Here's MY room

Started by Fizzbit, November 27, 2005, 06:05:06 PM

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I need to get more pics since more stuff's been added, but here're pics of my room when it was finished. These pics are just over a month old.

I really like it cuz this is the first room in 15 years that I've had all to myself, and I got to design it completely on my own  :evar

It's small, but the colors and furniture and arrangement of the furniture are meant to communicate that I appreciate my privacy and show off my own taste and creative style, and the small space emphasises that privacy by saying there's not much room for anyone else in the room o.o;;

I <3 my computer armoire.


You've got a fan and computer.  :plzdie

Nice color though. and the radio really stands out.




Quote from: Darkmoon on November 30, 2005, 10:55:48 AM
Gorgeous room, yo.
nice and i be in acord to darkmoon,nice courtains,castlevania like decoration
(your room is like to the houses of lost village in DoS)
i hope to you are pretty like your room
("every thing will be acord to his/her owner") :bunny