Royalblue/Magenta (warning: it might hurt your eyes... literally)

Started by Gabi, November 18, 2006, 04:35:26 PM

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What effect does the alternating text in the post below have on you?

It's pretty.
7 (17.1%)
No effect.
10 (24.4%)
I don't like it, but it doesn't hurt me.
9 (22%)
It's hard to read / focus on.
12 (29.3%)
It hurts!!
3 (7.3%)

Total Members Voted: 25


Eh. Doesn't have an effect on me. Maybe if my computer screen was brighter, it'd annoy me, I dunno.


Difficult to read, but not impossible... then again, I probably need a checkup and an alteration to my glasses.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I'm using the New Classic theme for the entire forum (without sigs or avatars, less easy to spot at work  :B ) which has a white background and uses various shades of blue.

At first the text seemed kinda purple, didn't see there was actually two colors before I read it, if I get close to the screen it's easier to actually see the difference, at about 40cm away I mostly see it as one color.

As for the for the effect, dunno, kinda relaxing, not uncomfortable, with or without glasses (then again I don't really need glasses, one is +0.75 other -0.50 or something like that...)
Screen is a 15"TFT set at the brightest possible setting, fav color is blue :P


Wow, what a detailed description!

So the 2 colors merged in your vision? Interesting... and weird.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


kinda merged yes, that was more at the beginning, maybe blame it on the screen, and I'm used to very  small text...  :U
it's also not the same effect if you take the time to focus and read slowly than if you read it faster without really focussing on the text itself.
Magenta comes out the most, a bit clearer on my screen at home, and totally horrible on a black background X3