Ryudo Lee's Legacy: OOC Topic

Started by Aisha deCabre, December 22, 2006, 02:53:44 PM

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Ryudo Lee

(For everyone's reference, and I hope I'm posting in the right place.  I spent half the day putting this together, so please take the time to read it.)

Ryudo Lee

Age: 26

Species: White tiger

(At the time he comes into the RP) What appears to be a flint-lock pistol attached to a light saber, a bag of gold, and a backpack loaded with carpenter's tools, a jar of black-powder, a satchel of leadshot, some flint rocks, and a half-full bottle of rum.

Ryudo is an adult winged white tiger with long black hair.  He is currently dressed like a pirate, slightly ragged pants, plain off-white shirt, blue vest, and a black rag on his head, that bears a symbol on it.  The symbol appears to be a lower-case F with a sword in place of the slash that goes through the letter.

Special Abilities:
Summon/Unsummon Unity - At will, Ryudo can summon his family's ancestral weapon, a broadsword named Unity.  The weapon is heavily enchanted.  While being wielded by anyone of the Lee bloodline (regardless of how much the bloodline has thinned over the generations), the weapon never dulls, cannot be broken, is featherweight, and can be stored and summoned from an extradimensional space.  For each new member of the Lee family, Unity grants him or her a new hidden enchantment for the sword.  When Ryudo's father, Kohei took up Unity, the sword unveiled it's enchantment of being featherweight.  When it was passed down to Ryudo, it unveiled it's enchantment of being able to be summoned from an extradimensional space, and to be unsummoned back into that extradimensional space.  The sword holds more hidden enchantments, but the blade has not yet been taken up by Ryudo's brother Hauru, nor by Ryudo's son, Koji.  If they were to take up the blade, the enchantments would activate, and become available to any member of the Lee bloodline who takes up the sword.  If anyone other than a member of the Lee bloodline tries to take up Unity, the sword is as a masterwork broadsword, and the only enchantment that works is the one that makes it unbreakable.  Summoning the sword is a magic-like ability, and will not work in anti-magic fields or under any affect that nullifies magic use.  But any of those effects will not nullify the enchantments on the blade itself, only the ability to summon it.

Transformation - At will, though at the expense of a considerable amount of energy, Ryudo is able to transform himself into an adult dragon.  The dragon bears his white tiger markings, but is a fire breathing dragon, akin to a red dragon.  Transforming back expends an equal amount of energy, and leaves Ryudo fatigued.  While in his dragon form, Ryudo loses the ability to speak Common and speaks only in Draconic.  While in this form, Ryudo is able to understand the language of feral animals, but cannot speak the language.  These limitations can be overcome with any spells or spell-like abilities that grant the ability to understand and speak languages.  Also while in this form, Ryudo is unable to perform his other abilities.   In this form, Ryudo has access to a fire breath weapon.  Ryudo cannot transform while in an anti-magic field or under any affect that nullifies magic use.

Transfer Energy To Koji - This ability is specific to Koji and Ryudo.  At will, Ryudo, at the expense of a considerable amount of his own life force, may transfer that amount of life force to Koji.  This grants Koji additional strength and abilities that have not yet manifested in Koji.  This also causes Koji to age rapidly.  The transfer is permanent.  Ryudo does not recover the life force.  Since it weakens him, he does not use it often.  This cannot be used while Ryudo is in an anti-magic field or under any affect that nullifies magic use.

Lee Family Vault Access - This ability is granted only to members of the Lee family bloodline, and is known only to members of the Lee family bloodline.  This ability opens a portal to another dimension, accessible only through this ability, where the Lee family treasures are stored.  ONLY a member of the Lee family bloodline can access the vault, and knowledge of the Vault is exclusive ONLY to members of the Lee family bloodline.  To store or retrieve items from the Vault, the user of the ability must enter the dimension.  Anyone not of the Lee family bloodline can enter the Vault ONLY if invited by a member of the Lee family bloodline.  This cannot be used while in an anti-magic field or under any affect that nullifies magic use.

What happened to The Einhander?  Where did Unity come from?
If anyone remembers, Ryudo used to carry a sword with a very long blade that was known as The Einhander.  The sword was forged by evil with materials only found in Hell.  As it turned out, the Einhander was beginning to sap Ryudo's strength, and if he had kept it, it would have completely consumed him.  But the sword was cursed so that he would be unable to get rid of it.  But through certain channels, Ryudo learned that to free himself, The Einhander had to be broken.  But the blade was supposedly unbreakable, unless it was broken by a weapon made of the same material.  It was not easy, but a hammer was forged using the same materials.  But there was another problem.  If someone were to break The Einhander, the person who broke it would die, due to the immense evil power stored in the blade.  But there was a volunteer: Yuki.  Yuki, if anyone remembers, plays the part of the Incarnation of Evil (aka the Devil, Satan, etc) in this dimension.  She owed Ryudo for a private favor, and volunteered to break The Einhander, in exchange for keeping the evil power held in the blade, and to keep the hammer that was forged.  It was agreed upon, and Yuki broke The Einhander.  In doing so, the material body She was inhabiting was destroyed, and She was confined to Hell for a period of time until a new material body could be created for Her.  Ryudo was freed of the curse and could wield a new weapon, one that wouldn't be trying to consume him.

Unity was a blade forged to represent the unification of the two families that came together to create the Lee family, many many generations ago.  At one time, Unity was thought lost to antiquity, until it was rediscovered by Ryudo's great-grandfather Mido Lee, who was, at the time, a great mage of his time, and placed the powerful enchantment on it.  The enchantment was so great, that most of the power in the blade had to remain dormant, to be partially released by the next generation, and so forth.  Mido passed Unity down to his son Ryu, who had no interest in trivial things such as combat.  Ryu was more interested in winning the hand of a young lady who would become his wife.  Their story is one of romance worthy of a playwrite's greatest work, but that will be saved for another time.  Ryu passed down Unity to his son, Kohei, who in turn passed it down to Ryudo.  He considered giving it to Hauru, but Hauru's interests lay in his research, not in family "trinkets".  Each time Unity is passed down, from father to son, a new piece of Mido's enchantment reveals itself.

Koji Lee

Age: Appears to be between 5 - 10 years old

Species: Mixed white tiger, dragon, and another felinoid

(At the time he comes into the RP) What appears to be a flint-lock pistol attached to a light saber, a bag of gold, and a backpack loaded with a jar of black-powder, a satchel of leadshot, some flint rocks, and a slingshot.

Koji is a child.  He appears to be a white tiger except that his markings are different.  His markings curve around and are maroon colored.  His hair is getting long like his father's, except that his hair color is also maroon.  His left eye appears to be a dragon's eye and is surrounded with white scales.  He is currently dressed similar to Ryudo, in slightly ragged pants, and an off-white shirt.

Special Abilities:
Koji's Insight - Koji has the unique ability to "see" things which cannot normally be seen.  He is able to easily track moving objects regardless of the speed of the object, percieve a person's emotions, and the subject of a person's thoughts and dreams. (NOTE: He's not a mind reader, he just gets the gist of what's being thought/dreamt of.  Example: If a man were to be thinking of a woman, Koji would be able to know that the man is thinking of the woman, and nothing more.  He doesn't know why the man is thinking of the woman, just that he's thinking of the woman.  He just gets the subject of the thought or dream, and nothing more.)  This cannot be used while Koji is in an anti-magic field or under any affect that nullifies magic use.  This also cannot be used if the target is under a mind-blanking spell.

Recieve Energy From Ryudo - This ability is specific to Koji and Ryudo.  At will, Ryudo, at the expense of a considerable amount of his own life force, may transfer that amount of life force to Koji.  This grants Koji additional strength and abilities that have not yet manifested in Koji.  This also causes Koji to age rapidly.  The transfer is permanent.  Ryudo does not recover the life force.  Since it weakens him, he does not use it often.  This cannot be used while Koji is in an anti-magic field or under any affect that nullifies magic use.
NOTE: There is a specific reason that Ryudo and Koji can do this, and may be brought out in play.  Ryudo and Koji have not done this in a very long time, so it would be unlikely that anyone in the party would have witnessed this ability.

Minor Ice Magic - Koji was tutored in the ways of magic by a master of Ice magic.  Koji has since developed a few minor ice-related spells.  He can conjur up snow and ice in moderate quantities.  If weather conditions are right, he can even create a layer of fog.  He can only use these abilities a few times a day.  This cannot be used while Koji is in an anti-magic field or under any affect that nullifies magic use.

Notes About Koji
- Koji has not yet taken up Unity, so he cannot yet summon it.
- Koji has learned how to enter the family Vault, but has been instructed not to allow anyone in the Vault without Ryudo's permission.
- Koji is able to understand draconic, and so can translate for Ryudo whenever Ryudo is in his dragon form.
- Koji has sticky fingers.  Gold tends to disappear when he's around.  These are his draconic instincts kicking in.  In this fashion, he has developed a sizeable dragon's hoard, which he keeps in the family Vault.
- Before being pulled into the other world, Koji was being schooled at the local temple of Bahamut, where he was also being trained to someday become a Platinum Knight.  At that same temple, Ryudo served as the local Vassal of Bahamut.
- Koji has a very special destiny, set in place by a higher power.  He's aware of this destiny, and so is Ryudo.  This is linked in with Ryudo's ability to transfer his life force to Koji.  Again, it is highly unlikely that anyone has witnessed them using this ability, so it should be rather unknown to anyone but Ryudo and Koji.

Where have Ryudo and Koji been all this time?
(Will be explained in play, but here's a run-down of where he's been.)
Through his boyish explorations, Koji stumbled upon a strange device that he couldn't identify.  He showed Ryudo the device.  As Ryudo was inspecting the device, Koji started playing with it.  The device then opened up a portal to another world, and pulled Ryudo and Koji into it.  They were dumped (rather unceremoniously) into another world similar to theirs... and were taken prisoner by a group of pirates.  Against all better judgement, and the fact that they didn't want to be keelhauled, Ryudo and Koji joined the band of pirates.  There they served on a pirate ship named Feralys.  Ryudo served as the sailing master and Koji served as a cabin boy.  They sailed around the world, fought other pirates, and even had run-ins with a lot of law enforcement.  They eventually found themselves a portal back to their own world, and left quite reluctantly.  They had made quite a few good friends back there.
(This is still an on-going RP, so that's as far as Ryudo will explain it in RP.)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Aisha deCabre

Awesome stuff, Ryudo.  Welcome back aboard this train.   :mowhappy
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Indeedy! Welcome back. I look forward very much to RP with you ^^

topher chee

*salutes* nice to finally meet you.


Being unconscious, I'm going to go ahead and say that Cog will wake up when Ryudo gets to the bar - that should translate to roughly one game-hour.

(In retrospect, that's assuming that Ryudo does not teleport to the bar. If so, I'll just wake up when I feel appropriate)


Wait... who, what? Aisha, I believe that you referred to Sebastian as if he were still around. He is not. After the door opened, as I said, all you could see in the room was the furniture, Cog laying on the floor, and nothing else. For all you know, or rather should know (seeing as I can't be sure), Sebastian has vanished into thin air.

Aisha deCabre

Ah, I suppose I didn't read close enough before.  Easy to edit.  And I did.   :mowtongue
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Cheese Foxlee

Ryudo Lee

Ryudo's not going to teleport.  He doesn't have that ability.  He was teleported by an outside source.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Cheese Foxlee

Ryudo Lee

Let's get retarded!

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Ahem, I wanted to make a note so that I don't offend people...

In the original RP, I think I stated that the various religious beliefs of the world included catholicism, wherein that there is Heaven and Hell, and God and Satan.  I don't want anyone to be offended by tossing these beliefs in there, and even moreso the fact that Yuki is Satan and makes regular appearances, therefore saying that at the very least, Hell exists.  If this goes against your beliefs, I don't mean to make any offense.  This is simply how things unfolded in the Furcadia guild that this RP originated from.  Yuki was an actual person playing a character and she and I concocted this whole thing of higher powers and greater purposes over everything the party does.  The only way that everything fit was if the catholic views of God and Satan were in place.

Having said that, nothing is stopping anyone's character from having their own personal beliefs, and there is room for other religions to have their god or equivalent of Satan have physical incarnations in the world, such as Yuki.  When I ran this as a D&D game, I ran into the problem of having to explain how other pantheons fit into all of this.  I explain this as there are other pantheons of good, neutral, and evil, all coexisting with each other.  The catholic views of heaven and hell were just additions to all of that.  Yes, viewpoints and opinions collide, but everyone is entitled to their beliefs and as such each reigning deity has his or her own territory, along with heaven, and hell and celestia, and the abyss, and what have you.  Each belief, given that are or were enough followers to merit a deity to exist, can and possibly does exist in the universe.

So as far as religion is concerned, if you want to include your religion in on this, feel free to do so.  This is not an attempt to say that catholicism is right and everyone else is wrong.  Far from it.  It's a multi-pantheon world, only in this world, some deities will make an appearance, at least those who don't think that it's below them to make appearances to mortals.

I hope that will clear up any possible misconceptions.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Oh, right. Koji had this ability to see things for just what they were, correct?

Ryudo Lee

Right, but like I posted in the description above, Koji can be aware of the shadow, see the subject of what it's talking about, but not exactly what it's saying.  Koji hasn't taken notice yet.  He's not spatially aware.  He only sees what he's looking at.  He may become aware of the shadow, he may be completely oblivious to it.  It all depends on the situation.  The situation right now is that Koji is eating.  He's focused on his food, as dragons (and young males of the Lee family) tend to do when food is involved. :3

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Mel Dragonkitty

Argh! So basicly all of Mel's magic as an illusionist is negated by having the kid around. She's going to be outed as a dragon as soon as the kid finishes dessert? <goes off to figure if there is any point in staying in this RP>
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Ryudo Lee

If it's that much of an issue, I'll stipulate that his ability won't negate an illusion.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Religion, yes... that's one of those things I skirted around as much as possible and tried to make little or no reference to it at all in the old RP.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Really no need if it's easy to distract the ability, Ryudo. However, if there is anything that makes him alert enough or puts him off, then he'll see something like a shape made of shadow, standing right behind Cog, as if looking over his shoulder. Of course, there are more details to it, but that's the general hint.

Ryudo Lee

Well if Cog does something out of the ordinary because of the shadow, then Koji might pick up that someone else is talking to him.  He won't know what the conversation is about, just that there's another entity there.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Aisha deCabre

One small thing about the passage of time in the RP...last time I remember, it was dawn.  o.O  If a long time has passed somewhere, could someone point it out?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Ryudo Lee

I don't even see where it was mentioned that it was dawn...

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Cheese Foxlee

passage of time has pretty much gone by my whim. Maybe we should figure out a system for that....

Aisha deCabre

There are plenty of clues...ah well, I guess if it's a little obscure to figure out then it's not that important.  I'll go along with it being evening again.    :3

Forgive my not posting for a bit, I'm still living on borrowed internet time.   :headdesk
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee

On my last post I did say it was 7PM haha.  Oops.  I  think we do need to get time more involved, it'd help elaborate our posts.

Ryudo Lee

I'll hold off on posting until someone deems it to be the next morning.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Ryudo Lee

I guess whenever everyone's posted their action for the current night, then someone can post "the next morning..." or something to that effect.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Aisha deCabre

We'll get to "the next morning" soon, most likely... ^^ with so many scattered around in the RP it's kinda hard to agree on whether or not a night passes.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Ryudo Lee

It occurs to me that when I originally started this whole thing way back in the day, I should have actually drawn a map.  :shifty

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Aisha deCabre

Heh, well, you didn't know that it would be restarted.   :3  The map's actually been marked.  A few by Aish and a few by Winger, I think.

Of course, Mel's map started out as a hologram, no wonder how it got to paper...but we'll go along with it.  x3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Since it was Mel's map maybe I can clarify. The map was an illusion spell tied to a small rock (like a fancy paperweight). She claimed it was marked with more than just your angel. She had added the information about your angel to the map (gathered from Aisha and Winger) just before Ryudo's arrival. How much of this was true and how much scam I leave to you.

She left the map behind when Koji forced her out. Since evidently Koji's mere presence destroys illusions I don't know if that map even survived or where the paper one came from. I also leave answering these questions up to you.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Ryudo Lee

Mel, I thought we discussed this.  Koji isn't going to dispell your illusion.  And even if he did, he'd have to be actively using the power of his eye.  It's not some always-on kind of thing.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!