, usually altering his fighting style to take maximum advantage of his opponent; his Mind powers often come into play here, for determining what strategy to use.  However, unless his opponent merits an offensive style of fighting, Ardaron will usually fight defensively, often making good use of his limited skill in Agility.

Ardaron usually wears a chainmail hauberk under his tunic, made for him by a Metal Dragon who was a master of his element.  As such, the hauberk is made of a special gold-colored metal light enough to allow Ardaron to fly; however, this advantage comes at the price of durability, and the hauberk isn't nearly as strong as its iron equivalent would be.  Despite this drawback, the garment can still stave off a fair amount of damage to its wearer, especially when combined with Ardaron's naturally tough dragon skin.

Strengths: His biggest strength is easily his versatility, not only in terms of his elemental abilities, but also in terms of his fighting strategy.  He can fly, which he often uses to his advantage against ground-bound opponents.  He can also survive a fair amount of physical damage, thanks to his hauberk and thick draconic hide.  His elemental abilities can occasionally protect him against certain types of magical damage, as well.

Weaknesses: His wings, being covered by neither his hauberk nor the scaly hide that covers the rest of him, are an obvious weak point.  He is aware of this, and tries to keep them out of reach of his opponents.  His versatility is also a weakness; he is not specialized in any particular element or fighting style, and thus he is less experienced with any given strategy than a fighter with a more focused combat style.  Since Venom is Ardaron's weakest element, he is naturally weak against types of spells that use poison as a theme.  EDIT: I'm not entirely sure if this counts as a weakness, but due to Paleon Dragons' emphasis on the "purity" of elements (resulting in the rather unique style of magic used by Paleon Dragons), Ardaron has difficulty understanding how non-Paleon magic works.


Ardaron never got to meet either of his parents; both died before his egg hatched, both due to complications arising simply from being crossbreed dragons (each of Ardaron's parents was an eight-way crossbreed).  Ardaron himself is rather extraordinary; he is the only living crossbreed of all sixteen elemental dragons, at least as far as he knows.  Normally, crossbreed dragons have health problems and shortened lifespans, depending on how many elements are involved; ranging from half-breeds who have near normal lifespans, to eight-way breeds who usually die before their teens.  So, by all rights, Ardaron should be long-since dead, and he's aware of this fact.  He has no explanation for why he's still alive, much less why he seems to have almost no issues with his health.  Like many crossbreeds, he's a little embarrassed about his racial heritage; being a crossbreed means that he isn't as powerful as a purebred dragon in any given element, on top of the fact that he ought to be dead.

After his parents died, Ardaron's egg was hatched by the Light Dragon Rakara, who then raised Ardaron.  She was a caring, but stern, foster mother, and Ardaron may have learned much of his sense of duty from her.  Other crossbreeds seemed to naturally gravitate to Ardaron, which is how he made friends with Ethriel and Shaera.  Ethriel is incredibly clever, with his own sly sort of wisdom, but hardly ever completely serious about anything, and Shaera is somewhat socially inept, typically preferring the company of animals to people, but also possessing a certain adventurous curiosity.  Ethriel was the one to coin the term Omni Dragon for Ardaron's race; crossbreeds will usually come up with a new name for their particular crossbreed species, Ethriel calling himself a Flash Dragon, and Shaera coming up with the term Mithril Dragon for herself.

Over the years, tensions between the sixteen elemental nations of Paleon have begun to build.  It started out as a few diplomatic slights, and some petty squabbles over trade.  Soon, things started to escalate, until a very real threat of sixteen-way war loomed on the horizon; Gardea, the Life nation, is rumored to be planning an invasion of Abyssen, the Death nation.  Ardaron began training, under masters of the various elements, hoping to learn enough about combat to make a difference in the coming war.  Most importantly, make a difference in ending it.  Partially because of his heritage, Ardaron feels like he's a part of all the nations, and, as such, only wants peace between them.

As part of his training, he came through an inter-dimensional portal to the Honor Circle, where he hopes to learn more about the art of combat.


I figured some of you might want some more info on've already seen what Cog can do...we'll most of what Cog can do. :3

Here's Giles:

Name: Giles Monterrey
Nickname(s): Lord of Ashes (Hard won, I assure you)
Age: 47
Species: Human
Family and association: Father (Ryan Monterrey) and Mother (Elena Wyndia)
assoc: Ex-paladin of the Order of the Salamander
Place of Origin: Aspira

Physical Description

Height: 6'4''
Weight: 300 lbs (about 380 with armor)
Build: Mountain of a man, and strong from constant exertion.
Eyes: Crystal-clear Blue
Hair: Close-cropped black
Skin: Caucasian, although often smudged with the gunmetal blue of ash.
Description: Wears a full-plate suit of black iron armor, with a golden salamander emblazoned on the front, and a large spear slung across the back. Very imposing figure, and always seems to have a feeling of heat emanating from him.

Dueling Info

Giles is an impressive fighter, and uses the spear slung across his back to great effect. Physically, he favors a broad, sweeping style, preferring to keep enemies far away, and the eternally burning tip of the spear can effectively keep his foes far away. His spear is a near legend – always, the tip is glowing with heat, and it is said to always hiss with dripping blood. Giles doesn't know why the spear drips blood, but as long as the spear is exposed to air, the tip drips the crimson fluid from no apparent source.
Outside of the physical realm, however, is where Giles is the most formidable. He is known as the Lord of Ashes for a reason, and he earns his title completely. Fire is his slave, and he can command and create it at will, igniting some fuel, the ground, or even the very air around him at a thought, directing the flames to his will, albeit in a ritualized fashion. Small fires require small motion, like the flicking of a thumb – large fires require large, sweeping gestures or great force. The salamander on his armor protects him from his own fire, giving himself almost complete immunity from the flames. He has been known to simply cover himself and the battlefield in an inferno, and simply let his foe burn and burn until nothing but ashes remain.

Strengths: Fire. Fire, fire, and fire. He's best when he's left room to work, and when his opponent gives him time to build up a gout of flame. Generally, if his opponent can burn, and he has the room, he will kill it.

Weaknesses: Giles can't simply call fire from a standstill. The ritual nature of the fire requires that he keep moving, the strength and breadth of the fire increasing the more momentum he builds. If he's knocked off balance, you can keep him from building enough fire to engulf you. Of course, there is the problem of stopping three-hundred eighty pounds of whirling iron and fire...

Giles and Cog seem to have some history together, although they seem strangely unwilling to discuss the subject. Giles was forcibly discharged from an order of knights some years ago, and met Cog sometime after, on the lands of a famed mage. Both Cog and Giles history becomes quite after this point, although perhaps someday they will record what happened there on paper.


Finally finished converting over a few more files. Here's the lowdown on my other two duellers in play.

Name: Mariska Callan
Nicknames: Risky, Lieutenant Callan
Age: 27 (plus anomaly:247)
Species: Human
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: Earth (Timeline 1)

Physical description

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Build: Lean and athletic. Well-toned muscles from constant activity.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Light brown
Distinguishing features: Risky is pretty, with striking good looks marred only by four scars on her face. Each is a shallow crater in her skin that flushes pink when she is upset or angry. They form a perfect square; one just above each eyebrow and one just below each eye.  Her hair is cut in an odd pageboy; she often brushes it forwards to partly obscure her facial scars when nervous. Underneath her clothing she bears several dozen thin scars, the marks of older battles.

Dueling Info

Weapons: Risky carries a specially shielded needlegun in a holster on her right hip. Standard ammo for this pistol is Madazza Arms' Stingers, which consist of a collar of explosive gasses surrounding a three-inch needle of pure duralloy. This needle is accelerated to speeds as high as 3,000 feet per second, giving the gun its' trademark "chirp" as it fires. The firing chamber is backvented and ducted, forcing the gasses used in firing to compensate for the high muzzle velocity and recoil.
Abilities: Risky possesses the ability to produce and absorb various forms of radiation. At lower levels she can merely generate warmth from her body; at higher levels she can generate targeted thermonuclear explosions. The accompanying electromagnetic pulse from her explosions can disable or even destroy most electronics. Risky herself is immune to the immediate effects of her powers.
Strengths: Risky is strong-willed, and doesn't give up easily. She's fairly intelligent, and has had over a century of combat experience. She is an excellent shot with a pistol, and has had decent hand-to-hand combat training.
Weaknesses: Risky's powers constantly bombard her with near-lethal radiation. In order to offset the more debilitating side effects, she ingests anti-radiation drugs in the form of "cigarettes". She has difficulty focusing her power anywhere near her body except her hands, making her fairly vulnerable in close combat.
Quirks: Risky has a strong sense of right and wrong, which often results in her getting caught up in other people's battles.


Mariska Callan was an ordinary teenager on Earth until her seventeenth birthday. Her powers manifested explosively, killing her entire family and destroying her home. She was untouched, and even before the shock could kick in, a superpowered government Enforcer appeared to draft her.
She fled, and he chased her down. Cornering her in an alley, he shot her in the face, brutally killing her.
Or so it seemed. She awoke in a hospital, her face scarred, her body whole. Risky discovered that she had been rescued by the Time Corp, a military group that patrolled time and the multiverses. They offered her a position with them and a chance for revenge, and she gladly accepted.
She trained as a soldier, and rose in the ranks as a dedicated combat scout. She was promoted to Lieutenant, and decorated several times for bravery in action. But there were many unanswered questions in her life, chief among them the exact details surrounding her original rescue.
During a battle on an alternate Earth in one of the fringe dimensions, Risky was seperated from her squad. Trying to rejoin her team among the smoke and explosions of a city under seige, she stumbled across a grey-clad humanoid in an odd runed circle.
The creature spoke in a soft voice that managed to carry through the noise of battle. It told her that she had stumbled into something far greater than her, something meant for another, and that the fate of entire universes hinged on a warrior that would travel through the circle. It then disappeared in a flash of light.
Before Risky could do more than blink, a stray missile slammed into the nearby building. The explosion tumbled her into the circle, and when her vision cleared she found herself on another world, the circle beneath her feet shattered into massive fragments.
Her retreival signal was met with static, so Risky did the only thing she could do. She began looking for these circles, following after the grey creature in hopes of finding a way back home.

Name: Thomas Boyd
Nickname(s): Syphon
Age: 27
Species: Human
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: Earth (Timeline 20)

Physical description

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Muscular and athletic. A balance between a bodybuilder and a martial artist.
Eyes: Green or glowing yellow
Hair: Red
Skin: Caucasian
Distinguishing features: Syphon is ruggedly handsome, with a squared jaw and intense eyes. He wears his hair in a severe crew cut. He usually wears blue jeans, a short-sleeved dark grey shirt, and black shoes. He often wears a long, hooded black cloak over this to hide his identity.

Dueling Info

Weapons: None.
Abilities: Syphon is an energy leech. He can absorb almost any form of energy by touch, especially life energy. The more energy he absorbs in this manner, the stronger, faster, and tougher he becomes. He can also use this energy to heal from injury and even regenerate lost limbs, given sufficient time and enough energy.
Strengths: Syphon has an absolute iron will, making him an incredibly determined enemy. He is proficient in several forms of martial arts including karate and judo, and can speak six languages fluently. He has decent knowledge and skill with most melee weapons, and is proficient with most small arms.
Weaknesses: Syphon has absolutely no ranged abilities, putting him at a serious disadvantage when fighting an enemy with ranged abilities. He can sometimes be goaded into attacking an enemy when badly outmatched.
Quirks: Syphon has a quick and violent temper. Although intelligent, he often attempts to use brute force to solve problems. His attitude is often cold and distant.


Thomas Boyd was born rich. His father adored his older brother, threw money at any problem until it went away, and his mother drank herself into oblivion. His younger sister Alyssa loved him, until the day a tragic accident took her from him.
Two years later Thomas discovered his ability to leech the life and energy from any creature, and ran away from home. He was found by Derek Shiningstar, an ex C.I.A. operative who took him in and recognized his potential.
Thomas was given training in Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Shotokan, Judo, and several other martial arts. He became deadly without his powers, able to move swiftly and strike hard. At sixteen, Thomas was a walking killing machine.
Derek used him as an assassin, and lavished Thomas with the finest that could be bought in cars, food, and women. Thomas began to enjoy what he was.
Then he ran across Anastasia Inyushin. Gifted with powers similar to his, she had an innocence and kind heart that led her to lay Thomas low in combat to save her friends.
Thomas encountered her again a few months later, and joined the group of rogue teens called Psi-Force. Attempting to fit in, he was nonetheless captured and drafted into the Army. But fate steered him back to his beloved Stasi. Psi-Force broke him out of boot camp, and together they fought and destroyed the inhuman monster named Rodstvow.
Stasi, however, did not survive the battle, and Thomas went insane. He left the group, and became a wanderer, part of his heart now dead.
Three years later Thomas found a mystical circle in Los Angeles. Sensing odd energy coming from it, he stepped inside, and found himself facing a grey-robed figure in another world.
The figure touched his mind, speaking of wars, and duels, and how all things connect. It also told him of a world where Anastasia Inyushin still lived.
No fool, Thomas didn't believe the creature for a second. But the notion of releasing his pent-up anger intrigued him, and he began wandering from world to world, fighting simply to feel alive.
Little does he know that he will play a key part in what is to come...


Uh, Llearch? If you can't rp seriously, especially in this rp, then don't rp at all. Myself, along with others, are getting a bit fed up with it.


Name: Keaton the Black Jackal
Real Name: Katherine Beatrix Jyraneth
Nickname(s): KBJ, Keaton, Keats, Notaek
Age: 519
Species: Black-backed Jackal Succubus
Family and association: Unknown
Place of Origin: Furrae, exact location unknown

Physical Description

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: Athletic, but muscular
Eyes: (Right) Chocolate brown; (left) pale brown
Hair: Long, past shoulder-length dirty blonde
Fur: Yellow, with a cream chest, muzzle, and tail underside, and black, abstract markings covering her body.
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Always wears black nail polish and matching lipstick; sharp facial features; deep scars over left eye and midsection—Keaton likes to paint over the scar over her eye; a thick, gnarled scar shaped like a '7' on her shoulder, which is flanked by rough, triangular shapes; three stripes engraved into her upper arm beneath the aforementioned symbol; unusually large ears and fluffy tail; oddly-shaped and mismatched glasses; colorblind left eye; normally walks barefoot. A more thorough description is taken from my first post in the RP itself:
The anthropomorphic jackal was reasonably young, perhaps around the age of twenty, and athletic, surprisingly confident in how she carried herself for her size of five-foot-two. Her hair color was plain enough, a shaggy dirty blonde, and her eyes chocolate brown—although one of them was considerably duller than the other—from behind the oddly mismatched lenses of her glasses, but everything else that topped the girl off was wildly abnormal.

Curling outlines of sable-splotched, abstract markings branched along her body from head to toe, forming a rigid mask of crescents and jagged streaks along her face, vines hiking up her arms and the tapering points of her elongated ears, streaks down her vulpine tail, and webs on her bare, clawed feet. A bizarre, vaguely '7'-shaped marking was engraved on her right shoulder, underlined by tribalesque, flowing scars of equal depth. Both had been somehow drenched in ink even darker than the shade the girl's markings were in, same with a thick scar around her left eye. The rest of her fur unmarred by the shadowy tattoos was a vibrant shade of saffron-yellow, sharply contrasting the darkness sloping along the jackal-woman's body. Creamy yellow of a lighter shade coated her muzzle, chest, and the underside of her tail, occasionally overlapped by the coattails of her gnarled markings.

Dueling Info

When it comes to dark-oriented magic and fighting in shadowed enclosures, Keaton is nearly a master. Having spent over five hundred years of her life training and accomplishing virtually countless, improvisational Dark-based magic spells, Keaton has plenty of experience on her shoulders, and has developed a nearly insane amount of flexibility in unarmed combat, augmented by her speed and double-jointed limbs. Capable of using the shadows around her to manipulate for her convenience, Keaton can orchestrate darkness in ways limited only by her imagination, from enveloping herself with them to disappearing within the shadows she controls. Being a Succubus, Keaton is highly prone to metamorphosis, and can twist her body into whatever shape she desires, utilizing a multitude of tentacles in battle. Finally, Keaton can use her mace, Catastrophe, as an aid for harnessing dark magic, wielding it like a baton despite its barbaric nature.

Since Keaton's abilities hover towards the darker side of the magical spectrum, it is no surprise that her weaknesses lay in Light-oriented magic, and the presence of it. Keaton's normally innate subterfuge ability can only be used crafting the shadows surrounding her, hence reducing this ability useless if she is placed in an area with an absence of darkness. Further exacerbating her weaknesses is the fact that she has utterly neglected other magical elements, hence allowing her vulnerability to light fester, and that her over-inflated confidence and ego have led to her consistently underestimating her enemies. Keaton isn't very physically durable, at least in comparison to some of her opponents.

History: For now, little is known about Keaton and her history, except that she has somehow gained an unforgiving prejudice towards Angelic beings and an equally voracious attraction towards violence and blood. Whether or not this is a product of her own, darkness-based power's corruption, an adapted quirk, a façade, or just in her nature is unknown. In the future, more will be revealed about Keaton's history as it develops.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


The second circle is now open and ready for use!

You had Stalker worried there for a second, Keaton. LOL I'll leave it to you to figure out why.


Name: Stephen Emmanuel Exel
Nickname(s): Excelerator
Age: 42
Species: Human (enhanced)
Family and Association(s): Joanne (wife, deceased), Victor and Julia (children, deceased), Corrosion (organization)
Place of Origin: Dyssea

   Physical description

Height: 5'10
Weight: 245 lbs
Build: Athletic, slender and shapely
Eyes: Left one red, right golden cybernetic
Hair: Black
Skin: Tan
Distinguishing features: Very, very handsome (practically a woman's dream), he looks young despite his age. He has shoulderlength black hair, and a somewhat androgynous, well-shaped face. His right eye is replaced with a smooth, all-gold cybernetic multispectrum replica, and his right arm is similarly an apparrent prosthetic, a smooth, all-gold and black cybernetic one. He tends to wear pretty tight or unrestraining clothing in combination to move more easily, and greatly favors black, gold and crimson.

   Dueling Info

Stephen is all about speed, speed and speed. He is an offensive hard-hitter with a capability to move so fast that most of his opponents only see him and his strikes as a blur. Without using any advanced techniques or great power, he can push his body to run at an excess of three hundred miles per hour. With the opportunity and time to charge up, he can break the sound barrier on land within perhaps a hundred and fifty metres. This insane speed is also accompanied by supernatural strength and agility, making him a one-man powerhouse for most situations.
   Stephen's offense, while short-ranged and focused, is hard-hitting and quick, that of a typical rushdown fighter. It mostly consists of running and acrobatizing around his opponents while making liberal kicks and strikes at them from every direction. Sometimes he will also charge up and release bursts of bioelectricity, which he can create bolts and waves of force from. This same bioelectricity he can conduct through his whole body, and it is what powers him and allows him to overcome the material limits to his speed, by letting him reduce air resistance and counter inertia.
   Naturally, his defense depends on speed. With a much, much augmented reaction and thought-processing speed, and the ability to move that fast, Stephen can avoid most attacks. He is fast enough to catch several bullets in succession, and if he is swarmed with attacks from metal objects, for example, he'll just create electromagnetism powerful enough to repel them.
   Still, though he may seem an unbeatable melee fighter, even Stephen can be overwhelmed, on account of that his speed isn't "perfect", as his running, moving and thinking speed are all "different". He is also vulnerable to electromagnetic interference and EMP of adequate magnitude, and as one may expect he is no great fan of water, though not for short-circuiting reasons but for the fact that it's Hell for him to turn quickly on and because it can be frozen. Also, he is unfamiliar with magic, and he doesn't really have much to counter certain trapping effects with. Plus, while he can jump very high, he is not the one to depend upon in aerial combat.


Stephen was a scientist working for a notorious company back in his, and Stygian's, original world of Dyssea, the enormous Haudée Corporation. An expert on biology and nanotechnology, and also very highly skilled in cybernetics, he was assigned to work on applications and experimental designs for electrokinetic control and bioelectric generators, high-end and classified work that tied into many other nanotech projects at Haudée (such as quickly hushed-down remote mind-control and psychokinetic projects).
   While the project, codenamed "Generator Six", seemed a great progress in his life at first, expanding on his own work and theories, Stephen soon became at first worried, and then discontent with Haudée's use of his results. Eventually, once he learned all about their other projects he tried to leave. Haudée wouldn't let him, and when he persisted, turning to the authorities, they responded by electrocuting and burning his family in their house. Torn up, Stephen went practically insane and destroyed the primary research lab for "Generator Six", stealing his own work and then supposedly dying in a car chase.
   Five years after he had been reported dead, he showed up again, having turned himself into basically a walking, thinking bioelectric powerplant, engine and conductor, and now calling himself Excelerator. In a swift series of killings, he took out several CEOs and higher employees at Haudée, searching them out and making them suffer the same fate as his family. Later, he joined the terrorist group Corrosion, through which he met Stygian, Moira, and several others. Nowadays, he runs as a team leader and main researcher within that same group.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Gareeku on March 01, 2007, 06:58:38 PM
Uh, Llearch? If you can't rp seriously, especially in this rp, then don't rp at all. Myself, along with others, are getting a bit fed up with it.

What on earth made you think I wasn't serious? Smart-alec remarks are all part of the persona.

If you object, you're welcome to speak up about it. I'm sure you'll get an entirely unsuitable response, but you're still welcome to speak up about it.

In character, I mean.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

Ah, what the heck, here's my character stats too.  'Tis a good idea.  :3

Name:  Aisha deCabre
Nickname(s): Aish, Isha, "The Risen"
Age: 23
Species: Panther (melanistic jaguar)
Family/Association: Luc Cabre (father, deceased), Mara Cabre (mother, deceased), Ayan Cabre (brother, presumed missing), Rynkura Msh'taan (mentor).
Place of Origin: Furrae, the Shadowed Depths

Physical Description

Height: 5'6''
Weight: 120 lbs.
Build: Lean and strong, but not muscular
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black with a couple of dark grey streaks
Fur: Black with a barely distinguishable spotted pattern
Distinguishing features: Long hair that goes down to just below her shoulderblades tied in a braid, always with loose strands framing her face, which has a few child-like features, even though they've been hardened by time and by experience and so she is able to give a very intimidating and dark look.  There is only one scar on her body, a slash across her lower's the only one she's kept, any others having been erased by healers.

Dueling Info

Strengths: Being one with a specialty for stealth, Aisha is very quick on her feet and also good at using any hiding places to her advantage.  She is also a quick thinker and observant, often trying to utilize her opponent's weaknesses once she finds them.  Ranged attacks are her favorite mode, especially going against heavier or more powerful opponents, but if need be she is also good at close-range combat and even then will land some hard and fast blows.  She isn't half bad at unarmed combat either, so long as her opponent goes by the same terms.

She collects weaponry, and except for her sword (which actually is resistant to magic and can cut through it), all of the ones she carries are enchanted.  Her bladed boomerang is light-enchanted and can be commanded to return to her hands after being thrown, and with a bit more concentration, can be controlled in flight as well.  Also she carries a whip that is enchanted strongly with ice, and that one she often tries to use only as a last resort.  As for defense, the bracer she wears can fend dark magic and heal wounds, but not ones that would turn fatal.

Weaknesses: Aisha is a Being, which means that she doesn't use magic of her own, though she might be capable of it.  The only magic present is in her weaponry...also she may not be as strong as most fighters, so she uses as many advantages as she can.  However she is also very stubborn and can keep a fight going for longer than needed, even when in a danger to her health.  There are ways to catch her off-guard in a fight...but one might have to look hard for it, and quickly.


Aisha was born and lived in her home village with her parents and older brother until she was twelve.  Her mother died of a sudden illness when she was seven, and it is there that she started learning how to fight amidst regular studies.  Her brother went off when she was ten to fight in a war, and never came back.  A couple of years later, her village was attacked by demons, and her father was assassinated.  She fled the burning village and lingered on the border until she met the healer Rynkura, who taught her the finer arts of battle as well as some non-magic healing.  At age eighteen was when she started adventuring and bounty hunting, determined to find these demons and avenge her family, and perhaps even find her lost brother, should he be alive.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 02, 2007, 02:59:23 AM
Quote from: Gareeku on March 01, 2007, 06:58:38 PM
Uh, Llearch? If you can't rp seriously, especially in this rp, then don't rp at all. Myself, along with others, are getting a bit fed up with it.

What on earth made you think I wasn't serious? Smart-alec remarks are all part of the persona.

If you object, you're welcome to speak up about it. I'm sure you'll get an entirely unsuitable response, but you're still welcome to speak up about it.

In character, I mean.

It occurs to me that this isn't exactly clear.

My character,who has yet to get a name, is a smart mouth. If you object to it, take it up with him in-play. If you beat him senseless, he may even learn to STFU. ;-)

I wouldn't lay any bets on it, though. Assuming you win (which, given the calibre of the characters playing, is reasonably given, I'd say) of course.

He awaits a challenge or two, and is at your disposal.

... literally, afterwards, I suspect... :-)

(edited to add a smiley or two, and clarify who's speaking...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

Sorry Llearch, we didn't know you'd take it that seriously.  It was just an observation, methink.

Anyway, just a little question to get things straight, just how far is the second Circle from the first?  Can two battles be fought at once?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The outer edges are about fifteen feet apart, and my intention with the second circle was to allow more battles at once. The circles are designed so that they contain anything occuring within, so that bystanders aren't hit with stray bullets/lightning/fish/squirrels/whatever.

They also change size to accomodate the fighters. From the outside they appear to be the same size, but from the inside during a fight they may be a foot across to over a thousand, shifting at need. They also extend upwards, though the upper atmosphere is usually considered out of bounds.

Remember, folks, that any challenge is fair game inside a circle if accepted, and that the person challenged usually gets pick of what kind of combat it will be.

(Edited for clarity.)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Aisha deCabre on March 02, 2007, 04:56:42 PM
Sorry Llearch, we didn't know you'd take it that seriously.  It was just an observation, methink.

Oh. -I'm- not worried.

It's just.. being an admin, I'd hate for anyone to mistake my lack of clarity and think I'm laying down the law, rather than just being overly brief of speech. :-)

Plus I realised I wasn't clear about the break between the unnamed PC, and the user behind it. So I clarified. Perhaps I should have added a smiley? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm thinking about bringing in the following two characters into the roleplay, since they probably would have been concerned enough about Ardaron's well-being to follow him and cheer him on and stuff like that.

I think it's only fair to warn you that Agility Dragons in general, and Ethriel in particular, have a tendency to be extremely annoying.

Name: Ethriel Shrifter
Nickname(s): Eth, Flash, "Cut it out!"
Age: 29 in human years, or about 27 in Paleon Dragon terms
Species: Flash Dragon (mostly Agility Dragon, but one-eighth Fire Dragon)
Family and Association(s): Father (unknown identity), mother (Agility Dragon/one-fourth Fire Dragon; Yehara), Ardaron and Shaera
Place of Origin: Vel, the Agility nation

Physical description

Height: 6'5"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Very thin and tall, and extremely flexible.  Not too terribly muscular.
Eyes: Slitted; the irises are a hawk-like amber color
Hair: None
Skin: Smooth and rubbery, like a dolphin's, but midnight blue in color on his back, and fading to a periwinkle blue on his stomach.
Distinguishing features: He looks pretty much like a typical Agility Dragon; in addition to his skin, his flexible, snake-like body, amber-colored claws, and slitted, alert, amber eyes are all Agility Dragon traits.  His feet are like a monkey's, but covered by his smooth, midnight blue skin, and tipped with amber claws.  His head is elongated at both ends, his snout looking a little like an eagle's beak, but with small, sharp teeth; the back of his head is swept back into an aerodynamic crest.

Ethriel's wings are the only thing that give away his Fire Dragon heritage; they are silvery, bat-like, thin and narrow, just like a normal Agility Dragon, but they are stained with patches of reds and oranges, which seem to shift and flow like fire across the almost fluid-looking surface of his wings.

Dueling Info

Ethriel makes full use of his Agility in battle.  He stays on the move constantly, and is almost impossible to see when he's moving, on account of his speed.  He also stays in the air, able to fly for hours at a time due to his light weight.  His strategy is not to actually fight an opponent, but to simply wait for them to wear themselves out.  He is good at finding what buttons to push, and can usually taunt an opponent into trying to fight him, and will often use that to trick them into hurting themselves in some way.  Every now and then, he'll swoop in to land a hit with his claws and teeth, and dart away in a blur as soon as he does so, hopefully before his opponent can retaliate.

He has some ability to conjure fire, but its about as advanced as Ardaron's Venom; as such, Ethriel can only summon hailstone-sized balls of fire, which are really more annoying than dangerous.  Which is just fine with him; he prefers 'annoying' over 'dangerous' anyway.

Strengths: His speed is obviously his biggest one, followed closely by his fast-thinking intelligence.  Even if you can manage to land a hit on him, his skin is thick enough to protect him from at least some amount of damage (at least, more than human skin).  Being as his entire combat strategy relies on trickery and taunting, he's very unlikely to fall for any tricks or taunts himself.

Weaknesses: He has no real weapons of his own, other than his claws and teeth, and limited fire-related ability.  If you can find a way to stop him from moving, he's nearly helpless.


Not a lot to say here.  Ethriel had a pretty typical life as an Agility Dragon; he was born, he was raised by his mom in the ways of Agility Dragons, he moved out on his own to explore the world, met Ardaron, and later on Shaera, and the three of them have since found ways to amuse themselves on various adventures.  Of course, Ardaron's dedication to the approaching war has been the source of several additional adventures, and Ethriel and Shaera have always been there to cheer him on and help him out.  Ethriel actually is also fairly interested in the coming war, because, as he puts it, "There's nobody funner to prank than those stiff military types.  Hehe!"


Name: Shaera Quelwen
Nickname(s): Shaer, Mith
Age: 31 in human years, about 28 in Paleon Dragon terms
Species: Mithril Dragon (half Life Dragon, half Metal Dragon)
Family and Association(s): Mother (Life Dragon; Ketli), father (Metal Dragon; Darshyn), half-sister (Metal Dragon; Suna), Ardaron and Ethriel
Place of Origin: Gardea, the Life nation

Physical description

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Build: Fairly sleek-looking without actually being thin, very muscular; does not have the female build that's found in humans (if you know what I mean)
Eyes: Slitted; forest green
Hair: None
Skin: Metallic, hematite grey (like very dark steel-colored) smooth skin, with an iridescent sheen that reflects all colors of the rainbow (but particularly forest green and light orange), and with faint, etched-looking scales in a diamond pattern.
Distinguishing features: Shaera's forehead sports a long, twisted horn much like a unicorn's, which is opal in color, reflecting the colors of the rainbow like the rest of Shaera's skin, but so iridescent that one cannot discern its base color.  Her skin is hard like metal, but the metallic layer is extremely thin; the skin over her joints is jointed, like a suit of armor, providing her with flexibility.  Her wings are the same color as the rest of her skin, and are likewise jointed.  Her back sports two almost paper-thin ridges of her metallic skin, which crisscross in a pattern of diamond shapes.  Her feet are dainty, looking like a wolf's paws, but lacking fur.  Her claws, on her hands and feet, are silver, lighter in color than the nearby skin, and extremely sharp.  She wears two bracelets, one on each wrist, made of a purple-tinted light silver metal, which she can manipulate the shape of, usually forming them into blades.

Shaera's eyes give her the look of someone shy, yet also curious about everything around her.  Her snout is somewhat like a duck's bill, but thicker, covered in her metallic skin, and lined with large, formidable teeth.

Dueling Info

Despite her shyness in social situations, Shaera is an accomplished fighter, should she be persuaded to enter combat (she usually tends to avoid it unless it's necessary).  She prefers close-range combat, using her wrist-blades, but also making good use of her natural teeth, claws, and horn.  She has a somewhat bestial fighting strategy, owing to her Life Dragon heritage, making use of various tactics found in the animal kingdom.  Her Life element gives her accelerated healing, as well as the ability to sense things like weakness and fear.

Life may be her dominant element, but her Metal abilities are still formidable, affording her a great advantage over fighters who rely on metal weapons and equipment, as she can alter the shape of metal objects at will (players, don't worry; since metal has 'memory', Shaera can return your characters' equipment to precisely its previous state after the battle).

Strengths: Shaera usually has the upper hand in close combat, and against opponents with metal equipment.  She can be quite ruthless in battle when she really needs to be.  Her skin sports a thin, 'metal' armored layer, which is difficult to penetrate.  This armor, coupled with her healing ability, makes her fairly unsusceptible to physical damage.

Weaknesses: Against an opponent with no metal equipment, she is considerably weaker; other than her metal altering abilities, she has no long range moves at all.  She could hypothetically throw her bracelets, but she never does so; she can't actually levitate metal, so she wouldn't be able to get them back.  She is good at pure fighting, but not so good at out-thinking an opponent.  Finally, unless there is a pressing incentive for her to win, she usually will only attempt to fight to a draw, or else end the battle at the first chance.


Shaera was born in Gardea, and raised by her mother and father, along with her older half-sister.  She seemed to be happy enough living with them, but she ran away, deciding to make her living in the wilderness over civilization.  She lived in Gardea for a while after that, but later ended up traveling again, flying over an ocean and ending up in Lumere, the Light nation, where she met Ardaron and Ethriel.  She doesn't talk about her family or her past much, so her two friends have assumed that she's a feral dragon; one that had been born in the wild.  Her shyness around people seems to support this theory; she seems to prefer the company of animals over sentient beings.  She has allied herself with Ardaron and Ethriel because she is fearful of the coming war, and what it will do to the wildernesses of Paleon.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Have you quite finished editing your post, Ardaron? Not that I'm complaining, but it's the third time the IC one has shown up as unread - and the fourth time I've read the post in -here-.... :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Heh, sorry about that.  I can be a major perfectionist sometimes.  But I'm done now.  I think.  . . . NO!  Must not edit any more!

*sits on hands to stop self from editing any more posts*  I can be good.  Really, I can.  :comp  Must not edit must not edit must not edit . . .

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heeeheeheeheehee. :-)

Right. Now to go back and re-read, and see if I can spot any changes...

TGR, do you suppose you could put a space in after each sentence? It seems to stretch the window somewhat....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


One-shot deal, I assure you, Llearch.

On the same topic, here's Flit.

Name: Flit
Nickname(s): None
Age: Unknown
Species: Flit
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: The Singing Forest, Karkarin, Wossul (Timeline 28)

Physical description

Height: 11"
Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Build: Short and cute, with womanly curves that leave no doubt that she's an adult.
Eyes: Black (no pupils)
Hair: Light blue with black streaks
Skin: Light blue
Distinguishing features: Flit is a light blue female humanoid with large black pupilless eyes. Her hair is a blue two shades lighter than her skin with black streaks that resemble tiger stripes, and hangs to her waist. On her back are two butterfly-like wings, patterned in royal blue patches lined and trimmed with black. Flit is usually dressed in a short dark blue tunic that bares her midriff, a short black skirt, and black slippers.

Dueling Info

Weapons: None.
Abilities: Like all of her race, Flit can fly, is nearly invulnerable, and is highly proficient at healing magic. She can move at speeds up to twice the speed of sound, but rarely exceeds roughly 80 miles an hour. She is also much stronger than she appears to be, able to lift and move nearly a ton of deadweight.
Strengths: Flit is a very capable healer. She is also apparently immune to most intoxicating substances.
Weaknesses: Flit has no combat abilities whatsoever, and indeed has no serious notion of what combat is.
Quirks: Flit is almost always cheerful and manic, something that can very rarely be affected. When it is, it rarely lasts more than a few seconds at best. She often speaks too quickly to be understood, and is incredibly curious about everything. She has the social skills and self-preservation instincts of a lobotomized puppy. She tends to stay in almost constant motion.


Wossul is a world of magic, where technology only exists in medieval forms. Although occassionally an evil creature or kingdom would arise and cause trouble, for the most part it is a peaceful world. Seven human, three dragon, and several dozen other kingdoms populate the five continents.
In the kingdom of Karkarin is a huge area known as the Singing Forest. Very few intelligent creatures venture there, and several sets of magical wards exist to keep the most prolific creatures in: The Flits.
Flits are peaceful magical creatures who are nearly indestructible. Combined with their insatiable curiousity about the world and their absolute lack of concern for things such as privacy, they have earned the dislike of almost every other living creature on Wossul.
The curiousity of Flits has been key to nearly every major disaster, war, and cataclysm in the history of Wossul. They love to gossip and interfere with an intensity that borders on obssessiveness, and find machinery to be endlessly fascinating. No less than three civilizations have been felled due to Flits trying to discover how things worked by disassembling the machinery that made them possible.
Flits have an unusual life cycle in that the children are born fully intelligent and with minds much like those of adult humans, but undergo a mental change within a year that renders them childlike and incredibly naive. Their lifespans can be measured in millenia, and they are capable of reproducing at a rate matching rabbits.
A grey-clad creature appeared one day in the center of the Singing Forest, and began scribing a circle in the native stone. This attracted the attention of the Flit, and although it ignored their questions and investigations entirely, it took over two weeks to finish due to their interference. The power flare as it was finished killed at least thirty of them instantly, which had absolutely no effect on the few thousand who remained watching.
The creature shook off the several dozen that were clinging to it, annoyed, and stepped into the circle. It vanished in a flash of light, and apparently dropped off several dozen Flit on the next six worlds it visited.
Flits have continued to plague other worlds since, appearing at random wherever a circle can be found.


Alright, did I miss something? Did Sed vanish?


Am I going to have to eat the Flit for this? She's obviously a threat... in a way... [smirks]


You can try if you like, Stygian. LOL

May have noticed I'm not on much, I'm sick. So go ahead and play through, I'll try to post a bit here and there as I feel better.


Yeah, sorry about that, Boogeyman.  I haven't been on the site much, due to real-life issues.  And I don't know when I'll be able to post again; I'm having one of my epic episodes of writer's block right now; most people get writer's block on the order of hours, whereas mine comes on the order of days, weeks, or sometimes even months.  So I might be able to write well again tomorrow, or a month from now.  So, for the sake of my schoolwork, and because I believe that a bad post is worse than no post at all, I'm going to sit out the roleplay for a while.  Boogey, feel free to pretend that either Tock never challenged Ethriel to a match, or else Ethriel didn't accept, if you haven't already done so.  I will catch up on reading the roleplay and posting therein when and if I have the time/ability.

Sorry I didn't warn anyone ahead of time about my writer's block quirks.  I'm going to go modify my siggy now.


Just to make sure I understand what just happened; Syphon just vanished?


Yep. The circles double as transportation if one knows how to access them properly. And apparently Grumpy-butt does. *grins*

llearch n'n'daCorna

Gareeku.... you note that the Haunted Ballroom is PG-rated, right?

.... just saying...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

i want IN

Ian Abernathy
species: rat punk

weight: 150 lbs
height: six foot (or the equivalent to the body types in setting)
build: lean and muscular (think skater)
fur pattern salt: and pepper gray with a white underbelly with pink skin showing through the normal spots on a rat
clothes: (from the head to the toe) a black ratty bandanna keeps his medium black hair out of his eyes, he has a small dogchain necklace with a thundercats logo medallion, he wears an old thin black leather jacket with a few bullet holes over a white tank top the jacket is normally open, his pants are camo pants bunched up around his mid-shin over black steel toe work boots, he has a few rings and the usual punk peiceings.

weapons/gear: he has two 9mm pistols modified to shoot nonleathal as well as leathal rounds, a pocket knife with a smooth blade for half of the six inch blade then sawteeth the rest of the way to the handle. flash bang grenades max of two per fight, extra clips, and sunglasses(badass tech punks NEED these appearntly), and a SWAT team tactical belt.

strengths: good with familiar tech( tech includes guns like he can use PC's with ease and can unjam guns on the run) has experence useing fire arms, crafty, quick thinker

weaknesses: he is mortal and as such has the limetations of a mortal, he will act without thinking, has a fear of fire and snakes and heights, can't see well in the night with his sunglasses on, and he bleeds more than a normal person would.