Facial Portrait (GIF)

Started by Destina Faroda, October 05, 2005, 10:30:22 PM

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Destina Faroda

I've been working on editing facial portaits all day and failing miseravbly at it.  I'm about to give in the towel, but I need feedback.  Judging by the face, does this character seem male, female, or androgynous/neutral to you?

Not, if you are familiar with Tactics Ogre: the Knight of Lodis, pretend really hard that you never saw the base from which this character is made.
Sig coming...whenever...

Sin Ominous


LOL, I was gonna guess female...

Destina Faroda

Here's the thing, it uses a male base and was intended to be a male character, but then I looked at it and thought it looked too female.  But when I tried to put it in Amazon's clothes, it looked too male.
Sig coming...whenever...


(blinks) Wow... it is androginous. How very japanese...

Destina Faroda

Well, here's a sneak preview of something Darkmoon will be glad to see.  Too bad it took me all week to do this.  And he comes up withing new sprites for characters within hours.  Shame!
Sig coming...whenever...

Destina Faroda

I had to double post because I got this weird error that said I could only upload one attachment per post, even thogh I'd done it before with no problem.
Sig coming...whenever...


lol, is that like... CVRPG's angel?

Destina Faroda

Indeed!  It took me forever to figure out which character to use as a base for the portait.  My efforts with the Angel Knight portait proved disatrous.  I finally decided on Alphonse because I needed something that looked young but at the same time took well to editing.

However, I was going to use the initial image I posted in this thread for another male character, but I don't think I'll be using it since now the portait would look too much like Angel.  And to use it for the female character seems out of the question too, at least for now.
Sig coming...whenever...



Both look male. I draw enough effeminate characters to say this without hesitation o.o;;