The Belly-Up Tavern -Beware the Purple winged angel-

Started by familyghost, November 28, 2006, 08:22:56 PM

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"Hmmm... you could say that i have been as you just it "around" too. Why do you have a armor... ohh wait don't answer that."  Then looks at stygian "so... why do you wish to take this chance with your life this day"


"Your wine's settling..." Wraith said absentmidedly as he pulled a thick book, Othello, from under the bar and began to read.  Suspciously the book look almost like a first print.


Another individual lurched through the door, wearing a tweed coat, a grey hoodie beneath that, black pants, and pretty much going on like that right down to his black fishing hat. He wasn't an anthromorph, as evidensed by his only having hair on his head, and most goblins or spirits or ill fortune are shorter and fatter. One can go on like that and through process of elimination state that he's either an extremely ugly human or a rather good looking compost heap. He strolls over to the bar and sits down, waiting until he can attract the barkeep's attention.


"I'm an adventurer, albeit one quite low on work at the moment. Why I don't bother to armor the rest of myself... I don't know" She laughed, and nodded to the kitsune's kind offer.
"Thank you for the offer, but I think I can deal with a little discomfort for the time being." She lowers her head in a small bow.


Quote from: Boogeyman on November 29, 2006, 08:20:40 PM
Another individual lurched through the door, wearing a tweed coat, a grey hoodie beneath that, black pants, and pretty much going on like that right down to his black fishing hat. He wasn't an anthromorph, as evidensed by his only having hair on his head, and most goblins or spirits or ill fortune are shorter and fatter. One can go on like that and through process of elimination state that he's either an extremely ugly human or a rather good looking compost heap. He strolls over to the bar and sits down, waiting until he can attract the barkeep's attention.

The man almost immediately caught Wraith's attention.  All customers did, but this one really got his attention.  

"Jeez, who beat you with the ugly tree?" A plump red ghos walked in from the rear.  "Hey boss."  He waved to Wraith who only glared at the ghost in red.

"Cardinal..." Wraith growled.  "Shut up."   Wraith then turned to the new customer.  "What'll it be tonight?  If you want you can borrow my bat and Angela can drag the idiot out back for you."


Stygian smiled. He knew the compo... man. But he didn't do more for a greeting than raise a hand slightly, not bothering to look as he was now occupied smelling the blood-red wine and swirling it slightly in his glass.
   "Oh I'm not looking to die. I'm looking to live," he said with a smile to the one introduced as Waka. "The nightmare has not yet ended."
   With that, he took a sip of the maroon liquid.

Kitsune Ascendant

*seeing the new employee enter the tavern, moonsoul can't help but chuckle*
a red ghost with relations to the three stooges. this evening just keeps getting more and more interesting. *takes another sip of the wine*

I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


"Hm?" He looked up, as one unnacustomed to being noticed, "Oh, that's very kind of you, but I probably can't afford the extra treatment. I heard you had tea here? Peppermint, please. With sugar. Thank you." He smiles. In a manner not likely to be noticed by all, a claw at the end of a rather unpleasant looking tentacle snakes out of his pant leg and sends a nasty looking curse skittering across the floor in the red ghost's direction. It then disappears back to wherever it came from with a sound not unlike snickering. It then snaked out of the man's sleve and threw Stygian a quick salute.


Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on November 29, 2006, 08:31:50 PM
*seeing the new employee enter the tavern, moonsoul can't help but chuckle*
a red ghost with relations to the three stooges. this evening just keeps getting more and more interesting. *takes another sip of the wine*

Quote from: Boogeyman on November 29, 2006, 08:33:08 PM
"Hm?" He looked up, as one unnacustomed to being noticed, "Oh, that's very kind of you, but I probably can't afford the extra treatment. I heard you had tea here? Peppermint, please. With sugar. Thank you." He smiles. In a manner not likely to be noticed by all, a claw at the end of a rather unpleasant looking tentacle snakes out of his pant leg and sends a nasty looking curse skittering across the floor in the red ghost's direction. It then disappears back to wherever it came from with a sound not unlike snickering. It then snaked out of the man's sleve and threw Stygian a quick salute.

"Ahhh!"   Cardinal leaped when he saw the tentacle.  "Ok, I'm goin' back to the club!"  With that the ghost vanished into a large swirling shadow.

"Peppermint Tea coming up!" Angela called from the tables as she ran to the back. 

Wraith continued to watch the door, only four more bar stools remained and he didn't want any bar fights tonight.  "Shade, only non groups at the bar tonight."

The silent guardian at the door made a slow nod as it processed the order.


Stygian was sitting looking into the cool, seemingly bottomless red of his Styx wine. He knew that taste. He had wanted to feel it just once more... The sensation on his tongue was beyond description, permeating it and sending jolts of equal pain and bliss down his throat and up into his head. It had really been the right thing! He was shocked. How had...? No. No questions. Carefully, he set his lips to his glass again, and drew the wine slowly, making effort to savour the taste...


Takes a nice drink of Styx. Waiting for what comes next...


One of Miaka's colorless eyes darted to the curse, not getting to se much of the tentacle, and the air around her's temperature plummets. It only stays at it's freezing temperature for a few moments, before she realizes that the curse wasn't directed at her, and thatshe hadn't done anything to make the pile of compost try to curse her, and the few feet around her return to room temperature.
She takes a breath to control herself.


[and to kick things off] Waka falls apart in his chair and falls to the ground in a loud thud.


Quote from: Snuggles on November 29, 2006, 08:58:05 PM
[and to kick things off] Waka falls apart in his chair and falls to the ground in a loud thud.

At the sounds of a body falling apart Wraith groans.  "Spaz, call Doc Frank he might find these pieces useful."

Spaz glared at his friend. "You know it's not his time.  I have the documents right here!" Spaz held out several papers that looked to be made of smoke with neon writing. 

"Meh, like I'd let that happen here." Wraith waved an invisible hand and with the power of the Tavern and his Scionic control over death, started the ressurection process.  "YOu know I hope's not still alive otherwise this could get crazy."


Stygian leans his head back, keeping the little gulp of wine in his mouth and slowly letting it trickle down his throat, relishing every wonderful twitch of pain and pleasure from his squirming oesophagus. His wine glass was still almost half full, but even this little...
   Then, a thump. Restraining himself from taking another gulp, he looked to his side. Waka had hit the floor. Ouch. And he had paid for that. Well... it was kind of amusing when you thought about it, but... It was just sad, really.
   He took a last look at his wine, and then slid off his stool, kneeling beside the felid boy and resting a hand on his neck. He was clearly doing something, though just what...


Waka parts start to put them selfs together again. Once all together he looks around. "...What? I said i was immortal" and takes another drink. "This is good stuff tho"


"well that was.... unexpected." Miaka says mildly, returning to her less lethal wine.


Stygian's eye twitches for a quick moment. He then sighs, and sits back on his stool.
   "Well... Was the whole falling of the chair thing necessary?"


Quote from: Stygian on November 29, 2006, 09:16:12 PM
Stygian's eye twitches for a quick moment. He then sighs, and sits back on his stool.
   "Well... Was the whole falling of the chair thing necessary?"

"I found it entertaining." Wraith sighed as he leaned agains the back of his bar.  "Where is that idiot, it's about time for him to show up..."

"HELLO KIND PEOPLE!" A slightly tanned young man with black hair, in jean shorts, red suede shirt and roman sandals popped out of the darkness with in Wraith's hood and then crushed him under his wieght.  "The party can now start, Perfection is here!"

"...And ruin my day..." Wraith's muffled voice growled under the crazy human looking being.


"ohh, come on that was suppose to be fun." Taking another drink. "aww well nice to meet another Kitsune around. Ummm.... Do you know Raida?"


As Perfection stood up and dusted himself off he just as quickly began to hover while sitting indian style.  "Hey Wraith, you realize non of your usuals are in, right?"

"Different Tavern P, this is a new one." Wraith explained.

"Oh goody new people to play with." Perfection's eyes took a very anime-ish look as they sparkled with joy and he ran off into the back room.

"For future refernce, no you aren't hallucinating and yes he is natuarally this retarded." Wraith grumbled.

At that moment Angela came running out of the kitchen and whispered into Spaz's hood.  As soon as she was done Spaz took her aside and seemed to be calming her, then he walked over to Wraith.

"Rat in the kitchen?" Wraith asked as he ignored all other goings on.

"No..." Spaz's voice trembled "A tribe of Mogwaii are holding the holiday cookies hostage and they've eaten after midnight."

"Well that's just great..." Wraith turned to the tavern customers.  "Free drinks for the rest of the night if you can solve a little infestion for us, anyone interested?"


"I would be" Taking another drink. "Maybe just to get away from perfection over there" Pointing at Perfection and standing up.

Kitsune Ascendant

I'll join in. nothing like a kitsune to take care of an infestation. [kneeling a few feet from the bar, moonsoul allows her body to assume it's fox form, then padds off after waka]
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


"ooh. Sounds like fun." Miaka looked up and smirked. "Though I'll only help out if those two can't handle it... I don't know how well anyone else here can handle the temperature...." She adds as an afterthought, following the first two, if only to make sure they don't need her help.

Kitsune Ascendant

by the way, what are mogwaii? just so I know what I'm going to be crispifying.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on November 29, 2006, 09:41:21 PM
by the way, what are mogwaii? just so I know what I'm going to be crispifying.

Spaz, Wraith and Angela all turned towards the kitsune. 

"Mogwaii are tiny little furry things that go berserk and when they eat after midnight they turn into Gremlins; monstrous little green reptillian things that cause random havoc.  It also would be fair to warn you that the magic of the tavern accelerates their growth and makes them smarter and they're weak against bright light." Angela explained while Wraith and Spaz continued to look confused.

"You are so lucky to not know what they are..." Spaz sniffled.


Stygian was done with the last of his wine. At the mention of the critters, he was only mildly interested. Critters weren't his type of job; too skittery, too small.
   "I'm really not one for using light or the kind, but if they get pesky, I'll be watching my wine over here..."


"Wraith I think that should do it." Spaz said.

"Yup." Wraith nodded as he handed each of the three a bright flash light.  "Good luck and remember; light good, water bad."

"Perfection says: Water make more Gremlin while light make more Gremlin soup." Perfection appeared behind Wraith dressed as in traditional chinese garb and a full manchu mustache, he even spoke with a fake chinese accent. 

"Again, he is this retarded naturally." Wraith groaned.


"alright so lets get on with it." As a staff appears in his hand with a shimmer of light. "I think that i have the light thing down my now." Starts to walk down. "ohh and Perfection stop it ok?"


Miaka looked rather disdainfully at the flashlight-she'd much rather her business be done magically. but she could barely be picky.

"I know what you mean" She adressed Stygian. "I can't use my blades with things that small... too hard to hit with such a range." She said, even though she was clearly unarmed.