Light Wolf's Stories (Beta-readers wanted!)

Started by Light Wolf, December 29, 2006, 01:10:06 PM

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Light Wolf

Well, I thought I'd make a thread so I could show my writings and hopefully get some good hints and critique. With hints I would prefer typos, confusions that I could fix and such, not "Z0MG! ST0P WRITING!" kinds of hints.
I will mostly be adding chapters of Dark and Light, since Anthro Adventures is currently in Hiatus, after only writing 3 chapters of it! I PHAIL  :<
But this first post will only be the description of what horrors I will be placing here, the writings themselves will be added after wards, not really sure...But it will work out someway.
Then the warning: "My writings might have some offencive language, but if you are old enough to use the internet, then I think you can only blame yourself for any offencive material you might find."

Light Wolf

Dark and Light, Chapter 1

Dark and Light
Chapter 1
The Beginning of it all

The sun went up in the kingdom of Birj'un, the sun rose up and changed the country from night to day. The sun's rays lit up a small house near the king's fields, the Furosa's house. The suns rays seemed to climb into the room of the son of a feline named Ashley and a canine named Christopher.

When the rays finally reached the open window, there was a male hybrid cub lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling in his room, his eyes had a rare color, dark purple. His eyes switched the point of view several times. The room looked like it hadn't been cleaned in several years, dust covering most of the wooden hard floor. The cub sat up and aimed his purple eyes at the door, waiting for something to happen. He didn't know why, but somehow he knew that someone was soon going to open the door.

"Good morning Zach!" his mother said as she opened the door and took the blanket that he was sitting on. "Better get up soon, one of the most important days in your life is today!  So, have you decided what you want to study?  You know that your father and I would like you to become an apothecar... you would get great knowledge of the nature of different kinds of herbs and potions." Zach's mother said as she opened the door and took the blanket that he was sitting on. "No I haven't chosen yet, altough I have had some interests in some studies." Zach said as he stretched a little bit before putting on his everyday clothes on. Zach walked straight to the kitchen, which wasn't anything big or fancy, but it was how he and his family preferred it.  "Good morning Dad." Zach said and waved his paw to greet his father. "Zachorias! Language! We have taught you to talk with a respectful language, not that horrible street talk that the other cubs and kittens are talking." Zach's mother replied with a sigh. She had already been to the chickens and got some eggs and she cut some meat for her, her husband and for Zach.

Christopher said with a humoured tone. "Don't be so harsh on him, he can call me dad if he wants to, it's the new age, life is changing, it's not like it used to be when you and me were young, do you remember it, love?" Ashley sighed and hugged her husband from behind. "Of course I remember, you were always following me around and I thought that it was really cute." She says with a little smile. "Look at the time. Zach, better get ready for school and it's the time for me to get to the fields. And remember, whatever you might choose to study, we will honor your choice. And we have a present waiting for you, once you come back from school. And we hope you will find it helpful." Christopher said while giving his wife a hug.

"Yes, Zach, best to get ready. But where is your sister? She should gotten up already. Could you be a sweetie and go wake her?" Zachorias sighed and began to walk to his sister's room. "Isn't she capable of waking up herself? She is six years old. She should begin to try and do things by herself." Zachorias thought for himself as he knocked on the door. "Zasha, are you dressed up? Are you even awake yet?" Zachorias asked hoping that his sister would come marching through the door.

"I'm almost done! Tell mother that I'll be right there!" Zasha yelled. Zachorias sighed again and walked back to his mother, who was still fixing breakfast for Zasha. "She says that she will be right here." "Oh good. And while we are waiting, care to tell me what you have been planning to study?" She asked while leaning against the wall and watching at her son. "Well, I'm planning to not tell it before I'm sure I have the grades. So I'm gonna keep you in excitement a little while longer." Zachorias answered with a big smile on his muzzle. Zasha was done with her clothes and she entered the room just when Zachorias stopped smiling. "Good morning, mother, Zach." She said while takeing the breakfast and sitting down to eat. The whole family, except Christopher, was there and waited until Zasha was done eating. When she was done she thanked her mother. Zachorias picked up his and Zasha's school supplies. They both gave their mother a kiss and then they began to walk to the school. The sun was warming them both nicely, altough Zachorias would prefer a dark, cool room.

When they had walked past the church Zachorias asked his sister. "Do you want to know what I'm going to study?" Zasha looked up at her brother with a confused look. "I'm going to study magic, Necromancy. Do you know what that means, Zasha?" "Umm, eh, no." She answered while looking down at her feet. "Well, I don't think you would have known at that age, well, necromancy is magic, a very dark side of all magic that exists. It concentrates around death. Are you following me so far?" Zachorias asked his little sister, she replied with a nod. "Ever since I've been little, even younger than you. I've felt there is somewhere I need to go, something special to do. That I am special and I've been interested in the dark arts for a long time. But I have'nt dared to tell mom and dad, they would have answered that the dark arts is only good if you want to murder. But I want to use that dark power to help me. To help me find my place in this world. But I'm afraid that if I would change because of the dark magic, that I might begin to kill other people. You should know this: I will always love you, mom and dad. No matter what might happen, you would still be the people I love the most."

Zachorias looked straight into Zashas eyes, they were crystal blue. Suddenly she stopped and looked straight forward with a scared face. There was the school bully. A bear with a muscular body and wide shoulders was leaning against the nearby fence. He was always teasing younger students and demanding their money, which made the teasing even worse. He was the oldest student in the school and could demand almost anything. Zachorias could feel how his rage began to boil. "You might be the biggest person in the school, but you are not going to even touch my sister." Zachorias thought to himself. "Hiya there hot stuff." The bear said to Zasha with a tone that sounded like he could've taken over the world. Zasha stepped backwards while not still looking straight into the bear's eyes. In the bear's eyes, there was confidence, but in Zasha's eyes, there was nothing but fear. Zachorias stepped between the bear and his sister. "Leave her alone!" Zachorias yelled while showing his claws. "Just leave her alone, she doesn't even like you, and I don't even like you. She doesn't want you and neither do I. So just get the hell away from her!" Zachorias yelled while the bear laughed, and stepped forward against Zachorias. "Please, Zach. Let's just go to the school. He's not worth it." Zasha said while tears filled her eyes.

Zachorias noticed this and went to her. "Ssschhh...It'll be all right. No need to cry, we'll go to the school." Zachorias said to his little sister, then he picked her up and let her lean on his shoulder while she was still crying. "I hope you're satisfied and let me make a point clear. If you would even touch my sister, you will have me to deal with. And I won't be nice with you." Zachorias glared into the bears eyes while walking past him. The bear closed his eyes and smiled.

"Are you ok, Zasha?" Zachorias asked from his sister who was still crying against his shoulder. "Yes, I'm okay. Why can't he just leave us alone? What have we ever done to him?" Zachorias sighed and answered: "I don't know, we have never done anything to him, but don't worry, I'll protect you. And if I'm not there he begins to bully you, use this." Zachorias pulled a knife from his under his belt. "Is that yours? What are those markings?" Zasha asked while the flowing of tears stopped in her eyes. "Those are magical runes. The knife belonged to our great-great grand father. He was a blackmith who married a sorceress. And he chose to create some weapons for his children and their children. And dad gave it to me when i was five, a year younger than you are now. Altough I never used it any much, I hope it will help you whenever you get bullied. Here's how you use it." Zachorias reached for the knife and Zasha gave it to him.

He drew the knife out from it's pocket and held it in his paw. "You just hold on the handle like this, and then you slash it like this." He slashed the knife in the air while Zasha watched concentraced on what he was doing. "Just be careful when you are using it, it's very sharp." Zachorias put the knife back in it's protective pocket and handed the knife back to Zasha who placed it under her belt, just like Zachorias had it before. They had walked past the marketplace allready and the school was just a few steps away. "Well, here's your classroom, I'd better get to mine. Have a good day, Zasha." Zachorias said while giving his little sister a hug. After that he began to walk to the headmistress' room.

When he was there he saw a black haired cat with light brown fur sitting there, with a horse that had a dark red hair and black fur. The cat greeted Zachorias with a wave of a paw and Zachorias greeted back. "Have you two decided what you want to continue to study it?" "I'm gonna become a cleric, it's fun to help others and cure their wounds." The horse said with a slightly nervous voice. "Ah, a noble goal." Zachorias said with a smile. "What's your name, mr.cleric-in-the-making?" "I'm D'hares." The horse said while offering his hoof to shake paws with. "I'm Zachorias, a necromancer-in-the-making." Zachorias said while shaking paws with D'hares. "What's your name then?" Zachorias asked the brown feline who was sitting next to D'hares. The feline was very nervous and a little jumpy. "Me? Oh, I'm Elise." She offered her paw and Zachorias shook paws with her too. "Elise, that's a pretty name. What are you gonna study in?" Zachorias asked while a smile crept into his muzzle. She blushed deeply and her paws began to shake a little bit. "Well, I'm gonna be a jeweler. Because I've always liked to do things with my hands and I'm sort of a perfectionist." She answered while she tried to force out a smile. But suddenly the door leading to the headmistress' door opened and out stepped a young deer who carried some books and had a paper scroll under his belt. "Oh, hi Me'kren. I guess it went well?" The deer smiled and nodded his head at the book pile he was carrying. "Guess, I made it with very good grades! Now I can begin my career as a symbolist."

Zachorias tilted his head towards D'hares and whispered. "What is a symbolist? I've never heard of them." D'hares first waited a second when Me'kren and Elise began to talk about grades and then he tilted his head towards Zachorias' head and whispered back. "The symbolists are people who create new magic spells, they study ancient languages and they write symbols on scrolls. If you ever meet a symbolist, always show alot of respect to them. Their job is very important since they are the ones who make allmost all the magical scrolls and their job is extremly dangerous, if the spell scroll is faulty or they wrote the symbol wrong. Terrible things can happen. But you and me, we don't need the magical scrolls much, well, not when we study long enough since we get the symbols marked in our arms. Don't the necromancers get their marking burned in their wrists? Isn't that going to hurt alot?" D'hares asked with a worried look. Zachorias gave him a small smile and replied. "Yeah, it's true, they burn the signs, but luckily not with a hot piece of metal. But I guess it's a small price I am willing to pay for such powers that the necromancers wield. How do the clerics and the white mages get their symbols?"

"I don't know, but I hope it doesn't hurt." Me'kren had stopped talking with Elise and had listened to what Zachorias and D'hares. "Oh, they get their symbols by crystal marking, didn't you know?" Me'kren said to D'hares who looked surprised. "How do you know that?" Me'kren smiled while struggling to keep the book pile in order. "My big brother is a white mage, me and my family were there when he got marked. We were in a big cathedral and the priest had a glowing crystal in his paws, he drew a pattern on his forearms and the markings were there, he said that it tickled a little bit." With a smile he began to walk towards the library to read the books. "Well, I guess It's my turn soon." Zachorias said. He sat down and waited a minute then the headmistress' door opened and a female mouse emerged. She looked around the room and her eyes settled upon Zachorias. "Mister Furosa, please step inside." Zachorias stood up and whispered to the other students. "Moment of truth." With these words he left the corridoor and entered the headmistress' room. The headmistress' room was filled with books and bookcases. In one corner there was a table that seemed to hold a small alchemist's working table.

The headmistress sat down behind her table. "Please sit down, Mister Furosa. So have you thought what you want to study? Please remember, that this choice will be permanent and it will be very difficult to change it." Zachorias thought for a second, weighing his choices, finally he answered the headmistress' question. "I want to be a necromancer." The headmistrss' head tilted to the left, then she rose up and walked to one of the bookcases and began to pick books from there. "Necromancer, hmm? Are you interested in the dark arts? Are you completely certain, that this is what you want to study?" She walked back to her table while carrying seven books on one paw. "I supposed I really should be asking, why do you want to study necromancy? It's a really cruel side of magic." The question seemed to ring in his ears a second then he answered. "I don't know, but I guess it's the mysticism in the dark arts that's so tempting." The headmistress walked back to one of her book cases, took a few more books and walked back. "Do you have any plans on what to do after the studies?" Zachorias had already thought this through.

"Why does she want to know so much?" Zachorias was quiet for a second thinking that he shouldn't say what he had thought. "I'm gonna go on a journey, walk across countries and find my place in this world." The headmistress nodded slightly and smiled. "Good choice of words, and I guess this is the books you will be needing to begin your study. Oh, and do take this." She gave Zachorias a paper scroll. "This scroll will give you permission to continue your study, and may I say, with perfect grades."  Zachorias picked up the books from the headmistress' table while thanking her for the kind words. When Zachorias was outside the headmistress asked Elise to step inside. "Me? Oh, ok then, if I must, I mean, I really want to go in but it's just that this is making me so nervous." Elise said while she was playing with her hair. "Don't worry, it's not like I am going to bite you or anything." After these words the door closed and Zachorias began to walk to the library to read. While he was in he library he saw Me'kren a couple of tables away, it looked like he had made a fortress from books. Zachorias smiled when he thought of it. But he began to read the first book wich teached the basics of necromancy, basic curses, how to force the dead to rise, spirits and rituals. When the sun began to go behind the horizon, Zachorias determined that it would be time to go home. He placed the scroll inside one of the books and began to carry the book load under one of his arms.

"This will be really fun, not to mention how useful this will be." He thought for himself while he was remembering different curses, spells and how to use the negative energies in this world. The sun was making nice varities of colors on the green trees outside the school. He wasn't the only student who had stayed late, he could see D'hares, Me'kren and Elise saying goodbye to each other and walking home. While he was walking the path home he could see two figures ahead of him. It was Zasha and the bear that had bullied them earlier this morning. Zachorias began to run towards them and from the look of it, Zasha didn't have fun. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Zachorias yelled to the bear who had grabbed hold of Zasha's arm.

"Oh, big brother came to save the day, huh? Well, let's see shorty, what you can do." The bear laughed while getting ready to fight, but then Zasha had grabbed the knife she had under her belt. There was a yell of pain when Zasha stabbed the bear in his right leg. The knife didn't go in deep but there did come some blood. The bear, allmost immediatly punched Zasha straight in her stomach. Zasha flew a couple of feet away because of the punch she had gotten, the bear pulled the knife out of his leg with a light growl, then he walked towards Zasha and stab her. "Zasha!" Zachorias yelled while his heart filled with one feeling. Wrath. Zachorias' paw began to hold a strange, purple light, he threw the energy ball and hit the bear straight in the lower back. When he was hit by the energy ball he flew through the air like a rag doll, straight into a tree. Zachorias didn't care how badly the bear was injured from the blast but he ran to Zasha and began to shake her awake. She began to mumble and groan because of the pain, Zachorias began to run towards home, but first he picked up the knife and placed it under Zasha's belt, where it now belonged.

The bear mumbled. "What happened? Why am I in so much pain?" Zachorias heart filled with hate again but he didn't have the time to finish him off, so he said to him, with an ice-cold tone that was filled with outmost hate. "Don't you ever, EVER touch my sister again, or else you might just be the first person I'll kill and force the soul from." These words echoed in the bears ears, Zachorias turned and continued to run towards home, Zasha was in much pain and mom or dad could surely fix her. The sun had turned crimson red while it was still falling behind the horizon.

End of Chapter 1
Dark and Light...

Now then, if you find any typos, point them out, I'll fix them and give you a cookie.


Okay, since you ask for corrections, here are some:
"The sun's rays lighted up" -> "The sun's rays lit up"

"laying on his bed" -> "lying on his bed" (Unless that's an Americanism?)

"You know me and your father would like that you would study to be a apothecary you would get great knowledge of the nature and different kinds of herbs and potions."

There's a number of grammatical problems with that line and the end doesn't really make sense. Also I think you'll find that "Apothecary" is the shop itself, 'Apothecar' is what you want, I believe.  How about this:
"You know that your father and I would like you to become an apothecar... you would get great knowledge of the nature of different kinds of herbs and potions."

Actually, I'd break the sentence earlier to introduce the speaker.  Try this:

"Good morning Zach!" his mother said as she opened the door and took the blanket that he was sitting on. "Better get up soon, one of the most important days in your life is today!  So, have you decided what you want to study?  You know that your father and I would like you to become an apothecar... you would get great knowledge of the nature of different kinds of herbs and potions."

"No I haven't chosen yet, alltough I have had some interests in some studies." -> although (not 'alltough')

Zach walked straight to the kitchen, wich wasn't anything big or fancy, but it was how he and his family preferred it. -> which (not 'wich')

She had allready been to the chickens -> already (not "allready")

"Off course I remember," -> "Of course"

"you were allways following around me around and I tought that it was really cute." -> "you were always following me around and I thought that it was really cute." ("always",
"thought", removed duplicate "around")

"better to get ready" -> "better get ready"

"what ever" -> "whatever"

"She should gotten up allready. Could you be a sweetie and go waking her?" -> "already", "wake" (not waking)

"Zachorias tought for himself" -> "Zachorias thought to himself"

"I'm allmost done!" -> almost

"The sun was warming them both nicely, alltough Zachorias would prefer a dark, cool room." -> "although"

"a very dark side of all magic that excists." -> exists

"Ever since I've been little, even younger than you. I'v felt" -> "I've"

"I'v been interested in the dark arts for a long time." -> "I've"

"But I have't dared" -> "haven't"

"You should now this: I will allways love you, mom and dad. No matter what would happen, you would still be persons I love the most." -> "know this", "always".
Also consider changing "what would" -> "what might" and "persons" -> "the people"

"what made the teasing even worse." -> "which made"

"demand allmost anything." -> "almost"

"He might be the biggest person in the school, but you are not going to even touch my sister." Zachorias tought for himself. -> "You might be", also "tought for" -> "thought to"

"let her lean on his should" -> shoulder

"And if I'm not there if he begins to bully you, use this." -> "and he begins to bully you"

"He was a blackmith who was married with a sorceress" -> "who married a"

"Alltough I never used it any much" -> "although"

"and holded it in his paw." -> "held it"

"Zasha watched concentraced what he was doing." -> "watched and concentrated on"

"prorective pocket" -> "protective pocket"

"Well, here's your class room, I'd better get to my class room."
How about: "Well, here's your classroom, I'd better get to mine."

"head masters" -> "headmasters'"

"a light brown fur" -> "light brown fur"

"offering his hoove" -> "hoof"

"Zachorias shoke paws" -> shook

"I'v never head of them." -> "I've never heard of them."

"allways" -> "always"
"extreemly" -> "extremely"

"But you who is gonna become a necromancer and me who is gonna become a cleric"
That's bad grammar.  Is that how he talks, or a mistake?

"fore arms" -> forearms
"soon would be my turn to go." how about "Well, I guess it's my turn soon"

"then the headmaster's door opened and a female mouse that first looked around the room and her eyes stopped at where Zachorias sat."
How about:
"then the headmaster's door opened and a female mouse emerged.  She looked around the room and her eyes settled upon Zachorias."

"alchemist working table." -> "alchemist's working table"

"have you tought what you want to study?" -> "thought"

"Zachorias tought for a second, wageing his choices," -> "thought", and you probably meant "weighing"

"allready tought" -> "already thought"

"tought" -> "thought" (you really need to break that habit :P )

"When the sun begun" -> "had begun" (or "began")

"eachother" -> "each other"

"Zasha flew a couple of feets" -> "feet"

"Don't you ever, EVER. Touch my sister again,"  Did you mean to split the sentence there?

Okay, that's it for spelling and grammar.  There are a few other "allways" and suchlike.

Here are a few.. questionable things in the writing which you might want to rethink.

"They both gave their mother a kiss"
Ick, wolf-kiss.. at breakfast, yet  :erk

"Leave her alone!" Zachorias yelled while showing his claws.
Canids actually have claws for balance and traction, not for defence.  He should probably bare his teeth instead.

If the headmaster is female, that makes her headmistress.  You seem to have fixed that later on, but it starts with 'headmaster'.  Also "Necromancer, huh?" is very informal.  "Necromancer, hmm?" would be more in keeping with their image.

Zachorias heart filled with hate again but he didn't have the time to finish him off
Uh..?  Finish him off?  You mean kill him?  Aren't there's laws against that?  Besides, isn't the death penalty is kind of steep for a a simple case of bullying his sister?

Other than that it's a fairly promising start.  You might want to split it into smaller, more digestible chunks though.  I'm not sure I have the patience to do a full-length correction again :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

You may wish to consider asking someone to proofread it for you, and/or beta read.

Getting folks to do that would mean you post less egregious errors, as above... Which would increase the chances of someone spending the time to read it, as well. Sortof a win-win, as it were...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Light Wolf

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2006, 06:51:17 PM
You may wish to consider asking someone to proofread it for you, and/or beta read.

Getting folks to do that would mean you post less egregious errors, as above... Which would increase the chances of someone spending the time to read it, as well. Sortof a win-win, as it were...

I've submitted it in DA and asked my friends to beta read it and point out any spelling misstakes I've made, they just aren't so picky when it comes to language. One of the reasons I came here,  :3

And these replies are for Tapewolf:

"laying on his bed" -> "lying on his bed" (Unless that's an Americanism?) No, I don't think so, it would just be me and a little "problem" I've had when writing in English, you will notice that I try and keep the "lay" words to a minimum since I can't write them properly.

"tought" -> "thought" (you really need to break that habit tongue ) Yes I know, I PHAIL, again,  :<

Canids actually have claws for balance and traction, not for defence.  He should probably bare his teeth instead. Actually, that's a thing I have pretty much skipped, the genetics. He got them from his mother, she's a feline. And felines have retractable claws, no?

Finish him off?  You mean kill him?  Aren't there's laws against that?  Besides, isn't the death penalty is kind of steep for a a simple case of bullying his sister?

Yes, Yes, Yes but there are no guards in the town, so they have to pretty much handle everything between themselves. And death penalty is a little over kill, but he is very over protective about his family, and his sister later on.

Thanks for the help, you have no idea how much you've done to me. Here, have a cookie. *gives Tapewolf a cookie*

Light Wolf

Dark and Light
Chapter 2

The storm was rageing, lightnings struck down in the horizon. And in the horizon there was a dark castle and next to it, a big temple, build of granite. The temple and the castle were the places where you could come and learn the dark arts, necromancy. In one of the towers there was a candle light, the candle wasn't so bright, but it didn't need to. The feline-canine hybrid sat on his bed, meditating.

Small bursts of dark energy came out from him. The dark runes glowed on his wrists while he was breathing calmly. Suddenly his eyes opened and showed a pair of strange purple eyes. A lighting had struck in the nearby forest. A loud banging was heard from the door. A bored and sleepy voice spoke to the canine in the room. "Zachorias! Get to sleep now! Alltough you recharge your magical energy by meditating it doesn't mean that you should do it the whole freaking night!" Zachorias turned his head towards the door and replied. "Fine, even tough sleep is for the weak." The voice outside the door laughed. "For the weak? If you don't sleep you get weak and stupid. Now get to sleep!"

Suddenly there was a sound like a door was opened, and someone yelled. "God damn it! La'ruz! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" The voice sounded like a male rabbit and he wasn't happy to be woken up in the middle of the night. "Sirke, get back to bed now! Unless you want another scar in your private." La'ruz yelled. The rabbit couldn't do anything else than to obey and close the door. "Now, Zachorias. Get back to your bed!" Zachorias had allready taken of his dark robes and had put out the candle with a simple ice spell. Zachorias sat on the bed, thinking how fast life had gone for him.

Just four years ago, when he was fifteen years-old, he chose to become a necromancer instead of an apothecary, lik his mom and dad would have wanted. Zachorias' father had given him a present that day had made his choice on what to study, the present was a sword, imbued with magical powers from his great-great grand father who was a poor blacksmith but he had a loving wife and a good family, wich were the things he wanted most. He had created a few things for the next generations to use, what made the items so powerful was that his wife was a powerful sorceress and had enchanted them with magical powers. One of the items was a knife, Zachorias had given it to his little sister, Zasha. Another item was a sword, the sword wich had been leaning against the wall for a long time. Now struck another lightning near the castle. Zachorias sighed and began to sleep.

The dreams took him to the day he was cursed and blessed with the powers of the necromancers. He was sitting behind a stone block, in the Granite Temple where normal people would be marked with the symbols of the necromancers. He was there with several other who wanted to become necromancers. The high priest was chanting and the servants were holding in a small treasure chest. All who wanted to be necromancers were ordered to put their paws infront of them, wrists facing up. The high priest stopped the chanting and opened the chest. He held forth a dark crystal in his hand.

Now everyone else began to chant in some weird language, Zachorias didn't understand one bit of what they said. The high priest walked to the first who wanted to be a necromancer. He held the crystal above the student's wrists and chanted. Suddenly from the crystal began to drow some strange black liquid.

The liquid fell on one of the student's wrists, when the liquid had stopped to drop, the high priest held the crystal above the other wrists. While the second was beeing marked, the liquid in the previous student's wrists began to move. They moved, creating symbols and different markings, same thing happened to the second student, the third and everyone else.

When all the students were marked, the high priest placed the crystal back in the chest and walk infront of the students. Then he and all the servants began to chant, in the same strange language. Suddenly the markings had began to burn the student's wrists. They screamed and yelled in pain. But the burning continued, the black liquid burned it's way under the skin. When finally the burning had ended, all the students breathed heavily. Among the students was Zachorias who had screamed with everybody else, now he looked at his wrists and the the markings were still smoking. He looked up at the high priest who had smiled when the students had yelled and screamed.

Finally the dream had ended and Zachorias woke up, he touched his wrists, the markings were still as fresh as four years ago. He touched the symbols with his finger. The area around the symbols were cold. Zachorias sighed and looked outside, the sun was rising outside the window. "A new day, some new spells to learn. Best to get some breakfast before studying. Today is Thursday, so it's curse spells today, fun." Zachorias says with a smile while he puts on his robes.

While he stepped outside his room he makes sure that he took the books with him. He looks around. "Hmm...Everyone else must've allready got up. Well, no sence wasting time." He says while he begins to walk down the dark corridoor. When he has gone past the fourth door from his room, a door opens. Zachorias stops walking and begins to observe who came out of the room.

A female vixen with dark purple hair color walks out . She begins to walk down the corridoor but halts and turns around. Zachorias looks straight into her dark brown eyes. Her paws begin to shake a little bit, her tail wraps around her right leg and she begins to blush. "Celine." Zachorias says without moving the point where he is looking. On the other hand Celine is is determined not to watch anywhere else except at the floor. "Z-Za-Zachorias." She mumbles with a very nervous voice.

"D-did you s-sleep w-well?" Zachorias waited a moment before answering, still not changing where he was looking. "It was okay, I was in the temple again. So did you sleep well?" Zachorias asked from the shaking vixen who was still blushing but her tail was coming out of the twist around her leg. "Oh, i-it was o-okay." Celine said while trying to smile. Now she felt confident enough to ask a question from Zachorias. She whispered: "W-w-would you w-want to s-s-study with m-m-me later t-t-t-this a-afternoon?" She began to blush very deeply now. Zachorias didn't even hear what Celine whispered.

"Would you like to eat breakfast with me, Celine?" Zachorias asked loud and clear, Celine couldn't believe it. She could feel her blushing leaving and her body taking over the shaking, Celine looked into Zachorias' eyes and answered. "Yes, of course I'd like to." Her voice was filled with happiness and enthusiasm. Zachorias smiled and nodded. "Good, I'll meet you at the training area, there are some good places to eat there." Zachorias began to continue walking down the corridoor, past Celine who was a little bit paralyzed from the questions Zachorias had asked.

"How can he be so kind, I had problems just to talk with him and he talked with me without any problems. This is too easy, there is allways a catch or something bad's going to happen." She thought for herself, everything was too perfect, something is going to turn up. Suddenly Zachorias stopped walking and turned his head towards Celine. "Oh yeah, one more thing."

"Here it comes." Celine thought for herself while her ears began to fall downwards and her tail wraps itself around her leg again. "I allmost forgot, good morning and happy birthday, Celine." Zachorias said with a big smile and continued walking. Celine began to lean against the wall, her paws began to feel like jelly. "H-h-he remembered, I can't believe it, he actually remembered it. He's such a gentleman." She sighed the last words and she could feel how she was unnable to hold herself up anymore. She smiled and tears were coming out from her eyes. She touched her muzzle, the blushing had started again.

"Damn it, stop that. I'm not a little girl who used to blush for everything, it was the old me, but now I'm gonna change, starting from this day forward I'm gonna be a totally different person and no one is able to change that!" She said loudly for herself. A horse with a couple of scars walked by and said. "Good morning, Celine." Celine blushed immediatly and her tail wrapped around her leg again. "Good morning." She mumbled back. "I bet he did that on purpose, well, time to go and meet up with Zachorias. He was so kind to offer me breakfast, best not to come late." With these words she began to walk down the dark corridoor.

Zachorias had allready stepped outside. "Damn, look like it's going to be a good weather today, couldn't it have rained instead? Well, no use whining about it, best to get working, with any good luck I'll find something good for me and Celine, wich means double the effort." Zachorias began to scan the surroundings for anything eatable, he noticed a wild rabbit in the bushes to his left. He began to chant and he lifted his paw.

The symbols on his wrists began to glow, when Zachorias stopped to chant the energy bursted from his paw and hitted the rabbit. The rabbit looked like it had seen a ghost, the ears were tilted backwards and the eyes were filled with terror. Zachorias had casted a spell to crush the soul, he held his paw infront of him and snapped his fingers and the soul was forced to leave the rabbit. Zachorias' eyes glowed a little when he killed the poor animal. While he was going to pick up the dead corpse of the rabbit, he saw another rabbit that had propably come and eat some herbs.

With a swift paw movement Zachorias held a freezing, magical arrow hovering a few inches above his paw, with another swift paw movement the arrow had hit the rabbit straight through the skull. "No pain, swift death. Maximum joy for me." Zachorias said with a smile when he picked up the both dead rabbits and walked to the training area and tried to see if Celine had allready gotten down from the tower where the most students slept. She was standing at a bench near the bonfire. He walked straight to her and showed the rabbits.

"Will these do for a breakfast?" He asked while smiling to Celine who had begun to blush a little bit. "They will do nicely, thank you." She answered while they both sat down and began to warm up their rabbits above the open fire. They ate without saying a word alltough Celine looked at Zachorias whenever she had got enough courage. While they were eating, a group of high class necromancers came to the place. The rabbit, who most propably was the leader of the gang had a crimson red symbol on his chest. The female in the group began to smile while the group walked closer to Zachorias and Celine. When the rabbit had left the others a little bit further away from Zachorias and Celine, he asked. "You're Zachorias, correct?" Zachorias tought for himself that it's best to observe and do nothing, so he continued to eat like nothing happened.

This was a big misstake, the rabbit punched Zachorias with a right hook so that Zachorias dropped the rabbit steak and falled down on all fours. The rabbit laughed and asked. "Didn't your mother tell you to answer when questioned? Guess not, brats like you aren't taught to have good manners." Zachorias touched his muzzle with his paw. "Blood. Perfect." Zachorias tought for himself while trying to stand up. "Look who's talking, you coming here just punching me like that, wich means that you have a short temper and you came in a group, wich means that you are WEAK." Zachorias said with a bored tone.

The rabbit laughed even harder and he struggled to get something said. "Weak? Im ten times better than you, weakling." Zachorias was still not moving a muscle. "When was the last time I got bullied, who was the bully. Oh yeah, it was the bear who tried to get Zasha, what happened to him? I broke his back, his legs, his arms and pretty much his spirit. Would I want to do it again? Deffenetly. To this person." Zachorias waged the possibilities and his feelings. Finally he answered. "Hell yeah." With these words his eyes got a strange flame right in the middle of his eyes. He created a sharp dagger of ice into his hand and thrusted it against the rabbit.

Alltough the rabbits have fast reflexes he didn't dodge it since he was still laughing, but the laughter died out immediatly and was replaced with a scream of pain. Zachorias' ice dagger had inflicted a serious wound. While the rabbit was screaming in pain, Zachorias was still pushing the dagger deeper inside the rabbit's stomach. The rabbit quickly punched Zachorias so that he hit the wall, then he took hold of the dagger and pulled it out with a loud scream.

"You god damn piece of s-" The rest of the centence was interrupted by a puke of blood coming from the rabbits mouth. Zachorias who was still in a little pain because of the hit on the wall, but still he began to smile and laugh. "You should have been faster, not only did I hit an important organ but the dagger was dipped in one of my poisons and unlike most poisons that tend to be fast and painless. Mine is the opposite, slow and extreemly painful. The last ten minutes of your life are going to be a living hell." Zachorias said while trying hard to hide his laughing.

The group that had come with the rabbit ran quickly to their leader and began to carry him to the infirmary. The females gave Zachorias cold looks and wished him dead. While the group was carrying the rabbit who was still pukeing and screaming in pain, Zachorias picked up his dagger and made it dissappear into the thin air. "Wasn't that a little too much?" Celine asked with a slightly shocked tone.

Zachorias sighed and asked: "Celine, have you ever been bullied before? The bullies don't stop after just one time, they continue to bully you until you break, and at that breaking point, the bullies pay. I once had a bully when I was still living with my family, he bullied me and my sister a long time, until one time he tried to get Zasha, that's when I broke his limbs. And I don't regret it at all and I will destroy anyone who tries to stand infront of me, the people I care about and my dream." Zachorias said while a smile crept in his muzzle. "Your dream? What is your dream then?" Celine asked with a scared tone, she hadn't ever heard Zachorias talking about his dreams.

Zachorias lifted his head while looking up at the clouds. The flame in his eyes settled down and he began to talk. "My dream? My dream is to find out the reason why I am here. Celine, do you know the pain of not knowing your meaning on this planet? It's a terrible feeling, you feel nothing at all, just emptiness. And that feeling, is a real pain in the ass. Now if you'll excuse me, I'v got lots of studying to do, so I must leave. I'll see you later." Zachorias said while he began to walk to the corridoor leading to the library, where he could study in peace. His steps echoed in the corridoor and the small strim of light coming from the small holes in the wall died out. He wanted only as much light as he had to have, he lived in the darkness, to study it, succumb to it, to control it.

End of Chapter 2
Dark and Light...

And that's the end of Chapter 2 in D&A. If you find any typos, please tell them. Also, beta-readers wanted, I want to improve my skills and would like people to help me with that,  :)