Stirring Up Chaos (OOC, Call for Interest)

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 01, 2007, 10:46:38 AM

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Sirius Griffon

Ah, you're right Snuggles! Ive marked the extra for deletion to avoid any further confusion. x-x Wow, thread hasnt even gotten fully started yet and I already caused chaos...


Quote from: Valynth on January 13, 2007, 02:13:33 AM
Quick question, which characters will be able to see/hear Vincent from the start?

I doubt Hadrianus has the ability to see or hear ghosts, but with his exposure to the Warp, you never know. ;)


Since several inconveniences have arisen with circumstances on my part, I am going to make an edit to Stygian's character, and actually make him a mage. It seems that a few logical problems have crept in thanks to the dealings with other universes, and that I am simply going to have to take him that way, even though I loathe much of the sort of magic that people traditionally use. I shall try and be a bit more creative and logical in my handling of it, at least.

Proper editing of character sheet and proper roleplaying have now been performed. I hope there will be no more messes like this...

Sirius Griffon

Well, whichever you feel is best Stygian. *Blinks and tilts head* Its entirely up to you and what you feel is best.


Unfortunately, the RP started just when my internet connection shut down. This means that I can't be too active for a while. Jack will be observing the events from afar until I can give him permission to enter.
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I went ahead and made a post about Toric recieving the letter. How Leona will sense the destruction of the letter, or whether she recieves any indication at all of the letter's fate, will be for Sirius to decide. And as for why one of the letters would end up in Toric's hands, well, it's Chaos magic, there are bound to be flukes. :)
Yap by Silver.

Sirius Griffon

Sorry to hear about that ITOS. Look forward to rping with ya when it comes back. :)

Alrighty Toric! And yes, flukes are bound to happen, Ill explain why in my rp post later. :3


okay good i'm catching up now i hope i can find a spot to post in.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I am (slowly) working on an intro for Hadrianus that fits his status as having been running around for a day or two already. Not sure how long it'll take to complete, as I get bits done, then get bits of writer's block now and then. :P


i know how you feel that's really slowed down my story as well
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



I don't suppose... we're just in the starting phase. Mess Sirius.

Sirius Griffon

Already taken care of, its in your inbox. *smiles* As future reference as well, considering the nature of the letters themselves are chaotic, there should never be a point in the game where it is too late to join. Harder? Certainly. But never too late.


Well, here we go!

Name: Unknown (goes by Stalker)
Nicknames: The Grey Ronin, Ageless Stranger, Grey Wanderer, assorted others
Age: Unknown (Best historical estimate: roughly 400,000 years old)
Species: Humaseeri
Family: None
Place of Origin: Earth (Timeline 13)
Alliance (Order, Chaos, Neutral, VERY important!): Chaos

Appearance (Ref pics would be adored here too!): Stalker normally appears as a 6' tall human with short black hair greying at the temples, small sunglasses, wearing grey robes. His eyes are cold and dead, a silvery-grey color. When he smiles one can see thousands of silver needle-teeth, and his fingertips often show silvery claws.

History: To know Stalker, one must know his race. These incredible creatures are also incredibly dangerous. Practically immortal, their only enemies are themselves, and their favorite prey: humans.

When humaseeri get near each other, only one path is clear: The strongest survives.

Two humaseeri met and fought, their terrible battle laying waste to an entire country. When it was over, the victor walked away, leaving a corpse.

Or so it thought. His opponent, barely alive, managed to escape, shifting form and hiding in the sea. A thousand years later it emerged, taking on the form of the first human it could catch.

And was stuck. The humaseeri found that while it was still no longer aging, it could also no longer change shape. Trapped, it blended in with the local humans in feudal Japan, apprenticing itself to a local swordmaster.

Over the decades it slowly regained its' ability to change shape, and developed a unique outlook and odd kind of curiousity for humans. No longer accepted by its' own kind, it began wandering, taking the name "Stalker".

(This section is optional, to keep better track of things. However, it is classified information and should not be ill used  Use your heads remember please!) 

Weapons: Stalker carries a bastard katana engraved with many obscure mystical runes. Besides making the sword well-nigh indestructible, it also holds a soul within it. The soul has no effect on the sword or its abilities whatsoever.

Abilities: Like all Humaseeri, Stalker is a master shapeshifter, assuming forms at will and imagination. He is a quick thinker, and cunningly deceptive when he wants to be.

Strengths: Humaseeri can regenerate from nearly and injury, so long as their tiny, highly armored core survives. Humaseeri feed off of emotions, only consuming physical materials to provide biomass to work with. They are capable of reshaping matter and energy within themselves to whatever they desire, making them highly unpredictable in their abilities. Humaseeri cannot be affected directly by magic of any kind, though magical side effects can still harm them. (Turning one to ice by magic will fail, surrounding them with ice won't, etc.)

Weaknesses: Humaseeri cannot use magic in any form. Any magical item in their hands is simply another item. If done properly, their cores can be removed, rendering them both powerless and essentially inactive until/unless they can gather biomass to shape again.

Quirks: Stalker tends to have an odd sense of humor, and shows unusual bursts of compassion to other creatures for no apparent reason. He is afraid of nothing, and has an odd code of honor that apparently only makes sense to him. He never smiles, but will sometimes flash a "grin" of his teeth.

(Just noted the time. I'll have to come in tomorrow after work. *grins*)

Sirius Griffon

Alrighty folks, sorry for the delay, explanations will be in short order for all of the charries involved! Just uhm, bear with me and if I miss something or forget feel free to point it out and Ill fix it!


QuoteMy fighter cannot take the flaw addiction: stabbing things



Wow, very different worldview from what I had in mind. Are all the human cities that extremely "orderly" or do they vary in extremity while still being relatively order-aligned? I ask this because I'm pondering where to fit Toric's family into the world. If the vast majority of Median's cities contains nothing but couch-potatoes, Toric would naturally be located in one of the "free" anthro cities, but then his family probably wouldn't side with Order when the ball gets rolling, and I'd really prefer to be with Order in the beginning at least. Perhaps the family is allowed to live with its quirks like "exercise" and "hobbies" as part of an old family agreement not to interfere with the influence of Order on the rest of the world (not break laws, hence the necessity of Toric to curb Flora's rebellious tendencies) or a deal Klaus made to research new technology for Order security.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the backstory so far, I just want to adapt Toric and his human family so that they don't look completely out of place in Median.

[Edit] Hmm, on second thought maybe this could have been handled in PM form. :mowdizzy
Yap by Silver.


What does the place chaos meets at look like from the outside?
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Prof B Hunnydew

Okay I like to see if I can join this little game...Do I need anything else?

Name: Prof Bambi Hunnydew
Nicknames: Bam, PBH, pixie
Age: 27
Species: Feline (Fae, unknown to Character)*
Family: Mother (Dr Sarah Hunnydew, anthropologist) and Father James Hunnydew (Prof of English, linguist, and Fantasy novelist), Uncle: Dr Benny Hunnydew (Director of Science), Twin brother to James, and Mentor to Prof Bambi Hunnydew, great great grandmother Gea Goodleaf, Forest Feline Fairy (Location unknown)
Place of Origin: La-phi Skycity, Furra, Furra System)

Alliance (Order, Chaos, Neutral, VERY important!):
Neutral, acts toward Order, but involuntary member of Chaos (see weaknesses).

Appearance: ht 5'6' wt: 130lb fur colors: tan with cream color front
Hair: blue  Eye: green

Relaxing at home answering the video phone:

Murphy's law or Hunnydew effect in action : link

Battlesuit:link---------------old model picture will replace.

Fae form: link

Child prodigy for two university professors on a high tech furry world.  Her world has colonies on nearby planets, and an impulse drive but no FLT yet.  PBH has discovered of ancient stargate galactic system, which may still be active.  She has built and now researching homemade a proto-type stargate arch at a L-5 research station.  Unknown to her, She has Fae blood in her family from long ago, which has surfaced in her and just now been awakening. 

Weapons: Stun/plasma pistol, lite Battle suit, with mini-missiles. flight in suit, energy shield

Abilities: Scientist(physics, chemist, computer, robotic), engineer, inventor, Marital arts training (brown belt), Pilot, marksman pistol.  A scanner in battle suit with IR sight and UV. with radar detection of modern vehicles up to half a mile.

Strengths: Intelligence, Problem solver, and latent magic ability(no training).. Good luck (2 in 6) of guessing right about anything.  Total Recall...(can not remember everything, but once remembered it is never forgotten.)

Weaknesses: nearsighted, bad luck (1 in 6) from experiments exploding to prototype equipment failures.  Murphy's law Club member, she works for order but her own ideas and inventions sometimes bring about more chaos than even she think possible.  Her Super focus is a problem to the point that she can forget about life threatening dangers.  People skills are limited.  As her Fae magic increases, she own science will fail.  She'll not lose her scientific knowledge, but her magic can make something work or make it go terribly wrong.

Quirks: Doesn't believe in magic (yet), workaholic., nudist


Joining the party? welcome though i'm interested as to what could bring you this this dimension. did Murphy intervene again or are you looking for someone?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Sirius Griffon

Toric, by all means! Perhaps they have connections somehow in the family even, an experiment of sorts, or if you like perhaps they live a bit away from a mian city?

Whatever you feel should work best!

Hunneydew, by all means! Since were still in the beginning you can have her either just arrive, or have been there a bit, thats entirely up to you.

Oh yes and folks, eitehr PMs or here is fnd if you need to ask questions, I wont bite. *laughs* OH YES! And I also want to add suggestions, for yanno missions and whatnot, would definitly be highly valued. I have a few straggler ideas already in mind, but I know there are quite a few plotters here who have better ones!

ITOS, the place looks much like a wooden hunting lodge would, a rather large one. ;)

That cover things folks?



*awards Stygian the "I have a pair of eyes" medal.  So that all can know that he sees when they post*
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Yes, that was a very bad pun. Yes, it was intentional. *grins*


Idea! Perhaps Klaus has an agreement to program custom bodyguard robots for moderately-to-high rank Order officials. He's not responsible for making Red and Blue, of course, but it would make sense for captains and such to have custom personalities for their bodyguards for maximum efficiency at their job and minimum annoyance. Some are capable of commanding multiple robot soldiers and know enough about strategy to serve as field commanders, some simply accompany whatever public figures Order has and thus are more social robots programmed with (admittedly very stale) jokes. I think Klaus's work would probably be restricted to programming and possibly custom part-building without making entire bodies, Toric body and all seems like a pet project for him.
I think I'd prefer Toric's family to live outside the main city, where the people might have a bit more freedom to move around while still being very law-oriented. Universal curfew at night and laws against disturbing the peace, heavily enforced of course, but during the day people still have somewhat active lives compared to the land of the couch potatoes.

Changed a bit of Toric's history to reflect the world, and added effects of EMP blasts and antimagic fields to Toric's list of abilities. Jack's grenades will in fact disable Toric for their duration, he will not be able to move at all, but he will still be aware of his surroundings.
Yap by Silver.


If the ship is coming in at a good angle, say seven degrees, that should mean that it's still in excess of 650 km away. Now, it will clear that distance in short order, but... How can you see it?


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Quote from: ITOS on February 07, 2007, 02:12:31 PM
The zoom on Jack's camera is very good.

Well, that explains a lot... Oh, and for some reason I also think that Toric might get along very well with Moira.


What? A female-personality robot? But I look horrid! Quick, how's my chassis? Any stray wires? I don't have something sticking out of my cooling vent, do I? :P
Yap by Silver.


*gives Toric a quick oil bath, and a quick detailing*

Go get 'em, tiger!


To answer some peoples' questions, the Husk is a modification of a military model of stealth attack bomber and fringe ship. It is essentially a special-class weapon system mounted on a ship with as much engine and reactor as you can find, with some armor and stealth covering slapped on, and then stuffed with as much sensors, stealth systems and ECMs as one can fit. Stygian's particular ship is even more like that than the military version.
   As for the size, it's 48 metres long, 16 metres wide, and weighs an approximate 200 tons, perhaps a bit more. It's a big, overmotorized gun with room for a crew and with cameras, materials and general tech to make NASA's boys shit themselves.