Eragon the movie (spoilers)

Started by Gryphon, December 31, 2006, 03:56:26 AM

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When you get right down to it all this movie is about is the story of a dragon and her boy. That said the book is what you expect it to be. An involving story of the rise of a hero from the most humblest of roots. If I recall correctly it's a best seller and has won awards and fame.

The movie... Not so much.

When the previews began there were only fifteen people in the audience. NOT a good sign. Speaking of which my favorite pick for the preview?

Epic movie

If you've read the book then you know how much of a travesty this film has become. What was merely a nod towards star wars in the book has become a full blown out copy of star wars, lord of the rings and the Prince of Persia video game. Try as I might these words actually slipped from my lips.

Scene: Farm house practically destroyed.
Uncle Owen!

Something like "Name a horse that can outrun a dragon..."
Shadowfax go! Oh crap. It IS SHADOWFAX.

Wait. Why isn't she an elf?

Wait. Where are the dwarves?

You know for a quick overnight armor job they sure put in a lot of silly flourishes. 

Wait. Wasn't that armor supposed to be covering the entire face before?

Use the Force Luke. Use the Force!

Haven't we seen this in Lord of the Rings? Only with horses?

Okay. Back to the review. If you've read the book you'll cry at the butchery. The actors deliver the lines  in a way that can only be described as craptacular. The movie is TOO SHORT. I wanted more bang for my money honestly for the roller coaster ride I was subjected to. The CG dragon is great and the flight scenes are fantastic. Too bad they couldn't spare any money for the TWO RACES that should have been in the movie.

Sigh. I really liked the book. Really I do. So it pains me to say that you probably shouldn't watch the movie unless you love dragons. The dragon is practically the only saving grace for this film. All said and done... Garbage.


+ Action
+ Entertaining
+ Beautiful special affects
+ Acting (brom, saphira and eragon)
-  Acting (everyone else)
-  Real Short
-  Environment  never changes
-  Nothing like the book
-  little character development.


Eragon is a entertaining spectacular and candy for the eyes but way to short and suffers with terrible acting and the environment is dark, grim and continues through the whole movie.

note: Reviewing the english version.

More Book flaws

Angila is in the same vilage as the Urgals? WTF? (Note Angila was in TEIRM and the URGALS in Utgard or something)  :B
> scenes with GAlbatorix and Durza, why do need those scenes and why is the acting in those scenes so... unpleasing?  :tired
> Saphira grew up ... in 10 minutes..  and she isn't old enough to breathe fire? how about we give her another five?
> end battle, when the >cencored< did Saphira learn to breathe fire?  :B
> Eragon looks like a dark blond.. wasn't his hair know....brown?
> Arya's prison laid within a region so much flatter then ERAGON had ever seen. Why does it appear to be in mountainous area in the movie? heck why does everything lay within a mountianious region?
> This film has a lot of SPECTACULAR effects and is really dark, how hard is it to give arya pointy ears and make people appear shorter? (dwarfs?)
> ...Preparations for the battle wasn't just one day in the book...
> Where's angila? She's fighting the urgals in the book. Why isn't she here? If I remember correctly she was the one that healed Eragon.
> Eragon got a scar in the book that wouldn't heal. It was important to the story in the book why isn't it at least mentioned?
> The end battle is nothing like the book.


I waitched but I had the feeling I fell a sleep becouse it looked like they cut to much out

llearch n'n'daCorna

I get this feeling I should go find the book somewhere and read that....
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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 31, 2006, 07:42:10 AM
I get this feeling I should go find the book somewhere and read that....

at least that's worth your money :-)
The movie needs to be cheaper, it's so short my wallet started screaming out of agony.


The dialogue almost made me cry out in rage from how cheesy it was most of the time.

However! I did not pay for the movie as one of my friends works there, so I did not want to be a bad guest, because he thoroughly enjoyed the movie!


I didn't bother watching after hearing that it was tripe. Seriously, has their ever been any good book-to-movie conversions? (LOTR doesn't count, because I slept through it)

Aisha deCabre

Oh, my god, someone AGREES on how crappy they made Eragon!  :U

I honestly thought the movie was going to be better...they could've made it much better, seriously.  There were SO many things that I could nitpick right from the very beginning.  For example, in the book, Saphira didn't know her name already.  It was given to her...that being said, they didn't go into the history of the dragon's and Eragon's names.  Plus, I wanted Angela to have a bit of a bigger part. 

The parts I enjoyed at least were the cool effects, and Saphira's design...and I pretty much cried at the death scene.  I think the actors they picked for everyone were all pretty perfect...especially Jeremy Irons for Brom.  But they took a lot of liberties with the movie, and I agree it was too short.  They left out what would have been several key moments...the Twins for example.

The elves should have looked like elves, the dwarves should have looked like dwarves, and for heaven's sake, Ajihad should have died!

The book was honestly much better.   :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Quote from: BillBuckner on December 31, 2006, 12:38:34 PM
I didn't bother watching after hearing that it was tripe. Seriously, has their ever been any good book-to-movie conversions? (LOTR doesn't count, because I slept through it)

The Black Cauldron was an absolutely wonderful movie, in my opinion (:


That I have been meaning to see. I remember enjoying the book greatly.


Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 14% approval rating.  That is basically mythic bad.   :U


Now, I didn't like the book as much as everyone else on this thread seems to have. Just "hey, this is alright," read it once, that was that. However, what they did to it in the movie was just terrible.
Wasn't she an elf? Yeah, wasn't she also a brunette and a lot more serious?
The dragon grew to full size in a matter of like three days!
Acting? More like... like... the acting was terrible for everyone other than Brom, alright?
Also, they made the evil clicky-assassin-things whose actual names escape me right now just a side note! NOT COOL!