DMFA - Nominated for Outstanding Anthropomorphic Webcomic

Started by fesworks, January 30, 2007, 11:24:20 PM

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Quote from: ShiningShadow on February 01, 2007, 03:23:27 PM
I can't imagine the whole thought process that Amber goes through every time when she makes the next strip.

I bet it starts with "Wiku Wiku"   :mowwink

Heh, I haveta check out those others, too...


I tried to vote at WCC they sent me a reply saying that I have to be a web cartoonist so I couldn't vote.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... You didn't read the rules first?

Sheesh. It's web cartoonist's choice. What's not to understand? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Fex on February 01, 2007, 05:42:31 PM
how do you vote? ^^''

You need to be a web cartoonist, and registration is over, I believe.

It's an award by peers, not fans.


Is there a award competition that only people who could vote like the Peoples Choice Awards on the web for the webcomic of their choice.


Quote from: ShiningShadow on February 02, 2007, 12:45:48 PM
Is there a award competition that only people who could vote like the Peoples Choice Awards on the web for the webcomic of their choice.

Nope. But doing a year of planning and promotion, you could start one if you were orgnazized enough... but it would be much harder to keep track and verify each voter.. There would be tons of cheating, multiple accounts and such... just a pain in the ass to do.


I know but i can be done and in a sort has to be fair and balanced.


Quote from: ShiningShadow on February 02, 2007, 09:37:05 PM
I know but i can be done and in a sort has to be fair and balanced.

oh it can, but It just would require a LOT of work... It would have to boil down to community sites to make it more realistically managable. What make the WCCA a bit easier is that all registrators can be linked to a comic. Only one person can be representing a comic for a vote (i.e. the Writer AND Artist for Ardra cannot vote as representing Ardra... only one of them can.)... which is fair to prevent unfair advantages.

really, the best way to show support is to donate.. which the DMFA community is very good at ;)


I know it's so hard to make these things so fair and balanced no wonder the other side dosen't pratice what they preach.


I get these thoughts from these guy on the web reading their comics and such. Sometimes it's not fair that these guys get passed over time and time again and not recognizeed in the *so called Wiki community* I know life is not fair so deal with it. But I'm the kind of person who love things to be fair and just that's all.



It's a simple case of people who have this kind of control and power case in point of the DMFA deletion fro Wikipedia they have to vote to see if they want DMFA to stay or delete all that process for what deletion. It goes to show you that no matter what you have in control you tend to lose sight of things that should be done in a nonjudgemental matter. But that's me I love to make things fair and just because it suppose to be that way.


I'm really failing to see what wikipedia and deletion of dmfa has to do with fairness of an award procedure.


shows that someone is paying attention to the which comic they like and doing it in a neutral just look at all of the comics and decide which will be nominated that is the fair and just way.


No, it shows that someone doesn't know what he's talking about anymore and should give up.


Anyway in this case I will challenge these individuals and doi ti in manner that will surprise everybody.


Quote from: ShiningShadow on February 08, 2007, 04:28:00 PM
Anyway in this case I will challenge these individuals and doi ti in manner that will surprise everybody.

Amber Williams

Hokay.  Time for a "everyone out of the pool" warning.

What I think ShiningShadow is saying is he finds the wikipedia issue unfair because it is a group of people who get say over what is notable and what is not.  Where as the WCCA awards is a select group (of webcartoonists) who get say in what is outstanding and what is not.

In both cases, it should be obvious why this is the way it is...and thats because if you leave something to popular vote, it is going to be infused with drama and over-rabid people trying to distort either side.

That said, I will say now I will be very very pissed if I find out any of my readers are trying to do something stupid for the sake of my comic.  You guys are ultimately an extension of DMFA, and if you go off and do stunts or try to make end up making DMFA look bad by default.  And if I find out some people are trying to create trouble for Wikipedia or the WCCA on "behalf" of DMFA...then expect me to slam you.  It isn't helping, it is a slap to my face.

Is the WCCA a bit flawed? Probably. You have over 8,000 webcomics of varying talent and sizes...its almost impossible to have a single person read them all.  But the award tries its best, and really keeping fans out of the voting/nomination makes sense since otherwise you'd end up with a major influx of people voting for the big names.  It's a good start and attempt at being fair, and if you want to help in the fairness, you would work WITH them rather than try to be all commando and aloof.

In other words:  Don't start waving the war banners over something that doesnt need it.  I said before I dont care about the wikipedia article and I dont care that Im going to lose painfully to Lackadaisy, Digger, VGCats, or Angry D Monkey.  It's life, and I didnt start a webcomic to get nominated or to be on wikipedia.  Save your fighting spirit for a worthy cause.  Like Puppy Mills.


Funnily enough, it's the only worth while genre to read. Seiously, good luck Amber.


Well said Amber, and I do appologize if I created trouble by starting this thread (which is why I wanted until after nominations were over).

Nothing Truer stated than that the fans are an extention of DMFA.

I shall now revert everyone to the following DMFA strip that is related to the subject:

Like I said earlier in the thread, the best way for Fans to show their support for DMFA is to give Amber money, and tell people about the comic! But giving Amber money is important too! :P



Even Still, It is just awesome enough that DMFA got nominated once again. Which already means that DMFA is well recognized amoungst many of her peers already! Even without a nomination, DMFA is apart of a great network of fellow webcomickers she has contacts with, and they all have great communities, and that is what does matter the most in this "business".... other than enjoying fine comics, of course :P


I'm sorry too Amber I didn't mean to get all Zellous on this subject. I will try and not slap you and DMFA in the face. Please forgive me for my fighting spirit.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I note, however, that Wiki editors have noted that the DMFA commentators were "unusually well-spoken"

It'd be nice if we can keep that up - speak politely, clearly, and, above-all, politely. Even if they're being a bunch of tight-wads, there's no reason for -us- to sink to their level.

After all, "Never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience." :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2007, 08:03:24 AM
I note, however, that Wiki editors have noted that the DMFA commentators were "unusually well-spoken"

It'd be nice if we can keep that up - speak politely, clearly, and, above-all, politely. Even if they're being a bunch of tight-wads, there's no reason for -us- to sink to their level.

After all, "Never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience." :-)

Your're right on this one. I would register for wiki but as of right now i'm on the fence on this and to continue to support DMFA on your fan site.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2007, 08:03:24 AM

After all, "Never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience." :-)

:boogie  Try this one
Never argue with an Idiot, you never change his mind, and onlookings will not be able to tell which one of you is the most idiotic.

Good Luck Amber, WCCA  may surprise you (and some of us)


Do not answer fools according to their folly,
   or you will be a fool yourself.(Proverbs 26:4)
Answer fools according to their folly,
   or they will be wise in their own eyes.(Proverbs 26:5)

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Let's not bring religious texts into this, you'll only cause more drama.


Quote from: Manawolf on February 09, 2007, 07:10:59 PM
Let's not bring religious texts into this, you'll only cause more drama.
No way! IT'S ON NOW!!!!


Reese Tora

Quote from: Manawolf on February 09, 2007, 07:10:59 PM
Let's not bring religious texts into this, you'll only cause more drama.

Reguardless of source, good advice is good advice.
(Would you, I ask, have thought about it if he had not referenced his source?)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on February 01, 2007, 01:07:19 PM
I don't think throwing something together randomly on a whim suddenly makes you a cartoonist...

Oh sure it does.  It just doesn't make you a good cartoonist.  ^_-