Started by Teroniss, January 15, 2007, 09:14:57 PM

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Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 10:24:47 PM
COMMUNISM DIDN'T WORK IN RUSSIA!  Whoever the hell fed you that crap must be have had their brains removed as children.  I hate to tell ya this, not, but the Soviet Union COLLAPSED.

..........Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Come to think of it, I think that opening sentence I used was from James's rant of how Communism has come close, but ultimately never works.  :animesweat My mistake. (In my defense, though, my previous rant still says communism doesn't work. I'm just a bit defensive of it because it doesn't seem fair that the Republicans now use Communist as a synonym for "evil lunatic.")

But geez. I KNOW there was another nation that skipped Capitalism and went right to Communism. Which one? And did it work there?

But like I said. The most logical compromise between Capitalism and Communism is Socialism. Government has SOME hand in business, no-one has to die, and everyone still gets paid fairly. But as long as greed exists in any form, it probably still won't work.

What we need is for the biggest political extremists in the world to have a meeting and decide what the best way is. Just make sure the Republican extremists only have ONE representative, and that the representative's last name isn't Bush. Oh, and the Communist representative can't be from North Korea. (Whether the Libertarians and anarchists will even SEND representatives is doubtful.)
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 10:55:43 PMDefine for me "organized means of production"  and then we'll talk, untill then you hinge your belief on a subject that you made in your own head.

`kay.  A pin factory.  That's an organized means of production.  A lone pin artisan, fashioning hat pins in Cornwall is not.

Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 10:55:43 PMThe main problem with Communism is that they fail to see that the less you work, the less you produce, the less you produce, the less there is to go around.  This is simple logic and applies EVERYWHERE, regardless of industrialization.

This is not simple logic, and is not true anywhere.  Let's take the pin factory, again.  In the 18th century, a lone worker could scarcely make one pin a day.  But if you get one man to draw out the wire, another to straighten it, a third to cut it, a fourth to points it, a fifth to grind it at the top for receiving the head, and so on, you could have ten men pumping out something like 48,000 pins per day.

That's less work.  It's far higher efficiency.  And since they're making more product, they'll get higher pay.  That's what the less work, more pay concept is all about.

Quote from: Black_angel on January 20, 2007, 11:05:27 PMBut geez. I KNOW there was another nation that skipped Capitalism and went right to Communism. Which one? And did it work there?

China.  Cuba.  Vietnam.  Korea.  Cambodia.  We're waiting to see how it turns out in those places (well, we know how Cambodia turned out).  Basically, Communism is only attempted in feudal societies because that's the only place where people have any incentive to try it.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


The only way to pay fairly is the let people decide what the pay should be based on supply and demand.

Letting everyone have a super-pay means that the currency becomes virtually worthless, currency becomes worthless, the Government collapses.  Romans learned this the hard way.  So long as resources are limited, there will ALWAYS be those that have and those that have not it's a simple fact of life.  The thing about capitalism is that it will always try to reduce the losers and increase the winners, while Communism and Social just become lazy and throws everyone down to "loser" status.  Communism and socialism primarily rely on an unlimmited supply of EVERYTHING (man power, food, loyalty, so on and so on)  which is why they will eternally fail, because renewable though our resources are, they are not limitless at any given time.  Also, Communism just removes the winning individuals and fills in with the faceless Government.

The problem with socialism is that it's exactly the same as Communism, they just refuse to aknowledge it.  Afterall, the sum total of all society for a country is it's government so just like Communism, all power heads straight for the small group of 5 or so people in the government who, will naturally, abuse the heck outta it.

Superluser:  Thats simply a matter of making the individual more effiecent, not nessicarily working less.  Otherwise their production would always match the not-organized person.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 11:24:07 PMThe only way to pay fairly is the let people decide what the pay should be based on supply and demand.

So you think that we should let the invisible hand of the market set the price of things?

Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 11:24:07 PMall power heads straight for the small group of 5 or so people in the government who, will naturally, abuse the heck outta it.

I think it's more likely to be a Gang of Four:B

Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 11:24:07 PMSuperluser:  Thats simply a matter of making the individual more effiecent, not nessicarily working less.  Otherwise their production would always match the not-organized person.

No, it's the concept that any means of production can be simplified.  If I have to switch jobs every few minutes, I won't be as efficient as if I split the jobs up and did them repetitively.  When you work it this way, you can do things like keep the grinder at full speed (remember, it was foot-powered in those days), which means far greater efficiency than you could achieve by making any one man super-efficient.  I'm saying that you'll get something like a 4800-fold increase in productivity *per worker* this way.

Under Communism, it's chiefly the distribution that's (supposed to be) streamlined.  When the only brand is Victory, you don't need to spend any money on advertising, and if you make supply and demand relatively stable, you can plan distribution with extreme efficiency.

Anyway, there's one more comment that I might make on this.  Otherwise, I'll be back when we're talking about cartoons again.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: superluser on January 21, 2007, 12:09:30 AM
Quote from: Valynth on January 20, 2007, 11:24:07 PMThe only way to pay fairly is the let people decide what the pay should be based on supply and demand.

So you think that we should let the invisible hand of the market set the price of things?

Basically, yes, thats how the U.S. has worked thus far, and guess what?  We're THE best country in the world.  The only area in which any other country beats us is in population, but China is quickly closing the gap.

Quote from: superluser on January 21, 2007, 12:09:30 AM
Under Communism, it's chiefly the distribution that's (supposed to be) streamlined.  When the only brand is Victory, you don't need to spend any money on advertising, and if you make supply and demand relatively stable, you can plan distribution with extreme efficiency.

Yes, Russia certainly did that with their bread /sarcasm.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)



Thats because unlike every other country the U.S. respects your right to free speach even though we don't agree with it.  Try talking bad about other countries when you aren't in the U.S. You'll be arrested and/or killed so fast it ain't funny.  Seriously, just try getting away with insulting the Monarchy system in England I DARE you.

Also to try if you don't mind prison or death:

1)  Defending yourself from an attack in England.  God help you if the attacker happens to be Muslim.
2)  Saying Castro's dead in Cuba.
3)  Being in North Korea
4)  Pointing out the ineffectiveness of Communist farming in any place that practices it.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


And everyone always skips right over canada.. cause nobody thinks of canada... yup...


How about we get back to bashing network execs for the rape of our childhoods.


....Whats a Canada?  Oh wait, it's that place with the maple syrup and a great artist...beyond that.....well...  I'm not sure exactly what Canada has...

Anyway, execs wreak our childhood, and what sells sells, so stop frigging buying it.  Simple enough.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Try convincing an 8 year old that the original was better than the new version.

They'd just call you an old fuddy duddy :P


We must find our children the originals, for their own sake.

Madd the Sane

Just because all of the major Media industries got a good profit in 2006, they think they can make bad ripoffs of the old movies and shows. 
They will BOMB in 2007!  :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha  :kruger :P :giggle
If they want to make good movies, they should either stay close to the original material or make up their own!  Otherwise...  :youfail

:smack :smack :smack :smack :smack :smack :smack :smack :boom :boom :tantrum :tantrum :knifed :knifed :piranha :piranha :bat :bat :redrum

to the media companies:

:tohell :curseyou :smrt
sorry, couldn't resist.  Also bored.
So, they make cheat anime spoofs of the originals and put bad, overly censored mesages and dialog on them.  No wonder true Japanese Anime is so popular right now: NOTHING'S CENSORED!
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Sweet muffins above... how the hell did this thread go from cartoons to Communism in 3.5 pages?

Let's talk more about Care Bears  :)


llearch n'n'daCorna

it went from cartoons to communism in one post - the communism manifestoon.

Everything after that was gravy. Although it's about worn out it's welcome....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


What brunny knows about communisim.

first off communisim isnt what most people think it is, communisim is the ideal that all goods and services can be distributed equally amongst all the population. the 'government' is essentially a large collective of people whose sole purpose is makeing sure theese goods and services are distributed properly. everybody does their thing, gets along fine, everyone is equally treated, and nobody is lording it over anybody else.

But it DOES NOT work, know why? we have yet to see an actual communist government last for more then a few years.

Russia/soviet union- shortly after karl marx was out of the scene it became the most blunt and bloody dictatorship ever seen. the 'government' decided what was best for them was best for everyone, even if it involved killing off hundreds of thousands of thier own people and letting everyone who wasnt dead starve. some fun facts about the USSR include how citizens were led to believe that everywhere else on the planet sucked worse then russia- a traveling group once visited milwaukee and were told that it was a fake city built by the capitalist pigs to create an illusion of being better then the soviet union in an attempt to lure people out of the union. MILWAUKEE, also known as 'cowtown' and 'americas armpit', currently one of the most segregated and unkept citties in the country. and they thought that place was paradice? apperantly so, after the fall of the union they willingly chose to move to the brew citty and told everyone this story.

Cuba- also morphed into dictatorship. like russia the propaganda was so effective that even people who fled the country still think of it so fondly. why did they leave? well theres bloody revolution every year and theres always that castro guy.

Korea- yet another dictatorship

vietnam- slightly less dic, still plenty of tator, and a smoky aftertaste of old world feudalisim

china- well now thats actually a capitalist/dictatorship style government now, and is even more blunt and bloody then russia ever was. political prisoners are 'dealt with' every day, often in the form of slightly shady organ donations. they monitor all media to screen out anything they deem to be unpatriotic, a hazzard to chinas sterling image, and any critisizim whatsoever of the government (which qualifies as 'political prisoner'). sometime find that footage of the kid and the tank in tienimen square, and tell me that dosent reek of dictatorship. the ironic part is that by the government owning 51% of all businesses they can ORDER companies to produce merchandice at a loss in order to undersell foreign products- thus letting them out capitalise capitalist countries they claim to be so supperior to because capitalisim has no place in china. this tactic only works by using tax money to keep theese businesses afloat untill they crush their compeditors...oh yeah, and by buying the crappyest raw materials known to man. back in the late 80s/early 90s a group of american dock workers staged a little protest against foreign cars from china and japan (note- japan USED to produce fecal matter for merchandice, now they lead the markets) by purposely misplaceing shipping orders. this meant that the cars could not be delivered and stayed at the docs for three months. at the end of the three months all the foreign cars were rusted husks when the dock workers american made cars that were parked not twenty feet away with absolutely no ill effect from being exposed to saltwater air for five years.

the big problem with communist governments is that thier very existance is like a prize waiting to be plucked by any enterprizing political figure. you just set up systems to distribute and regulate goods all across the country, you have a workforce of practiclly 100% of your population, and all the citizens now are under the belief that their government can do no wrong and is there to help the people. the conversion from communisim to dictatorship can happen overnight. anytime you hear someone ranting about 'the commies' you are sure that you are listening to someone with very few facts. mostly the 'commies' are merely people who are either far too patriotic for their own good or acting in fear of thier own fearsome leader who will do FAR worse things to their own people then any american will do to a prisoner.

theres problems at the functional level too- before it was said about mass production of goods right? well mass production falls to pieces when you set up quota systems like most 'communist' governments do. an example is in said pin factory the government states that for X number of workers you should produce Y pounds of pins every day. know what? those X number of workers know they arent going to get a red ruble, quarter peso, or half a cent if they put any extra work in at all. so youll find that they produce Y pounds of nails to the ounce, and Y pounds of nails are usually made of slightly heavyer material then they need be and contain a lot of flaws that should have been thrown out or corrected. this pin thing is actually a minor translation to a real account of a nail factory which slipped past its quota for pounds of nails by makeing bigger nails out of cheaper grades of iron.

its even WORSE on the profesional level though. ever hear of those people who kept going on "in the old country i used to be a cardiologist" or a psychaiatrist or a this or a that. know why they chose to wiait tables, flip burgers, and mop floors? cause back in the old country you were paid exactly the same if you were a brain surgon or if you were a stockboy at the grocers. what made it even more miserable is the USSR would often times tell people what they would be educated to be, based on the sole reason that thats the kind of job they need without even bothering to match people with skills or intrests to those jobs. thus you may get someone who can barely tie thier shoe building the new lybrary and someone with an IQ of 220 scrubbing toilets. if theres nothing other then prestege as a reward for spending eight years in college to set you appart from burger flippers, why bother?

not as horriffic but even more crippling was the farming. cause you also got paid the same and were gauranteed shelter and food regardless of how much you produce. this wouldnt be soo bad if it werent for the really stupid farming commune idea- essentially you told everyone this wasnt thier land, those arent their tools, and theese arent thier livestock. but you gotta take care of them anyway, at least untill we rotate you with another farmer next year. so you had a long string of farmers who never once bothered to fertilize the ground- why should you? your not going to get a bigger harvest because by harvest time your working in a diffrent farm. nobody took care of the tools, cause they werent thiers and any time and effort you put into repairing them went unrewarded. and nobdoy gave a rats patoot about the animals other then keeping them not dead. NOW can you understand why the soviets were starving?

additionally with competition being discouraged innovation was stagnant. those big rockets everyone was affraid of? mostly duds, supposedly they only had a one in four chance of even launching, and a one in fourteen of hitting anything they were aimed at. the point that got me was when an american offered a soviet a pocket calculator, and the soviet was shocked that such a complex device would be sold to the home sector where any consumer could buy it. when told that three diffrent companies sold them, each with its own strengths and weaknesses (one was more powerfull, another cheaper, and a third had many more features) the soviet could not understand how anyone would be so wastefull as to make anything that someone else was already makeing. completely missing the point that if the three companies werent constantly trying to outdoo the others the calculators would have been nearly useless and cost a fortune and never have a new and improved model.

in conclusion i wholeheartedly thing communisim is a great form of government....assuming you can pull it off without a dictator or telling everyone that no matter how hard they work they still get just as much as everyone else.

also, anime carebears would probably be the ONE show they decide not to increase the levels of political correctness and just turn the thing into multicoloured bears immitateing dragon ball Z with kung fu and energy blasts agaisnt foes who have power levels of 26716827 or higher

QuoteDemocracy is by far the worst form of government, assife from all the others that is
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: RJ on January 21, 2007, 05:56:10 AM
Sweet muffins above... how the hell did this thread go from cartoons to Communism in 3.5 pages?

Let's talk more about Care Bears  :)


Care Bear Cousin MuffinBomb. An orange squirrel with a purple nuclear cloud shaped muffin on her stomach. And thus a squirrel has been created! :3


I was driving to school the other day, and I saw a billboard showing Cinderella 3.

"Aw man, why you have to go and do that?  Bastards."


ive known about C3 for over a year now. as horrible as the concepts of C2 and the little mermaid 2 were, C3 actually has some ammount of creativity behind it.

i can only hope they dont pretty princess the ever lovin fecal matter out of it. they have a tendancy to target theese movies towards 8 year old girls by cramming it so full of teaparties and dresses it makes me sad for anyone who is 35 and remembers back when THEY watched it too.

QuoteMr. Bunnsy looked over at farmer Jone's field. The field was full of lettuces. Mr. Bunnsy was not full of lettuces. Mr. Bunnsy thought this was unfair.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


On a studio-bashing tangent, Orville Redenbacher is back from the dead and has a taste for human brains:zombiekun2

This is terrible.  I remember a few years back when they had Fred Astaire edited into a commercial for vacuum cleaners.  But that was actually Fred Astaire.  This is just terrible.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: Manawolf on January 21, 2007, 02:00:43 PM
I was driving to school the other day, and I saw a billboard showing Cinderella 3.

"Aw man, why you have to go and do that?  Bastards."

Oh great, now they're getting into making trilogies... It was only a matter of time before they did that. Now we'll be getting Bambi 3 probably  :<


I never saw the second, and I never plan to do so either.


Ive only got five words for this thread at this point. Those are........."Loonatics" and "New Scooby Doo Mysteries"


Quote from: RJ on January 22, 2007, 02:21:17 AM
Quote from: Manawolf on January 21, 2007, 02:00:43 PMI was driving to school the other day, and I saw a billboard showing Cinderella 3. "Aw man, why you have to go and do that?  Bastards."
Oh great, now they're getting into making trilogies... It was only a matter of time before they did that. Now we'll be getting Bambi 3 probably  :<
And yet still no Robin Hood 2. Or a proper re-release.


Quote from: Teroniss on January 22, 2007, 02:29:37 AM
Ive only got five words for this thread at this point. Those are........."Loonatics" and "New Scooby Doo Mysteries"

We've been KNOWING about them.  You forgot "Shag and Scooby Doo get a Clue" though.  Surprisingly, the new "Tom and Jerry" has stayed pretty true to its roots.

And I know there have probably been thousands of furries begging Disney to re-release Robin Hood.  They don't ask for a sequel because they already know where that's going to lead.


Quote from: Teroniss on January 22, 2007, 02:29:37 AM
Ive only got five words for this thread at this point. Those are........."Loonatics" and "New Scooby Doo Mysteries"

The second season of loonatics is getting better If only because they have started introducing other looney toon chars
Granny, tweety, sylvester, yosemity sam,  hell saterdays's ep even had several send ups to the old road runner cartoons with the coyote falling off cliffs

and the new scooby do mysteries aren't too bad It's Shaggy and scooby do get a clue thats terrible


Futher note...Orville Redenbacher comercial..Thats so wrong...Very wrong..


the mental image of granny as a superhero done in quazi anime style is burning my retenas.

out of the blue i have to express my fondness for 'the thirteen ghosts of scooby doo' despite being mildly unimpressed with regular scooby doo. maybe it was the addition of actual peril that changed things. also, the design of the chest itself was pretty cool

QuoteThats 32 flavors of creepy right there
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 22, 2007, 02:41:53 AM
Quote from: RJ on January 22, 2007, 02:21:17 AM
Quote from: Manawolf on January 21, 2007, 02:00:43 PMI was driving to school the other day, and I saw a billboard showing Cinderella 3. "Aw man, why you have to go and do that?  Bastards."
Oh great, now they're getting into making trilogies... It was only a matter of time before they did that. Now we'll be getting Bambi 3 probably  :<
And yet still no Robin Hood 2. Or a proper re-release.

No Alice in Wonderland 2 either though. Thank goodness for that.


Quote from: RJ on January 22, 2007, 03:32:04 AMNo Alice in Wonderland 2 either though. Thank goodness for that.

But there was an Alice in Wonderland 2.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?