Stirring Up Chaos (OOC, Call for Interest)

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 01, 2007, 10:46:38 AM

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sounds very impressive and slightly intimidating. but tell me.; who all rides..
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Toric on February 07, 2007, 03:06:06 PM
What? A female-personality robot? But I look horrid! Quick, how's my chassis? Any stray wires? I don't have something sticking out of my cooling vent, do I? :P

"Does this plating make my lower chassis look oversized?"  :B


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Taking a bit of a detour. Hope we can get in Toric soon... We might be able to pick him up...


Have some people left the RP? :confused

Gareeku hasn't posted since page 4...
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What with real life being hectic, I've gotten completely lost. I think it's best if I just backed out of the rp.


Well, we could make a summary of what has happened for you but if you feel like you can't handle the RP right now... :[
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Quote from: Gareeku on February 11, 2007, 02:33:37 PM
What with real life being hectic, I've gotten completely lost. I think it's best if I just backed out of the rp.

Ditto, granted, it's mostly because I've been hellishly busy with school work that is recently letting up(thank God).  Also, I've been wondering for awhile now, Where the heck is everyone positioned?
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Honestly, PBH and ITOS... I'm not so sure that you'd be that familiar with the type of tech that the Husk is running on. No offense, but it's a bit... well, even the best deductive mind would have trouble.


Wow, it's almost like everyone waits till I go to work to post.... *chuckles*


Quote from: Stygian on February 12, 2007, 10:02:03 PM
Honestly, PBH and ITOS... I'm not so sure that you'd be that familiar with the type of tech that the Husk is running on. No offense, but it's a bit... well, even the best deductive mind would have trouble.

Even if you use exotic technology the functions are still the same. Jack has no idea of how your stuff works but he sure knows what a cloaking device does.

I don't know how PBH is able to fiddle with your shields. Jack wouldn't be able to do something like that without getting an AI to interpret your system and translate the commands.
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Well, it's hardly just cloaking. As for the ships chasing them, I'd only guessed that they were small ones, and considering our armament...

Edit: And now I find myself questioning TGR. What the hell are you talking about?


Double posting, just to get peoples' attention. Who does the what now? Is this not going just a tad bit too fast?

Also, who's in charge of the RP at this point? I was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable about going off and doing so many things here without Sirius' attention. I think that we should pay her some respect and wait until she can have her say. However, before that I must point this out:

I had intended that we drop down far from the plant, get to pick up Toric, walk a bit, and sneak in and infiltrate. Now, suddenly, it's all blaring alarms and people complaining about me trying to kill them for no conceivable reason. If we cannot rectify these errors, or at least make sure that things like this don't keep happening, I'm leaving.


I've also been wondering where Sirius had gotten to. Toric's Order aligned; our characters probably won't be meeting up for a bit, and when they do it's most likely to be on opposing sides. As for the accusations of attempted homicide, TGR's character doesn't seem to trust his own kind, which yours resembles. He's trying to play his character. That was my interpritation, anyway.

Prof B Hunnydew

I have mortified my input to the IC thread and left an opening this to be the wrong plant...Please, Post better information on locations,  The last I knew we drop 10 miles Above the target....PBH


Of course, but instead of just hijacking points and events and rushing on in a way that approaches to godmoding, why don't you ask or warn about it, for example in this thread, and have it discussed and approved? I'm sure that would be much more convenient...

Prof B Hunnydew

Okay okay I will watch this thread too..  :mowsad

I getting use to RPing in a Forum. 



To answer somewhat out of order: Boogeyman is exactly right. My character distrusts and dislikes everyone, so he's being true to form.

As for the cratering...Read back on my last few posts, including the one just before the drop. At least once I posted a direct question and was completely ignored. Several times I've tried conversational gambits, and the game flowed past without me. Sorry I hijacked your pod, Stygian, but I'm here to play.

As for Sirius: Part of the reason I've been content to hang back for so long has been due to waiting for her to post. When the game started moving again, apparently under Stygian's direction, I simply went along. Since Sirius hadn't posted in a while and the leadership seemed to have shifted, I assumed that either it had been agreed to privately or that someone was simply stepping in to keep it moving rather than die from lack of interest. If I've offended or wronged anyone in my assumptions, then I apologize.


No. Just, no, G.R. I have no intention to answer to posts where you either sit playing and speaking idly, as Stygian would certainly disregard you, nor do I see how you've tried expressing any sort of point through your previous remarks. I fail to see what would have made that drop pod virtually explode as well. If there was a mechanical failure - fine. State it! Otherwise, I am just going to get more pissed. I also specified earlier on that we were going by ground, meaning that we would have to travel some distance after the drop.

Now, I am in no way trying to take over this thread. I will not make anymore posts from this point on until things turn for the better, from an OOC point of view. That is my final statement.


I'm not angry, nor upset, nor anything else. I'm discussing this calmly and rationally as I've seen it from my viewpoint.

Stygian, I wasn't singling you out as far as my character being ignored when speaking idly. And in fact, I see now that I should have been more direct, and I apologize.

The question I asked directly that was ignored was on page 9, just before you launched Boogeyman and Cog.

QuoteHe stopped just short of the drop pods and looked at Stygian. "Am I correct in assuming that these devices will deposit us at our seperate destinations?" he asked calmly.

The drop pod exploding was from a mechanical failure. Dropping from that height with little to no braking would result in it leaving a pretty massive crater. The explosion I mentioned was my way of describing what you had in your last post, where panels burst off. I'm sorry if I wasn't more clear in my wording.


it  is my belief that we were all dropped are our predecided mission locations. am i in error?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The pods are designed and meant to take massive strain, as the soldiers that use them sometimes pack nearly four hundred kilos of weight. The weight is in fact one of the key issues, as the way the flaps counter the force by which the pod falls to the ground with is by using that very same force and build it up using a suspension system, then counteract it and release. Like autorotating with a helicopter. Hence, the planing out that you experienced. The panels that burst out help form the braking foils, flaps and wings. There would be quite the excessive weight and design if they did not.

We had no separate destinations. All the people that were supposed to go on the Husk were simply going to the powerplant.

I have been coherent and on point all the way through what you have thus pointed out. And the only reason that I am upset is that you keep questioning me rather than thinking. You think I hadn't thought out the design beforehand? That I hadn't regarded other options? I considered that Stalker might weigh an excessive amount, but I found it improbable. And also you hadn't mentioned it. Other than that, I could only presume mechanical failure, yet that was not mentioned.


I had no idea of how much thought you did or did not put into the drop pods. True, I didn't say the words "mechanical failure"; I left it open so that in the upcoming section of the game it could be played out.

Stalker questioning your character is simply a character trait of his. As for me questioning you, Stygian, I have not asked a single question of you. I don't see using a mechanical failure as questioning either you nor your intelligence and preparedness.

I actually assumed a stable design, but with variable conditions and no described standard of maintenence, did not think a failure would be out of line.


Yes, I should have pointed this out earlier. My character is Order-aligned. It's entirely possible yet unlikely for you to pick him up in the party. I thought Stygian was planning on just stopping by Toric's location on the way to the power plant for a bit of RP interaction goodness, but it would be pretty awkward for Toric to join the side of Chaos, since his family is currently relatively safe from Order. I'm sorry I didn't state that sooner.
Yap by Silver.


The dropping right into a facility was my fault, I believe. I apologise for that.
All the talk about combat drop and the use of drop pods (instead of just landing) made me believe we were going to drop right into the powerplant.

I also think that there is a lack of organisation. Stygian seems to have the necessary information about the powerplants and a plan. If we shared intel, so we all knew what the plan was and what roles we had in it, I believe there would be less confusions.

A possible way out of this would be to say that the facility we landed at makes stealthy vehicles and that we went there for the other group to steal a ride that they can use while Stygians group uses the Husk. But that migth be too late...
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Or we could just have landed on top of some place that does not want uninvited visitors. A prison, perhaps?

Oh, and yeah, you got about the gist of it, Toric. I was hoping to start some chaotic mixup that involved going past your place, so that you could finally actually come into play, so to speak.


Quote from: Stygian on February 16, 2007, 10:43:45 AM
Or we could just have landed on top of some place that does not want uninvited visitors. A prison, perhaps?

Great! Then Jack can complain about how bad you dropped us. :razz
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Quote from: Stygian on February 15, 2007, 09:04:20 PM
Is this not going just a tad bit too fast?

Considering I was buried under about 2 and 1/2 pages of posts while I slept one day, I'd have to say yes.  It's a bit late for me to try and catch-up since every post had a HUGE amount of action going on.

So I just gave up and decided to withdraw.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Prof B Hunnydew

Has anyone seen/heard from the Gryffon?

Anyone? :mowsad

Are we going to continue this?


I am willing to continue but if the GM (and others have left) it would be hard.
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