Best and worst games of 2006

Started by thegayhare, January 01, 2007, 05:28:09 PM

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hello all

well the gay news site I visit published it's list of the best and worst games of 2006  so I figured I'd post it here and see what ou all think.

Video Games: The Best & The Worst Of 2006

It's a time of transition in the video-game industry. There are two brand new consoles, the PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. There are two newish machines that are just hitting their stride, the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo DS, and one that the jury's still out on, the PlayStation Portable. And our old friends — the PlayStation 2, the GameCube, the original-recipe Xbox and the Game Boy Advance — are still being heard from.

With plenty of software being published for each of these systems, no one person can play every game released in a year. But I played an awful lot of them, and here are my 10 favorites — along with the five that no gamer should be subjected to.

BEST OF 2006

1. "Okami" (Capcom, for the PlayStation 2): This utterly original adventure delivered a perfect blend of puzzles and action in a mesmerizing tale based on Japanese mythology. The gorgeous graphics, inspired by classic Japanese art, look like nothing else you've ever seen in a video game.

2. "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" (Bethesda Softworks, for the Xbox 360): Two hundred hours in and I still feel like I haven't scratched the surface of this wide-ranging medieval role-playing adventure. With a compelling main story and hundreds of side missions, it's the first must-have game of the 360 era.

3. "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" (Nintendo, for the Wii, GameCube): The "Zelda" is a satisfying combination of the familiar (clever weapons, diabolical dungeons) and the new (Link is now a werewolf!). We always anticipate great things from "Zelda," but "Twilight Princess" delivers well beyond expectations.

4. "Gears of War" (Microsoft, for the Xbox 360): The second must-have for the 360 is "Gears of War," a riotous shooter that pits a team of human grunts against an insectoid army. It's gory, scary and thrilling, especially if you enjoy slicing up aliens with a chain saw.

5. "Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra" (Namco, for the PlayStation 2): The finale of the ambitious (some say pretentious) "Xenosaga" trilogy tackles religion, philosophy, metaphysics and more topics you wouldn't expect a game to address. It's really fun if you don't mind having your mind blown.

6. "Wii Sports" (Nintendo, for the Wii): Nintendo's new Wii console has gotten a lot of attention from people who don't normally play games. "Wii Sports," which is packed with the system, is an effective demonstration of its motion-sensing remote, and I have yet to meet anyone who can resist playing once they see it in action.

7. "New Super Mario Bros." (Nintendo, for the DS): The lovable plumber returns to his 2D roots in this side-scrolling running-and-jumping adventure. A blast for those of us who loved the original "SMB," and a real challenge for just about any player, with dozens of levels and tons of secrets.

8. "Final Fantasy XII" (Square Enix, for the PlayStation 2): I'm not completely sold on the new real-time battle system introduced in this installment, but it delivers everything — grandiose story, lavish graphics and generous gameplay — you expect from a "Final Fantasy" epic.

9. "LocoRoco" (Sony, for the PlayStation Portable): jellylike blobs ooze their way across colorful landscapes, splitting and recombining to get past obstacles. With its vibrant look and catchy soundtrack, it's the year's most endearing puzzle game

10. "Resistance: Fall of Man" (Sony, for the PlayStation 3): "Ratchet & Clank" creators Insomniac Games juice up the World War II shooter with alien invaders and flamboyant weapons. The best of the PS3 launch titles.


1. "25 to Life" (Eidos, for the Xbox, PlayStation 2): The only way an urban gangsta can escape to a better life is by killing hundreds of cops. The goriest, most reprehensible of the street crime sagas trying to rip off "Grand Theft Auto."

2. "Torino 2006" (2K Sports, for the Xbox, PlayStation 2): Fifteen winter games, all made crushingly dull by this halfhearted attempt to cash in on Olympic fever. Designers, you have three years to create a decent curling simulation before the Vancouver games.

3. "Jaws Unleashed" (Majesco, for the Xbox, PlayStation 2): Glitchy graphics, unnecessarily complicated controls and stupid missions take all the fun out of swimming around and chomping on innocent humans.

4. "Bomberman Act: Zero" (Konami, for the Xbox 360): That misplaced colon in the title was indicative of this slipshod production, which turned a colorful, lively party game into a morbid, unplayable mess.

5. "Superman Returns" (Electronic Arts, for the Xbox 360, Xbox, PlayStation 2): The 1999 "Superman 64" is often called the worst video game ever. "Superman Returns" is a little — just a little — better.

I'll definitly agree with Okami being number 1

And has anyone played Superman?  I kinda wanted to get it but If it's as bad as all that maybe I'll wait a while to pick up a cheep used copy


My personal #1 for 2006 is rFactor. I actually have played none of the games on that list.


Hooray for New Super Mario Bros!
My personal low blow of the year was "Worms - Open Warfare" for the DS. Not even Worms 1 for the PC was THAT buggy. Ironically enough, I still play it like crazy. Even with bugs that make me want to scream, it's a mobile version of Worms. xD


I'll keep it simple with my top 3 from each, according to what I've played so far...


1. Final Fantasy XII- (Amazing graphics, memorable characters and astounding gameplay, and I'm only just got to the second town!)

2. Final Fantasy V Advance- (I know, it's not a 2006 game at heart, but this amazing remake wins on all levels. Much better than the anthology version IMO.)

3. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin- (Return of the whip-wielding hero and a scholar heroine with magic that's actually useful! The plot's ties to Bloodlines makes me want to play the Genesis again.)


1. Sonic The Hedgehog (360)- I have not actually played this title, but from what I've heard, it is probably the most disappointing Sonic game of all with bad camera and limp plot being main offenders.)

2. Bomberman: Act Zero- Just the premise makes me squirm... I loved the Bomberman games of old, especially Party Edition for PS1 and Bomberman 64. Why try to fix something that isn't broken?

3.  Actually I don't have a third. I guess this is a pretty good year for gaming, what with all the new systems coming out and all. There are some games I have yet to try out like Okami and the new Zelda game (I was going to wait until I got a Wii, but I'll settle for the Gamecube at this point).


I enjoyed Final Fantasy III. Everything else was made a long time ago.


Ookami was a pretty awesome game. Still need to finish Xenosaga II before I can play III, I could have sworn there was supposed to be five in the series, or something...


Zelda is currently dominating my life, and a major consumer of my free time.
Nothing else matters right now...

* kills more ghosts for the gold puppet guy in castle town *  Growl!
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


I see no mention of EBA in here yet... Blood must be spilled.


I was going to mention EBA but I'm on a real big Final Fantasy kick due to the numerous releases, so I kinda forgot. That game was way more fun than I thought it was going to be. :boogie


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 02, 2007, 07:18:01 AM
I see no mention of EBA in here yet... Blood must be spilled.

What is EBA? Please don't tell me that there was an Earthbound game released and I didn't notice...

Aisha deCabre

(Looks over the list)

Hm, only because I haven't played Okami, I will agree with Oblivion's space on the list.  One of the best games I've played, although I keep wishing for the day I get the corresponding version on XBox to see it to its full beautiful potential.

I agree with Twilight Princess's place too.  We just got the thing and I've been watching the gameplay.  It's the first Zelda game since Ocarina of Time that I'm really wanting to play myself.  Especially because Link turns into a wolf.  Total coolness.   :3

Finally, FFXII...the cinematics and gameplay are both totally awesome.  I'm turned off playing though because of the battle system, looks just a bit complicated...even if I've come to hate turn-based RPG fights (and ESPECIALLY combining that with the annoying random encounters...)   :sweatdrop
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I'm assuming EBA means Elite Beat Agents - an awesome game for the DS. I got it for Christmas, but unfortunately, my little sister lost my DS, and so I'm unable to play it until it is found.  :<


Oh. I thought you meant Earthbound Advance, which never came to the US... Oh well.

Elite Beat Agents is &@!#ing hard.


EBA's not hard. Ouendan's hard. >.>


Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 02, 2007, 08:37:27 PM
It's the first Zelda game since Ocarina of Time that I'm really wanting to play myself.

Go. Play. Windwaker. Now.
You will enjoy it. It's a really good game. It has epic boss fights. It has good graphics. It has good gameplay. It is big. It has good music. It has memorable characters. What more could you want?
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Vidar on January 03, 2007, 07:01:09 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 02, 2007, 08:37:27 PM
It's the first Zelda game since Ocarina of Time that I'm really wanting to play myself.

Go. Play. Windwaker. Now.
You will enjoy it. It's a really good game. It has epic boss fights. It has good graphics. It has good gameplay. It is big. It has good music. It has memorable characters. What more could you want?

Heh, well don't get me wrong, Wind Waker looked cool too.  Unlike many Zelda fans I wasn't put off by the cel-shaded cartoony look.  I've watched my brother play through the whole thing twice and it just seems monotonous spending most of your time sailing everywhere.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 03, 2007, 03:53:20 PM
Quote from: Vidar on January 03, 2007, 07:01:09 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 02, 2007, 08:37:27 PM
It's the first Zelda game since Ocarina of Time that I'm really wanting to play myself.

Go. Play. Windwaker. Now.
You will enjoy it. It's a really good game. It has epic boss fights. It has good graphics. It has good gameplay. It is big. It has good music. It has memorable characters. What more could you want?

Heh, well don't get me wrong, Wind Waker looked cool too.  Unlike many Zelda fans I wasn't put off by the cel-shaded cartoony look.  I've watched my brother play through the whole thing twice and it just seems monotonous spending most of your time sailing everywhere.   :3

It's tranquil. You need it to get over the awesomeness of the boss fights, and the giant squid attacks, and the ghost ship, and the overall superiority of the game.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


My main problem with Wind Waker is that it was too easy.  There was no challenge to it at all.  Though I am enjoying Twilight Princess.

Quote from: Zina on January 02, 2007, 02:10:08 AM
Ookami was a pretty awesome game. Still need to finish Xenosaga II before I can play III, I could have sworn there was supposed to be five in the series, or something...

Yes, if you beat Xenogears it will call the game chapter 5.  I'm thinking that IV will be the proper prequel.
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: Vidar on January 03, 2007, 07:01:09 AM
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 02, 2007, 08:37:27 PM
It's the first Zelda game since Ocarina of Time that I'm really wanting to play myself.

Go. Play. Windwaker. Now.
You will enjoy it. It's a really good game. It has epic boss fights. It has good graphics. It has good gameplay. It is big. It has good music. It has memorable characters. What more could you want?

Something more than another figurine after you manage to finish the collection?


No GodHand?.... Worst list ever - comic book guy.

Nimrods Son

I don't care about anything in videogaming except for CastleVania, but in my opinion, it's justified that PoRn was neither among the best nor among the worst on the gay's list. It's just not that good. It should have been straighter and a lot more old-school - it can't compete with Bloodlines, just think of the weak wannabe-adventure surrogat called "exploring aspect". It bores the hell out of me. Still, it's Cv, so I like it in the context of the grand metastory
(with which IGA is very busy messing it up since 2003, I feel).  :spidey

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Angantyr on January 21, 2007, 11:04:48 AM
I don't care about anything in videogaming except for CastleVania, but in my opinion, it's justified that PoRn was neither among the best nor among the worst on the gay's list. It's just not that good. It should have been straighter and a lot more old-school - it can't compete with Bloodlines, just think of the weak wannabe-adventure surrogat called "exploring aspect". It bores the hell out of me. Still, it's Cv, so I like it in the context of the grand metastory
(with which IGA is very busy messing it up since 2003, I feel).  :spidey
Nonsense... "PoRn" is awesome...


I knew someone would say something, because there were truly too many things wrong with that post to begin with.

"A recent study has shown that 17% of women and 60% of men look at porn on the internet.  Also, the other 40% of men."


Star Fox Command for the DS is a brilliant game, although it seems to be ignored. It outclasses New Super Mario Brothers in many ways, in my opinion.

I haven't played many of the console games, however, so I probably do not have full knowledge of which game should be considered the Game of 2006.



NSMB is hardly a game to put up against any other... It's pretty plain, and uninteresting after everything's been done.

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Tycoon on January 22, 2007, 07:05:11 AM
Star Fox Command for the DS is a brilliant game, although it seems to be ignored.
It is ignored because it is not a brilliant game. That is my opinion.


Quote from: Warlike on January 22, 2007, 09:32:25 PM
Quote from: Tycoon on January 22, 2007, 07:05:11 AM
Star Fox Command for the DS is a brilliant game, although it seems to be ignored.
It is ignored because it is not a brilliant game. That is my opinion.


What about it do you dislike?

I'll be the first one to say that I enjoy it thouroughly, and have cleared every single plotline. At this point I would normally be bored with a game, but It does not bore me. As was said in a review, "Star Fox Command is a caffeine alternative."


It's either gotta be Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus or Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories for me...probably Disgaea 2. You just can't be good old exploding penguins.