Native American Cats

Started by Alondro, January 08, 2007, 11:05:38 PM

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Your explanation was simple, hers was threat-laden and negative. There are better ways to present rules, surely.

And no, it wasn't me who used the report button so it's not like I am just pissed at her calling me out.

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's not a threat, Netami, it's a warning.

Yes, there may well be better ways of presenting the rules. We've attempted to use them. When people persist in ignoring those ways, there comes a time when one has to do something less subtle to gain their attention.

Consider this a less than subtle reminder, and let it go, hmm? Perhaps Damaris has had a bad day, or something. We're only human.
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How nice, well, I just hope that admins take bad days and other factors into consideration when looking at situations involving forumites being, seemingly, needlessly rough.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I would hope so.

I know I certainly try to.

Shall we go back to the topic at hand?

Hmm. Every time I see this topic, I think of "Nine Out Of Ten Cats" ....
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


When I watched the part about the cheating cat I was expecting the gray cat to get hit by an arrow rather then punched.

As for ancestry I'm Irish, Cherokee, English


Quote from: Netami on January 09, 2007, 06:05:29 PM
How nice, well, I just hope that admins take bad days and other factors into consideration when looking at situations involving forumites being, seemingly, needlessly rough.

Netami, how many times have we said admin decisions are by majority rule? If Damaris was intending to do anything, you can sure as shit bet that the other admins (in the majority) would be behind the decision.

That said, shut the fuck up and be a good boy.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I have an authentic rain dance merit badge...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


You should record yourself doing one and post it on YouTube!
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Oh please, it's meaningless posts like this which prompted my comment in the first place; strive for equality in your administrating, don't tell people to stick to PMs but then lash out publically when you can just send the person a personal message. In this case, Llearch already spoke to me about this and you don't need to give me some public warning like I'm going to give a care.

I mean, hey, you go ahead and respond with some doom and gloom if it makes you feel better.


Quote from: Netami on January 09, 2007, 11:44:20 PM
Oh please, it's meaningless posts like this which prompted my comment in the first place; strive for equality in your administrating, don't tell people to stick to PMs but then lash out publically when you can just send the person a personal message. In this case, Llearch already spoke to me about this and you don't need to give me some public warning like I'm going to give a care.

I mean, hey, you go ahead and respond with some doom and gloom if it makes you feel better.

Y'know, sometimes, when someone does something wrong, it's a good idea to publicly admonish them, not just to deal with them personally, but as a clear reminder and warning to anyone else who might be stupid enough to pull a dumbass stunt of a similar nature. It's reinforcement, it is it is.


Quote from: Netami on January 09, 2007, 11:44:20 PM
Oh please, it's meaningless posts like this which prompted my comment in the first place; strive for equality in your administrating, don't tell people to stick to PMs but then lash out publically when you can just send the person a personal message. In this case, Llearch already spoke to me about this and you don't need to give me some public warning like I'm going to give a care.

I mean, hey, you go ahead and respond with some doom and gloom if it makes you feel better.

Netami, what in the world makes you think I care?

And for the record, I have no issue with the usual assortment of meaningless posts, so long as they'er funny.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Slavkei on January 10, 2007, 06:37:41 AM
Y'know, sometimes, when someone does something wrong, it's a good idea to publicly admonish them, not just to deal with them personally, but as a clear reminder and warning to anyone else who might be stupid enough to pull a dumbass stunt of a similar nature. It's reinforcement, it is it is.

That's a pretty valid point, but it's not positive reinforcement we're seeing here. Saying that "whoever" did "whatever" in relation to abusing the report tool, well, it's not intuitive. Do we not have clear rules set for the proper time and use of the report function?

Vagueness is an issue here. The rules relate to the function twice: "As always, no flaming/trolling. Report all complaints and/or concerns to the administrators." and "Things to report: harassments from other members through PMs or otherwise, threads that have gotten out of hand which the admins have not seen yet, or any other rule breaking offenses."

Now, we don't know whether Damaris was upset because someone got mad and hit the report function over something trivial (relative to the person, btw), such as percieved native american bashing, or whether they simply mashed the report button and called someone a d-bag.

The problem with this is that, without letting us know, we can't be sure whether you recieved a complaint regarding the extent of the thread getting out of hand, in which you'd be dismissing over someone whining over nothing (in which case you should let us know what is appropriate for whining over. Is a percieved insult enough, or do we have to apply your standards? What are your standards for being insulted?) or whether you were berating some person who hit the report post function as a means of... I don't even know. Just being a dick, maybe. And I can't see that happening often enough to really warrant a public blurb on a single post that is expected, or at least hoped, to be read by the majority of the forum.

So yeah.. not a very effective method of getting the rules out nor acting distinguished.


I think her commenting in a thread that you shouldn't use the report tool like that is effective. We aren't going to make a rule for every little stupid thing people can do.

If we were, we'd have to follow you all around the forum, tracking everything you did, Netami. I'd rather not read that much of what you write. My eye was twitching just coming into this thread.

Bored now.

In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna


Someone mashed the report button and called someone a d-bag, effectively. I don't see that on the list of things to report, do you?

You know (I hope) that's just silly. I know that's just silly. The person involved knows it's silly. I'd hope they knew when they were typing it, but had a momentary brain fart. Harping on about it isn't going to help anyone.

Commenting "I think this might be out of order, would you care to have a look and do something about it, if so?" is a suitable comment.

"Isn't this person a muppet?", while amusing, isn't really a suitable comment for use when reporting on a post.

Are we all clear, now? Yes?


(Oh, and we do get complaints about trivial things. If the person in question is upset enough about them to be willing to talk, we're willing to listen - we might not act on it, but we -do- listen.)
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Look, the way the report button was used should have been covered by a common sense rule. It was definitely not a "I don't care about this, so I think it's useless" sort of thing. It was more of a "Yay, I can hit the report button!!11" thing. Though a rigorous rules system is all fine and good, we still have a right to expect a bit of common sense among the members.

llearch n'n'daCorna

It was.

"Things to report: harassments from other members through PMs or otherwise, threads that have gotten out of hand which the admins have not seen yet, or any other rule breaking offenses."

I presume there's space there for common sense....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"Isn't this person a muppet..."

In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...