Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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Cogidubnus's ear twitched again, and he scowled at the forest. "Did anyone else hear that?", he said, not really expecting an answer. He stared at the forest for a long moment, and jumped. He turned again towards Clarissa. "My apologies, Ms. Greene. No offense meant, just a little tired." He said, leaning against a handy tree. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, and smiled to himself again. "They glided past, they glided fast, like traveler's through the mist...they mocked the moon in rigadoon, of delicate turn and twist... and with formal pace and loathsome grace, the phantoms kept thier tryst." He said, laughing, and land went to go look for a spade.


The wind whispered again, hissing in a half musing, half mourning tone to them all.
   But lovers without heart to seek can love only like beasts... to never die their love turned eye to ever greater feasts... and the solemn larua of shadow pact became murder in the least...
   The rhyme wasn't perfect, but it came quickly in response. Clarissa's eyes turned from the rising sun to the shadows of the forest, watching them with frightened fascination.


Another Dimension

“Ha! I am finally free! Now to exercise this freedom. I will kill everyone, starting with you, Pan!” Sylva exclaims.

Before Pan can act, she grabs him and flings him to the ground with all her might. “Ow…” Pan says.

Before he can get back up, a familiar voice yells, “WATER JET!” Suddenly, the mirror shatters by the force of a powerful water jet stream heading straight toward Sylva. In the room on the other side of the now shattered mirror is Leon Minnis, Pan’s human partner.

The water hits Sylva head-on, sending her soaring through the air and into a wall. She is knocked unconscious by the impact.

“Sylva!” Pan says as he gets back on his feet.

“Thank goodness you’re here. I’m glad to see you’re safe from that Sylva monster,” Leon says.

“She isn’t a monster.”

“Come again?”

Pan then proceeds to explain what happened earlier. Leon is quiet until the end of the explanation.

“Alright. You send Sylva back to the alternate dimension for now and clear up the problems there. I’d join you, but I’ll be too busy clearing Sylva’s name,” Leon says.

“Right!” Pan says. He jumps on Sylva’s shoulder and yells, “TELEPORT!”

This Dimension

Pan and an unconscious Sylva appear next to Aisha. He then goes into Sylva’s purse. “It should be somewhere around here,” he thinks aloud.


Carran listened to Cog with a lopsided grin across his muzzle, not entirely sure if he should be amused or worried at this display of jest at such a serious time.  He shrugged, it was good at least, the group was managing well, the loss of the priest at such an early stage was a bad sign.

Sighing, he turned and observed the farmer's hovel.  Within a few moments he spied what he sought, "Ah Ha!  A shed, this will indeed have a shovel or two!" 

He approached the shed, but as he did, something did not feel right with it.  Carefully he approached, becoming very quiet as he neared it.  Taking a deep breath, he lundged and took hold of the handle.  With a swift action, he threw open the door and out tumbled a child, nearly pale as snow.  The young lad was maybe 12 or 13, with his hands he weakly grasped at a savage wound.  The child was weak, possibly near death.

The fox kneeled down and assessed the young one, the child's hands barely contained his own insides from spilling forth.  He drifted in and out of consciousness and nothing he mumbled was intelligable.  One thing, an unknown object imbedded in the wound caught his eye and carefully he extracted it.  When he held it to the light, he muttered an oath in a strange tongue.

"Raug'gor, rhachon le!"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Watching Carran wander off towards the decimated farm, Gareeku decided to follow after the fox, curious as to what Carran was looking for.
When the wolf finally arrived at the shed, he found the fox cradling a young child who was severly wounded.
Poor child... the wolf to himself with a somewhat sad expression on his face, before noticing the object that Carran had extracted from the child's wound.
"We can look at that later. Right now this child needs help." the wolf stated, kneeling down beside the injured young one and observing the wound.
Damn it...looks bad...I hope we've got some capable healers here... the wolf thought to himself worriedly.


 As he was also looking for a spade, Cog followed Carran as he walked towards the shed. He jumped when boy fell out, and grimaced at his wounds. Such viciousness would have been rare but a day ago. Poor fellow didn't look good at all.
He nodded at Gareeku's remark and shook his head sadly. "I...left my last healing charm with the young lady injured by the wasps." He said, staring glumly at the boy. "If the Necromancer would be so kind, she has my other." He said, looking for her. He saw the strange pixie, but no sign of Sylva. He turned back to the boy. "As of right now, the only thing I could offer are two coins for his eyes." He said, adding an extra plot to the tally of graves in his head.


Rei's world that she is experiencing internally has gone down. She is starting to return to her normal self. She awoke with a start. "Whoooo. what had happened? where is the angel... thing and where is the big bugs?

topher chee

    Topher hopped from the top branch and dropped down towards the floor of the forest.  On the way down he lightly grasped branches as he nearly hit them, attempting o slow his fall of course, that way when he landed, he would not break his legs.  As he hit the floor he bent his knees just enough to release the absorption of shock in his body.
    He started in the direction of which he saw the crater and jumped into the air.  With this Topher's legs were ingulfed in flames and he dashed onward.  A trail of fire would follow him as he flew through the woods, soon dying out with the after breath of air waking his speed.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger walked up to the hovel and picked up a spade.  "We don't have any time to waste.  I'm afraid we don't have time to dig individual graves."  Winger said as he watched young boy with carran.  He knew what is was like to lose a family in the blink of an eye. 

Silently he cursed the Angel and She dragon that had taken his wife so long agoas he stepped up to them to adress Carran directly.  "When we gather all the boddies we are going to need the boy to Tell us who they all are so that we can at least  give them a proper headstone. After that we can see about taking him somewhere safe."  Winger stopped to examine the boy's injuries.  I trust someone here can take care of these." Winger spat.  "Where did that damn preist run off to?"

[the sites spell checker is being stupid, so I'm sorry if I misspelled anything.]

Aisha deCabre

As Aisha looked around, she disdainfully tossed the branches that she had gathered aside, suddenly hearing that a shed was found which would certainly have shovels and other things within.  She followed Gareeku and Winger's paths, leading to where Carran was.  She would have liked to get the burying over with as soon as possible.

But, coming upon the scene, Aisha saw that wasn't too likely to happen.  Carran and Gareeku had started tending to a wounded child, with the fae holding something in his hand.

"Oh, good gods," the panther sighed and knelt down beside the child as well.  "Well, I'm no healer, but I'll help."  She unlatched her cape and took it away from her neck, offering it as a gentle but firm wrapping so as to hinder the blood from flowing.  She smirked.  "Use this.  Don't worry, it gets covered in blood all the time," she said with a bit of dark humor, then gestured to Gareeku's wrist, where the light bracer still was.  "Let's put that on him.  The magic won't close the wounds but it will keep the pain away, if he can feel any, and help to protect him from getting much weaker.  It's the best we can do until we get back into town, I think, if we're relatively quick with this whole thing."

While helping the others and grabbing a shovel of her own to aid in the burial, Aisha overheard Winger's inquiry about the priest.  She glanced at the avian sidelong.  "He was impaled by his sword.  Play the odds on where he is," she said as-a-matter-of-factly.  Though something tells me he's not entirely gone from the world...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


There were a few heavy bootsteps from behind, and then Clarissa slowly stepped in. She looked at the boy with big eyes, and a bit insecurely walked up behind Aisha, fumbling with something in the pocket of the 'priest's' coat that she had been wearing all the time.
   "I... I think I can help. I found this..." she said, and produced a little cylindrical, metal-topped vial containing an almost glowing crimson liquid. "It's angel's blood, it says. That's supposed to heal wounds, I think..." She proffered the little labeled vial to Aisha.


Carran looked down at the poor child and swore again, he put is hand out and concentrated, but nothing happened.  "I depleted my light mana stores fighting that Fallen Angel, my white magic is tied to it so I cannot heal him... though a wound like that I... do not think I could repair."

Of all those assembled, Clarissa had perhaps what was needed, if something was not done to aid the child, he would likely die soon. 

"Angel's blood!  Whatever your name is lass, you surely have what we will need if no one here has any white magic to aid him.  Yes, an Angel's blood will heal, especially wounds inflicted by demons.  There is not enough in this vial to restore him completely, but it will be sufficient to bring him back from the edge of death I am sure.  Quickly, have him drink it, the bindings are only restricting the blood flow so much."

Despite the urgency, Carran did not touch the vial and attempt this action himself. 

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had finished wrapping the child's wound in her cloak, the crimson fabric becoming even darker with the stain.  The panther glanced up at the wolfess as she spoke.  Blinking with interest, Aisha took the vial and looked at it closely.  "Angel's blood...now that's convenient," she smiled, after listening to Carran's urgency and his confirmation that the liquid was indeed what the label said it was.  "You indeed have our thanks, Clarissa.  And so does the priest I would guess..."

Carefully, the panther opened the vial and placed a hand under the child's head to lift it up so that the liquid would go down his throat easily.  With her other hand she tilted the container to his mouth, pausing every so often to let him swallow.  "The niño is lucky we found him," she muttered.  "With this, the bracer and the cape, and everyone's help, he'll live.  Then we can find the thing that caused all of this..."

Once it was all gone, she handed the vial back, gently laid his head back down, and looked up.  "Someone needs to carry him back to town when we get ourselves moving..."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Rei looks up to Aisha. "I could do it quite fast when he start to move again so i will do it." Rei looks down at him again. She thinks "poor thing."


Cog smiles as he looks at the boy, glad that it looks like he might make it. "Looks like I save a few cents today." He says, taking off his hat and glasses, placing one on the ground and one in his jacket. He then removes his jacket and hooks it on the shed door, and grabs a spade. He makes his way to a clear spot and tests the soil. The shovel goes in with a wet sound, the loam soft. He leaves it standing in the ground, cracks his knuckles, and begins digging.


The voice traveled to Cognidubnus' ears on the chill morning breeze, half mocking and half serious in its tone.
   Waste your time, your back, your strength, it all makes difference for naught and none. I'd rather see you leave this mess, to see this business quickly done. And be it so, if that may mean, some duties you must shun...

   Clarissa looked at the boy, and then blushed a bit at Aisha's comment. She didn't seem comfortable inside somehow though, because she rather quickly stepped outside, and sat down on a rock to the side of where Cognidubnus was digging, watching as he did.
   "We are near town, aren't we? What happened?" she asked, her head resting on her arms that lay folded over her knees, the large black coat drawn up around her.


Cog's ear twitches again, and he stops digging for a moment, staring into the forest. He grins, and leans on the shovel for a moment. He thinks, trying to remember the appropriate verse, and laughs.
"Under the wide and starry sky, dig the grave and let me lie: Glad did I live, and gladly die, and laid me down with a will. This be the verse ye grave for me: here he lies where he longed to be. Home is the sailor, home from the sea, and the hunter home from the hill." He says, beginning to dig again. "Beat that, O priest!" He says, and starts to anwser Clarissa.
"Apologies, Ms. Greene. I think I might be going insane." He stops digging again and turns to face her. "We are a good walk from town, but not too far. I am fairly certain that it is your town." He says, scowling. "We met you yesterday, about noon with the preist, Sebastian. He said you were his secretary, and you seemed to be so, by your own admission and manner. You both seemed to know each other very well." He turned, and began to dig again. "After you woke up in the clearing, you seemed to have lost all memory of the Priest, what the Priest called you, and what we thought you name was. Turns out, your name is Clarissa Greene, not Luisa Fors, and you most certainly do not work as a Secretary." He turned and looked at Luisa. "Make of that what you will."
"I'd be careful with that coat as well. There might be all manner of things in it, and not all as beneficial as Angel's blood."


The voice seemed to hum contently for a moment, before retorting.
   For, if I should despair, I should grow mad, and in my madness might speak ill of thee: Now this ill-wresting world is grown so bad, mad slanderers by mad ears believed be... But insanity is relative, and from the mad, the wicked loons, we may yet learn truths, if sincerely you asketh me...

   The voice was stronger than before when it answered, yet only Cognidubnus seemed to hear it. Clarissa merely seemed to process what she had just heard, and looked a bit at the coat she was wearing. Then, after a few seconds of silence, she spoke again, looking him directly in the eyes with a sad and frightened gaze.
   "That wasn't me. I... think I remember some things. But I don't want to..." she said. "It hurts. I am thankful that you saved me, but right now I just want to go home and forget this..." Her look was almost pleading.


Sylva wakes up. “What happened?”

“Your plan worked a bit too well. On the bright side, Leon now know you’re innocent,” Pan says.

“I’m glad to hear Leon no longer hates me, but I’m afraid the plan didn’t work. I can’t remember what happened. Looks like this was a failure. Anyway, what’s going on now?”

“Look around yourself. I think it explains itself.”

Sylva looks around. “No matter how many times I see it, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this sort of thing.”


Observing what had gone on, Gareeku looked on as Aisha gave the angel's blood to the young child, who by now was growing quite weak from the blood loss.
I Hope this works... the wolf thought to himself worriedly as the boy swallowed the liquid. A little while passed, before Gareeku noticed, with widened eyes, that the boy's wound was slowly beginning to heal. Looking on, the wolf watched as the damaged flesh repaired itself, joining up into its previous state until it looked like the child had never been injured in the first place.

Getting to his feet, Gareeku gently picked the feline boy, holding him in an arm and allowing the child's head to rest on his shoulder. The child was now unconscious due to the loss of blood. However, the wolf also knew that, in time, he would come to as his body replenished the blood that was lost.
"We should head back to the inn. It is getting late, and many of us need their rest, myself included. As for the child, I will take him back to the village and inquire about any relatives of his who may be in the local area." Gareeku said to the others, before turning to walk. It seemed that the boy had lost all of his family, and so the wolf felt that it was his responsibility to take care of the child until someone else who was better suited came along.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had given Rei a slight smile as she made the first offer of taking the child back...it was always nice to be in the company of those quickly willing to help in these desperate situations.  She wiped the last drops of angel's blood from the child's lip with the cape he was warmly wrapped in before allowing him to be carried.

The panther watched as Gareeku did so, nodding in agreement with him.  "Here, here...we'll meet you there soon."

Aisha took the shovel that she grabbed before and began to join the others in digging...at least the burials looked to be almost done, with those who had started.  "Good to have been in a dense forest, away from town, else there would have been many more bodies than there are now..." she sighed.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


When Gareeku walked out of the house, Clarissa looked up, and immediately got to her feet and started walking close beside him, looking at the boy.
   "Did it work? Is he allright?" she asked, though from her face and voice one could tell she was asking more out of reflex than anything else. "We're going back to town, aren't we?" she continued, looking up at the wolf with a half frightened, half admiring gaze. "What are you going to do?"

   Finally... I was beginning to think We'd never see a bed this evening... When they get back I can see if they want to talk. And I think I'll grab a snack too...


As he walked from the farm, Gareeku noticed Clarissa walking beside. Hearing her questions, the wolf nodded.
"Yes, it worked. I think he should be fine. Physically, anyway..." Gareeku replied, concern for how the attack would affect him. "We are indeed going back to town. Once we get there, I'm taking both you and the boy to a doctor. I want to make sure that both of you are alright. Once I'm done with that, i'll probably go to the inn. Feel free to join me, but i understand perfectly if you do not wish to."

Noticing her somewhat frightened look, Gareeku rested a hand on Clarissa's shoulder, smiling reassuredly.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to you. The group I am with are all good people." he said comfortingly.


Cog, was about to answer Clarissa when he noticed she was gone. Somewhat confused, he decided to start speaking to the voices in his head while he dug...
"I felt a funeral in my brain, and mourners to and fro: kept treading -treading- till it seemed, that sense was breaking thro... and when they were all seated, A Service, like a Drum- Kept beating – beating- 'til I thought, my mind was going numb." He smirked, and wondered if the shadow had a response to that...


Clarissa blushed when Gareeku was being so familiar with her. She turned her eyes away from his rather quickly. Still Cognidubnus' words and the whole situation seemed to unnerve her, but one could see the calming effect the other wolf had on her.
   "Yeah... I'd appreciate that," she said after a while. "Thank you very much."

   A doctor? Hm. How is one to evade that mess from happening? Stygian thought. This would require a bit more attention and care. If the doctor was magically skilled enough, then there was no hiding anymore. And at the moment, at least the wolf and the panthress would probably respond... adversely to him. Although the other one seemed to be coming along just fine. Sadly he would have to end that game a bit abruptly. And this would not be a response, but a clue then, seeing as how the werewolf had 'won' in a way.

   The whispers called again.
   Mad in heart, yet not in eye, kept close to sanity - and lies: an evil does so dare to lie, when hid 'neath mask and shadow's guise. It takes command, unseen it robs, and guides along a devious road: and yet it seeks - it craves! - to fly, bring wisdom, clarity, with its ode.
   So see our venom eyes!


“I wonder what I should do now. I don’t think I can help Gareeku with a custom spell. At least not without months of research and work and/or hundreds or even thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment,” Sylva says.

“Holy… is that what it takes for you to create new spells and stuff? Us Celian wizards just have spells come to us. We don’t even need spellbooks,” Pan says.

“Well, Pan. Do you think they need a helping hand with the digging? I can’t just lay around.”

Cheese Foxlee

Winger walked over to Cog had been digging and dug his spade into the ground.  He didn't feel much like talking any more, and he didn't want to fuss over the child like so many of the others were doing.  He dug in a couple of inches then he started to get annoyed.

"If any of you old hens could lend a hand we'd surely appreciate it." Winger hollered. "This grave isn't going to dig it's self, you know.  Or, maybe we can just leave the bodies to rot in the crater over yonder."

Winger bit his tonge a bit.  It's never a good thing to joke about the dead, especially in the presence of their survivors.

[Stupid evil sight spell checker!]

topher chee

[lol Winger bit his thong]

    As Topher sped through the night sky, he approached the crater.  Ironically, he found his friends there to.  He landed roughly and fell a few feet from what seemed to be a grave.  Sure enough as he spat the earth from his mouth, he realized it was Winger.
    Winger stood there with a stern look on his face, a shovel in one hand.  He seemed angry at something, so Topher turned to Cog.   "Whats going on here?"


"What's going on?" Cog said, trying to keep sweat from falling in his eyes. "I'll tell you what's going on." He said as he lifted another pile of dirt. "We have three people digging. That's less than it should be - namely, by one Topher." He looked up from his digging and narrowed one eye. "I am certain that we would all appreciate it if more people lent a hand." He motioned over to the shed where the shovels were.
He turned his attention back to the voices in his head. He was about to respond with another rhyme, but stopped short. Something was different about this one...the shadow's tone had changed. No longer mocking, rather...
"You seek to bring wisdom, priest? I see...you are not mad in appearance, but in heart...evil lies. Lie, or lay? I wonder..." Cog said, pondering his verse. "Evil lies, and guides falsely. It yet seeks to bring clarity through deception...and your venom eyes?" He said, pausing for a moment. "I'd see your eyes, priest, if you still had them." He looked around and realized that perhaps now was not the best time to be talking to himself. Cog went back to digging, and stayed silent.


The whispers were becoming more distant, fainter.
   I am not a priest, not a cleric, not a scholar. I am not truly a guide either. For unlike Phlegyas, I am not just the ferryman, but the river too. And my eyes are not closed to the world; its is the world that cannot see them. If you wish to see me, then you must not be blinded by this world. Darken yourself, shadow your path and your heart; then you will see me walking beside.
   The voice fell silent, and there was a feeling of finality to it this time, as if a tension or sound suddenly died down.