
Started by Snuggles, November 21, 2006, 10:34:31 AM

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Jim Halisstrad

Everyone died  :cry

The end.

King Of Hearts

The end? Well lessee if I still remember... its been an eternity since it happened... oh yeah...

first comes fimbulwinter

Three successive winters will follow each other with no summer in between. As a result, conflicts and feuds will break out, and all morality will disappear.

The wolf Skoll and his brother Hati will finally devour The Sun and the Moon respectively, after a perpetual chase. The stars will vanish from the sky, plunging the earth into darkness.

The earth will shudder, so violently that trees will be uprooted, and mountains will fall, and every bond and fetter will snap and sever, freeing Loki, the God of Mischief, and his ferocious son Fenrir. This terrible wolf's slavering mouth will gape wide open, so wide that his lower jaw scrapes against the ground and his upper jaw presses against the sky. He will gape even more widely if there is room. Flames will dance in his eye and leap from his nostrils.

Eggther, watchman of the Jotuns, will sit on his grave mound and strum his harp, smiling grimly. The red cock Fjalar will crow to the giants and the golden cock Gullinkambi will crow to the gods. A third cock, rust red, will raise the dead in Hel.

Jörmungandr, the Midgard serpent, Loki's other monstrous offspring, will rise from the deep ocean bed to proceed towards the land, twisting and writhing in fury on his way, causing the seas to rear up and lash against the land. With every breath, the serpent will spew venom, staining the earth and the sky in poison.

From the east, the army of Jotuns, led by Hrym, will leave their home in Jotunheim and sail the grisly ship Naglfar made from the nails of dead men, which will be set free by the tsunami and flooding caused by Jörmungandr, towards the battlefield of Vigrid.

From the north, a second ship will set sail towards Vigrid, with Loki, now unbound, as the helmsman, and Hel, with all those from her realm by the same name, as the deadweight.

The world will be in uproar, the air will quake with booms, blares and echoes. Amid this turmoil, the fire giants of Muspelheim, led by Surtr, will advance from the south and tear apart the sky itself as they too, close in on Vigrid. Surtr will brandish a fierce fire sword, the Sword of Revenge, that consumes everything in his path with flames. As Surtr and the others ride over Bifröst, the rainbow bridge will crack and break behind them. Garm, the hellhound bound in front of Gnipahellir, will also get free. He will join the fire giants on their march.

So all the Jotuns and all the inmates of Hel, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Garm, Surtr and the blazing sons of Muspelheim, will gather on Vigrid. They will all but fill that plain that stretches one hundred and twenty leagues in every direction.

Meanwhile, Heimdall, being the first of the gods to see the enemies approaching, will blow his Giallar horn, sounding such a blast that will be heard throughout the nine worlds. All the Gods will wake and at once meet in council. Odin will then mount Sleipnir and gallop to Mímir's spring and consult Mímir on his own and his people's behalf.

Then, Yggdrasil, the world tree, will shake from root to summit. Everything on the earth, in the heavens, and Hel will quiver. All Æsir and Einherjar will don their battle dresses. This vast host  of 432,000 Einherjar - 800 from each of Valhalla's 540 gates will march towards Vigrid and Odin will ride at their head, wearing a golden helmet and a shining corselet, brandishing Gungnir.

Odin will make straight for Fenrir; and Thor, right beside him, will be unable to help because Jörmungandr, his old enemy, will at once attack him. Freyr will fight the fire giant Surtr, but will become the first of all gods to lose as he has given his own good sword to his servant Skírnir. It will still be a long struggle though, before Freyr will succumb. Tyr will battle Garm and both will slay the other. Likewise, Heimdall will fight Loki and neither will survive the evenly matched encounter. Thor will kill Jörmungandr with his hammer Mjollnir, but only be able to stagger back nine steps before falling dead himself, poisoned by the venom that Jörmungandr spews over him. Odin will fight with his mighty spear Gungnir against Fenrir but will finally be eaten by the wolf after a long battle. To avenge his father, Vidar will immediately come forward and place one foot on the wolf's lower jaw. On this foot he will be wearing the shoe which he has been making since the beginning of time; it consists of the strips of leather which men pare off at the toes and heels of their shoes. With one hand he will grasp the wolf's upper jaw and tear its throat asunder, killing it at last.

Then, brandishing the Sword of Revenge, Surtr will burn all Nine worlds with fire and he himself will be consumed by his own destruction. Death will come to all manner of things. Fumes will reek and flames will burst, scorching the sky with fire. The earth will sink into the sea.


Or so I've heard.




King of Hearts is obviosly with lots of free time in hands.... :)
....mmmm.....DANGER! D:


So who kills Odin?  And what happens to Ratatosk, the squirrel that lives in the world-tree?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


pm's king of heart so he can keep on making us trip! :O


Quote from: God-Beast on November 23, 2006, 06:00:09 AM
pm's king of heart so he can keep on making us trip! :O
Well, just in case you've not heard of this, it's Ragnarok, the final battle according to Norse mythology.  King seems to have a better grasp of it than me, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

King Of Hearts


uhh... guys, I'm just copy-pasting from wikipediea entry on "ragnarok."

Aint ancient mythology grand?

Barley will ripen in fields that were never sown. The meadow Idavoll, in the now-destroyed Asgard, will have been spared. The sun will reappear as Sol before being swallowed by Skoll, who will give birth to a daughter as fair as she herself. This maiden daughter will pursue her mother's road in the new sky.

A few gods will survive the ordeal: Odin's brother Vili, Odin's sons Vidar and Váli, Thor's sons Móði and Magni, who will inherit their father's magic hammer Mjollnir, and Hœnir, who will hold the staff and foretell what is to come. Baldr and his brother Höðr, who dies prior to Ragnarök, will come up from Hel and dwell in Odin's former hall, Valhalla, in the heavens. Meeting at Idavoll, these gods will sit down together, discuss their hidden lore, and talk over many things that had happened, including the events surrounding the final rise of Jörmungandr and Fenrir. In the waving grass, they will find the golden chessboards that the Æsir used to own, and gaze at them in wonder.

Two humans will also escape the destruction of the world by hiding themselves deep within Yggdras where Surtr's sword cannot destroy. They will be called Lif and Lifthrasir. Emerging from their shelter, they will live on morning dew and will repopulate the human world. They will worship their new pantheon of gods, led by Baldr.

There will still be many halls to house the souls of the dead ,another heaven exists south of and above Asgard, called Andlang, and a third heaven further above that, called Vidblain; and these places will offer protection while Surtr's fire burns the world. The best place of all will be Gimli, a building fairer than the sun, roofed with gold, in the heaven. There, the gods will live at peace with themselves and each other. There will be Brimir, a hall on Okolnir, where plenty of good drinks will be served. And there will be Sindri, an excellent hall made wholly of red gold, on Nidafjoll. The souls of the good and virtuous will live in these halls.

Hvergelmir, and Níðhöggr, also a survivor of Ragnarök, will bedevil the bodies of the dead, sucking blood from them.

In this new world, misery will no longer exist and gods and men will live together in peace and harmony. The descendants of Lif and Lifthrasir will inhabit Midgard.


oh yeah that's right i saw that in Saint Seya i forgot... :sweatdrop


Quote from: King Of Hearts on November 23, 2006, 06:11:07 AM
uhh... guys, I'm just copy-pasting from wikipediea entry on "ragnarok."

Well that was my second thought, but I figured I'd give you the benefit of the doubt  >:3

QuoteAint ancient mythology grand?
One of the things I found particularly cool about Thor was the way he had a chariot drawn by two goats.  When he got hungry he would eat them and then resurrect them with his power.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


that would solve Africa problems!!!!!!!

King Of Hearts

Typing that much for a joke post doesnt feel commensurate.

Appreciated that you would give me such benefit.

Anyway I havent watched Saint Seiya, I thought that uses greek mythology?


and some of Nordic too!


...and that's just horrible. Here; go stab yourself. I know I will.

*hands everyone a kitchen knife and walks off, bleeding plentifully from the lower stomach*


and why is all that again?


*Crawls out*

*Rubbing head* That hurt
That really hurt


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 21, 2006, 10:38:39 PM
Bladder control issues, I would assume.

Xze, why must you be so cruel? D:
because i was given permission :bat

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Orly?  Well then, carry on!