I am new.

Started by Lilacs, January 13, 2007, 06:37:17 PM

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Hello, my name is Lilacs. I am a spriter/Animator who is still working on my skills. If you're woundering if its the same Lilacs who made the DMFA sprites you're right. I look forward to being here and getting to know everyone.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Welcome to our humble abode.

Try not to step in anyone, and watch out for anyone who warns you to watch out for people. They're not to be trusted.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


 :) Welcome to the madhouse!

Here, have a basket of freshly baked muffins! :rj


Thanks for the welcome.  :)


Why hello there. I rather like RJ's muffins, though, like Moxie, I'm afraid it's a rather acquired taste.


Well I did try and cut down on the uranium this time at least....


And I couldn't be more grateful. Though the ER boys say that they miss me.


Uranium in muffins where did I see that before?.......


Umm...Here RJ you can have the muffin back, er I just found out I have a disease that has a big long name and makes me allergic to muffens especially the ones with uranium in them...



Quote from: Lilacs on January 13, 2007, 07:23:17 PM
Uranium in muffins where did I see that before?.......


Umm...Here RJ you can have the muffin back, er I just found out I have a disease that has a big long name and makes me allergic to muffens especially the ones with uranium in them...

Awwww.....  :<


*Stygian slithers in, and grabs RJ by a leg, holding her upside down*

Tsk tsk! *He then turns to Lilacs*

Sorry, don't mind the squirrel. She's a bit like that, is all. *He makes a bow*

I am Stygian. Hope you'll enjoy your madness. It goes well with whipped cream and cherries, I've noticed. Now... *He looks around* Where is Llearch? I have a present for him... *You notice he is holding packing tape*

llearch n'n'daCorna

I bet he's just scared they'll have Polonium in them.


Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: RJ on January 13, 2007, 08:03:19 PM
Quote from: Lilacs on January 13, 2007, 07:23:17 PM
Uranium in muffins where did I see that before?.......


Umm...Here RJ you can have the muffin back, er I just found out I have a disease that has a big long name and makes me allergic to muffens especially the ones with uranium in them...

Awwww.....  :<

It's ok :)


Quote from: Stygian on January 13, 2007, 08:09:36 PM
*Stygian slithers in, and grabs RJ by a leg, holding her upside down*

Tsk tsk! *He then turns to Lilacs*

Sorry, don't mind the squirrel. She's a bit like that, is all. *He makes a bow*

I am Stygian. Hope you'll enjoy your madness. It goes well with whipped cream and cherries, I've noticed. Now... *He looks around* Where is Llearch? I have a present for him... *You notice he is holding packing tape*

:[ Can I get down now?


*takes a step back*
Should I prepare the artillery just to be safe?...

llearch n'n'daCorna


It wouldn't make any difference anyway. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I think they're impervious, no?



Prepare Bombers....

Raido: Sir, you havn't made the bomber or atillery sprites yet, they dont exist....

!.....Just get me some anti-infantry units.


Ah, welcome to our little corner of insanity, Lilacs! I would be happy to dispose of any stray muffins you may acquire, and in trade I will give you this nice, shiny karma.

Enjoy your stay, and nice to meet you!



Me happy now.

Quote from: TheGreyRonin on January 13, 2007, 08:49:48 PM
Ah, welcome to our little corner of insanity, Lilacs! I would be happy to dispose of any stray muffins you may acquire, and in trade I will give you this nice, shiny karma.

Enjoy your stay, and nice to meet you!

Whats a karma, didn't see it in teh Rule book. (Better use my n00b powers to ask n00b questions wile I still can!)


Your going to like this guys artwork. Me and him have been talking and working together for a long time and i have yet to see  better spriting than his.



Quote from: Ace on January 13, 2007, 09:12:14 PM
Your going to like this guys artwork. Me and him have been talking and working together for a long time and i have yet to see better spriting than his.
I don't see what messing with existing game sprites has anything to do with spriting, but... *shrug*


*Stygian flinches at Haz's entrance*

Hmm. I guess I should hurry up... *He wraps RJ up in her own tail and rushes to stuff her in the box, then packs Llearch and puts him on a shelf*

There. Now... *Then, he notices that he is still holding RJ in a hand*

...wait. What did I put in the box then?

Oh... *His other hand is missing*


It's not messing Ardas, theres a whole lot for things that have to be done to get the image you see now.
First-I must find a rom contanting the sprite I wanted. I have been know for looking days for a good rom.
Second-ripping, hard! first you take out every image (some times there over one hundered in an image), second take out the back ground.
third-testing, making sure you got all you need and a clean animation
fourth-editing, removing sprites or placing new sprites.
fifth-coloring, takes days
sixth- saving each frame
seventh-animation (location the perfect speed and size of the aniamtion.
after all that then the sprite is done.


Quote from: Lilacs on January 13, 2007, 09:02:27 PM
Whats a karma, didn't see it in teh Rule book. (Better use my n00b powers to ask n00b questions wile I still can!)

Haha! Asking questions regarding things not understood! This one's a keeper. :) Glad to have you in!

Karma is a more-or-less meaningless system, but essentially if someone does something nice for you, you can hit a button to up their positive karma. If someone displeases you, you can increase their negative karma.

Look on the left, where it says 'Screaming Pit of Evil.' Below it should be the karma buttons: at the moment they are 'evil' and 'very evil.' So, if someone does something nice, you hit the button on the left (the names of the buttons are prone to changing unexpectedly). If they irk you, hit the one on the right.

It's important to remember that karma doesn't mean anything, really. It is by no means an accurate way to judge a person, and most people just forget about it. It's all in fun, really.
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Lilacs on January 13, 2007, 09:38:00 PM
It's not messing Ardas, theres a whole lot for things that have to be done to get the image you see now.
First-I must find a rom contanting the sprite I wanted. I have been know for looking days for a good rom.
Second-ripping, hard! first you take out every image (some times there over one hundered in an image), second take out the back ground.
third-testing, making sure you got all you need and a clean animation
fourth-editing, removing sprites or placing new sprites.
fifth-coloring, takes days
sixth- saving each frame
seventh-animation (location the perfect speed and size of the aniamtion.
after all that then the sprite is done.
Whaaaaaat? Coloring does NOT take days, and second of all, you're happening to use very popular sprites, so at the most you're just tacking things on to existing animations. Real spriting involves actually creating something new. I've seen the sprites you're working with, and they're not uncommon. I'm a fan of the series myself, and there's not as much to them as you claim there is... You're trying to make a big deal out of what is nothing. I'm also not new to sprite rips, and even if you DID rip those, it's not as big of a deal as you're making of it.


Quote from: Eibbor_N on January 13, 2007, 09:52:03 PM
Quote from: Lilacs on January 13, 2007, 09:02:27 PM
Whats a karma, didn't see it in teh Rule book. (Better use my n00b powers to ask n00b questions wile I still can!)

It's important to remember that karma doesn't mean anything, really. It is by no means an accurate way to judge a person, and most people just forget about it. It's all in fun, really.
Added to the fact that some folks' karma can mysteriously jump by a few hundred without explanation... :O


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 13, 2007, 09:55:44 PM
Quote from: Lilacs on January 13, 2007, 09:38:00 PM
It's not messing Ardas, theres a whole lot for things that have to be done to get the image you see now.
First-I must find a rom contanting the sprite I wanted. I have been know for looking days for a good rom.
Second-ripping, hard! first you take out every image (some times there over one hundered in an image), second take out the back ground.
third-testing, making sure you got all you need and a clean animation
fourth-editing, removing sprites or placing new sprites.
fifth-coloring, takes days
sixth- saving each frame
seventh-animation (location the perfect speed and size of the aniamtion.
after all that then the sprite is done.
Whaaaaaat? Coloring does NOT take days, and second of all, you're happening to use very popular sprites, so at the most you're just tacking things on to existing animations. Real spriting involves actually creating something new. I've seen the sprites you're working with, and they're not uncommon. I'm a fan of the series myself, and there's not as much to them as you claim there is... You're trying to make a big deal out of what is nothing. I'm also not new to sprite rips, and even if you DID rip those, it's not as big of a deal as you're making of it.

Okay, you try Coloring 25 sprites, with 8 differant colors, after you edit in and out what yo do not need in them with in one afternoon, then you can start bitting my head off.
there are three levels of spriting I know:
and hand made

YOu keep refuring to hand made, I do edits. Why do you have to freak out and shoot down my stuff because it "uses existing animations"  or other thing you don't approve is "original"? useing existing animations isn't uncommen and your lucky I didn't show up with a bunch of mega maan sprites.  Ripping can be a big deal, most of the poeple I speak with dont even know what a rom is nun the less pull sprites out of them, some are even spriters them selfs. This is real spriting hell even  poeple who recolor are considered spriters.