Forumite Dating RP (OOC thread)

Started by KarlOmega1, December 29, 2006, 04:04:21 PM

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Ok...this RP is basically like a Dating Sim RP...and the plot of the RP takes place an Island...

In most Dating Sims I've seen, the character played usually has three stats: Strength, Intelligence, and Charm...all of these can usually factor in how well you do in a job or a fight (yes I have seen such things in a Dating Sim)...not to mention the NPCs you might be trying to date have one or two favorite stats...the higher those stats, the more they'll like you/be able to talk to you...

Also...raising these stats will take will working...and talking.(don't worry, you won't die if it reaches Zero)

and another thing...Strength, Intel. and Charm are the only ones you can put points into when creating a Character...Vitality will have a default of 25 (each point of Vit. gives you 4 HP).

there's fight mode, your Strength indicates your phys. attack (1 point strentgh = 4 pts physical atk damage)...your Intel. indicates your special {or magic} attack (1 pt Intel. = 4 pts sp. atk damage).

when you feel low on energy, return to your house/apartment...there is a bed where your HP refills 100% after sleeping, bath only refills it by 50 pts...

This RP however will have a slight difference from other Dating Sims...not only will there be player/NPC interaction, but also Player/Player interaction. So players can interact with each other...


Now for the map:

Tavern/Apartment(and housing) Complex: all players live here and several NPC live here as well...and raise Vitality/ go work in tavern. also meet person*.
Academy/Library: go here to raise Intel. or to work.
City Gym: Go here to raise Strength or work
Beach: Go here to raise Charm/meet Person*.
Jungle arena: go here to fight for money prize.

*meet person option is for intentionally meeting someone, not a random encounter.


Relationship Exp.:

Relationship points are what shows how much that you are close to the person...each time you reach a milestone in your point, it is possible to level up to the next point in relationship...positive impressions/right responses will raise rel. points, negative/wrong will cause them to drop.

here's how it end up being in leveling:

-Stranger( only able to talk to person, any other thing [except leave option] could trigger fight sequence)
-New friend( able to talk with multichoice answer options [multichoice answers disabled if person you're talking to is Player character])
-Good friend( able to ask any questions without offending person)
-Close friend( able to give gifts and go on dates)
-Girlfriend/Boyfriend( able to visit their apartment/house)
-lover(won the person's heart 100%)


Here is the Character profile sheet for place

Name: (you can use the Characters you've always used before...or make a new one).
Age: (this is a PG-13 RP)
sp. interest preferrence: (Straight, Bi, etc...).
Appearence: (basically what you look like)

Stats- 50 pts to spend

-Vitality: 25 (remember, this one is a default when creating character, cannot spend points in it).


-Items(don't have any at the beginning)
-Money(start out with 200).

Relationships: (you don't have any at beginning, but when you interact with a date-interactive NPC or a player's character, the character is added to the list)
-it goes like this:
Name of character-character type (NPC or Player)-relationship exp.-relationship level.

(and remember this...even though your rel. pts may go down, your relationship level with the character will never level down).

(note: all NPCs are controlled by the DMs, and sometimes the situations might be as well)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Well, I hate to see people hanging like this, so maybe I should step forward with a hopefully helpful explanation to your RP.

People might have been turned away a little from this for the simple reason that it's a dating one...even if it's not real, it can still be a little daunting, especially when said RP as you label has the potential to be NSFW...and the Haunted Ballroom itself has a limit rating of PG-13.

Plus, I think from some other RP threads people might get enough of reading such sappiness already.   :rolleyes  People seem to prefer something with an actual story and adventure element.  Please don't think I'm being negative.  Just trying to give some insight.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Not quite sure that's true... I found the rules most daunting. Talking to people isn't really that big a challenge, it's actually following the rules that is...


ok so the actual RP thread might not have NSFW material...I at least thank you for the input...that's why I put this OOC thread up so some people can either do character creation or give input on the Idea of the Dating RP...

Ok...will remove the NSFW part...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


I think the problem here is the community. Most people here have identities and, as such, they're mindful about how they appear to other people. This RP consists of either A. People being flirty with one another, but with stats somehow or B. People chronicling the weird stuff you do in games like Ganguro Girl. Both options pivot on how open people want to be about this sort of thing, and the plain truth is that not very many people want to expose this part of themselves to the greater community.

Have you tried Gaia Online? People there don't really care about ego and are far more open to this sort of RP setting.


Dating RPs aren't like normal RPs... they're a little... well, in a community as close-knit as this, it could lead to a few things I hope not to deal with  :animesweat


i have to agree with RJ on this one. most people here good of the feeling of family for the overprotective parents and grandparents to the annoying younger sibling. it would just be weird.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I'm gonna agree with Netami on this one... if y'really want to do something like this, the people on Gaia are a lot more open to it.
then again, I far from speak for everyone there, given that I know I avoid straight out romance stuff like the plague, but... I'm rambling. >>


thanks for the input guys...also, I edited the character sheet part of the first post...

Edit> Gaia Online? Been on it before but forgot my password...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius