
Started by Melpomene, January 05, 2007, 06:47:08 PM

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Sirius Griffon

Aaaaah dang it, no fair knowing my weakness! *Can never resist a good cookie and sits down quietly sipping tea*


And she asked why I thought she reminds me of Gabi. :rolleyes


I'm not sure who Gabi is...? o.o;

And Griffidy, what kinda tea? *might steal some* Oh, ya, *gives a cookie*



You'll be banninated. :<

...*Roleplays* LOL


Meep! So sorry! T-T

...o.o Homg... okay... uhm... *confused*


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hi! Welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Leave your remaining sanity (if any) at the door, in the secure storage provided, and hang on to your claim ticket if you want it back.

You have, I think, received all the standard warnings, so you know what to look out for. Also be careful around talking boxes - some of them like to monkey around a bit.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy the craziness your stay.

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Melpomene on January 06, 2007, 03:18:17 AM
I'm not sure who Gabi is...? o.o;

Gabi is one of the All-Purpose Foxes. An All-Purpose Vixen, I believe, is her tag.

She's also an all-round nice person, and likes tea.

Quote from: Dakata on January 06, 2007, 03:29:54 AM

You'll be banninated. :<

...*Roleplays* LOL

Rule three, Dakata. *cough*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: LionHeart on January 06, 2007, 03:35:14 AM
*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hi! Welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Leave your remaining sanity (if any) at the door, in the secure storage provided, and hang on to your claim ticket if you want it back.

You have, I think, received all the standard warnings, so you know what to look out for. Also be careful around talking boxes - some of them like to monkey around a bit.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy the craziness your stay.

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

*accepts the souvenir coffee mug* Thank you.



*plays in colored sparkles*

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 06, 2007, 08:15:12 AM

Gabi is one of the All-Purpose Foxes. An All-Purpose Vixen, I believe, is her tag.

She's also an all-round nice person, and likes tea.

Ooooh, that makes sense. ^.^ Haha, I can't wait ta meet her then.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 06, 2007, 08:15:12 AMRule three, Dakata. *cough*
Fine, I'll be good. *Pouts*

...Smites pwease? :3 *Tries to look good and innocent and not-Dakata-y*

Sirius Griffon

Its chai tea! *Grns* An iced chai tea to be more exact, stirs up the creative mind. :3 *Sips*


And makes the creative mouth say "GAH! Spicey tea! SPICEY TEA!" And then run off to have some creative ice cream.


Quote from: Sirius Griffon on January 06, 2007, 12:51:40 PM
Its chai tea! *Grns* An iced chai tea to be more exact, stirs up the creative mind. :3 *Sips*
Ick. Ice tea. Only warm tea for me, please! *waddles off to get some mint tea*

Quote from: Boogeyman on January 06, 2007, 02:44:45 PM
And makes the creative mouth say "GAH! Spicey tea! SPICEY TEA!" And then run off to have some creative ice cream.

I like creative ice cream.... >.> But can't have any. Darn dairy! Unless its creative soy ice cream? :D


I suppose creative ice cream would have creative flavors, like... telephone and loud noises flavored ice cream. I suppose there might be something out there that also involves soy.


*Stygian bursts in on a revving Ducati, much too late* Rhaaaa! Too late! I missed the start!

*He jumps off the motorcycle, and then steps up to Mene (the short which will stick from now on, hear!)*

Greeeeeeeeeeetings, little lady. We've already spoken, but I don't ease up on the manners for that. *he makes a bow* I am Stygian, and I share your addiction. I look forward to abusing with you.


Quote from: Boogeyman on January 06, 2007, 07:36:03 PM
I suppose creative ice cream would have creative flavors, like... telephone and loud noises flavored ice cream. I suppose there might be something out there that also involves soy.

XDD Wonderous! Soy is awesome. It's a lot lighter and softer than regular dairy, and though isn't as healthy, is wonderful for those who're lactose intolerant! ^.^

Quote from: Stygian on January 06, 2007, 08:40:56 PM
*Stygian bursts in on a revving Ducati, much too late* Rhaaaa! Too late! I missed the start!

*He jumps off the motorcycle, and then steps up to Mene (the short which will stick from now on, hear!)*

Greeeeeeeeeeetings, little lady. We've already spoken, but I don't ease up on the manners for that. *he makes a bow* I am Stygian, and I share your addiction. I look forward to abusing with you.

*curtsies* And how do you do, Stygian. Haha, yes, I do too. You seem like the creative, insightful type. Perfect for RolePlaying! *gives a cookie*

Mene. *giggle* I like it! ^.^ Much better than being called Melp. Oh, and, btw, motorcycles = aweomse. My dad owns/sells custom motorcycles and parts as a hobby. Usually the hard-to-find kind, or Harley Davidsons. :D

Sirius Griffon

Eeeeew, warm tea. Thats like, a sin down here *laughs* Seriously, if you ask for warm tea in any place around here theyll like, hunt you down > >;


XD Well, I like warm tea because it's SNOWING right now up here. ANd it's like, what? 1,398,642 degrees down there? >____>;

Sirius Griffon

*Giggles* 70 degrees but whos counting? :3


70!? It was almost 20 degrees here the other day, NOT including the wind-chill factor. You must be in paradise x.x


I can be evil here, and say something like 20C is 70F XP


*giggles* But we're both talking fareinheit (sp?)...

...But yes, that would be quite evil if you said that >.>


Ow, 20 fahrenheit would kill me. I wouldn't stand for it >.>


Pish. By the internet's calculations, that's -6.666(ect) degrees Celsius. That's obscenely warm for January where I live. And we have been having weather like that recently so, uh, lucky me?

And yes, welcome in, Mel! :D
/kicks the internet over


Well, I don't like the cold :<

Plus, that's a satan kind of cold.


I loved the weather in Canada and the upper states, it's all cold n' stuff.  Not like here in cali. :<


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 07, 2007, 03:20:29 AM
Ow, 20 fahrenheit would kill me. I wouldn't stand for it >.>

Haha, you get used to wearing obscenely large jackets here. x.x

Quote from: Eibbor_N on January 07, 2007, 04:06:16 AM
Pish. By the internet's calculations, that's -6.666(ect) degrees Celsius. That's obscenely warm for January where I live. And we have been having weather like that recently so, uh, lucky me?

And yes, welcome in, Mel! :D

Thanks! xD Geez, "warm"? Do you like in Antartica? >_____>;

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 07, 2007, 04:08:55 AM
Well, I don't like the cold :<

Plus, that's a satan kind of cold.

Haha. Cold weather is icky, but it also means I get to stay inside huddled against a fire with hot chocolate or tea. ^.^

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on January 07, 2007, 04:54:18 AM
I loved the weather in Canada and the upper states, it's all cold n' stuff. Not like here in cali. :<

I live in Oregon. And Canada is awesome. They have the BEST food o.o! Oh, and their beer's good too >.> *coughs*


Here in Sweden it's just shitty. And by that, I mean the quintessential form of shitty for weather, as in wet, cold, blowing stiffly in every direction and not snowing at all. There's mud and muck and gravel, and defoliaged trees. And everything is grey and brownish, like an old sepia movie someone spilled weak coffee over.

Still, I am glad to hear that your father does something so creative and inspired as work with motorcycles. Too bad it's with the old Harry Parkinson shakers... Me, if I'm going for a bike you won't likely find me looking anywhere outside of Italy or the far east. American engines simply are not that good at all, and that goes for the cars as well, argue all you want with me. Don't get too pesky though, or I'll stick a funnel down your throat and make you drink Grappa.

The Mene name I simply came up with since we already have a Mel here. I'm not so sure about the implications of it though... Melpo Mene is an Indie music band from Stockholm. The name Mene is the name for a certain type of moonfish whose only genus member is now a fish called "danggit", which is eaten in the Philippines. Most fitting, might be the arameian tie to the word mená, which may be conjugated into mene, and colloquially means measured or weighed, or accounted for, so to speak.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Mel Dragonkitty

Hi other-Mel! <Gives huggle-glomp> We can be name-twins and play twin tricks. <Uses glomping to drag Melpomene further away from the emergency exits so she can't escape>
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.