Bleach - If you could make your own Zanpaktou....

Started by Teroniss, January 18, 2007, 04:06:24 AM

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Im kinda bored  and im drawing myself as a Bleach character, so I thought I might as well get so opinions through a little survey.

What kind of Zanpaktou would you make? What would its name be, would it be physical, kidou or elemental based? What would its Shikai form be and what would its powers consist of? Would you have a bankai and what would that be?

For mine, it would be the following(also you may use as a base for your posts if you like)

Name: Myoujou (明星) - Translates out roughly to Morning Star

Shikai Command - Shine as bright as dawn and banish all darkness.

Type: Elemental, fire

Shikai Form: When in Shikai, the blade would turn into a chinese style double-edge warsword, with a tsuba engraved with a shining sun. The blade itself emits an intense heat, causing the air around the blade to ignite, making it glow like the morning sun.

Powers: In shikai form, Myoujou intensifies any present natural light ten fold. On command, it can intensify that light even more to create a blinding flash. Also, the blade itself exhumes a large amount of heat, and can ignite anything flamable it touches as well as greatly heat any blade that blocks it for an extended amount of time.

Bankai: None as of yet.


Heh, ironic that you'd mention this because I was considering it myself.  I already have the two sides of my personality for the personification of the zanpaktou and Hollow form.

Charline would obviously be the Hollow side, though she'd need a little more ominous name... Devourer Beast or something like that. 

Alondro would make a perfect zanpaktou, his name (as I learned from an extensive search when I found out it was actually a real name) is a rarely used derivation of Alexander and means 'defender of mankind'.

I've been giving some thought as to his powers and sword forms, but I haven't really had the time to get a good mental image of anything yet.  I'm thinking his shikai form would be a left arm shield-right arm claws combination, mainly for high-defensive close combat.  The bankai would be worn as well, much like Hitsugaya's, but its form I'm not sure of. 

It'd likely be a fire-type, as lions are traditionally associated with flame.

The Hollow form would be an ultra-demonic form of the already evil Charline, with a skeery skeletal lion skull mask!  Ack!   ;)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


I've not seen as much of this as you folks have so I'll ask a question or two

Are Zanpaktou always swords in there transformed state?  could they be Axes or Clubs, or the like?

and these elements you mention are they just of the basic four or can there be amalgama, where magama is earth and fire, and mist is water and air.  Or can there be other elements lightning, light, dark, or luck for instance?

Do hollows ever use conventional weapons? swords and the like

If I was to make a hollow form I'd have to let my dark side out  and even then I'm torn...  Hunter would be be sleak and wipcord strong, a relentless nightmare,  where my other dark side Slovos would be an imense armor coverd  juggernuaght  with an unquencable appitite.

My dark sides mirro my normal side very well they tend to reflect my delight in brute force with my desire for speed and finnesse


Quote from: thegayhare on January 18, 2007, 01:49:12 PM
I've not seen as much of this as you folks have so I'll ask a question or two

Are Zanpaktou always swords in there transformed state?  could they be Axes or Clubs, or the like?

and these elements you mention are they just of the basic four or can there be amalgama, where magama is earth and fire, and mist is water and air.  Or can there be other elements lightning, light, dark, or luck for instance?

Do hollows ever use conventional weapons? swords and the like

If I was to make a hollow form I'd have to let my dark side out  and even then I'm torn...  Hunter would be be sleak and wipcord strong, a relentless nightmare,  where my other dark side Slovos would be an imense armor coverd  juggernuaght  with an unquencable appitite.

My dark sides mirro my normal side very well they tend to reflect my delight in brute force with my desire for speed and finnesse

In shikai form, a Zanpaktou can take the form of any melee weapon. As for elements, there are fire, water & ice, earth, and wind based. As for light, dark, things like that, those are kidou(shinigami shadow magic) based zanpaktou. Also hollows can carry zanpaktou, but they are a special removed masked kind of hollow called Arrancar.


This isn't immediately relevant to me, but...

I guess mine would be a Kidou-based Zanpakuto, since I believe in enhancing one's own abilities, rather than just using weapons. I'd most likely be the kind of character who uses shadow magic on a regular basis anyhow...

The name? Well... Phasma perhaps, if you refer to the abilities, or Larua. It would be a black-bladed daitó, made from a single piece of metal, much like Kurosaki Ichigo's, but slim and long and with black wrappings at its hilt. Not a cleaver, that is.

To call it out? Inficio Cosmos per umbra!

In its shikai form it would turn into black wrappings and little blades and chains around it, and flow up around one's body, wrapping tight around arms and legs and somewhat around the torso and neck too. Its would enhance one's combat and Kidou abilities greatly, and allow one to lash out with the blades and chains. The special ability of it would be that it could protect its wearer both against attacks and magic on its own in a way, immunizing them against most detrimental effects.

The bankai would be a continuation of this. The whole sword would drop into the ground and merge with the user's shadow, which would flow up over their body, and produce a sort of effect not much unlike Byakuya's sphere of darkness, but would rather just make the world around the user dark and obscured than seal anyone in, and not in such a definite area. It would allow the user to act outside of the world, passing through shadows, shaping them and himself to attack his foes, evading attacks and resisting effects. Quite simply it would be an almost ultimate Zanpakuto defensively. One might consider some illusion effects or perhaps an attack ability too, like a poison for its blades in the Shikai form, or that the flesh around the wounds become something like frostbitten.


Heh, I think Stygian would simply be better off as a Vasto Lorde.  *knows all there is to know about Bleach*  ;)

And I've picked a name for the Hollow form:  Lady Talons.  Charline thinks its cute.   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Kitsune Ascendant

I'm not to far in the anime right now (just what they've shown on toonami so far), So I had to look this up on wikipedia. Anyways...

Name: It would translate to guardian fox.
Type: elemental, fire.
Shikai Command: Bring forth divine justice with your nine tails!
Shikai Form: first, the blade doubles in width. An edge of light surrounds the blade, adding several inches to it's cutting distance and greatly increasing the cutting ability. the point shifts to take on the shape of a fox's head, with a gem of light at the center of the mouth. and at the eyes
The tip can extend at blinding speeds, impaling opponents.
the blade can launch fireballs in salvos of nine. the size of the fireball can vary greatly depending on the energy put into them, and often have a homing ability.
By slashing the ground, a wave of fire can be created. this can intercept projectiles, or take out large numbers of weaker enemies.
Bankai: yep. you guessed it. a giant nine-tailed white kitsune in fox form, with me riding on top. At this point, I can concentrate my soul into a nearly unstoppable "soul cannon" fired from the kitsune's mouth. A small portion of the  Zanpaktou's energy is carried with me, so if it is stopped, I revert to my regular form with a blade similar to the shikai form and can counterattack before returning to my seat on top of the kitsune.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

Roureem Egas

I guess I'll try.

Name: Inis (Unless I find a better or more original name)

Type: Kidou

Initial Release (Shikai): Beguile!

Shikai Form: Inis transforms into a short katana with no guard on it, but there is a small ornament on the end resembling a simple mask with gems where its eyes and mouth are. There is also a string attached to a hole near its end. Inis has the power to create illusions depending on the user's will. Effects include after-images, cloaking, and sensory effects. As a side power, Inis can shoot short, weak bolts of energy.

Bankai: None as of yet. I might edit this later.


ooo, this reminds me, check out what I drew this weekend, its a crappy attempt at my character in a Bleach RPG:


Hmm... This is pretty cool. Methinks I'll give it a go.

Name: Miyabiyaka Hogosha

Shikai Command: Awaken to stand in the path of the foe!

Type: Elemental, earth

Shikai Form: Miyabiyaka Hogosha isn't a weapon in the traditional sense. She is, in fact, a pair of large kite-shaped shields that attatch to the weilder's forearms. Both shields are incredibly dense and yet lightweight insofar as the weilder is concerned, and are used just as often as bludgioning weapons or are held out as the weilder charges as they are used for defensive purposes.

Powers: In addition to being abnormally lightweight, Miyabiyaka Hogosha is capable of causing huge shockwaves when slammed, outward side facing downward, upon the ground. However, the weilder would be capable of creating the same shockwaves through the air if there is for any reason no ground within reach.


If I was more a Bleach fan than a Naruto one and wrote fanfics for it instead, I'd probably have created heaps of these by now...

But anyway, I'll try and create one out of what I remember from the show.

Name: Kitakaze (North Wind)

Shikai Command: Soar!

Type: Element, wind

Shikai Form: A pair of large iron war fans with extended spikes.

And that's all I can think of with my knowledge... though if you asked me to make something for Naruto, I'd be able to do it in an instant XD


Name: Tsumetai Kasumi (Icy Fog)

Shikai Command:  Hide and Seek

Type: Element, Ice

Shikai Form: A massive two handed macuahuitl

Powers: A bitter frosty mist pours from the weaon rappidly concealing the weilder in a dense fog allowing the weilder to strike suddenly and with out warning.  Once the weapon hits the mist coaleces on the victum in a flash frost.   This is the most vulnerable point since it takes a moment for the sword to produce more mist.


My Zanpaktou would be

Name: ?

Shikai Command: ?

Type: Element, Ice

Shikai Form: Can't Describe Yet

Powers: Freezes Foes on the Spot then Shatters them into a million pieces (Non - hollow).Hollows: Makes them were they can't move from spot making it easy to slice head.

Roureem Egas

Quote from: gothtk14 on January 23, 2007, 05:35:05 PM
My Zanpaktou would be

Name: ?

Shikai Command: ?

Type: Element, Ice

Shikai Form: Can't Describe Yet

Powers: Freezes Foes on the Spot then Shatters them into a million pieces (Non - hollow).Hollows: Makes them were they can't move from spot making it easy to slice head.

...real descriptive there. Not that mine's that much better.


Quote from: Roureem Egas on January 23, 2007, 06:37:11 PM
Quote from: gothtk14 on January 23, 2007, 05:35:05 PM
My Zanpaktou would be

Name: ?

Shikai Command: ?

Type: Element, Ice

Shikai Form: Can't Describe Yet

Powers: Freezes Foes on the Spot then Shatters them into a million pieces (Non - hollow).Hollows: Makes them were they can't move from spot making it easy to slice head.

...real descriptive there. Not that mine's that much better.

Well mine is a work in progress.


BTW, I dont know if anyone here would be interested, but I know there are some who like to do the whole roleplay bit and I wanted to let yall know that theres a really cool forum based RPG i joined recently based on bleach at They're currently looking for new players and it's quite interesting.


Quote from: Teroniss on January 27, 2007, 01:55:40 AM
BTW, I dont know if anyone here would be interested, but I know there are some who like to do the whole roleplay bit and I wanted to let yall know that theres a really cool forum based RPG i joined recently based on bleach at They're currently looking for new players and it's quite interesting.

I'll try to show up and help if needed. Might want to try a better link though this one does not work.

King Of Hearts

I guess this is relevant.

Ive never watched Bleach save for the first ep, but I'll give this a try.

Name: Daitenkuken

Shikai Command:  Divine arm, be joined in battle.

Type: Sky

Shikai Form: A Heavy Chinese sword [Imagine Donqi Bubai's/Yang Guo's Heavy Sword from the wuxia novel "Return of the Condor Heroes"]

Powers: The Sun, The Moon, The stars, the clouds in the sky and the flutter of wings...  Control over that. To turn Day into night, for the stars and the rain to fall, to see all under heaven... that sort of stuff.


*snerks!*  I just saw the VG Cats comic myself!  Hee-hee, a rat. 

Though, Charline would try to eat it...  :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Quote from: Tiger_T on February 01, 2007, 04:03:06 PM
It's the infamous rat-flail! >:3

Now with upgraded powres!!!11  LOL! :mowhappy

Vg cats is the funnist comic I have ever read. *Laughs head off when saw the giant rat*


..Miaka's tried, though she hasn't watched all of the series yet... *up to the battle with kenpachi* >>
I don't really know how the zanpaktou work, but I'll try,

Name: Issui(means flow of water or something similar)

command: Scream

Shikai form:(is usually shown as a tanto with three small holes in the blade) the blade from the normal tanto remains, though when given it's command, the blade in thrown from the hilt, connected by a long chain, and used as a whip. Each small chain link has a barb on each side.

.....I dunno. <<


Wow. I didn't think this one could actually go that far off topic.


You'd be surprised......

By the way, that link i posted to the Bleach Forums for the Bleach RPG should work. Ive clicked it several times and had no problems.