
Started by Melpomene, January 05, 2007, 06:47:08 PM

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See what happens when people question me?


Quote from: Melpomene on January 07, 2007, 03:03:09 PM
Thanks! xD Geez, "warm"? Do you like in Antartica? >_____>;

Haha, nope. I'm Canadian. Just in a very continental area, which means that there are no oceans to keep us warm. As I said, though, I've no excuse to gripe about the weather this year. Ooh, I'll quote: My city
experiences a continental climate with variable temperature changes. The daily normal mean temperature varies from 17.4 C in July - -21.5 C in January with recorded extremes from 39.4 C - below -42 C.
As I said, at our current temperatures of around -10 are really obscenely warm. ;3
/kicks the internet over


Of course, for me, "obscenely warm" means "No skiing for you, bitch."


Obscenely warm doesn't exist where I live. :<  120F summers FTL.


Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on January 07, 2007, 09:24:26 PM
Hi other-Mel! <Gives huggle-glomp> We can be name-twins and play twin tricks. <Uses glomping to drag Melpomene further away from the emergency exits so she can't escape>

*looks at both Mel and Mene, with a sort of sneer* Well, ain't that cute... Just tell me when to help, kiddo.

Mel Dragonkitty

:P You guys always scare the new people when they can still find the exit <spins Mene around three more times and releases her> Now she's lost in here forever. <Exits smile last like the Cheshire cat while playing the spooky room music from Scooby Doo> See you around... maybe.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Quote from: Stygian on January 07, 2007, 06:51:34 PM
Here in Sweden it's just shitty. And by that, I mean the quintessential form of shitty for weather, as in wet, cold, blowing stiffly in every direction and not snowing at all. There's mud and muck and gravel, and defoliaged trees. And everything is grey and brownish, like an old sepia movie someone spilled weak coffee over.

Still, I am glad to hear that your father does something so creative and inspired as work with motorcycles. Too bad it's with the old Harry Parkinson shakers... Me, if I'm going for a bike you won't likely find me looking anywhere outside of Italy or the far east. American engines simply are not that good at all, and that goes for the cars as well, argue all you want with me. Don't get too pesky though, or I'll stick a funnel down your throat and make you drink Grappa.

The Mene name I simply came up with since we already have a Mel here. I'm not so sure about the implications of it though... Melpo Mene is an Indie music band from Stockholm. The name Mene is the name for a certain type of moonfish whose only genus member is now a fish called "danggit", which is eaten in the Philippines. Most fitting, might be the arameian tie to the word mená, which may be conjugated into mene, and colloquially means measured or weighed, or accounted for, so to speak.

Here it's all white... and uh... shiny white... Like, I really can't tell what's what. >.> It resembles a blank sheet of paper, with a few scribles for people. So confusing to walk through, because you randomly hit walls or cars or... other people.

I can't tell the difference. I just know how to enjoy a good ride, really. That's the most important part to motorcycles, I think. Though, I'm still learning how to ride one all by me lonesome. Dad 'n' I take his "babies" out for test drives, to make sure things work okay, before selling them to customers. I'm glad he has this hobby, too, considering he's a principal and needs a way to relief kid-related stress.

...Really, now? Haha, word-play is fun. Though uh, being accounted for is a good thing. ANd I like to eat fish, so that's cool too. And I've a few relatives who're missionaries in Stockholm (yea, not sure why THERE, but w/e). >__> I like its relation to my actual name, Melpomene, bestest though. It means "to sing" or "one gifted in song", though she's the Muse of Tragedy. Go figure, huh?

Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on January 07, 2007, 09:24:26 PM
Hi other-Mel! <Gives huggle-glomp> We can be name-twins and play twin tricks. <Uses glomping to drag Melpomene further away from the emergency exits so she can't escape>

Meeeeeep~ *tries to claw way to emergency exit* Haha... yea... twin-tricks... Must get back to emergency-exit hole now, k?

Quote from: Eibbor_N on January 07, 2007, 11:23:49 PM
Quote from: Melpomene on January 07, 2007, 03:03:09 PM
experiences a continental climate with variable temperature changes. The daily normal mean temperature varies from 17.4 C in July - -21.5 C in January with recorded extremes from 39.4 C - below -42 C.
As I said, at our current temperatures of around -10 are really obscenely warm. ;3

x.x You Canadians are insane. Like... serious? -10? I'd die in five minutes. >__>

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on January 08, 2007, 06:57:18 AM
Obscenely warm doesn't exist where I live. :< 120F summers FTL.

I can deal with heat. I went to Texas when it was about that hot, and had no problem. Though, I did swear a lot, so I guess that counts as a "problem"? xD Drinking lots of water, helps, though you hafta go to the bathroom a lot :/ Which was okay, considering it was like, the one room that had air conditioning XD

Quote from: Stygian on January 08, 2007, 12:23:26 PM
*looks at both Mel and Mene, with a sort of sneer* Well, ain't that cute... Just tell me when to help, kiddo.

Help... now... please? *still trying to claw way back to emergency exit*

Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on January 08, 2007, 01:04:39 PM
:P You guys always scare the new people when they can still find the exit <spins Mene around three more times and releases her> Now she's lost in here forever. <Exits smile last like the Cheshire cat while playing the spooky room music from Scooby Doo> See you around... maybe.

Not helping! Not helping! *wanders around, falling over from dizziness* Gao.... Other-Self, you're rather cruel... x.x;

Stygian? Help? Again? Please? ;-;


Quote from: Melpomene on January 08, 2007, 07:27:08 PM

...Really, now? Haha, word-play is fun. Though uh, being accounted for is a good thing. ANd I like to eat fish, so that's cool too. And I've a few relatives who're missionaries in Stockholm (yea, not sure why THERE, but w/e). >__> I like its relation to my actual name, Melpomene, bestest though. It means "to sing" or "one gifted in song", though she's the Muse of Tragedy. Go figure, huh?

Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on January 07, 2007, 09:24:26 PM
Hi other-Mel! <Gives huggle-glomp> We can be name-twins and play twin tricks. <Uses glomping to drag Melpomene further away from the emergency exits so she can't escape>

Meeeeeep~ *tries to claw way to emergency exit* Haha... yea... twin-tricks... Must get back to emergency-exit hole now, k?

Quote from: Stygian on January 08, 2007, 12:23:26 PM
*looks at both Mel and Mene, with a sort of sneer* Well, ain't that cute... Just tell me when to help, kiddo.

Help... now... please? *still trying to claw way back to emergency exit*

Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on January 08, 2007, 01:04:39 PM
:P You guys always scare the new people when they can still find the exit <spins Mene around three more times and releases her> Now she's lost in here forever. <Exits smile last like the Cheshire cat while playing the spooky room music from Scooby Doo> See you around... maybe.

Not helping! Not helping! *wanders around, falling over from dizziness* Gao.... Other-Self, you're rather cruel... x.x;

Stygian? Help? Again? Please? ;-;

*Stygian picks Mene up with ease and lays her down on a nearby couch, then goes to get her a glass of icewater* I swear, people don't know how to play nicely today...


*Bombs da Thread.* >:3


Dammit, this hat was just washed! *brushes off ashes* Besides, she can't escape anyway. The couch cushions are protected with the newbie equivolent of fly paper; taffy.

Mel Dragonkitty

<whiney voice> I was playing nice. How was I to know you can't spin Tragic muses? <applies sticker reading "Do not spin"> I guess you're not invited to the amusement park.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Thank you, Stygian.*gets dizzy while trying to read applied sticker up-side-down* x.x; Gao. But I wanna go to amusement parks >.> *drinks the ice water Stygian gave and eats some of the taffy that had infested the couch* Mmm, taffy~


Quote from: Melpomene on January 08, 2007, 09:51:43 PM
Thank you, Stygian.*gets dizzy while trying to read applied sticker up-side-down* x.x; Gao. But I wanna go to amusement parks >.> *drinks the ice water Stygian gave and eats some of the taffy that had infested the couch* Mmm, taffy~

She ate. She drank. She is one of us....forever.... *cackles gleefully*

Oh. Sorry. Wrong story....

(And South Dakota goes from 120F in summer to as low as -40F in winter. You dn't have to be insane to live here....Okay, I guess you do.)


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on January 08, 2007, 09:03:27 PM
*Bombs da Thread.* >:3

*Stygian sits down besides Mene and takes out a cigar and his titanium lighter, just to see her reaction. As soon as he lights it up though, the slim cigar explodes violently, blasting the blond bat's head off and splattering blackish green all over the wall. His body just sits, with a burnt neck and no head, still holding the lit lighter*


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on January 08, 2007, 10:03:50 PMShe ate. She drank. She is one of us....forever.... *cackles gleefully*

Oh. Sorry. Wrong story....

(And South Dakota goes from 120F in summer to as low as -40F in winter. You dn't have to be insane to live here....Okay, I guess you do.)

Gao... Not really, isn't that what happens in Tartarus? I'm Greecian, so technically it works. (Yes, I'm condemning myself x.x).

My grandma lives in S.D. I hate visiting her because of the extreme weather >.>; You really are insane to live there...

Quote from: Stygian on January 08, 2007, 10:12:36 PM
*Stygian sits down besides Mene and takes out a cigar and his titanium lighter, just to see her reaction. As soon as he lights it up though, the slim cigar explodes violently, blasting the blond bat's head off and splattering blackish green all over the wall. His body just sits, with a burnt neck and no head, still holding the lit lighter*

...*stares at Stygian's corpse-like-thing for a moment* ... TT-TT Gaaaaooo~ *sobs*


Ah, don't worry about him, Mene, he'll be fine.  This happens to him a lot, in almost every newbie thread to be more precise. :3


But his head went 'splody. How's that fine? ;-; It shouldn't be allowed to go 'splody!


*Slowly, the greenish black splatter on the wall starts to move, crawling inward with a seething, slithering sound. It forms something like little tendrils, and slips onto Stygian's head, slowly forming a fanged, skull-like face before its surface crawls up and turns into skin, then fur, and then regains its golden blond colouration. Then Stygian opens his black, slightly glowing green-irised eyes and looks at Haz sourly*

Ghah... That really was out of place, Haz. *he turns his gaze to Mene*

Ehh... see, it's a thing that we do... Haz, well, bombs da thread. And since I am da bomb... *he scratches his neck*


*sneaks by, hoping no one notices he actually hasn't said welcome yet, yet there is a note from him by Melpomene that says "welcome to the forums!" on it* >_>;


...*eye twitches* Gao... That was really creepy... I think I'm sick now x.x *lays back down on the couch, covering face with a pillow and not noticing Gareeku sneak by*

The Lurking Dragon

Wasn't it that goddess who married Hades who got stuck in Hades because of eating and drinking down there? She was able to rejoin her parents for 6 months of the year but has to return to Hades for 6 months, giving us our seasons.
If I'm off, sorry. =) My memory of Greek mythology is weak.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


No, that was Persephone, daughter of Demeter, goddess of agriculture... *Grins and takes the chance to slip into Mene's shadow, then stretch out for Gareeku's legs*


Yes, but the principal was applied to all whom wandered into Tartarus without actually being dead. Many heroes (including Hercules) went across the Styx without being dead, and in the full poetry versions I'm pretty sure most were offered fruit or drink, as was custom to visitors.

x.x; *crawls under a couch pillow*


*drags you back out* :3

*is then tripped up and falls flat on his face* x.x


Gao! *is dragged from under the couch cushion*

o.O; Gareeku, I think my shadow tripped you, lol!


*The shadow, much too big and different in shape and size to be Mene's real one, yet still falling from her, moves on its own accord and somehow haunches beside Gareeku, poking him in the side*

Semele and Phaëton, and poor little Beatrice... Heheheee... *it speaks in a creepy, crawling voice*

I do not deal with Phlegyas...


*squeaks* My shadow speaks! x.x *crawls under couch cushions again*


*gets up and is poked in the side* Hey! Quit it! ¬_¬

*white flames appear in his hands* Oh I think I can solve that problem...bwahahaha... >:3

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel leans over the back of the couch and lifts the cushion off Mene. "Why do you hide? You must be mad or you wouldn't have come here."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*switches off the light*
There. No more shadows. :mowwink

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A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK