Where Am I?

Started by TheGreyRonin, November 19, 2006, 09:57:47 PM

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 And the answer is: working.

I part-time in a farm store here locally as a human forklift, and anyone who works in a store knows this time of year is havoc. In fact, it's already started for me, so if no one sees me for a few days or so, or I'm a bit slow in responding, that's why.

No big deal, just thought I'd mention it. In the words of Randall from Clerks: "This job would be great if it wasn't for the customers..."

Jim Halisstrad

Onward brave store worker!


Oh yeah, work would be great if it weren't for having to interact with people, the majority of which are, well, stupid. :lol


I'll fit right in  >:3

Maybe I''ll be your next costumer. If I weren't all the way for here.  :<


Ah. Know your situation then, fellow forklift. It's a tough day's job, and a back's demise...


 Ah, Black Friday is over. I am finally at home, resting, wondering exactly why I voluntarily moved over five tons by hand yesterday...

...Oh. Yeah. Paycheck, bills....

topher chee

That sucks, i never enjoyed working