and a new day dawns

Started by thegayhare, January 26, 2007, 02:11:43 PM

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Sorry to breing this up again

Quote from: superluser on January 30, 2007, 11:59:41 PM

But I think I'd rather ask TGH if he has a timeline for his book.

For my cook book?  No not yet I'm still waiting on a few imaes that haven't  been sent in yet

Quote from: llearch

Several health reasons

I've heard all that hon and I understand the need  be carefull but if they are that concered why don't they ban all blacks from donating blood too?

I'm not saying that to be bigotted I'm just being truthfull since to quote a black leader

QuoteEight years later, the silence is still loud and the numbers are worse. Blacks now account for nearly half of all new HIV/AIDS diagnoses and contract AIDS at a rate 10 times that of whites. Sixty-four percent of all American women living with HIV/AIDS are black. AIDS is the leading cause of death for black women, 25 to 34.

llearch n'n'daCorna

*wince* that's information that isn't, generally speaking, waved about in the media.

Whereas gays being mor elikely to have HIV is something the media cna use to sell papers.

*sigh* People suck.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


sorry hon I guess I'm just a little bitter

Reading that artical at the same time I recived my reply from my Bio life inquery just pilrd up to upset me

But it's like the greys anatomy thing

a back actor called a gay coworker a (I am not smart enough to use polite words) and got called on it,  and he get off with apology (did it again later and appologises again, rinse and repeat maybe)

now if it was a white actor calling a black one there own infamous slur he'd have been fired so fast his head would spin

ehh sorry I shouldn't take this ou on you hon

llearch n'n'daCorna

s'ok, I can understand why you're bitter. I was sympathising, actually...

We should pobably leave it at that, otherwise we'll bore everyone else again. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


i find it a little odd that i have no problems with blacks, many of my greatest friends online are either so homosexual you could roast marshmallows on them or bisexual to the point that not even inanamate objects are safe anymore. why do i think its odd? cause i was raised in a swamp in an extremely rasist envirionment and was actually taught to think that blacks, mexicans, pretty much all of asia, indians, native american indians, everyone from a country ending in 'stan', the french, anyone who is polish, the states of illinois and texas, anyone with long hair, males who have piercings, women who wear makeup, anyone who listens to music other then polka, and so fourth and so on...well, i was taught to hate them, taught all the slurs, think myself better then them, and generally be a illiterate redneck hick who thinks people who love each other are against my religion. it didnt take, probably because i knew my father was a dick, or perhaps because i realised i was being raised in a freaking swamp and chances are anyone who has not mastered the use of indoor plumbing is not qualified to provide me with lifes philosophy.

however i still dislike the french, im not sure why and i apologise to any french here.

in a way racisim has been defeated, its not gone, just defeated. why do i say this? because almost anywheres you go even the bigest and meanest buttheads have to watch thier tounge and know that if they say the 'N' word as an insult to someones face the closest five white guys are going to bite his head off. its become so taboo in our culture (except in certan hickvilles, my own father uses the term "sand n------" to reffer to anyone from the middle east, india, egypt, morocco, greece, southern russia, and all the surrounding areas. hes the most unracist racist you will ever meet) that uttering racial slurs anywhere but in the presense of other biggots gets you labled as such a hatefull moron that everyone treats you as though you yourself were a black man in 1750.

however that is not to say we can whine about statistics, and the day that a newspaper headline reads "minorities and females perfectly represented in college enrollment and graduation" is the day i chop off my own foot and beat people with it untill im arrested. as one man said "it is not that blacks are statisticaly poor, its that the poor are statistically black. the distinction is extremely important", to those who understand that remark, good for you. for those who dont understand that remark, try finding a mostly black neighborhood on the poor end of the spectrum and go around start talking to people untill you draw your own conclusions. then try walking around a mostly hispanic neighborhood and talk to people, the conclusions you make will be pretty intresting.

anyone here think part of the problem is the rappers who glorify life on the street and make it seem as though its normal and expected to have gang affiliations, beat any women you know, shoot whoever makes you angry, and get so high you dont care youve got six starving kids. this kind of steriotype wouldnt be so bad if it werent pumped into the culture so thorougly that kids actually treat anyone trying to get an education and a decent job as "acting white" and a traitor. gee, your complaining you have no money and society screws you...but most of the people who complain the loudest are under the philosophy that things like an education or a career path with upwards mobility are somehow wrong... it makes me feel even more sorry for the people who really are screwed over.

anyone here remember a while ago when a rapper told his listeners to boycott crystal champagne? how diluted is he to think his age 7-25 demographic statistically living in low income neighborhoods would be able to get a 200 dollar bottle of fizy liquor anywyas. besides, that brand is in continual short supply, a boycott does nothing because theres already far more people trying to buy then champagne availeable.

but whats worse is when 'fiddy cent' twice proclaimed that oprah winfrey was not black enough.... am i the only white guy who feels offended at this? oprah actually goes out of her way to do great things such as building public welfare facilities in poor countries, adopts impovereshed children, and goes around like some pixie with too much smile spraying glitter at people. the rapper in question spends his millions on really big mansions and gaudy jewelry instead of doing anythin amiable at all. fiddy cent then goes on to make a fool of himself in stating that the only black experience is the monolithic poor in the street kind of life where people get shot and squirt out babies like nobodys business. thats just insulting to blacks, and he should really think about it the next time hes making 'rhymes' up in his multimillion dollar mansion in mansionland where the population is about 1% black. i think oprah winfrey should accuse fifty cent as not being black enough, cause im curious what people would say.

*sigh* and after all that, in todays world where someone on the other side of the world is a second away, with all our medicine, the only weapon we really have against AIDS and HIV is education. and people arent educated. as an example there were missionaries who went to affrica many years ago to give away free vasectomies to try and curb the population explosion before everyone had a huge family on a dirt farm and starved. nobody wanted one, but not for the reason you think- even after being told what it was twice they had no idea what it was. the missionaries then offered to give away free transistor radios with each vacetomy....the line was enormous, and you knew nobody understood what happened because they GOT BACK IN LINE after they got thier radio. is there much chance that someone who dosent understand that a surgery to sever the flow sperm from your testicles will cause you to be serile will still understand how AIDS is contracted? theese people need schools, and not schools whose chief concern is the beatitudes or praise the great nation of *this weeks militiant dictatorship* in failed attempts to brainwash kids instead of teaching them to improve their life.

heh, how many people out there know juuuust little enough to think a condom can stop AIDS? a whole buttload, but it stops the AIDS virus like tissue paper stops mountan dew, and many of them went through school systems with sexual education classes even. just think of those who had no classes who dealt with it? theres still many people who are otherwise inteligent people yet believe things like you cant get pregnant on your first time, jumping backwards three times makes a fertilised egg just go away, only homosexuals have STDs, going to a clinic can make any venerial diseases you have just go away, and even stupider ones that sound like old wives tales of the 1800s.

i want all of you to go out there, hug a gay person, and say something that sounds inteligent about ecenomic imbalance in your country. go on, very few of them bite and the economy is so stupid that anything sounds inteligent in comparison.

Quotethis rant has been brought to you by sleep deprevation and the following sponsors, news at eleven
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... I would, but the great mass of humanity is so stupid as to make it an utter waste of my time and breath to even attempt to think down to their level.

Or so it seems to me. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ruin one life, you're a criminal. Ruin countless lives, you're either a hero or a government.

  :sweatdrop People are stupid sometimes. My condolances, dude.