Kingdom Hearts (OOC)

Started by Melpomene, January 28, 2007, 12:10:42 AM

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Yes... a fandom RP. I'm rather ashamed of myself, as well xD; But, I noticed there wasn't a RP for KH here, which saddened me a bit. This RP will be rather tight, considering that while willy-nilly is pretty cool in some plots, I don't think it'd work out in this one. Know this now, there will be a 1:6 ratio for Keybladers; for every six people that join, only ONE is able to weild a Keyblade. I don't want a mass of Keybladers running around waving their spiffy-looking, giant keys.

This is in a "parallel universe", so to speak, to Sora's. So, Sora, Riku, Kairi, etc. don't exist! Please, all OCs here. Heartless and Nobodies are the enemies, though feel free to create your own kind! Organization XIII doesn't either, but feel free to make your own type of "orginazation" of Nobodies or Heartless.

For the start, there will only be five worlds where your character may come from. They are thus;
Aemulus (Faye Isenhart, Drakra Manaweilder, Grunda Whopple, Restriction, Kadais Everstar)
Ihsan (Zezare Alunova, Tarson Hunter)
Koit (Goth T.K., Bauchan, Aratol DeShanen)
Korbinian (Koin Cerebellum, Amayax)

Short histories on each of the worlds;
Aemulus is filled with anthros of any sort. Mainly those being connected to elemental statuses, which is reflected in their eye color (red being fire, green being nature, blue being water, etc.). It's not a particularly religious planet, and there's normally no country boundries, making war rather scarce. Though, it's a rather rugged land, being without actual leaders, and somewhat primitive, though there's a large variety of cities, each one being as unique as the last.

A very advanced world, with three layers of cities; the Jewels, the City, and the Scum. The Jewels live within the sky, high elevating see-through platforms making it look as if its floating as is where the richer residents live. The pillars to the platforms (the parts that're actually see-through) run through the City and into the Scum. The city is for middle-class citizens, and is at ground-level. It is plagued by fumes and toxins, and mostly only escaped robots or androids (humans with mechanical alterations) live there. The scums, which appear to be in the design of a computer's motherboard, is where all rejects go. Nearly anything anyone could want would be here, though most stolen.

A relatively peaceful place where it's constantly midnight. Mainly earthen folk (fae, dryads, sprites, undead, etc. etc.) abide here, and many adapted to the conditions of the world's eternal night. Though it is constantly dark, the residents are rather friendly. It is also primitive, having no towns, though a few fae Courts reside underground. Rocky terrains are balanced out by forests, though most of the world is a large, seemingly endless field.

Korbinian is a world of children. People here stop aging when they turn twelve, though have the normal human agespan. There's only a single city in the world of Korbinian, and it's unknown how the children are born. They're expecptionally wise on the know-abouts of Kingdom Hearts, Heartless and Nobodies. There's a single adult in this entire world, though he disappeared some time ago...

This world was harvested of most of its material needed to live. A few ferocious animals still linger here, driven insane by hunger, though most don't dare venture to find its secrets anymore.

Character application:

History: (At least two paragraphs, please)

If you want to be a Keyblade wielder, ASK first! I'll give you an answer as soon as I can. If you do have a Keyblade, this would be your application;

Drive Form Name:
Drive Form Appearance:
History: (At least two paragraphs of character's history, and one paragrah describing how you got your Keyblade)
Keyblade Name:
Keyblade Appearance:
Keyblade Ability:

P.S. This is a rather dark, broody RP for Kingdom Hearts... So ah, angst is more than welcomed!

Keyblade Masters:
RJ (Amayax)
Sirius Griffon (Aratol DeShanen)
Xze (_____)
Zaon (Bauchan)

Keyblade Allies:
Azlan (Zezare Alunova)
Daimien (Tarson Hunter)
Destiny Destiny (Grunda Whopple)
Drake Manaweilder (Drakra Manaweilder)
Gothtk14 (Goth T.K.)
Kenji (Kadais Everstar)
Melpomene (Koin Cerebellum)
Sirius Griffon (Faye Isenhart)

Boogeyman (Restriction)
Zaon (Bauchan) [Keyblade Master]

RJ (Amayax) [Keyblade Master]


Xze claims a Keyblade D:

i'll make my desc tomorrow because i'm going to bed right now...but not to fear!!!


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Okay... Five more people before another Keyblade can be claimed!

lol, take your time, I'd rather it not be rushed!

Sirius Griffon

Pssssh! You know Im in :3

Character application:

-Name: Faye Isenhart
-Nicknames: Fae, Fairyboy, Fay-Fay,
-Homeworld: Aemulus
-Gender: Male
-Age: 17
-Species: Hybrid Anthro: Wolf, White Tiger, Lynx
-Appearance: Faye stands roughly a little over six feet tall. He has brown hair, shaggy and unkepempy, which goes past his shoulder blades and a bit down his back. That hair has be known at times to have various bright beads and decorations, at times even war braids, drawn into it.

His eyes are a bright red, reflecting his element of fire. His fur is white, with black tigerlike markings, and he stands like a wold build wise. He has retractable claws like a lynx, and around his face a few lynxlike markings as well as the tufted ears but these lynx markings are in red. He has the lynxlike tear marks as well.

Oh, and his tail is like a tigers only longer furred nearthe end to floof out like a wolf's would.

Strangest of all would be the pair of brilliantly colored butterfly wings he bears upon his back... a gift of sorts for his personality and helping a Traveller in need. The wings are shades of lightly blue to royal purple.
-Personality: Can we say bubbly? He almost always seems happy, cheerful, ready to do whatever it takes to help and never faltering in his kind smile. He seems to love the world and every minute hes in it. Hes easy to make laugh, always ready with a story or a joke, random, and bascily lives up to his nickname of Fae quite easilly! Hes very kind, benevolent, and is almost always seen with others, never alone.

History: Everyone in Fayes village knows of his history... which is why folks worry so much for him sometimes. He was born to a lynx mother and a wolger father, in a small town where basicly everyone knew everyone else. His Father, however, was hardly ever home. He brought in funds to his household by mercenary work... but there came a time when his father didnt return home, when Faye was still a child. It was unknown if the Father was killed, ran away, or perhaps even just got lost. But whatever the case was... he was gone.  Since he left his blade it is thought he ran off...

Faye vowed like a good little boy to protect her, to make her smile, Make her laugh even, tell her stories to ease her mind, the typical kids stuff. It was as such he started training with the blade his father had left behind (which only further fueled rumors) and teaching himself to be lighthearted, to make jokes. And indeed, it seemed to work. He could always get his mom to laugh...

But, being a kid, he never realized that she still bore her sadness. he would see it from time to time but always dismissed it and made her laugh the next moment. But, there came a time when one day... she just vanished as well. Without a trace, she was gone. He tried tracking her, tried hunting her... but to no result. It was widely thought she ran off to find her husband, to be eit him. But why she would leave her child behind was unknown. Whatever thecase was, then 14, Faye raised himself.

He, however, never let any sadness showed and instead kept up the house, kept up his training and his stories, refusing to give up. Theyd return and hed be ready with more to tell. As he grew to an adult, noone recalls him ever being sad. However, hes become a very stable, very dependable memeber of the community everyone comes to for help. And though some misuse him, he remains there for them loving each of their stories. He keeps his house open to random travellers as well, refusing payment, and instead earns his living from the woods themselves. He basicly lives on a farm, whatever he needs he makes. He refuses, basicly, to take anything from others.

But while thats said... he doesnt go out with others either. He spends his time eitehr helping folks with projects, working his farm, training, or sleeping. His latest guest was a fairy named Inush, who has been helping him as well and was the one who gifted Faye with the wings as well. Inush perhaps worries the most for Faye, knowing that behind all of that happiness and grins and smiles, the hybrid walls up quite a bit.

Weapons: 1) Ichten: A family shortsword blade. This one has the hilt shaped like a phoenix and is an excellent conductor for fire based abilities.
2) Stratus: A bow with a cheery finished and cloudlike embellishments, with arrows to match.
Abilities: Faye is well adapt in the arts of fire magic and his blade. The two are in tune with one another and it is his perferred weapon of choice in almost any situation. He also can use a bow and arrow when it comes to hunting and for the odd situation he is for some reason unable to use his blade. He had lovely power and agility, but defense.. not so much so since he doesnt carry a shield. Plus, his magic defense lacks as well since he sometimes 'forgets to shield.'
-Likes: Nature, meeting new people, being friendly, trying new foods, seeing new places, helping others, campfires, telling stories (hes a storyteller by hobby :P), teaching, cooking, laughing
-Dislikes: Seeing others hurt... darkness, places without nature, being hungry, frowns and those who never smile, barriers and walls, death, clocks, rivers, being alone, thinking upon himself


Faye Isenhart is ACCEPTED!

--Four more characters until the next Keyblade can be claimed.--

Name: Koin Cerebellum
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: Appears twelve
Species: Human
Appearance: Koin is relatively short, though somewhat tall for his age. He has charcoal colored hair pulled into a small ponytail at the base of his head. White strands of hair are bleached into his hair, striping through the dark pigmented hair. He has irises so dark they appear black, though pale skin. Koin's skin is unblemished, without any scar or scratch, pimple or freckle on his entire body. Though, his skin is dry, and tends to peel off when he scratches it.

Koin wears a dark gray shirt with a navy blue sash going from the right shoulder down to his left hip, where it attaches to a leather scabbard. His pants are dark blue denim with small yellow gems embedded across the thighs. For shoes, Koin wears brown leather sandals, though his pants are too long and pool around at his feet. Around his neck hangs a silver chain, and as the pendent a pocket watch dangles, constantly ticking faintly. On the front of the circular time device is a small diamond, and on the back words are etched in an unrecognizable language.
Personality: Koin is a very abrupt person. Things either are or are not. If he were in the mood, he'd allow things to be in the middle. Also, Koin can become very violent when he loses control, and thankfully his control is very well kept. His abruptness comes with the ability to be quick, both in mind and body, that also means, though, that Koin is subject to prejudice and often jumps to conclusions.

However, Koin is also uncannily intelligent for a twelve-year-old, especially on the subject of Keyblades. Koin often refers to the people of his homeworld as "children of the mountains", though never explains what that means. His intelligence also leads his quick conclusions to normally being right, with the few bare expectations.
History: Koin was only born two days before his half-sister, Awiti. Awiti's mom, Abena, left her with their father, Locke, when Abena realized he was cheating on Koin's mom, Anya. Locke and Anya adopted Awiti, who immediately became close with Koin. The two were practically conjoined, and even changed classes during school to be together. Awiti developed separation anxiety whenever she wasn't around her brother, and would go into hysterical fits that'd only cease when Koin arrived. He became her support, and he became the role of her support. Koin molded himself to be strong; to be everything Awiti expected him to be, because his love for her was endless.

After their parents passed away and the two "children" went along with their life, still living together. Koin began his studies of Kingdom Hearts, while Awiti chose to simply live a simple life of cleaning and tending to the matters of the home. One day, while Koin was reading a particularly eventful text and Awiti was cleaning the chair beside him, a portal opened up beside the two. Koin, telling Awiti to stay until he called her, went inside. She stayed, as told, and with each second got a bit more panicky. When the portal closed without her, she went hysterical, calling upon the Heartless to take her to Koin.

Unbeknownst to Koin, they did so, devouring her, and leaving Koin inside the Realm of Darkness.
Homeworld: Korbinian
Weapons: Azar – Koin's scimitar, the blade made of silver while the hilt is regular iron with a leather grip.
Cura – Heal minor wounds
Fira – Cast a small bit of fire
Double Jump – Jump twice as high as normal
Likes: Consistency, clocks, Awiti, friends, simplicity, truth, dawn, mountains, heights, open spaces.
Dislikes: Riddles, sweets, monsters, inconsistency, foreigners, small spaces, underground, ice.

--Three more characters until a Keyblade can be claimed--


Question: can we use existing Keyblades, or do we make up our own?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Drake Manaweilder

Yep, I'm in.  :mowmeep

Name: Drakra Manaweilder
Nicknames: Drake
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Wolf

Appearance: Drake is about 5'6 in hight, with a lean but muscular body. He has grey fur with a white underbelly. He usally has black jeans, black sneakers, and a white T-shirt on. He has brown hair with that just brushes his sholders. His eyes are light grey, reflecting his wind element.

Personality: Drake is usally talky and happy while with friends, however when with others, he is calm and quiet. When angered, he often brakes into a high-and-mighty tone and becomes exceedingly sarcastic. He is extreamly loyal to his friends, and will do anything to protect them.

History: Drake lives in a small city with his uncle, Andrus Manaweilder. He dosen't talk too much about his past, although it is known that his parents passed away about a year ago. Drake is able to pulloff many acrobatic moves due to his body shape, wich has has gotten him out of more than a few scrapes.

Despite being in the city for only a year, Drake quickly found a small group of friends, aswell as a number of "enemys" in the form of some local teenaged gangs, mostly bullys who would mock the air if they thought it was different. He's gotten into a few fights with them, but was either able to escape, or was helped out by his friends.

Home World: Aemulous
Weapon: Arcane sword: A strange blade of about 4' in length that can be used either one or two handed. The entire sword is made out of blue crystal that seems to be unbreakable. Another odd feture is the blue flame that burns allong the blade.
Areora: A spell that creates a sheild of wind that will blow away projectiles and absorbs spells. (slightly modified from the game)
Gust: A spell that blows away enemies and can aid in jumps.
Whorlwind: A spell that causes a small tornado around the caster, knocking those nearby into the air and damageing them with blades of wind.
First aid: A light healing spell, good for cuts, scrapes, and other minor wounds.
Likes: His friends, magic, his uncle, people who show kindness, the color Blue, action movies, rain.
Dislikes: Bullys, Those who Just. Don't. Get. It. seeing others hurt, monsters.


Quote from: Xze-Xze on January 28, 2007, 09:56:37 AM
Question: can we use existing Keyblades, or do we make up our own?

You can use existing ones. You can use Sora's Drives as well, though you only get one. Make sure the Drive fits the character, as well, please.

Drakra Manaweilder: ACCEPTED!

Oh, please note that unless you are a Heartless or Nobody, I will put you as a Keyblade Ally in default. If you don't want that, please say so somewhere in your bio.

--Two more characters before the next Keyblade can be claimed!--


I'll be one of two Either a Keyblader or a Person who helps a Keyblader.

Tiny crested flint

This forum's ideas are so friggin' cool. I'm in.

Name: Grunda Whopple
Nicknames: Cookee :mowcookie
Gender: male
Age: 31
Species: Anthro Hippo

Appearance: Height-5'4   Weight-260 pounds
                     Built like a barrel.  A very round belly is covered by simple brown pants and a raggedy apron.  Short round legs and stout, powerful arms with pudgy, yet precise hands and digits.  Barely making it around Grunda's waist is a thick belt with many loops for tools and utensils.  His skin is a light blue-ish/gray and atop his head is a patch of greasy, slicked-back brown hair covered by his monogrammed hat.  Grunda's face is very jolly with small ears and a cleanshaven chin.  On his neck are small faded scars from past burns.

History:           Born into a large family, Grunda learned the tradition of responsibility and was given a decent upbringing.  He grew up under the watch of loving, somewhat overbearing parents, doting and overprotective grandparents, a few strict, demanding aunts/uncles, and 3 competative siblings.  But Grunda was closer to no one more than his family.  It was the pressure to compete with his brothers that drove Grunda into the culinary arts.  He had a natual talent for cooking and explored its horizons with radical (and often very successful) flavour experiments.

             After he passed into adulthood and became owner/head chef of his own resturaunt and pub, Grunda began looking for the land's greatest master chefs to test his various skills against.  He has already surpassed one (he was rewarded with the monogrammed chef hat) :chef and hopes to meet others in time.  Grunda practices "agressive" cooking both in his confidence when preparing meals and when ejecting the rude, drunk thugs who wander into his pub.  It was when the heartless forced his family to abandon one another and scatter that Grunda first started mixing knock-out syrums and poisons along with new types of aroma based sensory-jamming potions.  He has a great dislike for heartless but just wants to find his family.

Personality: A gruff and hearty man, Grunda is a very pursuasive person who won't usually take no for an answer.  Due to the efficiency needed in fine cooking he doesn't like other people to be in his way although he himself is rather nosey.

Weapons: (Oh, the brutal things you can find in a well stocked kitchen) A Huge Saucepan-shield, along with an assortment of small cutlery, some kabob skewer spears, and a meat "tenderizing" mallet.  Grunda mainly uses the pan/shield and stays defensive.

Abilities: He is very limited in magic, he only knows:
Fira- fire for preparing/cooking food
Auqis- summons a small water torrent (used for cleaning and sanitizing food/utensils)
Freza- creates a short blast of quick freezing wind to cover small item in ice. (food preservation)

Forget magic though! For what are the cullinary arts but the mixing and combining ingredients to form some useful substance? Ask for it and Grunda can whip together energy boosters and medicinal potions in a snap!

Likes: Customers! Gossip.

Dislikes: "instant" tv dinner meals.  Drunks and Stupid people who think they are free of consequences because they're "superior."


Gruna Whopple: ACCEPTED!

--One more character before a Keyblade can be claimed--

Goth.T.K., I'd love it if you join! :D


Quote from: Melpomene on January 30, 2007, 01:08:49 AM
Gruna Whopple: ACCEPTED!

--One more character before a Keyblade can be claimed--

Goth.T.K., I'd love it if you join! :D

Okay :D

Name: Goth T.K.

Nickname: T.k.
Gender: Male

Appearance: Height-5'7 Weight-110LB
Slim, blue skin except when in animal form blonde, Blonde hair, Green eyes.

Helps any one in need of help. Kind to all. Dose not know of his much of his past. He had a bad running with Heartless. Trained by a traveling Group of fighters when at the age of 10. They disapperead one night. Found a 14year old Human-feline girl at the age of 13 she has no clue what her name is but she can transform like gothtk. she travels with him where ever he goes.

Personality:Nice and kind to all except evil.
Weapons: Swords and Ice Shields
Abilities: Ice, Ninja, Magic, Transforming, ETC.
Likes: Meat and Innocent girl in need of help.
Dislikes: Mean People.


I don't wana be a critic but I think Goth tk 14's character profile could be a little more...decriptive


Okay, Goth T.K., I specified there must be at least two paragraphs to the history. Even if he doesn't know much of his past, that doesn't mean it's erased from time. WHat did he do? Did he have a family? How was his childhood?

You also need a homeworld. I stated the five you may choose from above. Though, considering he's fifteen, you wouldn't be allowed to be from Korbinian.

I'd enjoy it if you added more to his appearance as well. What's his hair color? Clothing? Skin pigment?

The final thing is that his weapon cannot be "everything". It's impossible for anyone to know how to use EVERY type of weapon. What does Goth T.K. specialize in?

And Zaon, thank you for your input.



sounds intersinted but i never even mad it past wonderland on the gameboy version. i shoul they that again maybe nexts time as i don't want to drago nthe Rp down.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Well, technically, E, you wouldn't drag the RP down, considering that your character also wouldn't have any idea what in the world was going on (unless he/she was from Korbinian). If it bothers you, you could always Wiki it (XD Ah, the loves of Wikipedia). Though, that's only if ya' feel comfortable being as ignorant as your (our) characters are. >.>

Drake Manaweilder

so... when are we going to start this? sometime after the next Keyblade is claimed or something?


I was thinking after Goth T.K. edited. I'd adore another Keyblade, and might just allow the rules to be broken and another Keyblade claimed right now. In fact... that sounds pretty nice. So... CLAIM A KEYBLADE NOW! >.> (bolded and capped so people won't skip over it). *coughs*

But, to be a bit more blunt, Drake, it'll start soon. Within this week (I'm hoping).


humm okay if i were to play could a be a gollum? i mean Pinocchio was one.  as for weapons i have only seen the wand, the shield and the keyblade are there any others?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Yes, you may be a gollum. If you were, I'd suggest coming from Zuriñe or Koit. And, in this RP, you may use whatever sort of weapon you wish. Such as, Destiny Destiny's char, Grunda, uses culinary items as weapons.

Sirius Griffon

*Dashes in from the shadows* I wish to claim a keyblade! *Grins* PLus this will give me an excuse to draw one like Ive been meaning to lately > >;;;


lulz! Okaaaay. As soon as Goth T.K. edits, and Griffy makes a bio, THEN we'll start. P: Though, characters are still welcomed! :D


Name: Zezare Alunova
Nicknames: Ze
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: human

Appearance: Ze is of a fairly average height and build for his age, he has the look of someone of a well-to-do family of some high fantasy manga.  He has light purple hair that is relatively wild and defies any attempts at order, though it is far from messy.  His eyes are a fair emerald green and have a gentle look to them. 

Ze wears a charcoal gray shirt with a military style collar.  He has a red sash that comes from his left shoulder to his right hip, where it attaches to a fine scabbard.  His pants are of a black silk or similar material of the perfect length to reach his shoes.  The shoes are plain black and of an indiscernible style.  Draped over his shoulders is a grey cape with a gold rim.

Ze is left-handed.
Personality: Ze is a quiet person, speaking when needed and fairly to the point.  He appears to act cool and sometimes aloof, but it is an act of insecurity and he does what he always does, hides it.  He will trust easily, but does not open up to others.  Ze prefers to suffer in silence and alone, not willing to burden others with his unimportant problems.  He does not abide by suffering, nor will he turn down those in need.

History: Ze is from a wealthy family, a fabulously wealthy family, enough to be considered nobility.  As a child he displayed an unusually high intelligence and was a very fast learner.  He was tested to have a high aptitude for mechanics and electronics.  His family did not cultivate this, they are business minded executives in a massive planet wide technology company and focused his efforts into more administrative tasks, grooming him for management.  He tinkered with things when he was left to his own devices.  At age ten, he snuck away with one of his friends, Rinku, the son of his parent's house steward, and ventured into the Scums for an adventure and spare parts.  During the escape, he was happened upon by a man working for one of his father's rivals.  The man saw his chance to ascend in the rival's power structure and sought to capture Ze.  The attempt was foiled by Rinku who was injured and apparently fell to his death with the assailant from a causeway down into the depths of the Scum.   

Sick with grief over the apparent death of his friend, Ze wandered the streets until found by his father's corporate police.  His father, cross with Ze over his escapade and the death of Rinku, distanced himself from his son and sent him to a military boarding school in the City.  For four years he attended before he was sent home to attend normal studies.  The rift between he and his father has not healed and is barely band aided by his mother's love.  He will likely leave and never return if given the chance.  He wishes that his friend Rinku somehow survived the fall, but unlikely as that is, he still hopes. 

Homeworld: Ihsan

Weapons: Ze has an odd set of weapons. 

1. Bytes: He primarily wields odd ping pong sized balls of matter.  He tosses up to eight, four per hand, at enemies or up into the air to circle around him like a shield.  Where these "balls" come from is not apparent, they appear in his hand at the right amount that he desires.  They explode and cause damage of varying degrees and types (limited to fire, cold and energy), provide smoke, dizzy powder or sleeping powder.  If they are used as a shield, each one absorbs 4 hits (dependent on strength of attack).  He calls them "Bytes". 

2. Zinx blade: A simple blade made of a bluish metal; it will flare with blue fire if he desires it to.  He rarely uses this weapon. 

3. Burst gun: Ze also has a moderate, pistol sized silver gray gun, a double barreled "over-under" weapon.  The gun fires blue bolts of force or energy and does not appear to need ammo (because it is a soul weapon).  It is holstered at his left and other then to clean it; he doesn't seem to ever use it.


1. Soul wielder: All his abilities (including Bytes, Zinx strikes and the Burst gun) are tied to his soul energy.  This makes it limited and unlimited at the same time, his discipline and a psychic block prevent him from expending his life in battle.

2. Unarmed techniques: he is familiar with conventional martial arts.

3. Mechanical ability: He has a self developed talent with machinery and electronics.  It is not well developed though.

Likes: Drawing, reading, strawberries, carrots, felines, mechanics and electronics

Dislikes: His father, violence, dragoons, celery and spiders
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Zezare Alunova: APPROVED!

Great to have you with us, Azlan ^.^


I really don't know much about Kingdom Hearts, but it looks fun.  Thanks for having me! 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


That's alright, you don't have to. It's more Kingdom Hearts-esque. xD And you're welcome; the more the merrier, right? :D


Indeed!  Let's wrong rights and triumph over good!


or is that the other way round...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


You know, I might be tempted to join this :) I once wrote a KH fanfiction (and created my own Keyblade... though I dunno if I kept the sketch. I might have to go hunting for it).

I'll try and create a profile in a bit, though I dunno what kind of character I should create XD


I'd like to be a keyblade weilder but I doubt I'll be able to be one despite my sucess with all three games :3 so I'll just wait for an answer and in the meantime try to create the basics of my character (keyblade or not)